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05/02/2011. Daily News from the Industry


Hi everybody! Hope the weekend is going well for you so far. I had been hoping to skip on posting any news today and take a day off. But as it turned out when you least expect it that’s when most seems to happen. Although the news itself has been slow enough there was no less than three new Premium listed programs added to MNO today, some of which I’m pretty sure will interest many of you. I’ll get to them in a moment but I’ll start with the updates from some of the existing monitored programs.

Starting with MidasGoldFund, itself only a very recent addition, their admin Warren sent a newsletter not so much with a lot of news as such but informing the members that as the program grows in the coming weeks they can expect him to be active in communicating with them and about keeping them informed. According to Warren MidasGoldFund is already approaching the 500 member mark after just a few days in business. Plans require a $10 minimum and make payments to AlertPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney, offering terms of 1.7%-2.7% for 30 days with your principal handed back on expiry. Hopefully I’ll have an interview with the admin sometime next week so stay tuned for that as well. Meanwhile you can check out the original review of MidasGoldFund first published on MNO here. Here is the most recent update from the program:
MidasGoldFund Investors,
We’d like to thank all our new investors for joining MidasGoldFund. My name is Warren Lincoln. I am President of MidasGoldFund. Periodically, I will be sending out newsletters mixed in with Press Releases released by our Investor Relations Person.
You can expect our first Press release sometime in the next week. It is currently being drafted. It will contain new information about MidasGoldFund and affairs relating to investor money use.
We have welcomed almost 500 individuals in our first few days being open to the public. It is incredible to see a diverse global audience joining MidasGoldFund.
We’d like to also introduce our social network aspect of MidasGoldFund communications. We are active members on Twitter and Facebook. It is very useful for our members to actively take part in Twitter and Facebook as any and all updates relating to MidasGoldFund will be released through those outlets.
Money-News-Online, a respected blog, has posted a review on MidasGoldFund. For those interested, you can view it at:
Money-News-Online will also be posting an interview with me sometime next week.
Sincerely, Warren Lincoln
President. MidasGoldFund

One of the hottest medium term HYIPs around at the moment is OilCapital and it’s not difficult to see why. After a long and slow process of building the program and a reputation for dependable payouts for almost a full year (they’ve been listed as paying by GoldPoll since January 2010) they have finally begun to shed the image of just another under the radar HYIP and really branch out, establishing themselves as a major industry player and working their way into more and more investors portfolios. Proof of that of course is plainly visible as OilCapital climbs further and further up the listings of the monitors now covering them, including MNO where they have reached a very impressive number 8 spot. Just like the program mentioned above, OilCapital‘s latest newsletter published below doesn’t have much real news about the program but does acknowledge the contribution made by the regular membership – surely the backbone of any online HYIP – and thanks them accordingly for helping to turn the program into the project we see today. The admin deserves some credit there as well of course and has done some excellent work on improving the program and what they have to offer investors since their humble beginnings almost 13 months ago now. The admin’s name is Jack and he explains a lot about what he’s been doing with OilCapital in the interview I had with him published here. The program makes instant payouts to AlertPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney at rates of 3%-4% for 50 days. For more information see the original MNO review published here. This is the latest newsletter from OilCapital:
Dear Clients,
We have a very interesting news for every client of OilCapital, which will make you very excited. As you all know, our growth has been enormous for all these days, and as a proof for it, we have been listed among the hot listings on GoldPoll monitor. We are in the fifth position in the list, and in blink of an eye, we will be in the first position in rankings.
The whole management at OilCapital would like to dedicate this great achievement to our valuable clients. Our clients are the pillar of OilCapital, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank every client for helping us achieve this amazing milestone.
Clients who would like to talk or chat with us live can contact us using the Skype support, the details of which can be found on the Support page of our website.
Thank you for being a part of us, and we wish every one of you an auspicious stay with us.
Warmest Regards, OilCapital Administration

