Feb 7th, 2011 Archives

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Hi guys! Well after my own weekend turned out a little busier than expected there’s still a couple of new programs added to my monitoring list that I need to get through. One of them is a medium term low rate of interest program called CorpBayGroup that just launched a little over a week ago. At first glance you can see that in HYIP terms at least they might not look so profitable, but considering that you can’t always have the two things at the same time the plans are also quite sustainable.

What CorpBayGroup are offering you is probably best described as just the one investment plan with six different variations of it depending on how much you want to spend. The plan runs for 60 calendar days and makes daily interest payments. You can join for a minimum deposit of $10 and for anything between that and a maximum of $1000 CorpBayGroup are offering you a daily payment of 2% interest for the 60 day duration. Your principal is already counted as part of the payments so at the end of the cycle that means the final return will amount to a relatively low 120%, or 20% profit.

So if we take the example of a $100 investment, CorpBayGroup will pay you back $2 per day every day for for 60 days allowing you to break even after 50 days and finish with a final total of $120, or your own $100 plus a $20 profit. So quite what a lot of short term HYIPs might offer but with the right amount of support probably more realistic.

Everything else follows more or less the same path, except that they would be unlikely to attract many takers due to the prohibitive cost. For example the next plan takes deposits only between a $1,001 minimum and a $5,000 maximum. For the 60 day duration of the plan CorpBayGroup are offering 2.1% interest per day which also counts your principal as part of the payments. That would mean you should expect to break even after 48 days and finish the cycle with a total of 126%, or in other words 26% profit.

The remaining plans are affordable to very few of the regular HYIP players but for informational purposes let me tell you that they all run for 60 calendar days, make daily interest payments, and include your principal as part of those payments. Rates are as follows:
$5,001 to $20,000 will earn 2.22% per day, $20,001 to $50,000 will earn 2.34% per day, $50,001 to $100,000 will earn 2.45% per day, and $100,001 $250,000 will earn 2.59% per day.

If (and this is entirely a subjective matter) the relatively spartan returns paid by CorpBayGroup make their plans less attractive to the general HYIP audience, then the choice of payment processors is going to help much. At the moment that choice is limited to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney which although fairly typical of longer term HYI programs would greatly benefit a program like this were it to be expanded. The simple fact of the matter is – and I’m not saying it’s a good thing – but a lot of people do look for profitability before they look for sustainability. Therefore if you aren’t going to pay out quite so much in interest payments (even if long term you’re going to do it for a much longer time) then you should at least offer your members something that your competitors don’t in order to keep them interested. Anyway, payments are made manually so you will need to log into your account and request them. Once done you will then be required to allow the admin up to 24 hours in order to complete the transaction.

The program’s website is fairly extensive with lots of information on ForEx trading which is what CorpBayGroup are allegedly up to. None of it is original by the way and pretty much everything can be found exactly word for word as it is here on any number of (non online HYIP related) websites and forums discussing that business. Whether you believe CorpBayGroup are involved in this or not is up to you but it does make for some good reading if you have any kind of interest in the subject. As for security the CorpBayGroup website is hosted on a dedicated server by a Ukrainian provider called Tangram. That’s not a name widely known in the HYIP industry, and one that didn’t save them from the DDoS attacks that hit them after just a week online. The necessary conclusions have been drawn by the admin and action was taken. They have now purchased and installed a DDoS protection package from GoldPoll. SSL encryption is also in use protecting the site. Should you have any questions for the admin then the best way to contact them is most likely by filling out the support form on the contacts page. There is also a telephone number and a PO Box number for a mailing address.

As I mentioned the texts are not original making it less likely that the program is a real business, it’s still a decent website and doesn’t make it any worse in my opinion. Nothing is guaranteed in the online HYIP world so as ever use CorpBayGroup as part of a more diverse portfolio and always observe sensible and affordable spending limits.


If you haven’t heard anything about GorgonProjectInvest which has been monitored on MNO for 6 weeks already and reached #7 in the MNO ranking you can read my review of the program published here, my interview with the admin Paul here or the full transcript of the live chat with him here. The program is constantly developing and on top of the two payment processors first accepted there were many additions recently. So currently you can join GorgonProjectInvest using five e-currencies – AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, Pecunix and GlobalDigitalPay – as well as Bank wires which the program accepts starting from $1,000. The investment plans offered by GorgonProjectInvest remain unchanged and they offer three variations of the plans with fixed daily interest and instant payouts and the principal returned on expiry – 1.9% for 30 days, 2% for 90 days, and 2.2% for 180 days. The admin of GorgonProjectInvest Paul (interviewed here) keeps developing it and adding new features on a regular basis which is always a welcome quality in an admin in my eyes. Yesterday for instance it was announced that Australian phone support had been added and is available for calling daily during business hours. Moreover plans for implementing multi-lingual versions of the site with multi-lingual support were unveiled in the latest update. I will keep you updated on this on MNO and meanwhile, you can read the latest news from GorgonProjectInvest below:
Telephone Support
We have introduced telephone support to enhance our customer support options.
The number to call is in Australia +61 8 70706100 and is available in English from 04.00 to 12.00 GMT.
Soon we will unveil our new multi-language versions of the web site along with multi-language support.

