Mar 16th, 2011 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
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Hi everyone! Well there’s quite a bit going on with MNO this week, not least of which is that the second update for today is coming to you from a different country than the first! I’m on the plane to Germany today, where I’ll be spending some a couple of days. Anyway, there’s still time to work and one of several new programs added to the monitoring list has been RockLandFunds. So before moving on to the news in the second update of the day I’d like to take a closer look at them. They’re a short-term HYI program but don’t really burden themselves with undeliverable interest rates. Indeed in that respect RockLandFunds are more like a long term program, there’s just going to be a higher turnover of accounts there.

So what you basically have here is three investment plans labeled A, B, and C which are in turn further broken down into other sub-sections. Mostly they offer low returns relative to what’s typically associated with the HYIP industry but what they’re really aimed at is putting you in profit a bit faster than your average low ROI program. RockLandFunds first plan, called The RockLand A, can be joined for a minimum of just $1 which makes it more than accessible no matter what your budget. You can join for a term of either 7 days or 5 days depending which sub-section you wish to join, payments being made both daily and on expiry. However the final earnings will be the same, it’s just a question of how you would prefer to receive it. The maximum deposit is $100 and the payment schedule is as follows:
105% paid on expiry after 7 days, 15% interest paid daily for 7 days, or 1% interest paid daily for 5 days and your principal returned on expiry.

Whatever way you look at you still make 105% on your investment by the end. The daily payment options are obviously going to be the most popular (in my opinion anyway) with one of them making significantly smaller payments but putting you in profit that little bit faster. Nice gamble if it pays off, but if you are taking the 1% per day option then there’s one very important thing to keep in mind. RockLandFunds are using AlertPay and minimum withdrawals to them have to be at least $1. So to take advantage of the daily payments you need to be going in with the maximum $100. This rule does not apply to other processors.

The second plan, The RockLand B, works along a similar premise. The minimum deposit is $101, the maximum is $1000, and the final return received by you is 110%. What you need to decide is how you would like to receive that 110%. The term can run for either 10 days or 8 days and make either daily payments or a single on expiry one. RockLandFunds’ payment schedule is as follows:
110% paid on expiry after a term of 10 days, 11% interest paid daily for 10 days, or 1.25% paid daily for 8 days and your principal returned on expiry.

Once again any benefit to you the investor of joining the on expiry plan isn’t evident, but that’s just my opinion. And no matter what option you go for the end result is the same – 110%. You just decide which of the three options suits you best, either to get it faster or to claw back a bigger slice of it only more gradually over a slightly longer term.

Your third choice, The RockLand C, is really one for the bigger players. RockLandFunds require a minimum of $1,001 to join with no stated maximum. Again you have choice of how to collect your earnings, though there’s just two of them this time. The total return is going to be 126% and you can either choose to receive it in full on expiry of a term lasting 7 days, or collect 18% on a daily basis also for 7 days (clearly the smarter option if you insist on spending that kind of money in the HYIP industry).

I already mentioned one of RockLandFunds payment methods which is their verified AlertPay account – not forgetting the $1 minimum withdrawal rule. Otherwise your options are LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, so overall it’s a fair enough choice for a short-term HYIP. Payments are made instantly. You just need to log into your RockLandFunds members area and request them. Once done you should see the money in your e-currency account in under a minute. Compounding is also allowed in some but not all of the plans.

The program is running on a very customized version of the MonetarySoft script which is not seen in use all that often in the HYIP industry. The website is SSL encrypted and is hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by Staminus. The security needed to successfully allow instant withdrawals is quite high which I guess RockLandFunds is trying to provide. Any questions for the admin or support related issues can be submitted via the ticketing form on the contacts page. RockLandFunds also have a Live Chat feature.

Texts, what little of them there are, are original without going into too much detail on the workings of the program which for the record is allegedly ForEx trading. That’s one area of the program that could do with a little extra work. For instance for all the thought put into coming up with a set of plans that are so distinctive, they’re remarkably badly explained on the RockLandFunds website itself. The plans are laid out on a rotating banner that changes so fast it’s difficult to read, but if the admin puts a little more work into the sparse design and actually writes down the offers he is making investors in a more coherent manner, then no doubt RockLandFunds will find a lot more takers. As usual don’t look for guarantees in the HYIP industry, set yourself a responsible spending limit, and and try to make smaller investments in general spread around a more diverse portfolio.


