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10/02/2011. FirstMonetaryFund Review and Daily News from the Industry



Hi everybody! Despite conflicting opinions about the overall health of the online HYI industry, something I’m pleased to see very much alive and active is the spirit of originality and innovation among those admins determined to set their programs apart from the rest of the pack and make the effort to put something different in front of us. Already this week we’ve seen one such program reviewed on MNO, and today I’m pleased to see another. FirstMonetaryFund is a recently launched HYI program that is as different from any of the generic mass-produced games that are often barely distinguishable from each other. Not only that but they also offer a comprehensive variety of investment plans that offer short, medium, and long term plans.

Some of you may already have seen FirstMonetaryFund as they have been in business for around the last month or so, though you may be more familiar with them under the name FirstMoney (the name of their actual website). But whatever you want to call them I think they’re going to have a positive impact on the industry as a whole. We should after all know by now that one of the fundamentals of success in any business is to not follow the crowd but rather offer something different. And in the case of FirstMonetaryFund that’s a unique looking program that looks unlike any other, but also offers plans that you don’t find in any one of thousands of other online HYIPs. In fact they’ve already achieved a certain level of popularity by combining sustainable low-ROI profits with medium to longer term investments.

Before we get to the plans themselves the first thing you’re going to need to be aware of is that after you join FirstMonetaryFund you will first be required to make a deposit into your account balance. From there it then becomes a very simple mater of re-directing that money into the plan you find most suitable for your needs. Or indeed you may prefer to mix it up a bit and spread your deposit between any combination of the four plans available. That’s up to you.

The first of the four plans is intended more I think as a sort of testing plan as no more than three active deposits are going to be allowed. Though with a $50 maximum I know that a lot of smaller investors or those who just play for fun might treat it a bit more seriously than just that. It’s called The First-Start and it runs for a term of 15 business days (three weeks). You can join for as little as $1 so it’s affordable to everyone. You will receive a daily interest payment of 1.1% per business day, and then get your initial deposit back on expiry. So in real terms that gives you back 5.5% interest per week and a total profit of 16.5% by the end of the term. Test plan or not, that’s not bad for three weeks and quite attractive by any standards for investors who stay with $50 investments or less.

If you’re not confined to a $50 spending limit then FirstMonetaryFund have some good options for you also, though of course the actual minimum remains a lot more affordable. Take for instance their First-Standard plan. It will cost you a minimum of $10 to join and offers some quite attractive terms for a duration of 30 business days (six weeks). In return for your investment you are offered a dividend of 1.5% per business day for the duration, your principal then being returned at the end of the cycle. That would earn you a cumulative total of 7.5% over the course of a week and a total profit of 45% upon completion. There is no upper limit set to how much you may invest here.

For those who prefer a longer term investment (or just wanting to divide their investment between plans) FirstMonetaryFund then have a couple of longer term options worth considering. Starting with one running for a term of 60 business days (12 weeks) The First-Original also requires a minimum spend of $10 with no fixed maximum. The return offered this time is a more lucrative 1.8% per business day, also with the original deposit given back to you at the end. So for a deposit here you can expect a return adding up to 9% per week and a total profit adding up to 108% by the end.

The remaining option which offers the highest return over the longest investment term is called The First-Maxima. This one requires a larger deposit in order to join, but at $50 it’s an unlikely amount to put too much of a strain on most of you. The plan runs for a term of 90 business days (18 weeks) and FirstMonetaryFund are offering a daily dividend of 2.2% with your principal returned at the end. So by joining here one should expect payments to add up to 11% over the course of a week and to bring in a total profit of 198%.

But that’s not all. In addition to those regular plans there is also a so called VIP Club for those willing to spend a little bit above the previous required minimums – but not a fortune by any means – and in return get a more personal hands on treatment. If you deposit at least $100 this plan will run for 30 business days (six weeks) and offer you a daily interest payment of 2%. That adds up to 10% over the course of a week and a total profit of 60% by the end of the cycle, at which time your principal gets returned. There is no maximum limit to deposits here.