As promised yesterday members of ExtraIncome can enjoy instant withdrawals to all payment processors now – be it AlertPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. I have already tested this feature and I must say it works perfectly well. There is no need to wait to be paid from ExtraIncome anymore, because all the payments made on three investment plans offered by them – 120% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days, and 170% after 15 days – are being processed instantly. Instant withdrawals will not be paid however in two cases: if you specified your ID in a payment system incorrectly or if your withdrawal request exceeds the amount which is currently in the particular payment processor. If this is the case you should contact the admin to be paid manually or simply cancel your request and try to withdraw again at a later time when the account is replenished with some new money. There is no need to say I think that all the time you should double-check your payment processor accounts where you’re going to request your withdrawal because they’re going to be processed instantly once the money is paid to a different account there is no turning back, so be extremely careful about that, guys! Anyway, the instant payments feature is on and the next newsletter from ExtraIncome has been issued today which you can read below:
Dear Members,
Finally, we have put into operation what you all have been eagerly looking for. It is none other than the instant withdrawal system. Hurray! Now you will not have to wait for hours; you will not have to wait for minutes; you will not have to wait even for 5 seconds, for your withdrawal to get processed. Your withdrawal will be processed right after you hit the withdrawal button, at the speed of light!
There may be times when your withdrawal may not be processed instantly, and may go to pending status. This may arise due to a couple of reasons, which have been mentioned below:
1. You do not have a valid ID of the e-currency in your account, to which you requested the withdrawal for.
2. Our e-currency accounts may have only lesser amount of money than what you requested for. This is because we store only a very less percentage of our money, like 3% of the total amount, in the account through which we process the withdrawals. The rest 97% is stored in other accounts, due to security reasons.
If you encounter any situation in which your withdrawal request goes to pending status, and do not get processed instantly, please feel free to contact us, so that we may be able to solve the issue in the earliest possible time.
So have fun with our latest excited addition of instant withdrawal system.
I wish you all a very fantastic week.
Best Regards, Phil Whitaker. ExtraIncome
I remind you that ExtraIncome has been monitored on MNO for 19 days but already managed to get into top 5 of the programs monitored by me due to very high level of the popularity among my referrals. For any further information regarding ExtraIncome you can always refer to my review of the program published here and the recent interview with the admin of ExtraIncome Phil published here.

Another program from my Top best performers received widespread praise after a very successful no-nonsense live chat session conducted last week is KlickWallet (The full transcript can be read here). The program has been running successfully for over a month already and the admin Andrew (interviewed here) is experienced enough to realize that the future of the program will depend on the constant members’ support which cannot be achieved without the regular development of the website and maintaining the interest of investors in the project. So KlickWallet (reviewed here) is going to be transformed into a multi-lingual website with Spanish, French and Russian translations available. This will happen in the course of the next few days during which the investors will be officially updated. During this redesign it’s possible that the website will experience some short downtime like the one that happened earlier today due to DdoS attacks on their server. Fortunately, their hosting provider Dragonara had these attacks under the control very comfortably. In the latest newsletter from KlickWallet the admin also reminds us that the 10% cash bonus on AlertPay deposits for over $500 made in any of the investment plans offered by the program (107%-115% after 5 days, 127%-140% after 10 days, 170%-200% after 20 days) is still available so you can take advantage of this incentive for the time being. The full version of the latest newsletter from KlickWallet is being posted below:
Hey guys,
I hope you are in good mood and had some nice rest this weekend. Okay, as promised I am back today with my next newsletter. KlickWallet is finally 1 month old, congrats to all of you. Its truly great achievement giving that most of short term programs cant last even for a week. Well, I am not looking for fast money and thats why were are still here providing great investment opportunity to investors from all over the world. I would like to say thanks to all of you for your great support during this month. I am sure that together we can achieve much more so I really hope you will continue supporting KlickWallet.
Finally I received today KlickWallet website French, Russian and Spanish translations. Technical team is currently working on their integration to a script so there could be a little downtimes during next 2-3 days until we will finish website update. By the way this morning our website didnt worked for some time not because of a maintenance. It seems like not everyone pleased with KlickWallet performance and thought that quite big DDos attack will close our program. Well, I knew that we could face this problem like all others thats why I chose Dragonara. I was pleased that it took only a few minutes to Dragonara to get our website back to normal. I think that there is no problem with website access at the moment at all, anyway if you still cannot access our website feel free to contact me and I will try to help you.
Dont forget that we still have AlertPay week going on. There is a 10% bonus on AlertPay deposits starting from $500. So if you invest via AlertPay dont miss it, because soon this offer will expire. Thats all guys for today, thanks again for your support. All payments are processed as usual, see you soon.
Best regards, Andrew Bridge
KlickWallet Admin

