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01/02/2011. BentleyClub Review and Daily News from the Industry



Hi everyone! Well it’s a brand new month and a day that I know in some places many people traditionally consider the first day of spring. Even if you’re not one of them I think we can all agree that it’s time to stop referring to 2011 as the new year and acknowledge that whatever kind of recovery you were expecting from the HYIP industry is already under way. Even if some of you were expecting more.

Anyway as I thought would happen for the early part of the year at least, short term programs are dominating the industry. Some good, some not so good, but they are everywhere. One of the latest such programs to be monitored on MNO is called BentleyClub (after the car I believe) who just started operating around the middle of last week. They offer three investment plans with payments made on expiry, but if you’re interested in researching them a bit further either on public forums or elsewhere you make like to know that BentleyClub‘s first plan has already completed it’s first cycle so the first investors will already be counting the profits by now.

That plan runs for a term of 4 calendar days and will cost you a $10 minimum investment to join. In return you will receive one single payment on expiry of 110% interest, a figure that includes your principal. So for example a $100 deposit gets you back $110 on expiry. BentleyClub accepts a maximum deposit $1,000 for this particular plan.

The second option available to you will cost a $30 minimum to join and runs doe a term of 12 calendar days. There is again just the one single payment made on expiry and is made at a rate of 140% including your principal. So for a $100 investment made here BentleyClub will pay you back $140. The maximum deposit allowed here is $3,000.

Oddly enough for a short time online HYIP have already announced a third investment plan. I say it’s odd because the plan doesn’t come into effect for another month – March 1st to be exact – despite the details being on display. I’m not going to describe that plan here because for the purposes of a review I can only tell you how the program works on the day I am looking at it. And we all know a month is a very long time indeed in the short term HYIP market, so let’s just wait and see what happens to BentleyClub between now and March. You can’t join it now even if you wanted to, and the terms could easily be changed between now and March, if indeed the plan is still even offered by then. I don’t see any real valid reason for them publicizing the plan at this stage, but if (and we’ll see) BentleyClub is still online come the first day of March then I’ll give you the updated details then. In the meantime of course you can always see the current description on the BentleyClub homepage.

One thing I don’t really like about BentleyClub is the limited choice of payment processors. Only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accepted at the moment. Payments are made manually so you will need to log in to your account area and request them. The admin asks you to allow up to 24 hours for your payment to be fully completed and reach your e-currency account.

I guess the lack of choice in terms of payment processors is partially compensated for with the unique script BentleyClub is running off. Also the site is quite well secured with 256 bit SSL encryption courtesy of Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with support and protection supplied by DdosWiz. If you have any support related issues or would like to contact the BentleyClub admin for further information about any aspect of his program then you can do so via the e-mail ticketing form on the contacts page.

There’s a very short blurb on the homepage that says simply that BentleyClub club are “a new era of online investment opportunities, placing your funds across a broad range of private investments including social network and mobile device applications and games”. A bit cryptic to say the least but clearly nothing to do with luxury cars anyway. If it’s more important to you than I then you can always quiz the admin for more details, but if the website is that thin on information prior to accepting your money then it’s a safe assumption that it’s a regular online HYIP depending on cash flow. Not that that makes BentleyClub any different from the plethora of other HYIPs we can see opening and closing every day, so as per usual try to stay well within a sensible spending limit based on what you can afford to do without. And of course remember that the most effective use of any one single program comes within a wider more diverse portfolio.


I know that many MNO readers are enjoying the Live Chat conferences with the program admins and I got a lot of questions recently asking me when the next Live session will be held. I’m glad to report that I have an agreement with the admin of KlickWallet Andrew who was already interviewed on MNO last week (read it here). He will be available on MNO Chat tomorrow (Feb. 02, Wednesday) at 9 pm GMT and will answer all your questions about the program. And you never know your luck, there might be some cash prizes given away as well. Please note that in order to participate in the chat session you will have to be an active member of MNO Chat meaning you have to create an account with your email address and be approved by me personally. You will be always be able to sign in as a Guest and observe the chat however guests will not be able to actively participate. So I would suggest you to register your account with MNO Chat beforehand if you didn’t do so already. I hope it will be as productive (not to mention as much fun!) as the previous sessions and if you consider this program for investing purposes you will surely try to get online in time for it. If you miss the chat and can’t make it on time – don’t worry – the full transcript will be available on the MNO Forum thread where I keep the older sessions. So come to MNO Chat at 21:00 GMT tomorrow and we will have some fun again! (I will have a special banner displayed on MNO blog during hours which shows that the chat is in progress so you won’t miss it).

