Jan 25th, 2011 Archives

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Hi all! There’s been a couple of eye-catching short term HYI programs over the last couple of weeks, as many observers expected there would be this month. One of the more promising of them, again in the opinion of many seasoned investors is probably KlickWallet. So today I’m pleased to have an interview with Andrew, the admin of that project.

By his own admission Andrew is no stranger to the world of online HYIPs and I think his experience in the field is pretty obvious really when we look at how well he’s managed to organize KlickWallet and get the program up and running, making it appear almost effortless how he’s made the program such a popular pick in such a short period of time. The truth of course is much much different, with an enormous amount of planning, organization, and old fashioned hard work going into it.

For those of you unfamiliar with KlickWallet I can tell you that they’re a short term program with plans offering 107%-115% after 5 days, 127%-140% after 10 days, and 170%-200% after 20 days. For more information on them however I would suggest you start by checking out the original review of KlickWallet first published on MNO here, and for any comments you have on the program please leave them on the thread found on the MNO forum here.

1. Hi Andrew, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within KlickWallet. What are your own duties within the program? What kind of previous experience do you have in either managing other peoples funds or in running online HYIPs?

Hi Paul and Money-News-Online readers. My name is Andrew Bridge and I am the owner of the investment program, KlickWallet. I am really happy to be interviewed by MNO and so I would like to thank you for that, and I really hope that you all will enjoy it. First of all, my responsibilities are connected with program funds management. I think its most important part of any investment program because without the right management of the funds, any program can collapse shortly. I also do support work, so if members have any problems or questions, I am always happy to assist them. My past experience? Well I am not going to lie that KlickWallet is my first program. I had run programs before, and all my programs were a big hit in HYIP industry, as I always cared about my members, and I am sure that they like my honest approach.

2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What kind of ambitions are you hoping to fulfill by opening it in the first place, both for you personally as an admin and for the investors who join? Apart from you is there anybody else working on KlickWallet?

KlickWallet has been online for two weeks now, and I have to admit that the growth of the program has been superb for all these days, with many members joining and making deposits in KlickWallet, realizing the huge potential that is lying within the program. Well, actually, that exactly was the first ambition I wanted to achieve, to make the online investors realize the potential lying in the program, and I am happy to say that, it has already happened.

I want to make KlickWallet the most memorable and best program of this year 2011, and I am doing all I can within the reach of my hands to make it happen. I am sure that at the current growth rate, it would be a very easy thing to achieve.

3. What about the investment plans? Can you explain them in detail to us? What are the minimum and maximum amounts for investment, what rates of interest are on offer and how long do they run for?

KlickWallet offers mainly three investment plans:

107%-115% After 5 Days – Return rates will depend on your deposited amount:

Deposits from $10 to $100: return rate is 107% After 5 Days. For example, if you invest $100 you will be credited with $107 After 5 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $101 to $250: return rate is 110% After 5 Days. For example, if you invest $200 you will be credited with $220 After 5 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $251 to $500: return rate is 112% After 5 Days. For example, if you invest $500 you will be credited with $560 After 5 Days.
Principal is already included.
Deposits from $501 to $1000: return rate is 115% After 5 Days. For example, if you invest $1000 you will be credited with $1150 After 5 Days. Principal is already included.

127%-140% After 10 Days – Return rates will depend on your deposited amount:

Deposits from $50 to $100: return rate is 127% After 10 Days. For example, if you invest $100 you will be credited with $127 After 10 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $101 to $250: return rate is 130% After 10 Days. For example, if you invest $200 you will be credited with $260 After 10 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $251 to $1000: return rate is 135% After 10 Days. For example, if you invest $500 you will be credited with $675 After 10 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $1001 to $2500: return rate is 140% After 10 Days. For example, if you invest $2000 you will be credited with $2800 After 10 Days. Principal is already included.

170%-200% After 200 Days – Return rates will depend on your deposited

Deposits from $100 to $250: return rate is 170% After 20 Days. For example, if you invest $100 you will be credited with $170 After 20 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $251 to $500: return rate is be 180% After 20 Days. For example, if you invest $500 you will be credited with $900 After 20 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $501 to $1000: return rate is be 190% After 20 Days. For example, if you invest $1000 you will be credited with $1900 After 20 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $1001 to $5000: return rate is be 200% After 20 Days. For example, if you invest $2000 you will be credited with $4000 After 20 Days. Principal is already included.

4. Tell us about the payment options available from KlickWallet. What payment processors are you currently dealing with? So far what have been the most popular options?

We accept deposits from payment processors, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and AlertPay. Well, I don’t think that there will be more payment processors added to KlickWallet in near future, simply because there are no other popular options in industry right now. However I always want to make the program better.