Due to many requests submitted within the last few days about the changing of LibertyReserve accounts in AccessTomorrow the admin established a procedure that would satisfy customers and at the same time not compromise the level of security the members of AccessTomorrow used to enjoy. Apparently, such frequent requests are connected with the recently circulating rumors about LibertyReserve going to implementing some kind of account verification procedure which so far has not been confirmed by the payment processor itself. On the contrary – the questions which you may have noticed being asked of you to confirm your identity and the field of activity you used your LibertyReserve account for were purely for statistical purposes which was already confirmed on the official blog of LibertyReserve:
Update from marketing department
Dear Friends,
In an attempt to select the most desired merchants and to bring more user targeted services we are implementing some minor changes to our system to have an idea about possible needs of an average Liberty Reserve account holder. A few purely statistical inputs from our users will help us to steer our marketing department in the right direction. We apologize for any inconveniences you may experience as a result of this process and assure you to resolve any account related issues promptly.
We sincerely appreciate for your cooperation and understanding in our quest to bring the best from Liberty Reserve.

I guess that update will not stop the rumors and speculations spreading due to the relatively low level of trust many people have in LibertyReserve as a secure payment processor. Still it should be appreciated that the admin of AccessTomorrow has addressed the investors’ concern in the latest newsletter sent to members today and established the order of solving such account related issues:
Subject: Protecting Your Money!
To protect your money, your payment processor cannot be automatically edited once entered into your account. This is to ensure that your money gets paid to your right account and to prevent anyone from accessing and changing it.
In order to change your payment processor, we usually ask that you identify yourself to us either by sending us the batch number of your first investment or replying to an email sent by us to the email address associated with your account. Once we are satisfied the account is yours, your new payment processor account is then added.
In the past few days, there has been frequent request to change Liberty Reserve account. When making such request, please follow this procedure: Ensure to send the request using your original email address associated with your AccessTomorrow account. We will reply to that message and to confirm that email address belongs to you we request that a reply is sent back to us.
We do not believe Liberty Reserve will introduce verification of accounts. If at all that would be required, it could take up to 1 year for it to be implemented. You could simply change your details and continue operating that account instead of creating a new Liberty Reserve account.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
We wish you a prosperous week.
Best Regards. Admin. AccessTomorrow.

I remind you that AccessTomorrow has been monitored by MNO for a full seven weeks and is offering three investment plans with a partial return of your principal on expiry and the acceptance of LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney payment processors – 1.8% for 50 days, 1.9% for 60 days, and 2% for 70 days. More about that and how the partial principal return works in AccessTomorrow can be read in my detailed review of the program published here.

The admin of IncomeLadder asked members for their opinions on how best to improve the program. You can submit your suggestions by contacting him via online chat, via email or the form on the support page. I guess such interactivity with the members of the program can be proven as productive, if the admin is really seeking some good suggestions to make it a better program. I remind you that IncomeLadder is the only program online offering partial principal back both on expiry of your investment term or in case you want to cancel your membership and request the principal prematurely. They accept only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and pays 1.3% for 60 days, 1.5% for 90 days, 1.7% for 150 days, and 2% for 300 days with 50%-62% principal back on cancellation and 70%-85% principal back on expiry. Here is the latest from IncomeLadder (reviewed here):
Subject: Improvement!
As you know, IncomeLadder is a young site with great potentials. The success of a site like this depends on the management. We at the wheel here are fully up to the tasks of gearing this great site to great success in the months ahead.
We wish to keep working to bring about improvements. For this, we need your inputs and suggestions. Please tell us what you would want to see added or changed. We do not see any suggestion to be trivial.
Have a wonderful and fruitful week!
Best Regards. Admin. IncomeLadder.

I guess that AlertPay is one if the most widely used e-currencies now along with LibertyReserve. So no doubt the following information posted on the AlertPay website about the upcoming maintenance work which will result in a couple of hours downtime tomorrow might be useful for you if you plan to make a deposit or withdrawal at the time specified in the update:
Dear AlertPay users,
We will be performing maintenance on our database between 5:45 – 8:30 p.m. EST on Tuesday, February 8, 2011.
The website will still be available at that time, but access to your account and its features may be intermittent until maintenance is completed.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
AlertPay Technical Team

Please note that I currently have one pending withdrawal request from BentleyClub which exceeds 24 hours so I have moved them to Waiting status on MNO. I have also contacted the admin and received another complaint from somebody claiming not to be paid by them for over 48 hours. I will have to wait for 12 more hours or so before moving BentleyClub to Problem status on MNO, but I would not recommend any investments with them at this point. Remember it’s always better be safe than sorry! I will give an update on my blog tomorrow regarding the current status of the program.

I have got payments from the following programs listed on my monitoring today:
FutureTrails, ExtraIncome, Escaliva, AssetManagement, Businex, OilCapital, GainBucks, GorgonProjectInvest, KlickWallet, UnicornInv, IncomeLadder, 144CashAds, EliteAlliance, and CorpBayGroup (the first payment received).

Thanks for reading, guys. I will be back tomorrow with the latest news and events in the HYIP industry along with a detailed review of GreenBackShares. Also the interview with the admin of MidasGoldFund is going to be published. See you then!

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