So what makes it so special that it merits the title “VIP Club”? Well, there’s a couple of extras promised by the admin to members here apart form the obvious one that it’s significantly more profitable than the regular 30 day plan. The main one is that you will receive preferential treatment when it comes to payments, ie your name gets bumped to the top of the list. You also have the option to withdraw your principal early. The finer details however will have to be discussed between you and the admin because this is not a “default” style plan that you can just invest with after becoming a member of FirstMonetaryFund. You will need to ask about it and first and be given permission.

It has to be said that payment options can only be described as limited at best with unfortunately only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney being accepted at this point. In my own opinion adding some other verified options would throw the program open to a much wider audience, but I guess that’s going to be the admin’s decision and not mine. On the plus side however there is a system of bonuses in place that will add a little extra cash to your account after you join. I won’t go into too much detail here as it all depends on how much you deposit but you can check the website yourself for details on how that works. And it’s also organized pretty well as all the accounts in FirstMonetaryFund are credited with daily profits at the same time every day (18.00 GMT). You will need to log into your account and request your payment first. All withdrawals are then processed on the following working day – so if you make a request on Friday you will need to wait until Monday before it’s paid. Up until now though my own payments have all been instant, however this is not a feature explicitly promised by the admin. Minimum withdrawal is $0.10.

The website itself is pretty well put together by design and the script is very original and something I’ve never seen before. Sometimes it does become a little tricky to navigate your account at first, but only until you get used to it. Once you’ve logged in and out a couple of times and gotten used to the whole process it’s really quite simple. And it also makes for a much safer website as well. For example when you open an account first you will be assigned an account number. You will then be sent a secret code and also a personal individual transaction password that only you will have access to. You can then invest with a bit more confidence knowing that nobody can remove funds from your account without this information.

However – and I must stress that this is absolutely vital so please remember it – it is absolutely essential that you keep that information in a safe and secure place. Don’t just store it online with your emails. Write it down and keep it offline as well because you are going to need it every time you withdraw from the program. Without it your money’s just going to be sitting there. Before any financial transaction is allowed in or out of the program a new window will open where you will be asked to confirm the details. Once you click “OK” you are then re-directed to an area of your members area called “New charges” where you will see the full transaction details. You then have the ability to view everything once more to make sure everything’s OK, before either making a final confirmation or canceling if a mistake is noticed. You will need your unique transaction code number to proceed. It’s a good feature, and one I’m sure you’ll welcome once you get accustomed to it.

Other welcome features of FirstMonetaryFund include hosting on a dedicated server with support and protection from DDoS attacks provided by Dragonara, the full SSL-encryption of the FirstMonetaryFund website, and the offer of participation in a VIP program as already described. And if like most investors you maintain accounts in both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney you will find a handy little built in exchange mechanism. So no matter what processor you use to make your initial deposit, you’re free to withdraw to another one if that’s what you prefer. There is also a proper and professional site translation into several different languages including French, German, Russian, and Chinese.

I don’t know if customer support will be made available in any of those languages but if you do need to contact the admin with any questions then they are quite easy to reach. You have the usual online support ticket system where you can just fill in your details on the form supplied and submit. Or else there is a couple of different e-mail addresses you can try. There are both telephone and fax numbers originating in Cyprus, as well as a postal address also in that country. Most convenient of all however is a Live Chat feature where you can chat with an operator in real time and get your questions answered straight away. And unlike 99% of HYIPs that have Live Chat, FirstMonetaryFund‘s one actually works!

Right from the first moment I saw FirstMonetaryFund I thought this could be a very interesting program and a popular one with those who are tired of the usual assembly line of faceless and unoriginal programs on GoldCoders and would like to try something really original. Texts are also original though as with the majority of online HYIPs are a little vague and don’t give away much about the program’s activities. Supposedly they are an investment company, though doing what exactly with their members money isn’t clear. Therefore you all know by now to accept there is a high degree of risk with every internet based scheme and proceed accordingly. That much is one thing about FirstMonetaryFund that is not different from any of their competitors. So stick to sensible spending limits and always spread your investments around between a diverse and varied portfolio.