On other news from KlickWallet (reviewed here) which was sent in last night’s newsletter we saw the addition of phone support which is officially available in the English language now with the pending addition of multi-lingual support soon. Also announced was the first 10% bonus which is this week given to all deposits made into any of the investment plans (107%-115% after 5 days, 127%-140% after 10 days, 170%-200% after 20 days) using AlertPay payment processors (LR and PM are also accepted but the bonus will not be given to those processors). Finally, the admin introduced a MaxiVote feature on his site which will allow you to vote for KlickWallet by a single click instead of visiting multiple monitoring sites. This is an efficient feature for sure which will bring the program more votes and new investors in the long run. The other highlights from this newsletter from KlickWallet include allowing members with the same IP-address to create different accounts but only with compulsory notification to the admin. Also mentioned is their reaching the #4 spot on MNO ranking. Well, my congratulations to the admin and I hope KlickWallet will reach #1 on MNO monitoring soon. Here is the latest newsletter which was sent last night:
Hello, as you can see we have finished updating main page of our website. As promised phone support has been added, so you can easily ask your questions via phone # +44-20-0222-7295 and get quick answers for your questions. At the moment its available only on English language but in near future there will be more languages added. I am already working on this issue. Please note that phone support available only on business days.
I am sure that all of you already saw weekly special box on a KlickWallet main page. Well, I am pleased to announce that from today we will run weekly specials. Every week we will have a new weekly special and I am sure that they will give you a great opportunity to earn more with us. First weekly special will be AlertPay week. Deposit at least $500 via AlertPay and receive 10% bonus on your deposit. AlertPay payments are instant now, dont miss it.
We also added MaxiVote system to KlickWallet website. Dear members, if you have a free minute and you are happy with a service we provide please vote for us, its easy! Just click on MaxiVote button on our website, fill the form and you will leave your vote on all monitors we use. Thank you.
By the way we have reached an agreement with Money-News-Online admin Paul about live conference in MNO chat witch will be held this on Wednesday 21.00 hours GMT (London time). If you have a questions you are all welcome to participate. There will be also a prizes during live conference so don’t miss it. I am sure we will have a lot of interesting discussions and you all will enjoy it. Please note that if you want to participate, you will have to register and your account must be approved before an interview. You will have a chance to register and join our discussion during interview as well, but earlier you will do this the better it will be for everyone. Guests can only view messages but will not be able to leave them.
Recently I received some questions from investors like can they invite people who live with them at the same house and use the same computer to join KlickWallet? Well, yes we allow this as long as you e-mail us with details.
I’ve been very busy with KlickWallet but it’s been very nice to be with you. I still have many things to implement on the program and it will be the best program this year in HYIP industry, believe me. Today I have found out that in just 25 days online we have already reached a 4th spot at Money-News-Online. Its really great achievement. I appreciate the continued support from most of you, thanks so much for being a part of this project, you are all being gifted. All payments has been processed as usual and thats all for today. I wish you all a great upcoming week, enjoy your lives, you know you can do it.
Best regards, Andrew Bridge
KlickWallet admin

Another short-term program that is going really well for 50 days now and also managed to reach #2 on MNO monitoring – DollarCommerce – is also offering some bonuses to those investing via PerfectMoney into any of the offered plans: 106% after 3 days, 115% after 5 days, and 140% after 10 days (AP and LR are also accepted but will not get bonuses at this time). I think fifty days online (five full cycles) is quite a remarkable achievement by DollarCommerce and I hope it will go for another fifty. With proper members’ support and proper administration I guess anything is possible. There will be some new surprises and new videos posted on DollarCommerceTV soon, so stay tuned for more announcements from the admin Christopher. By the way, to find out more about DollarCommerce you can always read my review posted here or the full transcript of the last week’s Live Chat with the admin here. Below is the latest newsletter from DollarCommerce:
Hello DollarCommerce members, just a quick update this time.
We have been operating and promptly paying for 50 days now. This is seriously a big achievement for me and whole DollarCommerce community! Keep it supporting and I’m sure we can stay with ease for another 50 days here, it’s just the beginning of something BIG!
This week we’re having another deposit bonus campaign – this time for PerfectMoney deposits! The idea remains the same. Deposit atleast $1000 using PM and you will be awarded with a 5% bonus. This amount will be credited to your DollarCommerce account balance and you may withdraw it or make a new deposit using these funds.
I’m looking forward on developing the next video within the DollarCommerce TV series, so stay tuned for that! There are also plans for couple of other implements that will make DollarCommerce more interesting and exciting for everyone!
Thank you for staying with us, Christopher Baker

