Feb 25th, 2011 Archives

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Hello everyone! First I would like to apologize for no news update last night but the simple fact is as you might be aware the current state of industry is pretty quiet, so sometimes it’s even better to give you updates once every two days. Well anyway, I hope you enjoyed last night’s interview with the admin of Escaliva instead. For those who have yet to see it I remind that you can read the interview with Leonard, the admin, on the following link. There was some interesting info there and I guess it would be a very good addition to what you might already have read in my detailed review of Escaliva published here. Here is what Leonard to the members last night, straight after the interview with me was published:
Dear investors,
We are pleased to announce that we have been interviewed by Money News Online, one of the most successful blog about online investment opportunities.
You may read our interview from MNO blog by following this link:
I remind you that so far Escaliva has a very impressive record having managed to successfully complete 7 weekly cycles of the only investment plan offered by the program – 2.8%-5.6% for 7 days with instant payouts to LibertyReserve and the principal returned on expiry instantly as well.

By the way, Leonard was very interested in discussing Escaliva in the rapidly growing in popularity MNO Live Chat and having a live session there with MNO readers. Hopefully we will be able to arrange a specific time and date later on and we can all talk to him together on MNO Chat next week.

As for yesterday’s second Live chat with the admin of GorgonProjectInvest Paul, everybody agrees it went rather well. Actually, I consider it to be more successful than the first chat due to a better level of professionalism and more positive thinking from the members being put into it and better judgment of the program which has now been online for exactly two months and paying 1.9% for 30 days, 2% for 90 days, 2.2% for 180 days with the principal given back on expiry. During the chat somebody even suggested that GorgonProjectInvest which has reached the #7 spot on MNO monitoring reminded him of the highly successful GeniusFunds. Paul responded by saying that he was striving to bring his program to that level slowly but surely. There were some questions surrounding the business in which GorgonProjectInvest is allegedly involved and their plans for the future like the addition of multi-lingual versions of the site. Of course there were many more things discussed too so you’re welcome to read the full chat transcript posted on my forum by clicking this link. It will definitely be worth your while if you consider investing in what’s possibly a big future hit. And you can always refer also to my first review of GorgonProjectInvest published here – although many other payment processors have been added to the program since then the investment plans are still explained perfectly well. In addition, you can read the interview with Paul here that was published on MNO a few weeks ago. I would like to say a huge thank you to those who helped me with running the Live Chat with Paul last night and congratulate the winners of the question contest who managed to collect $25 bonuses to their accounts in GorgonProjectInvest. I hope to see you on MNO Chat every day, and not only on the days of the conferences because there I try to discuss all the latest events with my readers and give you the latest updates. Here is the last news posted on the site of GorgonProjectInvest and containing the link to the full chat transcript:
MNO Live Chat Transcript
The live chat session on Money News Online was a great success (again)! Read the transcript Here if you weren’t able to make it.
Congratulations to Investors ‘ndreo and ‘sagitraz’ for winning the $25 investment prize ($25 invested into the 30 day ‘Dampier’ plan). I am sure they are pleased they participated.
We’d like to thank all who attended as it was a really nice and amicable session, a bit like having a chat in a bar with friends. We hope to repeat it in another months time.

The admin of GreenBackShares Jeremy whose Live chat with was held on MNO on Tuesday and which full chat transcript can be read here made a brief mention of the finished contest on Facebook the results of which will be announced later on:
Facebook Contest – Feb 24, 2011
Today is the last day of our competition.
We would like to thank all our members that also joined our Facebook page.
The lucky winner will be announced tomorrow evening.
GreenBackShares is accepting AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney to three main investment plans where you can buy shares including: 1%-1.8% daily for 150 business days, 5.5%-9.5% weekly for 30 weeks, and 12%-20% bi-weekly for 15 cycles. Note that your principal is not included in the profits outlined above and you will have an opportunity to sell your shares on expiry of your investment term with the program. More on GreenBackShares can be found in my review here or my interview with the admin Jeremy here.