First let’s have a look at the newest update from FondosMayores (reviewed here). The program proved to be a good performer so far always paying on time for all investment plans currently on offer – 0.4%-2.2% for 160 business days (principal back), 5%-8% weekly till you reach 200%, 5%-20% monthly. FondosMayores has been monitored by MNO for 104 days now and I never experienced any problems with it, except probably the interview which the admin was so eager and demanding to receive but three months later has still failed to respond to. The variety of payment processors including SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay (plus Bank wires) and the reasonable minimum deposit makes FondosMayores a promising investment program but at the same time low rates of return keep many investors from joining. I think that the interview and more openness would make the program more appealing to a wider audience, but it looks like the admin thinks otherwise. Anyway, I have nothing to complain about as FondosMayores keeps issuing regular updates informing investors of some important points when considering further deposits. So, in the latest update issued tonight important matters discussed included:
the good level of growth shown lately,
the explanation of how the script and wallet and depositing and withdrawing structure in particular works in your account,
the importance of adding your payment processors IDs when requesting a withdrawal,
the possibility to contact customer support in 17 languages (you will find the list of FondosMayores‘ representatives on its contact page),
-the importance of being registered on the program’s official forum to get the answers to your questions and the latest updates first-hand,
the issuing of Youtube video introduction which new clients can see, etc.
The full update from FondosMayores containing the latest news and updates can be read below:
Dear Clients.
A quick update to say hello to our new clients and to update our long term clients. Things have been growing quickly for us with almost 300 new clients in the past 3 days! We are very happy to have you all on board with us.
We have had many requests for instructions on how to use the back office account area, we will be providing more detailed instructions shortly. For now the key points to remember, is that the Wallet is where your cash is stored and is where you make purchases into the investment “packs” or portfolios. once you fund your wallet using the various methods such as Alert Pay, or Liberty etc, the funds appear in your wallet balance. From there you can purchase the portfolios inside your office. Having capital sit in your wallet is only the first step, you need to then purchase a “pack” or plan.
Some of you have had issues with deposits being credited to your wallet. The reason for this, is YOU NEED to update your profile with your account info. Inside your profile you need to make sure you have included your correct Alert Pay, Liberty or whatever funding method you use. This way the software will be able to track the deposits. Please make sure you have this information included inside your profile. Same thing, when you will request a cashout, make sure again that your processor is in our profile, otherwise, we will have to cancel your cashout request and you will have to do it again.
As you see at the site we offer support in 17 different languages, we do our very best to provide support quickly. In your back office area you will see there is ticket support where a client representative will provide answers to basic questions, however for more detailed support issues or for negotiating contracts we suggest that you contact us using skype. Our skype contact is FONDOS_MAYORES. We also suggest that all clients register at our private forum, here you will find updates in several languages, and be able to interact with other clients. To register at the forum please visit this link, please remember that the forum is for active clients only, and you must register using your same user ID that you have at the main site: You can also ask questions in the private forum to our 17 agents in your native language. Our contact page:
For you new clients, you may not have seen the introduction video from our President Adelto, if you would like to take a moment to watch you can see it on you tube here at this link.
Also as many of you are aware, Fondos provides direct client interaction, and so if you would like to talk about our offline portfolios, or negotiate a custom plan, please contact us, we will be more than happy to help you with your needs. You can also call us in Equator or even make an appointment with us to meet at our office. I would take this opportunity to thanks all of our investors for your trust in FondosMayores Cia. Ltda.
The FondosMayores Team

I’m glad to report that after putting InvestPlatforms to Problem status on MNO yesterday (due to pending withdrawals for over 24 hours) the admin paid me late last night which allowed me to return them back to Paying status on MNO. Although I haven’t received any reply from the administration of InvestPlatforms (reviewed here) one of my referrals in the program confirmed today that he had been paid as well. So far the program in on Paying status and will stay there as long as the payouts are processed!

Do you remember SportBroks which was listed on MNO 12 days ago but was never reviewed? This HYIP proved to be an absolute joke which never gained Paying status on MNO and straight after the 12 days period went to Problem status. It looks that the site launched two weeks ago but then after a few days it was totally abandoned and the admin never replied to any of my emails sent to him a week ago. I was still hoping that it could be only communication issues and that SportBroks would pay on expiry of the first investment. Well, it didn’t happen and I think something serious happened with the admin. Otherwise I simply don’t understand what the reason he had to pay for Premium listing and two banners on MNO not to be reviewed at all. I think almost nobody invested in them anyway as the regular readers of MNO knows that the program is only good for investing after it’s on Paying status. Since SportBroks has always been on Waiting status nobody joined, and rightly so. Please remember that it’s always better be safe than sorry and therefore always check the status of the program on my monitoring page before making a deposit. SportBroks has been moved to Scam status on MNO.