So if members ask to to add any other payment processor, I will add it for sure. So far, most of the members are using Liberty Reserve to make deposits in KlickWallet, and I am quite surprised about that, since AlertPay is the first choice payment processor in the HYIP Industry right now. I won’t be surprised to see AlertPay becoming first choice payment processor among KlickWallet members as well.

5. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

KlickWallet is hosted on Dragonara dedicated server so I am sure that our website is highly secured. I don’t think that Dragonara needs to be introduced, as almost everyone in this industry know about their superb service. Without any doubt, they are top server providers.

6. What can you tell us about your script? What are the benefits of using it both to you and the members? Are you using SSL encryption? What can you tell us about that and why do you think so many online HYIPs don’t use it?

We are using GoldCoders script. I think GoldCoders script is the most popular script in HYIP industry, and of course it is very easy to use. Investors know this script very well, and I am sure that they love it. By the way, we have customized the normal GoldCoders script version, to a more secure version.

And yes, of course our website features an SSL encryption provided by Comodo. Honestly I have no idea why some programs still don’t use SSL encryption. I think it is a very important part of website security now a days, because data transfers between members and the website must be safe.

7. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions? I see you also have Live Chat but many admins complain that as soon as they open this it just gets flooded with monitors soliciting money, making the service unworkable. Did you have the same experience? Do you keep a regular working schedule for the chat?

At the moment, there are two ways for investors to contact me. They can contact me through the support ticket form on our website, or using Live Chat. And yes Paul, that is true. It is quite hard to provide live chat support because of huge amount of monitors. I am sure you can’t even imagine how many monitors there are around in the HYIP industry nowadays, and all of them try to sell listing or banners. I have to add that most of them are useless and are not even worth to visit once.

8. Tell us about the most common questions or problems encountered by your members. Is there any advice you would like to offer here to save people from contacting you later?

Honestly I can’t remember any serious problems so far. There was a little problem with Perfect Money deposits being not credited instantly to members’ accounts, but it has been fixed already. Moreover, this problem had occurred to all programs hosted on Dragonara servers.

I am receiving a lot of questions daily and most of them are questions like how long will KlickWallet work. I guess people need to realize that there is no answer for this question. HYIP market is very unpredictable but I would like to say that I will keep doing my best to ensure that KlickWallet will stay for a very long time and I am sure that with your support we can achieve this easily.

9. I said in my review that there’s no obvious business model to KlickWallet? What are you doing with your member’s money and how are you generating such huge profits? Or is it fair to say your program is a regular online HYIP? Assuming everything works out like you planned, how long do you realistically think it can be sustained?

KlickWallet certainly does have a well planned business model, but most people are unaware of it, and do not notice it. I admit that we are a regular online HYIP, but we have strategized our business plans very wisely, so that the program can sustain paying our members for a very long time. We have a bought a lot of ads in various promotional sites, to keep KlickWallet a long lasting program, and that too with my personal income, so that we do not rely completely on our members’ money.

Considering the stable investment plans we are offering, the high rate of profits we generate everyday through our wise business model, the increasing support we are receiving from our members, and the fast support and payouts we are offering, I would not be surprised to see KlickWallet surpassing the year 2011.

10. Are there any plans to develop KlickWallet further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many new HYIPs opening every day?

We certainly did start KlickWallet with the best intentions, and so did we add the most important and necessary features that a HYIP would need for a long run. But that does not mean we will not be adding any more features or improvements to our website during its run. Certainly we do have a lot more room to make many changes. We definitely will integrate a whole lot of changes, so that we can provide our members with the best service possible. We will be adding telephone support and live chat system, so that our members can reach us very quickly. We might even make some changes in the design of the website to increase its aesthetic appeal.

As for keeping KlickWallet competitive among the other programs, we will be increasing the volume of our advertising. We will do our best in processing payments and answering support enquiries within the shortest possible time, and keep ourselves up to the level of the expectations and hopes of our members.

11. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Anything in the review you may not agree with or wish to comment on? If there was just one thing you could say to investors to get them to join your program before any other then what would it be?

I guess I have answered almost all the questions that most of the online investors would have about our program. Needless to say, I assure everyone that KlickWallet will be the hottest and best program of the year 2011, and that, you will never regret for having joined us. We will provide you with the best customer support, and the fastest payouts, and then you will see that, we are ones who deliver the promises we make. I am sure that KlickWallet will make an everlasting smile on every member’s face.

Thanks a lot to Andrew for that as always good luck to him and especially to all the investors willing to try their luck with the program. That’s about it for the moment but don’t go too far as I’ll have all the important news stories of the day in the usual round-up of the day’s events a little later tonight. So stay tuned to MNO for that. You know it makes sense!

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