Yesterday I received a very long update from one of the most promising new low-ROI programs that only launched a week ago – ExoticFX. I think we all wondered about the quirky name which apparently is because they are allegedly involved in trading with exotic (non-standard) currencies which can sometimes be more profitable that the ForEx trading with their more traditional counterparts. And in the latest newsletter from the administration of ExoticFX we can see this explanation with a high level of clarity with numerous examples to back it up. I guess this email will make more sense to an experienced ForEx trader than to a regular HYIP investor. But again it’s always welcome when an admin can really explain how they are making money for the members of their programs. And I applaud such an approach by ExoticFX which has a daily plan paying 1% for 120 business days, 1.2% for 140 business days, 1.45% for 160 business days, 2% for 180 business days or in the weekly plan where the profits are credited to your account daily but you will get a lump sum on expiry – 1% daily for 2 weeks, 1.28% daily for 4 weeks, 1.55% daily for 6 weeks, 2.3% daily for 8 weeks. You can deposit in ExoticFX via AlertPay, LibertyReserve, GlobalDigitalPay or HD-Money and your principal is returned on expiry of all plans. More about ExoticFX which is almost perfect when it comes to its script and security level can be read in my detailed review published here. And this is the latest newsletter in full:
Why Trade in Exotic Currency Pairs?
The first thing smart traders notice about exotics is how much in pips these wonderful
currencies can move on any given trading day.
Our charts show that the South African rand has an average daily range (ATR indicator) of 1,000 pips per DAY during an average trading year. Last year, during the credit crunch, the South African rand was moving more than 7,000 pips per day!
The British pound varied from moving 150 pips a day to 550 pips a day at the height of the credit crunch.
We have been able to see the real number of pips these currencies move per day is far more, in the exotic pairs, than in the majors – even the volatile majors like the British pound.
We believe the reason for so much volatility is that exotic currencies mostly have smaller trading volumes than the majors. As a result, news events have more influence and move these exotic currencies, far more than the major currencies.
While watching exotic currencies, you will notice that these currencies suffer more erratic behavior. That’s because traders in exotic currencies are usually in and out of trades faster.
Forex traders want the better yields and pip movements that only exotic currencies can offer. When traders sense trouble, they act quickly to bailout of their positions.
Exotics Present LESS Risk on a Pip-to-Pip Basis…
Some currency traders are drawn to exotics because of that volatility, while others reject them for that very same reason. When it comes to exotics, the payout in dollars, in these currencies, varies noticeably from their pip value.
As an example, when you trade into a major currency pair like the euro (EUR/USD) or British pound (GBP/USD), the usual risk is about a $1 each time your pair moves a single pip. You also earn about $1 per pip each time it moves your way.
Why one Risks Less in Dollar Value with Exotics…
On the other hand, exotics only pay out about 12 to 63 cents per pip of movement. Therefore the amount you are winning or losing per pip is quite different than that of a major. The average trader is not aware of this.
That means your exposed dollar risk is lessened more than you may think when you play exotics, considering you’re only risking 10-60% of a pip compared to a major currency pair in dollar terms.
For example, if you were trading the South African rand, you would have to trade approximately eight times the typical number of mini-lots in order to equal one mini-lot of the typical British pound (GBP/USD) trade.
In the case of the Turkish lira, you would have to trade about twice the lots you did for the GBP/USD to carry the same risk dollar-wise.
The Argument against Exotics…
The Spread is way too Much! No Way!
Some use the argument about the pip spread difference between the major currency pairs and the exotics. There is a big difference in pips. But is this important?
Average spreads on exotics may vary between 50 – 200 pips vs. majors being 2-5 pips for instance. At the time you convert those “exotic pips” into dollars, you will find that the cost is around $24-$31. Yes, that cost is more than the majors BUT THE COST is not nearly as much as it appears when we talk about the number of pips that it costs per trade.
Some traders will argue that they would not trade an exotic pair due to that cost difference because a major pair would cost between $2 and $5. In our view they’re not taking into consideration how volatile and how potentially profitable exotic pairs can be.
Exotic pairs can move 500 to 3,000 pips in one day. Just as you can cover the 2-5-spread cost in a major currency pair that moves 180 to 250 pips in one day, one can do the same thing with an exotic pair. Any currency pair that moves 500 to 3,000 pips in a day can easily cover the 50-200 pip spread cost.
The point is this…an exotic pair with a high pip spread is also volatile enough to cover that spread cost easily. An exotic currency can quickly cover its cost just as fast as the less volatile majors cover their spreads.
Exotics have higher volatility, higher spreads, but the PIP COST is LOWER.
That helps reduce the dollar amount of the spread.
A bonus is that the daily interest earned on these pairs is usually a lot higher. When you call the direction right you earn significantly more interest along the way. That helps to compensate for any added risk.
Investor Sentiment as an Indicator!
Another difference in exotics over the majors is the availability of fundamental data on the currency. You can get it from the country’s central bank site and you can get it from other trusted online sources.
It is often harder to get fundamental data that you can readily get for a major industrialized country.
An overriding factor with exotics is how risky investors are willing to be. When economies are either recovering or in a boom, exotic currencies tend to push higher. We see pushing of the USD/ZAR, USD/TRY, etc. pairs downward as foreign currencies increase value against the USD.
When economies crash around the world and traders get cautious, the exotics are usually the first ones they run from. This presents a great trading opportunity too, as these pairs shoot up as they run to the dollar.
Exotics can be a great trade in a positive OR negative trading ambience. They can achieve profitability of at least five times more than the majors. The time to trade is now! Economies are struggling out of a recession and stock markets are starting to show signs of recovery.
Whether you are a seasoned Forex Veteran or a brand new trader looking to do this on your own, be certain you do your homework and investigate the Exotic side of Forex.
If you simply don’t have the time, or the pocketbook, to take the necessary risks and endure the often gradual learning curve, you don’t have to be left out of this incredible opportunity.
Take a look at ExoticFX. We have taken the ‘Fear out of Forex’ by providing for you a fully
Managed Fund with guaranteed results.
How’s this for a proposition:
What if you could pool your funds with our company trading account…
With NO RISK of trading losses!
You receive a Guaranteed Daily Profit of up to 2.3%…
…Yes, you pocket profits and we cover the losses!
As a company, our education is our competitive advantage, and we are so confident in our education that we are willing to ‘Put our Money where our Mouth’ is and provide you a Guaranteed Daily return.
This is a major leap forward for FOREX trading and we are giving you the exclusive chance to be involved in this revolutionary trading program.
The Exotic side of Forex
ExoticFX – Just Profits!
Joshua Clements. Senior Market Analyst”.