It looks like the news published on MNO can have an affect on some scam programs. Just two days ago I warned my readers about the collapse of AccessTomorrow and said that I didn’t think that IncomeLadder – a program run by the same admin – was going to last for more than a month. Well, it appears I was right, because the admin of IncomeLadder stopped the payouts completely and I had to move the program to Problem status. I don’t think we have any chance of seeing IncomeLadder back on Paying status on MNO anytime soon because as you can see the rating page has been removed from the site. This collapse happened even faster than I predicted but I would like to say to the admin of this fast-folding scam where only he was in profit that his new programs are not welcome on MNO. I have nothing but absolute contempt for admins which don’t run their programs for even one cycle, therefore nobody can profit from them. Such awful programs simply destroy the industry and make the few remaining investors less inclined to deposit in the good programs as well. Please be sure that MNO will be exposing all programs that are listed on my site if I feel that the admin is playing an unfair game with its investors.

Another program which is run by the same admin as EzProfit and YesInvestment is GainBucks (reviewed here). Although the program currently occupies #1 on MNO monitoring and remains very popular among investors I have always emphasized to be very careful when investing in short-term plans offered by them. It is very obvious to me that GainBucks will follow absolutely the same strategy utilized by its predecessors (read the full article about this matter here). The only safe plan remaining in GainBucks to invest your money is 1% for 500 days with $10 minimum to invest. If we look back and analyze things properly we’ll see that the last plan paying 10% for 150 days with principal back on expiry and high minimum of $250 was introduced by GainBucks on November, 22, 2010. So the first payouts from this plan are due to be paid approximately on April, 10, 2011. This will be also the day when the first complaints will be submitted from investors and when (like with EzProfit and YesInvestment) GainBucks will be moved to Problem status on MNO. Although I would like to emphasize that only the on-expiry investors will not see their principals or profits back while those who invested in 1% for 500 days plan will most likely continue to get paid for the time being (we can see parallels with EzProfit and YesInvestment which are still paying on similar plans). Well, it looks that in order to increase public interest in the program GainBucks recently added another plan paying a very sustainable return of 12%-18% for 10 calendar days with no principal returned as per my understanding of the plan which was briefly described in the news posted on their website yesterday:
10 Days Plans Launched
We pay upto 18% daily to your account daily for 10 days. Total 180% return. Principal Deposit and interest rate GUARANTEED. Limited invest amount offered, will be closed for invest once reached the investment limit.

Well, when I had a closer look on Invest page in my account I discovered that the daily rate of interest will depend on the amount deposited in the program and that for the vast majority of the investors willing to put a deposit from $10 to $5K in this plan with GainBucks the daily interest will pay only 12% for 10 days therefore making the pure profit in 10 days a very affordable 20%. That is why I believe that this plan in GainBucks might be getting paid paid for real to lure more investors into the other plans. It’s a very sophisticated approach which proved to be popular when it comes to gaining the trust in the minds of the investors which might lose their heads and rush into the awful 10% for 150 days or even worse 6% for 365 days plans. I would advise to invest only affordable amounts in the newly offered promotional plan paying 12%-18% for 10 days as I think this one might be a very profitable plan for smart investors of GainBucks who are aware on how such games have to be played. Anyway, good luck to everybody with the new plan if you’re in GainBucks!

Here is my payment report from the programs listed on MNO that paid me for the last 48 hours. They are:
AssetManagement, GreenBackShares, FxEconomy, ExtraIncome, ForexTradingTeam, MidasGoldFund, KlickWallet, Escaliva, Businex, OilCapital, ReProFinance, 144CashAds, FondosMayores, GorgonProjectInvest, CorpBayGroup, SilverDigger, GainBucks, InvestPlatforms, FutureTrails, UnicornInv, EliteAlliance, and FirstMonetaryFund (the first payments received).

That’s all the news for today, guys. I hope to see you all tomorrow with the latest news and updates from the HYIP industry and the most popular programs online! Stay tuned for more information on MNO!

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