Today I received the first newsletter from a newly launched program that was reviewed on MNO last night – SilverDigger. The program offers two investment plans with no expiry date and the principal returned on request with a 30% fee and the acceptance of LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney only – 2%-2.5% on business days and 11%-14% weekly. The newsletter was actually a brief introduction of the program accompanied with the link to MNO review (read it here) and its admin Thomas who is apparently easily reachable via the site and MSN and Yahoo messengers. Here is the full newsletter from SilverDigger:
Hello everyone,
My name is Thomas and I’m the administrator of SilverDigger. This is my first email to all the members, so I just want to take this opportunity to thank you all for showing interest and joining us. We at SilverDigger are extremely pleased with our launch and we are supremely confident of our success. If you have any questions about our program, please don’t hesitate to contact me by email. We also have live chat support where you can chat with our representatives and clarify any doubts you have. I also want to ensure that I am personally reachable to all members of SilverDigger. So, If you would like to have a personal chat with me through Yahoo or MSN – please email me and state the reason and I will definitely accommodate your request as long as it is not for any advertising/monitoring offers.
We want to encourage all members to take advantage of our referral program which allows you to earn money even if you dont invest with us. You may place our banners and links on your website, blogs or forum signature. Our referral program will pay you 5% commission on all the deposits made by people you refer. You can find your referral link and banner codes from your members area.
Also, I am pleased to announce that Paul from Money-news-online has published a detailed review of our program which makes for a very interesting read. Here is the link to his review –
Regards. Thomas

It looks like the recently added surfing plan to RevenueBuild was the admin’s last attempt to make the program last longer. Unfortunately it failed and the program stopped paying today to which the admin issued an official statement which I will publish below. Possibly this unexpected collapse happened due to severe miscalculations on the admin’s part making the surfing plan that paid 9% daily for 13 days less profitable than the existing 110% after 5 days plan (making the new plan a bit pointless). Whatever the reason, RevenueBuild still managed to last for almost 80 days and that in anyone’s books can only be called a smashing success. We see very rarely in the industry that such short-term programs like RevenueBuild manage to last for a full fifteen 5-day cycles bringing so many members into profits and only accepting LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Of course,we can say that RevenueBuild was flying below the radar all the time and had very few members compared to more heavily advertised programs. And I really appreciate how long the admin ran his program but I do not approve that he is still accepting new deposits even though he promised to issue refunds to everybody not in profit. This is hard to believe when you’re still attempting to scam by accepting deposits from some unsuspecting members who don’t check MNO monitoring where RevenueBuild has been moved to Scam status already. I hope that the admin will close the site completely soon and will issue the refunds to everybody not in profit. Please note that such things happen extremely rarely in this industry (especially when we deal with LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and not AlertPay) so don’t hold your breath for it, guys. The funny thing about the admin is that he promised to consider running another program under the same name if he finds the support and understanding from the current members. This indirectly proves that he ran other HYIPs in the past, but given the longevity of RevenueBuild I don’t think it comes as a surprise to many MNO readers. Anyway, obviously due to cashflow issues (what else?) RevenueBuild had to close and an official statement has been released by the admin today regarding that:
Guys, this is Steve from RevenueBuild. Unfortunately, we will not be able to run RevenueBuild anymore. I would not say the upgrades were less or any lame excuse. It’s just that we are not able to continue with this site due to certain events which was not about to happen personally. I’m hurt deeply.
I’m planning to close down RB. We have made an excel sheet of all the records of the members and we will soon be proceeding with the refund plan for all our members. I’m deeply hurt and sad that RevenueBuild is now closed. We have run this site for 80 days and never felt that this would end like this. But well, here we are and things do happen. I hope you guys support me through this process, at least for the sake that we have run this honestly for 80 days.
I hope you guys will forgive me for not providing you what I promised with the site. But I will do what I can by planning a refunding process. Thanks a lot for the support everyone and I hope if your support is there with me, we may start a new program with the same Identity if and only if our members wish to support us.
Until Next time, Your’s Steve,
Warmest Regards, RevenueBuild Administrator

I have been paid today by the following programs:
KlickWallet, DollarCommerce, ExtraIncome, FutureTrails, GorgonProjectInvest, FxEconomy, ECashBroker, Businex, Escaliva, OilCapital, FondosMayores, IncomeLadder, AccessTomorrow, SilverDigger, UnicornInv, GainBucks, BentleyClub (the first payment received) and MidasGoldFund (the first payment received).

That’s all for today, guys. Check out my blog tomorrow for the detailed review of MidasGoldFund and daily news from the industry. Don’t forget that I will be waiting for all of you in the next session of MNO Live Chat at 21:00 London time on Wednesday night! See you all soon!

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