Another program with somewhat longer more far sighted plans than OilCapital but definitely no less exciting is GorgonProjectInvest (reviewed here). Their admin, Paul, posted an update to explain a minor technical glitch in the program today. Ordinarily payments are made automatically however for a couple of hours this afternoon they were unfortunately slowed down a bit, due most likely to a slow connection. To be honest I would never have even realized this myself if Paul hadn’t put the following update on the website to explain the situation, however just in case you happened to be making a withdrawal at that particular time and experienced any delays now you know why. Incidentally, LR was the only affected payment processor, and nobody else will even have noticed. All payments have now been completed and the problem has now been solved. GorgonProjectInvest has some interesting and innovative plans, an admin who’s proven himself more than capable, and a website that’s secure and well explained. Pretty much most of what you might want from an online HYIP and what you should expect them to have if they are going to be a success. I guess it’s also why they have climbed to number 7 on my monitoring list in barely over five weeks. They are offering 1.9% for 30 days, 2% for 90 days, and 2.2% for 180 days with your principal returned on expiry. I also interviewed Paul for my blog which you can read here. Here is the latest update from GorgonProjectInvest:
Liberty Reserve Payments Small Delay Rectified
Some LR withdrawals were not sent automatically for a few hours today due to a technical fault. All payments have been completed now and it seems to work again as normal.
The delay was only for a few hours and was probably caused by a slow server connection. It did not affect withdrawals from alternative payment processors.
Hopefully affected users were not unduly worried as all payments were manually completed in good time.
Thank you for your patience if you were affected.

And finally today just a quick note to all members of ExtraIncome, another growingly popular short term program first reviewed on MNO here. The program is currently undergoing a server upgrade and therefore the website will be offline for a number of hours. If you try to access ExtraIncome at the time of writing you will be faced with the following message:
Server Upgrade!
Dear Members, ExtraIncome website will be unavailable for a duration of 12 hours, starting from 20:30 GMT on February 5th, 2011 . We will be performing a security maintenance during this time, and your patience is highly expected during this time. We expect to be back online by 8:30 GMT on February 6th, 2011.

I know they say 12 hours but do try to be patient. I know from experience that these things can drag on a bit longer than anyone would like so don’t hit the panic button if you don’t see them online at the very stroke of 08.30 ok? Personally I would also point out that there is absolutely no reason to be alarmed at the site being down like this. Mainly because I myself received my own payment from them today without any delays. So I will be leaving ExtraIncome on Paying status on MNO while the scheduled maintenance is taking place. I remind you that they are offering three plans that pay you on expiry including 120% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days, and 170% after 15 days. For further information on ExtraIncome read the interview with Phil the admin published here.

As I said at the beginning of there were three programs added to my monitoring today that I’d like to introduce to you tonight.

The first is EliteAlliance. This is an interesting program which has been running for 20 days already and is offering a wide variety of plans with payments processed on expiry – 111% after 7 days, 125% after 14 days, 160% after 1 month, and 260% after 2 months. The minimum to invest in each plan is only $10 and you can use four payment processors – AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay. The script used by EliteAlliance is Gotenks script as far as I can see but customized for their needs. You should remember therefore that in order to make a deposit with EliteAlliance you will have to deposit money to your account first and then invest in the plan of your choice from there. Withdrawals are processed generally within 24-48 hours after you submit a request. The interesting thing about EliteAlliance is that the new members can only join using an invitation code from existing members. So when you’re trying to access EliteAlliance and sign up do not change the Invitation Code that will be there on default so you can access the site properly. The site itself has quite a decent layout and though I don’t believe they’ve been running since 2002 as claimed, EliteAlliance is still hosted on a dedicated Staminus server and provides SSL-encryption as well as the original invitation system. I will look forward to reviewing them soon and the admin of EliteAlliance already expressed an interest in answering an interview which I’m going to send to him after the review. Meanwhile, you can check out the site for yourself and read the only available news update which was posted there a week ago:
New Update: Upcoming Events!
Dear Business Partners,
It has been a long time since we started our venture back in 2002, a time full of hard work, great gains, and a lot of interesting along the way.
We have been through more ups and downs than the New York Stock Exchange, but today we take great pride in the success we have achieved and in the success achieved by our members.
There were a lot of brilliant ideas within the Club, some of our business decisions were less successful than others, but none of them were completely wrong.
We treated each and every loss as a valuable learning experience that was merely a step on the road to future success.
Today, EliteAlliance Wealth Club is a stable and reliable source of passive income, which has been around for more than 8 years and hopefully will stay that way for the NEXT 8 YEARS at least!
Now let us get back to the subject of this update. We are currently planning a lot of upcoming events that all of our members can enjoy and we would not want you to miss out on one thing!
Within the next few days, we will be publishing an Interview with Leon Reiter, Elite Group founder. Several important aspects will be addressed such as the further development of Elite Group, information on the key people behind the Club and many more.
Social Networking.
In today’s world, social networking sites are more than just a time saver. Social networks such as Facebook have become a popular means of communication and an effective way to reach partners and clients. That is why we feel it is so important that we create a group/fan page to stay in touch with our valued members and supporters.
No Deposit Bonuses & Contests!
We are planning a whole series of great contests, bonuses and awards in early February. Watch for updates!
We thank our members for their continued support and look forward to working with you for years to come!
With best regards, Alex Reiter. EliteAlliance

