January 2011 Archives

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Hi everyone! I think I might have mentioned this once or twice already in the recent past but I can’t help but feel that the HYIP industry is going to be dominated by short term programs for at least the early part of this year. There’s no great science as to why, it’s just a combination of a number of longer term programs collapsing in December (pushing people towards looking for a change) coupled with the fact that these things tend to go in cycles anyway with short and long term HYIPs all getting their turn eventually. One high quality program in prime position to spearhead this revival of short term programs is called KlickWallet, almost certain to become a popular pick over the coming weeks.

They describe themselves (bravely in my opinion) as the first big investment opportunity of 2011. A bold statement to be sure but kinda hard to argue with at the same time. KlickWallet has exactly what we (or at least I) would be looking for in a short term HYI program – a safe website that combines profitability with sustainability. The risk is always there of course and it won’t last forever but KlickWallet certainly has the potential to run for a good number of cycles. I wouldn’t care to guess how many but if you’re joining early enough there’s going to be ample opportunity to do very nicely for yourself out of it.

But let’s stick to the facts for now. KlickWallet is offering three short term plans that all pay on expiry. Within these plans there are a number of subsections which pay you according to how much you spend. As is usually the case for an online HYIP the more you are prepared to gamble with the more the program is prepared to reward you. Crucially however the interest rates are – in HYIP terms – a bit more sensible and easier to sustain with the right amount of support. That, and the affordable minimum investments should help keep KlickWallet a paying investment program a lot longer than most of their short term peers.

Before getting into the details by the way, you may be interested to know that payments on expiry of KlickWallet‘s first plan have already been successfully completed. That plan now enters its second cycle with a good number of early investors counting their profits. It’s called The Introduction Plan and it runs for 5 calendar days. You can join for as little as $10 but if you like a gamble can invest anything up to $1000. Payments will be based on how much you spent and can be broken down as follows:
Investments from $10 to $100 will get paid 107% interest on expiry, principal included. So basically that’s your money back plus 7% profit, something quite achievable for a well managed program.
For a higher return then you can earn 110% interest on deposits between $101 and $250. KlickWallet then offers 112% on investments between $251 and $500, and the maximum rate for this plan of 115% for deposits between $501 up to the maximum allowed $1,000.

KlickWallet‘s second plan – The Professional Plan – runs for 10 calendar days and also pays on expiry. It’s a bit more expensive to join but thankfully it doesn’t start where the previous plan left off. The figures overlap a bit which is always something I like to see. It means that despite costing a little more the plan isn’t closed off completely to all but a handful of investors, and is in fact quite affordable to most. $50 is the minimum spend this time and if you are prepared to spend anything from that up to a $100 maximum then KlickWallet are offering a single one time payment of 127% interest on expiry, principal included. In other words 100% principal plus 27% profit. Not bad for ten days I think you’ll agree.
Most investors will find that pretty accessible, but the more serious players out there have something to think about as well. For instance, 130% is the return being offered on expiry if you deposit between $101 and $250. Or if you’re feeling a bit more confident and prepared to spend from $251 to $1,000 then 135% is the expected return. Finally 140% is the maximum payout allowed for this plan and KlickWallet makes it on deposits between $1,001 and the maximum $2,500.

The third and final plan – The Special Plan – is one to think over if you can spare at least $100 for the minimum investment. If you can do that then the plan runs for 20 calendar days and makes payments on expiry. For anything between that $100 minimum and a $250 maximum you can expect a 170% return on your investment. That includes your principal so it’s a 70% profit.
But if you’re looking to take a chance with something more substantial then KlickWallet have some even more enticing rates. For a start if you’re going to spend between $251 and $500 then you are offered 180% back on expiry. For deposits between $501 and $1,000 a rate of 190% is available. And finally for the brave amongst you willing to spend between $1,001 up to what I must say is a fairly conservative maximum of $5,000 the offer is 200% (or double your money).

KlickWallet accepts three payment processors – AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. A pretty standard choice I suppose and includes the most popular ones. Payments are not exactly instant but they have been quick so far, with my own being done within a couple of hours. Strictly speaking however you are asked to allow the admin anything up to 24 hours to get paid, so do be patient.

The website is a fairly simple one and that’s ok for a short term HYIP. There’s nothing complicated but despite the relative lack of frills KlickWallet is up to an acceptable standard for online safety. For example the website is SSL-secured, something you should expect but is unbelievably still not standard practice in the industry. So kudos to the admin for that, though to be blunt it’s the least you should expect from any online HYIP anyway. KlickWallet is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated server by the ever dependable Dragonara. Any questions, comments, suggestions, problems, et cetera can be sent to the admin (his name is Andrew by the way, and he’s proved to be quite communicative so far which is never something to be underestimated) by filling out the support form on the contacts page. There is also a functioning Live Chat feature if you happen to find the admin online at the same time as you.

