Feb 8th, 2011 Archives

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Hi everyone! The first of two updates today is an interview recently conducted with the admin of a newly launched low rate of interest HYI program called MidasGoldFund, a program that combines the sustainable payments of long term plans with short term payout schedules. The admin’s name is Warren and his program is offering investors 1.7%-2.7% for 30 days, returning you principal on expiry. For a more detailed description of MidasGoldFund you can always refer to my detailed review of it published here, and if you have anything to say about them then leave a comment on the thread given over to them on the MNO forum here.

1. Hi Warren, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in MidasGoldFund.

My name is Warren Lincoln. I’m President of MidasGoldFund. As President, I recruited and built the team that makes up MidasGoldFund. I am in charge of day to day affairs in terms of investor funds and their use.

2. Can you give us some background information on MidasGoldFund? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?

We made our public launch at the end of January. I started recruiting our team members in spring of 2010. Our team is made up of nine individuals. These nine individuals I chose are individuals who I have met along the way in my own day to day investing in the precious metals industry prior to me finding the HYIP industry.

3. What plans are available to investors in MidasGoldFund? Explain them in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you accepting at the moment?

MidasGoldFund offers stable interest rates varying from 1.7% to 2.7% depending on the amount of investment for 30 calendar days, 7 days a week. We offer a great calculator on our main page that allows investors to find out exactly how much they will earn once in MidasGoldFund.
For investments of $10 to $1000, investors will earn 1.7% a day.
For investments of $1001 to $1999, investors will earn 1.9% a day.
For investments of $2000 to $2999, investors will earn 2.1% a day.
For investments of $3000 to $3999, investors will earn 2.3% a day.
For investments of $4000 to $4999, investors will earn 2.5% a day.
For investments of $5000 and above, investors will earn a maximum interest rate of 2.7% a day.
At the end of 30 calendar days, investors will also have their principal returned. We currently offer investment through AlertPay, Liberty Reserve, and Perfect Money.

4. How secure is the website of MidasGoldFund? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

I cannot explain completely in detail about what we do for our security as we don’t want to give away to possible hackers reading this ideas on getting into our system. I can say with the separation of our payout system, members databases, and strong SSL support from COMODO, we provide a safe secure environment for our investors. We use only dedicated servers for all aspects of our system. Dragonara provides DDOS protection for us.

5. Can we see any statistics regarding the site? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

As of right now we have a little over 850 members, with just a little over 500 active investors. We are quite pleased at the response in our first week. We believe we provide a fair referral commission to promote active members in recruiting their friends, family, associates into MidasGoldFund.

6. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues?

We provide a fair amount of support through our Live Chat support as well as quick email responses to our email support. Between Live Support and Email support, no member waits long to hear from us on any issue or need they have.

7. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

Probably the most common question we have had is which e-currencies do we accept. On our main page and on our FAQ we have written the answer to this. We are actively accepting investors from AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney.

Another is if we have DDOS protection. The answer to this is YES. We have a industrial grade dedicated server to provide fast access to our website to many users at once as well as DDOS protection from Dragonara.

8. How have you been promoting the program so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

We started out with the most accepted form of advertising in the HYIP industry. This is banner advertising with monitors and blogs. Late last week we started adding banner advertising on other websites and forums where active investment discussion take place. As we go into the next several weeks, our forum and website advertising will increase. Many of the forums we advertise on have offered us other means of promotion for MidasGoldFund and we plan on taking several forums advertising packages as we increase advertising.

9. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?

This is probably the most exciting question that I have been waiting to answer. Apart from the negatives of the HYIP industry, it is still a wonderful thing. The HYIP industry has brought tens of thousands of investors from all across the globe together. I don’t think there is anything else on the internet more diverse than the HYIP industry after the social networking tool, Facebook. This is why I decided to create MidasGoldFund. Together with the team I have chosen, we can use investor funds to amplify our team efforts in the life cycle of gold. My team and I all have our own talents and senses when it comes to the precious metals industry. Investor funds allow us to fund these talents and senses. Some HYIP’s do nothing besides take investor funds and pay the last investor with those funds. We are different. In my opinion, one should not start a HYIP unless they are actively doing something with investor funds to create a well made profitable HYIP. My team works on many different projects to generate profit in the precious metals industry. My job is to decide how to allocate investor funds to our different team member projects in order to create the most profit for MidasGoldFund and its investors. Even with the HYIP industry’s flaws, we could not do what we do without it. My team and I could not access such a global audience with ease if it wasn’t for the HYP industry and we are thankful for it.

10. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Anything in the review you may not agree with or wish to comment on? If you had just one more thing to say to the unconvinced about the merits of putting their money into your program, what would that be?

I hope I have explained MidasGoldFund well and brought understanding to your readers of our goals and who we are. Lastly, I would like to mention our about us page that has a good summary about MidasGoldFund and my team. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your community.

Thanks a lot to Warren for that and as usual good luck to anyone joining. That’s about all for the moment guys, but don’t go too far because I’ll be back as usual a bit later tonight with all the main news updates from all the programs on my monitoring page as well as some more detailed information on one of the most recent additions to it. To find out which one be sure to check back here again later on, so stay tuned and see you all then!

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