Did you ever notice any connection between rising food prices and the decline of the US Dollar as a currency? If you didn’t then read another newsletter from ExoticFX (reviewed here) where the admin again emphasized the importance of shifting traders’ attention away from Dollars to other currencies which hold enormous potential. Moreover if you don’t want to trade by yourselves, all you have to do is to join the program and have someone else do the hard work for you. All that’s left for you is to enjoy your daily (1% for 120 business days, 1.2% for 140 business days, 1.45% for 160 business days, 2% for 180 business days) or on expiry (1% daily for 2 weeks, 1.28% daily for 4 weeks, 1.55% daily for 6 weeks, 2.3% daily for 8 weeks) profits, and get your principal back on expiry as well. In my own opinion though the most detailed description of the program was given by the ExoticFX admin Charles himself in his recent fantastic interview which really stands alone compared to anything else in the industry. So click here if you want to know more details about ExoticFX first-hand from Charles or read the most recent newsletter from him to see the advantages available to you:
U.S. Reckless Money Printing is Creating Runaway Inflation Around the Globe
Nations around the world are now dealing with food riots and anarchy.
Both the U.S. created inflation as well as the weather are leading to an explosion in prices and civil discord. Corn prices have grown by more than 90%. Soybeans have increased more than 55% and Wheat prices have doubled in less than seven months. The fear of inflation is not to be dismissed. It most certainly will cause oil prices to soar even higher than what will be caused by the turmoil in the Middle East.
This reminds me… have you created for yourselves a food storage program? This is by all means a critical warning at this stage. Now that the U.S. and other currencies are in a severe depreciation (inflation), you/we can even store food profitably by buying it ahead of inflation.
We have deliberated the disintegration of money in Weimar Germany. There was an overwhelming scarcity of food. With the extreme cost to produce and deliver goods the stores were simply empty. This same potential exists in America, followed by the danger of all-out food riots.
We are about to see the end times of fiat paper money which accelerates the bias toward inflation, i.e., printing large amounts of paper money. When you consider these facts and add the manipulation in the government’s measure of inflation by numerous discredits and the failure to include considerations for food, energy and housing, it is absolutely blatant deception!
The unavoidable end result will be an unprecedented global crisis never before seen. Massive sovereign bankruptcies, food riots and general chaos are the end result of trying to foment growth by inflation (printing money) and it will all end in decades of tears.
Also, it is time and past time to diversify out of the U.S. dollar. You must begin now!
Profitability is no longer the primary consideration. The primary consideration is now SURVIVAL!
We are past reality! The average individual is led to believe that the powers-that-be have a plan and can overcome the monolithic crisis. They believe the U.S. monetary invincibility and a sense of intellectual superiority against all the warning signals to the contrary.
We can clearly see that in THIS year of 2011 politicians and governments will continue to try to deter the inevitable and rescue the unsalvageable with high-speed, high-octane, worthless, inflation increasing, created-from-nothing money. And you better be prepared!
This will be the crunch year for survival of the system. Diversifying outside the U.S. dollar and obtaining precious metals and commodities will be the only saving grace.
Meanwhile, as we head into the final hours, alternative currencies, precious metals and commodity producers (food, oil, iron ore, and other base metals) will all benefit from money printing.
The time is now and ExoticFX can help.
If you are like the 95% of the planet that simply doesn’t have the time to:
Dissect “special reports”… or
Study the phonebook-size user’s manual … or
Utilize all the “coaching tools”… or
Study a training course full of cryptic instructions with promises to teach you to be a superstar independent investor …
Then you should take a Hard Look at our newest Hands-Off Trading Platform — ExoticFX
ExoticFX is the easiest way to double or triple your money without breaking the bank.
YOU DON’T NEED any previous trading experience. (In fact, the less you know, the less you’ll have to “unlearn!”)
YOU DON’T NEED hours of free time.
YOU DON’T NEED the bankroll of a hedge fund trader.
YOU DON’T HAVE to read charts and analyze trades.
If you choose to use our service and allow us to do all the work for you, you can get started with as little as $10.00!
We provide you a no frill, easy to understand, simple to navigate portal that allows you to participate in million dollar trades alongside some of the top Forex Investors in the world
… and you don’t have to do a thing!
With ExoticFX we have taken all the Fear out of Forex!
We will fully manage your fund and return you a Guaranteed Daily Interest rate of from 1% – 2.3%!
ExoticFX is a simple plug and play portal to the Multi-Billion dollar industry that is the
Exotic side of Forex.
Take a look at the hottest opportunity to hit the Forex market to date.
You’ll definitely be glad you did!
Best Regards. ExoticFX Trading Team”.