All that really remains to be said I guess is that I’m pleased the admin hasn’t decided to play any tricks on those investors who might be new to the industry and maybe coming across an opportunity like this one for the first time. None of the usual Wall Street or ForEx nonsense here, and KlickWallet looks all the better for it. No one is trying to hide the fact that this is a high risk online HYIP based game and no one is trying to con and hoodwink you into handing over money you can’t afford with some flimsy excuses about guaranteed earnings. It’s a gamble, only you can take it, but you should be aware of what you’re getting yourself into here and do so with both eyes open. The admin seems ambitious but at the same time realistic, and that’s something I like. It’s not a bad stance for investors to adopt either by the way.

All in all though the final verdict is cautiously optimistic. There’s a limited life span here and I don’t think the admin will mind me saying so as it’s true of every program and therefore undeniable. But if you like a gamble (what on earth are you doing here if you don’t?) then KlickWallet is probably worth a shot. If the program is run responsibly I think it could easily be an early surprise package of the year and can – potentially – perform well. At the same time please remember to always act responsibly when spending online, set your limits and stick to them rigorously, and of course always only use any one individual program as a small part of a wider investment portfolio. And oh yeah, remember to have fun with it!


If you checked my blog a bit earlier you might have noticed that I published the interview with the admin of AmilloTrade a little earlier today. In addition to that the admin of the program Nick asked to sponsor an MNO Daily Cash Contest where you can win $5 daily on this thread by answering some simple questions about the program which will be even easier if you first check out my detailed review of AmilloTrade published here or refer to today’s interview with Nick (click here to read it). I guess apart from that there is nothing new left to report about AmilloTrade. After 15 days online the program never experienced any downtime or missed a payment (all the payments are processed instantly, by the way). Not a single glitch was spotted by me during the 15 days online yet and I guess the program owes it to the script which was created specially for their needs. It’s both reliable and easy-to-use which is important for any online HYIP. I remind you that AmilloTrade offers three investment plans with instant payouts on expiry (111% after 7 days, 138% after 14 days, 162% after 21 days) which you can make via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney payment processors. All other info you can read in today’s interview the link to which mentioned by the admin of AmilloTrade Nick in the following newsletter:
Dear Members,
I would like to let you know that we have been interviewed by Money News Online, the interview was very nice.
Feel free to read the interview published at MNO blog using the following link:
I would like to say thanks to Paul, who gave me this great opportunity to answer his questions and I hope you all will enjoy it.
Another important event that will start today is the MNO cash contest sponsored by us. All you have to do is to answer one simple question about AmilloTrade every day for a chance to win a $5 cash prize paid directly to your LibertyReserve account. It will cost you nothing to participate in this cash contest, simply follow this link:
Have a wonderful day!
Nick Stone. AmilloTrade

Continuing with some news from the autosurf side of the industry now – namely SureFireSurf (reviewed here). The admin Chris recently moved the site to a new hosting provider Dragonara and I noticed there was some issues with the displayed banners due to the increased DDoS protection of their server. So today Chris updated the URLs for the program’s banners and asked the promoters to change the banner addresses on their sites. I have already done so myself and republish the latest newsletter from SureFireSurf below:
Just a short notice that our Banner Source URLs have been updated.
If you are linking to our banners on the site, please update them so they load properly. Update the links to these.
For the 468×60: http://surefiresurf.net/468.gif
For the 125×125: http://surefiresurf.net/125.gif
For the 728×90: http://surefiresurf.net/728.gif
For the 120×600: http://surefiresurf.net/600.gif
If you are using these images on your website, please update them because our DDOS protection does not show them up if you load them directly from the old URLs.
Monitors, Blogs, and Users alike, please update them asap so they will show up. You might see them now on your sites because you already went through the site through our DDOS protection, but those first time to see them will not see them. Please update them immediately!
Thank you. Christopher Linton. SureFireSurf

I remind you that SureFireSurf is one of the most popular surfing programs now having about 4,000 members already who can advertise their sites and earn some income by daily surfing 12 sites with the chance to earn 10% for 12 days with daily payouts and 144% after 12 days with a single payout on expiry. Those who don’t like to surf can join the HYIP plan offered by SureFireSurf and earn 8% for 15 days. All the popular payment processors are accepted by the program and the minimum deposit in any of the plans is $5 which can be made via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay or SolidTrustPay payment processors. I’m still accepting questions for the interview session with the admin and I would like to thank the readers who already sent me their questions. Some of them are very interesting and be sure that I will include them in my upcoming interview with Chris which I’m going to send next Monday. If you have any interesting questions about SureFireSurf or maybe even about the wider surfing industry and would like to submit them then please do so by writing to my email address at abramsonp@gmail.com or submitting them via the contact form which you can find here.

