Feb 17th, 2011 Archives

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Beware! PermanentProfit was moved to Problem status due to selective payouts. Do not invest there!

Hi guys! Before the news this evening I want to take a closer look at the latest online HYIP added to the MNO Standard monitoring list. It was added just yesterday and is called PermanentProfit. They’re not exactly a new program, having been online for the last three weeks now, but it is a low rate of interest project with no expiry date so I guess it’s not exactly old either. I would have some mixed feelings about some aspects of this one and I’ll be getting to that (you may or may not agree with me) but to be fair the plans PermanentProfit are offering are sustainable enough so there’s some aspects that I like as well.

Starting with those plans, there are basically six different options open to you that all work more or less the same way. There are no expiry dates so what happens is this – you make a deposit, you get a daily interest payment for however long you wish to stay a member, and when you feel it’s time to leave PermanentProfit will then return 50% of your principal while keeping the other 50% for themselves. So remember to make a note of that when determining what you want to achieve from this program if you’re joining. Due to the high cost joining most of the plans however I’d say the first one is going to be the only one of any real interest to most investors.

For a minimum deposit of $10 you can sign up for that first plan. For anything up to a maximum deposit of $2000 PermanentProfit are offering a daily interest payment of 1.2% made on business days only (Monday to Friday) for as long as the program stays online. There is no fixed lock-in period so you are free to leave at any time, just keep in mind that if you do so too early you will lose money.

So let’s look at a simple example. We’ll say you invest $100. For that PermanentProfit will pay you back $1.20 per business day with no expiry date. That will add up to $6 per week. When you decide to leave the program only $50 of your initial hundred gets returned. After that it’s just a matter of some simple calculations to determine what and how you can get what you want from them. For instance it will take you 42 business days (over eight weeks) to break even – ie earn $50 in interest payments and claim $50 back on your principal. So don’t leave before that.

The remaining plans work along the same lines, except they offer higher returns and cost more to join. For instance PermanentProfit are offering a daily interest payment of 1.6% per business day on deposits between a $2001 minimum and a $5000 maximum. That gives you 8% per week and requires 32 business days to break even (if you intend leaving that is).

For those prepared to make a more substantial investment PermanentProfit makes the following payments:
2% per business day on deposits between $5001 and $10,000. 2.4% per business day if you spend from $10,001 to $20,000, 2.8% per business day on anything starting rom $20,001 to $50,000, and 3.2% per business day on anything bigger with no stated maximum.

I suppose one of the things I don’t really like about PermanentProfit is the limited choice of payment options, though it’s hardly that big a deal due to the fact that it’s fairly typical for a program like this one. It’s limited here to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney so as always let the buyer beware and don’t expect any protection by them. Payments are made manually and will need to be requested. Once you have done so the PermanentProfit admin requests you allow him anything up to 72 hours (3 days) to get the payment made, keeping in mind that they work only from Monday to Friday. Compounding is also allowed.

While I and probably a good number of other investors can easily get over is the payment processors. Something a bit more difficult however is the security of the website. Don’t get me wrong, some aspects are perfectly fine. For example PermanentProfit is a properly SSL-secured site hosted on a Staminus dedicated server with DDoS protection provided by GeniusGuard. Unfortunately, they also use an unlicensed GoldCoders script which I think not so safe for its members and in my opinion is wide open to hacking attempts. True, they’ve been online for 22 days now without any serious security breaches. But some might say that’s been 22 lucky days.

To be perfectly fair here I did ask the admin about this and gave him the opportunity to explain why this is. He replied simply that many programs with licensed scripts scam eventually and and the license does nothing to prevent that. OK, that’s a fair point, but not exactly relevant and not exactly the answer to my question. Because it has less to do with the admin scamming you than with hackers thieving from you, and while a license does not give a 100% safety net, an unlicensed script gives none at all. Anyway, as it’s your money we’re talking about here then you be the judge, just make yourself aware of the facts before joining, OK?

Other than that if you have any questions about that or any support related issues you can contact the admin by filling out the form on the contacts page and submitting it. There is an icon advertising Live Chat support, but when you click on it you simply get re-directed to the same e-mail ticketing form.