The second program I’d like to introduce to you tonight is called CorpBayGroup. They started over a week ago and offer very sustainable plans paying from 2%-2.29% daily for 60 calendar days with the principal already included in the daily payouts. So we may conclude that on the minimum investment of $10 you will receive only $2 pure profit after 60 days. This may sound not too much but if CorpBayGroup has some ambitious plans to last longer such sustainable plans can make it a successful program in the long run. Unfortunately, only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are accepted as payment processors so I don’t think the program will find many takers unless more payment options are added. The website of CorpBayGroup is not bad at all and there is actually a lot of information available on ForEx in which the program is allegedly involved. That is what it says in the first news update from CorpBayGroup I found on its website:
CorpBayGroup Web Site Grand Opening.
CorpBayGroup provides a full investment service focused on the foreign exchange trading market (forex). Feel free to browse our webpage, to contact us for any kind of questions, comments or suggestions and of course to participate to our offshore investment program.

The site is hosted on a dedicated server by a Ukrainian provider called Tangram which didn’t save them from the DDoS attacks that brought them down after just a week online. The necessary conclusions have been drawn by the admin and action was taken. They have now purchased and installed a DDoS protection package from GoldPoll. This was also posted on CorpBayGroup website just two days ago:
Now, our website is online again.
CorpBayGroup website was offline due to massive DDoS attacks. We have installed DDoS protection on our website CorpBayGroup. DDoS protection is provided by This measure will hopefully stop any further hacker attacks, and it will definitely make our program more secure.
Please accept our apologize for any inconvenience caused during this downtime.

A more detailed review of CorpBayGroup will follow on MNO as soon as the program is moved to Paying status when the first payment is processed.

Finally, the third and in my opinion most interesting program is GreenBackShares. This one is definitely aimed at more serious investors with high investment minimums / shares of $50, $100 and $200 which you can purchase in three investment offering 1%-1.8% daily for 150 business days, 5.5%-9.5% weekly for 30 weeks, and 12%-20% bi-weekly for 15 cycles. Remember that you have the right to claim your principal back / sell your shares at any time after the expiry period of 150 business days for each plan. Currently accepted as payment options are LibertyReserve and AlertPay (including credit and debit cards) with Bank Wires making GreenBackShares a popular choice even among those preferring not to deal with payment processors at all. The instantly processed withdrawals and the highly customized GoldCoders script which you can barely recognize at first glance make GreenBackShares a very unique program. The SSL encryption of the accounts and DDoS protection and hosting on a dedicated server by Dragonara makes GreenBackShares a secure site. The overall original concept of buying shares, trading news and original texts together with their displayed certificate of incorporation and regularly published trading bulletins all give the impression the admin of GreenBackShares is very serious about making his program a huge hit in the future. I will take a much more closer look at all the features GreenBackShares offer clients in the full review published on MNO early next week.

Although on the website it says they started on December, 15, 2010, I couldn’t find any mention of them on major forums until January, 22, 2011 (two weeks ago). It’s very possible that during that time GreenBackShares worked in testing mode to ensure everything ran smoothly. The chronology of the daily news published on its website shows the evolution of their website into what we see today. For your information I will republish the most significant updates below:
Official Website Launch – Dec 15, 2010
Starting today, GreenBackShares is officially open for business.