The admin of Stanbec Marc keeps paying 2.5% daily for the lifetime of the program which hopefully will be enough to put the members into some good profits. Stanbec proved to be a popular choice among investors and despite being online for a barely a week I believe it’s just the beginning. Your deposit in the program can start with as low as $20 which can be made via four popular payment processors – AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. More on Stanbec can be read in my review of the program published here. And this is the latest daily newsletter from the administration of Stanbec which doesn’t actually contain much in the way of new information but is rather a short promotional piece:
Welcome to Stanbec Inc Today !
You don’t have to be the richest to experience the life of your dream, you need to constantly plan your path to greatness in small way, we at Stanbec is offering you a wonderful investment opportunity which can make you life your dream.
Stanbec has been sailing smoothly since it’s opening, our investments are yielding quality rewards that enable us pay all client, Stanbec is a top paying project which offers quality support . Your investment is safe your investment returns are stable and sustainable GUARANTEED!
Thanks for been a part of our project.
Regards, Marc

There was some good news for the members of ECashBroker. It looks that after a period of silence and non-payments they resumed work as the maintenance was completed. I received the following email yesterday:
Hello. We have successfully completed the maintenance.
Now you can make withdrawals normally. Sorry for the inconvenience
Of course, I wouldn’t move ECashBroker back to Paying status on MNO unless I made sure they are paying properly. So today I finally received my pending payout and therefore decided to restore their listing. As I can see the investment plans have not changed at all and ECashBroker still pays on four of them – 0.6% for 60 days, 0.8% for 80 days, 1% for 120 days, 1.5% for 180 days with the principal returned on expiry. The only thing changed is AlertPay was for some reason excluded from the list of accepted payment processors and the program was left with LR and PM options only. You can read more info on ECashBroker in my detailed review here if you’re interested and I will update you on all the further changes with the program if I notice them on my blog later.

I heard a voice from the grave last night, guys, and don’t think I’m hallucinating! Just wanted to let you know that even a dead program can speak sometimes. I’m talking about the ugly scam RussianOilFund whose AlertPay account for some reason hasn’t been blocked yet (there is a hint for those who invested via AlertPay!) and which sent a very strange update last night regarding some AP bonuses that would be offered to their new investors:
Hello RussianOilFund Family!
We are offering a limited time 10% deposit bonus for ALERTPAY deposits. AlertPay is our latest payment processor and were not entitled to the deposit bonus we had when we first launched online. Going into 2011, all AlertPay deposits of at least $200 will receive a 10% deposit bonus!
Also we are offering screenshots of payment proof now to anyone who submits a support request.
Thank You, RussianOilFund
I wonder if you can scam your “family” and not pay your dues for a couple of weeks and then come back as if nothing happened demanding more money. Well, I guess some HYIP admins have no conscience at all. If you do not respect fair game then you could at least have some respect for your old members who are not so stupid to invest in a program that is long ago listed as Not Paying on every single monitor. I’m absolutely shocked by such an approach and I hope no investors will be tricked by this email.

I would like to announce some changes for all MNO readers that will hopefully bring you some more fun and excitement and will allow you to communicate with each other on a different level. I’m talking about the highly-anticipated chat room that is opening here. There you will find many options to express your opinions and will be able to discuss any program you like or just chat about anything you want. I’m grateful to my programmer Andrew who was able to find such a nice feature which is better than many of the others I’ve seen before. You might remember that I attempted to open a chat to replace my Shoutbox in December but couldn’t keep it online because it had way too many bugs in the system making it impossible to work with. This new chat is now in testing mode so I would like to ask of my readers to test it and report me about any bugs you might find or difficulties you might face. Please note that while in test mode I will allow you to post there without being a member. If you don’t want to register an account then simply type your name and tick the box that will allow you to log in as Guest and not a full member. So click here, log in, get acquainted with the functions on offer and with each other and let’s make this experience pleasant for everybody.

Regarding the ShoutBox I decided that it’s still a handy feature that is going to stay on my blog for a while but will be available only for me to publish some brief news updates from the programs I monitor if they’re important enough. If you have any comments on that please come to the chat and discuss it with me or the other readers of MNO blog. I will try to be there while I’m online and to reply to all your questions just like on my Shoutbox. I’m sure you will agree with my point that the extended chat would be a much safer place to communicate with each other and it has a lot more options to express your thoughts properly. So I will see you on MNO chat here and I’m also open to any suggestions on how to make it better and more useful to MNO users. So please let me know your thoughts and suggestions!

I was paid today by the following program listed on my monitoring page:
PrestigRev, TerraProfits, Stanbec, DollarCommerce, AllianceAdvantage, FxEconomy, EasyCashGrowth, FenixTrust, GorgonProjectInvest, PandaTrade, ReProFinance, YamaFinance, AccessTomorrow, AssetManagement, YesInvestment, GainBucks, SureFireSurf, PrimoEarnings, AmilloTrade, KlickWallet, FondosMayores, UnicornInv, ECashBroker, Escaliva and BetBankFund.

That’s all for today, guys. I hope to see you on my blog tomorrow with more news from the industry and maybe something else. So stay tuned and see you all then!

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