The texts relating to PermanentProfit‘s business activities (relating mostly to ForEx) are not original and already appear on other online HYIPs so are obviously to be ignored. As with all internet based investment ventures this one is also to be treated with care, as part of a wider portfolio, and always within affordable spending limits.


Let’s start our news for today with an exciting announcement from the admin of GreenBackShares Jeremy, who was just interviewed on MNO here. It looks like we will finally have another MNO Live Chat session with Jeremy commencing next Tuesday at 21-00 GMT. I’m really pleased to have another live session because for the last couple of week the industry seems to be very stagnant with nothing really important happening. Make sure that you sign up as a member of MNO Chat because only members are allowed to post and therefore will be able to win some cash prizes at the end of the session.

Account approval is done manually by me, so make sure you open one beforehand. For that you have to submit your email address only and wait for my approval which should be done within 24 hours (possibly as fast as immediately if I’m online at the time). Non registered guests can read the conversation but will not be able to participate and will not be eligible for any prizes. For those of you who will not be able to make it you can read the full chat transcript later when I publish it on the MNO Forum.

I remind you that GreenBackShares accepts all the popular payment processors (AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay) along with bank wires. The plans you can join (with $50, $100 and $200 share prices) are 1%-1.8% daily for 150 business days, 5.5%-9.5% weekly for 30 weeks, 12%-20% bi-weekly for 15 cycles with the optional principal return on expiry or to remain a member indefinitely if you prefer. If you’re interested in finding out my personal thoughts on GreenBackShares before the chat or consider investing then you’re most welcome to do so here where I published my review. Today Jeremy published three updates on his site announcing the independent reviews of his program, yesterday’s interview on MNO, and the upcoming interactive live session with MNO readers next week. Here are the latest updates:
GreenBackShares reviews and analysis – Feb 17, 2011
Searching for a second opinion? Want to see what the best industry analysts have to say about us? Well look no further!
Here are a few independent reviews of our project:
Interview with Jeremy Bates – Feb 17, 2011
One of the founders and active traders of our company has recently participated in an interview on the Money News Online blog. It is definitely worth your time, as no stone was left unturned and no subject was too difficult to tackle.
Live chat session on MNO – Tuesday, Feb. 22nd – Feb 17, 2011
Jeremy is going to participate in a live chat session, organized by Money News Online on Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2011.
Don’t miss out on the chance to get all your questions answered live and in public by our most outspoken colleague.
The live chat session is scheduled to begin at around 21:00 GMT

I hope that the upcoming interview with the admin of EliteAlliance private investment club (you can only join by invitation from an existing member) will be as captivating and enthralling as the interview with the admin of GreenBackShares. Actually, I was waiting for this interview for over a week so I hope that the result will live up to expectations. And I hope they can explain how they are able to pay such high interest as 111% after 7 days, 125% after 14 days, 160% after 1 month, and 260% after 2 months. Taking into account my skepticism I can’t help but notice that with the reasonable investment minimum of $10 and the many payment options acceptable – AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – EliteAlliance (reviewed here) became extremely popular among MNO readers already and is on the fringes of the top 10 most popular programs among MNO readers, only losing the #10 spot today to Escaliva. So stay tuned for another fascinating interview with the admin of EliteAlliance tomorrow!

By the way, are you surprised to see Escaliva occupying #10 now on MNO monitoring? Yes, that is right – the admin of the highly successful short-term program that has been monitored by MNO for 40 days already has decided that it’s a good time for upgrading his listing to the Premium. So, with the questions I will be sending to him tomorrow I expect the interview to be published on MNO in a few days, depending on how long it will take Leonard (the admin) to reply. Surprisingly, Escaliva managed to become a long-lasting short-term program with only LibertyReserve accepted but with the always instant payouts on 2.8%-5.6% for 7 days plan with the principal returned on expiry. More info on Escaliva can be read in my detailed review published here or in the upcoming interview on MNO soon.