OilCapital (reviewed here) had some accessibility issues yesterday and today and as the admin explained to me they had server issues with Dragonara who took the site down for maintenance. Now everything should be fine and the withdrawals from OilCapital to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney from 3%-4% for 50 days plan should be processed instantly as usual. However don’t panic if this doesn’t happen because from now on the admin of OilCapital Jack (interviewed here) reserves the right to pay your withdrawal request within 24 hours of the request. The FAQ regarding that was already changed to reflect the reality and the admin explained this to me that implementing this rule will help to remove any possible confusion among investors who if they don’t get paid instantly will post it on forums and damage the program’s reputation. Remember that for security purposes OilCapital don’t hold too much money in payment processor accounts and have to replenish them daily. So be patient and don’t panic if your withdrawal is not instant anymore. As of now the site of OilCapital is online and paying fine.

Despite the cheerful and very positive update issued by the admin of ExtraIncome Phil (interviewed here) last night it looks like his program experienced a couple of problems over the last two days, causing the site to be inaccessible to members for over 12 hours in total. Since ExtraIncome is also hosted on Dragonara it was reported that they had some server issues yesterday which were successfully resolved within a few hours. Then after the update was published the program went offline due to a series of malicious DDoS attacks forcing them to further tighten their security. Just a few hours ago ExtraIncome came back online but many investors noticed that the GoldCoders script didn’t work properly and it was impossible to withdraw the profits. So the site was taken offline once again for the script issue to be solved by GC support, and just after an hour it was back online. I really hope that it was their last downtime issue and that ExtraIncome will continue the good work they’ve been doing so far. At the moment the withdrawals to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney have resumed and they are processed instantly as usual on all three plans paying on expiry – 120% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days, and 170% after 15 days. More good news included them reaching the #2 position on MNO monitoring and the constant growth reported in the latest newsletter. However the most anticipated news from ExtraIncome is the official opening of their members forum where investors can share their views, receive timely support if they have issues in their accounts or just submit a testimonial if they wish to thank the admin. Note that in order to see the messages and participate in the discussion in the ExtraIncome forum you have to register an account which may be different from your username in the program (click here to check out the forum). I hope that the opening of its own forum and a full return to work after a series of mishaps will propel ExtraIncome to newer heights and it will achieve the #1 spot on MNO soon as the admin hopes. Here is the full newsletter from ExtraIncome (reviewed here):
Dear Members,
Finally, the moment has come! The moment has come to deliver yet another promise we had made a few days back. With much exultation and joy, ExtraIncome is proud to announce that we have launched our official forum, and have achieved yet another fantabulous milestone. Yes! We now have our very own forum; a forum set up for our prestigious members, where they can introduce themselves, post their payment proofs, testimonials and success stories, and do much more.
The link to our forum is http://www.board.exincome.com. Please note that you will not be able to log in to our forum, with your ExtraIncome account log in credentials. In order to log in to our forum, you should register a separate account on our forum, and become a member. You may use your same ExtraIncome username for the forum, or a different one, as you wish. The only thing is, you need to go through a separate registration process, to become a member of the forum. The registration link is http://www.board.exincome.com/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=register. We truly hope you enjoy our new official forum.
Guests to the forum will only be able to see a brief overview of the forum, with the different sections. They will not have access to the individual sections, unless they register for an account on the forum, which in other words means, if you would like to browse through the individual sections, see the awesome payment proofs, read the stupendous testimonials and fabulous success stories, or start posting, you have to become a member through registration process.
Our official forum will serve as a platform for you to post your payments proofs, testimonials, success stories, make friends, ask doubts, give us your suggestions, etc. Our forum staff will always be there to assist you in the best possible way, and in a friendly manner. If you have any queries, feel free to ask them, so that they can sort it out for you within the least possible time. Please note that, if you have any account related queries or problems, you should send us a support ticket, instead of posting it in the forum, so that your account specific credentials remain safe and confidential.
ExtraIncome is almost 80 days old now, and we are still here, and we will always be here. ExtraIncome is all set to rock n’ roll the industry. We are still here delivering our promises, and growing at a fantastic rate. We have over 5600 members now, out of which over 4800 members are active, with 94% of them with high deposits, making high profits. Deposits to ExtraIncome are soaring high, and so is growth and level of excitement. We would like to congratulate each and every member who is making money with us, and moreover, we would like to thank every single one of you, for your continuous support and promotion.
ExtraIncome is now ranked second among the programs listed on the famous Money-News-Online.com blog, and it is only a matter of time before we grab the top spot; which we are sure will happen within the next few days. Not only are we top on Money-News-Online.com, but we are the top-placed and the top-rated program in most of the major and well-reputed monitors. We would like to express our sincere gratitude and thankfulness to all our dear members for having this made possible. As I had mentioned before, without you, we could not have achieved all these superb milestones, and you are the reason for our huge success. So, keep up your good work. Together, we will make ExtraIncome the biggest and most memorable hit of this industry.
With those being said, we will be waiting to see you all there at our brand new official forum.
Wishing you all a very happy money making stay with us.
Best Regards, Phil Whitaker. ExtraIncome”.