AlertPay Support Added – Dec 20, 2010
Today we have finished integrating AlertPay on our website. Now you can deposit and withdraw funds safely through the AlertPay payment gateway.
We will be adding credit and debit card deposit support soon.
All you need to do is sign up for a free AlertPay account. Transferring funds to your AlertPay account is really easy and convenient. You can use your bank account, credit card and even a check or money order.
All the benefits of PayPal with none of the hassle.

Automatic Withdrawals – Jan 6, 2011
We have enabled automatic virtual currency withdrawals today. From now on, you can withdraw funds to your AlertPay or Liberty Reserve account instantly.

Credit/Debit Card Deposit Support Added – Jan 15, 2011
As promised, we now offer the possibility to fund your account by credit or debit card.
We are able to safely accept card deposits through the AlertPay payment gateway.
In order to fund your account using a credit or debit card, you must have an AlertPay account. If you haven’t got one, you can register with AlertPay free of charge right now.
After you verify your credit/debit card with AlertPay, you will be able to send funds to us directly from your card. Here are the steps:
– click on the “send money” button inside your AlertPay account
– make the payment out to “”
– enter the amount you wish to deposit
– choose US Dollars as currency
– select the “service” purchase type
– enter your GreenBackShares user name in the “Details” field
– click next
– select “Use my credit card”
– enter your AlertPay transaction pin and click send.
That’s all there is to it.
Your new deposit will be processed into the system in no more than 3 hours and you will be able to start investing.
You will be able to withdraw
your dividends automatically to your AlertPay account.

Company Disclosure Added – Jan 16, 2011
Today we have decided to post a copy of our company’s registration certificate and share certificates on our website, to assure everyone of our legitimity as a business and to further improve transparency.

By the way that’s not all as the admin already told me he has a lot of plans to be implemented in the future and is currently working on a multi-lingual version along with some advertising materials which will definitely be helpful for international members and promoters alike. The latest news was dedicated to their ongoing Facebook contest where some lucky active member with at least one purchased share in the daily, weekly or bi-weekly paying plan and add “like” to the Facebook page of GreenBackShares can win a significant prize. For the rules of the contest please refer to the latest update from GreenBackShares which I’m republishing below:
$20,000 Facebook Contest – Jan 25, 2011
Win up to $20,000 by participating in our facebook contest, depending on the pool you have invested in. All it takes is 1 share.
Anyone can win 100 GreenBackShares.
Check out our Facebook Page
We have just launched our Facebook page today and we felt like celebrating this in a special way.
To keep it short and tidy, the rules are simple:
Exactly one month from now, on February 24th, 2011, we will credit a lucky member’s account with 100 shares in the investment pool he/she has already invested in, worth between $5,000 and $20,000 generating up to $200 daily interest.
All you have to do to participate in our contest is hold a minimum of 1 share in one of our investment pools and “Like” our facebook page.
Simple, isn’t it?
Let’s see a few examples:
If Walter has purchased 1 Fortnight Strategist share (worth $200), likes our facebook page and wins our contest, he will receive 100 Fortnight Strategist shares, worth $20,000.
If Peter holds 30 Weekly Explorer shares (worth $3,000), likes our facebook page and wins our contest, he will receive 100 Weekly Explorer shares, worth $10,000.
If Andy has 16 Daily Express shares (worth $800), likes our facebook page and wins our contest, he will receive 100 Daily Express shares, worth $5,000.
Cool? We admit… Yes, it is!

Here is the list of programs that paid me for the last 24 hours. Today the list includes:
FutureTrails, ForexTradingTeam, ReProFinance, FxEconomy, Escaliva, AccessTomorrow, GorgonProjectInvest, OilCapital, SilverDigger, Businex, IncomeLadder, ExtraIncome, FondosMayores, MidasGoldFund, BentleyClub, and GainBucks.

That’s about it for today, guys. Please check out my blog tomorrow for another review of a new HYIP and more news and updates from the industry. Enjoy the weekend and see you all tomorrow!

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