If you haven’t read my interview with the admin of MidasGoldFund Warren (click here to read) you will find it useful to check out his latest update on the most frequently asked questions which he sent out today. I think this will be a perfect addition to the review of MidasGoldFund on MNO (click here to read it). Hopefully it’s helpful if you are considering investing in MidasGoldFund which offers 1.7%-2.7% for 30 days with principal returned on expiry:
This is Warren Lincoln from MidasGoldFund. I am sending out a FAQ newsletter which I will be doing occasionally for the most common questions being sent to us during that time. I have answered the most commonly sent questions to us below.
Q: Do you accept AlertPay?
A: MidasGoldFund accepts AlertPay.
Q: Can I withdraw everyday?
A: MidasGoldFund allows investors to withdraw their daily profits 7 days a week.
Q: Can I earn referral commissions even if I am not an investor?
A: MidasGoldFund pays a 10% referral commission to anyone who refers an active investor.
Q: Do I earn referral commissions for my referrals first deposit only?
A: MidasGoldFund allows you to earn referral commissions from your referrals on all deposits they make now or later.
Q: When are withdraw requests processed?
A: Withdraw requests are processed twice a day. Please allow our staff up to 24 hours to process your withdraw request.
Q: Do you accept investors from my country?
A: MidasGoldFund accepts investors from all countries globally. The advantage of being a private investment company online using depositing e-currencies, AlertPay, Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money allows us to accept investors from any country on the planet.
Q: How do I fund my Liberty Reserve account?
A: Liberty Reserve is probably the easiest e-currency to use for the new investor due to the ease of exchanges and global presence. We recommend using www.ebuygold.com or www.goldexpay.com to fund your Liberty Reserve account. Our investors can easily use a simple bank wire of any amount or a Western Union money transfer for smaller transactions to fund their Liberty Reserve account to invest into MidasGoldFund. Our Liberty Reserve account was funded within 48 hours of sending a bank wire to both of the mentioned exchangers.
Q: What time zone does MidasGoldFund operate in?
A: MidasGoldFund operates in the Eastern Standard Time Zone (New York City). Support from MidasGoldFund team members though are not anchored to this time zone. Many a times, responses from support will be answered quickly no matter what time zone you are in.
Q: How much will I earn?
A: We thought of this question when we designed our website. We offer a calculator on our main page below every interest rate tier for you to input your amount of investment and receive a calculation what you will earn daily, what will you earn by a selected date, and what you will earn by the end of your investment term.
Q: Is there a minimum I can withdraw?
A: There is no minimum for withdraw.
Q: Is there a withdraw fee?
A: There is no fee attached to withdrawal requests.
Sincerely, Warren Lincoln
President. MidasGoldFund

I would like to express my gratitude to the admin of EuropeInv (reviewed here) for calling my blog the best online which of course is a pretty accurate statement, lol! Here is the short email from the admin I received today:
Hello. Read review of our program on best blog – Money News Online!
Thank you
If you’re too lazy to read the full review of EuropeInv I would like to remind that the program pays instantly to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney deposits made to the following plans: 53%-60% for 2 days, 108%-130% after 2 days, 170%-200% after 10 days, 300%-500% after 30 days, and 1000% after 50 days. Not all the plans are worth the risk but you’re welcome to read the full review of EuropeInv if you want to know my honest opinion of what’s good about them.

If you’re looking not only for a serious short-term program but also for a new car, you might look into another similar short-term game called CarInvestment. This one offers instant payouts to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney but the investment plans are different and you can profit on the day after you join:
105%-128% after 1 day, 128%-240% after 5 days, 165%-500% after 10 days, 200%-800% after 15 days, and 1000%-2000% after 37 days. I can’t help but mention another plan offering you a new car after 10 to 50 days which will be allegedly delivered to you (read more details on that here in my interview with the admin) but actually I would not hold my breath that anybody will be lucky enough to actually see this. Except maybe the admin that is! CarInvestment keeps improving day by day though and today the Live chat which will be available on their support page 24/7 has been introduced where you can get instant help and support at all time. Moreover, some exciting plans for AlertPay members have been announced – apparently investors will soon be able to deposit using major Credit cards via the AP interface. So stay tuned for news on that which will be announced on MNO as soon as it’s implemented. Here is the latest newsletter from CarInvestment (reviewed here):
Hello. We hope you have been having a great earning week with almost every member already in profit in CarInvestment.
We are so pleased about the progress of our project and we hope it continues and strengthens more by the day.
Today we added Live Chat for our site!
Check here – http://car-investment.net/?a=support
Live Chat will be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Soon there will be available deposits with VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS and MASTERCARD through Alertpay – Stay Tuned for that!
We are growing and it is very important to get your opinion about our work, you can also send your fresh ideas and thoughts and the development of the company.
Do not hesitate to contact us with questions by email or LiveChat.
Don’t forget to vote for us in monitors and post your payments in forums.
Thank you for choosing CarInvestment services