There was some odd goings-on at the AssetManagement website lately. Two days ago it was officially announced by the admin that they started accepting AlertPay as a payment processor which would be a very encouraging news for those who exclusively use AP and nothing else for investments in HYIPs. So here was the update was published by them:
New Alertpay Payment option and fees reduced
We have added new instant payment option – AlertPay. You are welcome to use it for deposits and withdrawals.
Also we reduced Bank Transfer deposit and withdrawal fees.
Now it is only 1%.
Well, it looks like the addition of AlertPay has now been postponed, possibly due to some verification issues. Anyway, when checking the AssetManagement website today surprisingly everything regarding AlertPay was erased and only the last part of the update regarding the reduced bank transfer fees remained. Also the admin of AssetManagement announced that they would not be available tomorrow for several hours due to scheduled maintenance, so please take that into consideration if you intend making a deposit or withdrawal from AssetManagement (reviewed here):
Scheduled Maintenance
We will update our website tomorrow between 12:00 and 15:00(GMT). This upgrade will give you a faster, more productive work. We are sorry for inconveniences caused. Thank you for choosing AssetManagement Inc.
By the way, since I first published the review of AssetManagement on my blog the investment plans have been changed and you can now get from 1.3% to 3% on every business day for 365 days with the principal back on expiry. In addition, you can get up to 700% profit if you invest in annual bonds allegedly guaranteed by the Danish authorities.

I’m still awaiting the answers to the interview questions sent to the admin of FirstMonetaryFund a few days ago. What I did get was the regular newsletter informing me of the launch of a new and undoubtedly useful tool for investors. There are some diagrams, graphics and drawings now available that will keep you up-to-date on the latest stats from the program including such important indicators as total deposits and the share of active members in the program, location of its clients according to IP address and the level of investments held by them. You can familiarize yourself with all the stats by clicking this link. This is the latest update from FirstMonetaryFund (reviewed here):
Hello dear customer!
We want to thank you for choosing FirstMonetaryFund as your reliable finance partner. The time goes by and our company continues its rapid growth in order to reach our aim to become number one on the investment market.
We are happy to announce the launch of new module on our site with all company statistics. Now you can see fresh information about current assets balance, investment directions, customer’s quantity, company’s profit and lots of other useful things.
Visit our site and feel the new level of service for multiplying your capital!
FirstMonetaryFund is one of the most original programs online based on its own unique script and offering secure transactions via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney which you can make in a variety of investment plans with the principal returned on expiry – 1.1% for 15 business days, 1.5% for 30 business days, 1.8% for 60 business days, and 2.2% for 90 business days. FirstMonetaryFund has been monitored by MNO for 17 days and currently occupies the #17 spot in my rankings. I think with such a serious approach from the admin constantly improving the website we should expect some good results from them in the long run.