The administration team of FondosMayores are trying their best to make the site more user-friendly, especially for newbies in the HYIP industry and for those who don’t speak English or have problems communicating. Specially for those thinking of investing but are unsure, there was allegedly some special instructions provided in their native languages. Well, I myself wasn’t able to find them on the Youtube channel of FondosMayores, and could not find any manuals except the monologue of somebody talking about the company in Spanish (apparently from their office in Ecuador) and translated into several languages. Although the videos are available from the link specified in the latest newsletter and only for the existing members. They contain a step-by-step manual on how to use the website. However, I believe that prospective members of FondosMayores will get a better understanding of the program by reading my review published here. Although many old plans are obsolete now FondosMayores, currently is offering 0.4%-2.2% for 160 business days (with principal back), 5%-8% weekly till you reach 200%, and 5%-20% monthly, would do better if they would answer some interview questions. I remember they were so eager to participate in this interview but stalled for several months since it was sent to them. Possibly the questions were too tough for them, but as you know I always base my questions for any HYIP on the information provided on their own website. So, maybe it would be a better way for you if you have any questions regarding FondosMayores to contact the administration on the official forum, via email or Skype, or just contact one of the multiple official representatives listed on the contacts page. Here is the latest newsletter from FondosMayores:
Dear Clients.
A quick update to let you all know that we have updated the site with some videos! Some of you have requested instructions on using the back office area, and so we have put together some brief videos in multiple languages that give instructions on how to make deposits and withdraws from the site.
Once you are logged into your back office, you can gain access to these videos by clicking this link https://www.fondosmayores.net/interface/page.php?id=41
Or take a look along the left side of the page, down at the bottom, you will see a link that says NEWBIES LOOK HERE, click on the link and you will be able to open the videos in the different languages.
We have also updated the introduction video with subtitles in many languages, these videos can be found on You Tube by clicking here http://www.youtube.com/user/FondosMayores?feature=mhsn#p/u once here, click on the uploads link and you can then search for the instruction video in you language.
We really hope that you all find this information helpful, we are doing our best to make our site the best! We want to also say thanks for all the hard work from our reps around the world who made this translation possible. FondosMayores is also working on the translation of some of our front pages.
If you have any questions, our contact info is below. However, we would like to remind you all that is important for all members to join us in the forum, there you will be able to interact with other members, and get support in your own language. For live support, and private portfolio information it is best to contact us on skype, our ID is: Fondos_Mayores. Here we can provide you with support in multiple languages as our international support, is available to help most anytime. Thanks again, and we will talk to you again soon in the next update.
FondosMayores – Offshore Opportunities that Work!
The FondosMayores Team

I received payouts from the following programs listed on MNO for the last 36 hours:
CarInvestment, InvestPlatforms, ExtraIncome, KlickWallet, OilCapital, AssetManagement, FxEconomy, ForexTradingTeam, GorgonProjectInvest, ReProFinance, EliteAlliance, EuropeInv, Escaliva, FirstMonetaryFund, GreenBackShares, FutureTrails, FondosMayores, CorpBayGroup, UnicornInv, 144CashAds, SilverDigger, MidasGoldFund, GainBucks, ViscoCorp and PermanentProfit (the first payment received).

That’s all I have to report to you tonight, guys. Stay tuned for more updates on MNO tomorrow!

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