I’m glad to report that after promises received from the admin of CorpBayGroup (reviewed here) I was finally paid both of my pending requests yesterday which made me return them to Paying status on MNO. Sorry for maybe creating any panic among the investors of CorpBayGroup, but you know my strict policy towards HYIPs and MNO never waits for days before moving a program to Problem status if a problem arises. Since CorpBayGroup has resolved the issue successfully it was forgotten about this time. But be assured that I watch the performance of each and every program on MNO and therefore my monitoring can be considered as one of the most reliable in HYIP industry. Check it out daily and you will get the most up-to-date information!

Also it’s nice to report that I got the first payment of the principal on expiry of my 3-day deposit with WallStreetCompany last night. Although the withdrawals are not instant yet but they are processed quite fast. I was paid within a couple of hours of my request. I remind you that WallStreetCompany was reviewed on MNO just three days ago and offers multiple investment plans with low and sustainable returns and your principal back on expiry – 0.8% for 3 business days, 1% for 7 business days, 1.2% for 21 business days, 1.4% for 40 business days, and 1.7% for 60 business days. It’s important to notice that unlike the majority of other short and medium term programs WallStreetCompany credits your accounts with profits only on business days. The minimum investment starts at $5 and can be deposited via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. More on WallStreetCompany please read in my review here.

The admin of SilverDigger Thomas reported today that another investment site stole some of his images and texts and therefore can’t be considered a reliable investment opportunity. Of course I understand the admin’s frustration as I know the feeling when your ideas are blatantly copied by others too stupid and lazy to come up with their own. But still I don’t think that this copycat program deserves to get mentioned in his newsletter so as not to attract any further and unnecessary attention to it. From my experience such programs with stolen graphics and borrowed texts usually don’t last long enough for their investors to profit from anyway, so beware of any involvement with such programs:
Hello everyone,
Today someone brought to my attention a copycat website yourvest.com that has blatantly copied the texts and images from our program. Please note that we are not in any way associated with this site. I guess this is one of the problems that popular programs have to tackle, so I have taken the required step and have informed their host about this. So, please be careful and avoid getting involved with this program.
Regards. Thomas”.
Here I’ll also give you some information on SilverDigger itself. Having started four weeks ago it’s offering two perpetual plans which you can invest in via LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney and be paid 2%-2.5% on business days forever, or 11%-14% weekly forever depending on your investment amount. One other thing vital to remember – withdrawal of your principal with SilverDigger is allowed at any time with a 30% fee. More information on the program can be found in my detailed review of SilverDigger published here.

Within the last 48 hours I got paid by the following programs:

GreenBackShares, ForexTradingTeam, FxEconomy, CarInvestment, EuropeInv, WallStreetCompany, FirstMonetaryFund, PermanentProfit, SilverDigger, OilCapital, GainBucks, ViscoCorp, GorgonProjectInvest, UnicornInv, Escaliva, FondosMayores, EliteAlliance, Agromatica, ExtraIncome, MidasGoldFund, ExoticFX, ReProFinance, FutureTrails, CorpBayGroup, ECashBroker, AssetManagement and ProfiTaste (the first instant payments received).

ProfiTaste is the newest addition to Premium listing on MNO. It started just today and offers several investment plans with fixed returns on expiry and a minimum deposit of $10 allowed – 105%-128% after 1 day, 128%-240% after 5 days, 165%-500% after 10 days, 200%-800% after 15 days. There is wide choice of payment processors accepted (LibertyReserve, GlobalDigitalPay, SolidTrustPay and AlertPay) and the plans offered by ProfiTaste can be called sustainable because they offer returns starting from 5% daily profit. Another good point regarding this one is that the withdrawals to AlertPay and LibertyReserve are processed instantly which can attract many new investors to the program eager to earn fast easy money. But please remember that higher profits bear higher levels of risk, so invest carefully and only what you can afford to lose. ProfiTaste is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with Koddos protection and SSL-encryption installed. The program also features multi-lingual chat and the recent deposits and withdrawal stats are also displayed. So far the payments were really processed instantly for me and if that continues then ProfiTaste will be reviewed in full on MNO tomorrow.

That’s all the news for today, guys. I hope you’re looking forward to a good weekend and will be back on MNO tomorrow! Stay tuned and always be on the money with Money-News-Online!

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