I hope you all enjoyed my interview with the admin of DenXon published earlier today (click here to read it). Before it was published I received another newsletter from the program which pays successfully on a 2.5% daily return with no expiry plan which can be joined for $20 via AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. You can read more about DenXon in my detailed review published here. And the latest newsletter from the admin Nicole is republished below though I must admit it actually didn’t contain any real news but was rather more of a promo email:
Hello, DenXon incorporated is truly a business whose future depends upon the satisfaction of our customers. To all new member’s, welcome to DenXon Corporation. You can be rest assured that we will strive to provide you with the fastest most efficient service, along with the highest quality support available.
DenXon reach 15 days of online business, we never thought it would be this easy and go smoothly but thanks to our customers and kudos to our entire DenXon team. Good statistics and progress makes DenXon a choice for the public, our key features to share are
DenXon pays 2.5% Daily interest forever
6% Referral Commission
Dedicated and reliable team
DenXon has come to stay online for long; we hope to satisfy everyone in a whole real way.
Our business is good, the turn out are reasonable; we have you in our heart and you are the reason why we have come out online. Give us your support and we shall give you the returns you long for.
Regards, Management. DenXon Corporation”.

If program admins think that HYIP players are stupid they are greatly mistaken. A complete lack of imagination is what they show by sending these endless emails asking investors to create an API in their LibertyReserve accounts in order to receive their pending withdrawals. The only people that will benefit from doing so will be the HYIP admins themselves who then gain access to your account and steal all your money. So think twice before doing what the admins of scammed programs tell you. The latest attempt was sent by the admin of the recently collapsed ProfiTaste. Please do not do anything he asks and you will avoid losing your money again. Just look what this scammer ProfiTaste has to say:
If you have pending payment you need to create API in order to receive payment again instantly.
This is our new script security features.
1. Login to your LR account, go to Merchant Tools.
2. Click on “Create new API” ( API is for instant payments )
3. Enter the following entries
3. API Name: xxxxxx
3. Sec. Word: xxxxxx
4. Check ENABLED
6. Check BALANCE
Other values leave to default.
After doing so, reply this email and we will process your payment instantly. Thank you.

Please be aware that the site of MidasGoldFund (reviewed here) was offline for some time today due to ongoing maintenance in order to increase the capacity of the website which is seeing a lot of traffic lately. Now MidasGoldFund is back online and you can request your withdrawals from 1.7%-2.7% for 30 days plan with principal paid back on expiry once again. The latest short newsletter was sent just a couple of hours ago to notify the members. Here is the latest from the admin of the program Warren (interviewed here):
Our server was under maintenance for a short while to make some upgrades to ensure a better user experience with our website. Our website is receiving consistently on a daily basis more traffic. This maintenance was to provide a faster website for the increase in our traffic. If you have any issues connecting to our site, please do let us know.
Thank You, MidasGoldFund”.

For some reason at the time of writing I and some other members cannot access ExtraIncome or OilCapital which are both hosted on Dragonara. I have already contacted the admins of those programs and will keep you updated on my blog tomorrow, if they are still offline by that time. It’s very possible that they are under a DDoS attack and there is nothing to worry about, because the payouts today were processed instantly as usual. Anyway, I hope to get some fresh information on that matter soon enough.

I have been paid today from the following programs:
FundOfProfit, AssetManagement, BestProfitInv, ExtraIncome, GorgonProjectInvest, DenXon, ForexTradingTeam, BankOfPanama, PermanentProfit, MidasGoldFund, ExoticFX, Agromatica, FondosMayores, StarkMetals, ImperialFund, UnicornInv, FirstMonetaryFund, GainBucks, ViscoCorp, ThomsonAM (the first payment processed), ArchitectonicInv (the first payment processed) and RockLandFunds (the first payment processed).

Tonight I have added another program to Premium listing on MNO. It’s called EurexTrade and pays a variable daily return of up to 2.9% credited to your accounts on business days only (in this case that means Tuesday to Saturday). The eventual daily payment depends on the overall performance of EurexTrade in the ForEx markets in which they are allegedly involved. Actually you will be getting a share of their daily profits which will increase as your deposit increases. The most recent daily rates are published on the main page of the EurexTrade website with a full trading report attached to it. That alone gives EurexTrade some much needed flexibility that will hopefully help it survive the ups and downs of the HYIP market. Another definite advantage to EurexTrade over its competitors would be the possibility to request your principal back at anytime (some fees apply which will be explained in detail in the upcoming review). The minimum to invest in EurexTrade is $10 and the payment processors accepted are LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and GlobalDigitalPay. The appearance of the site and the texts are extremely professional in style and it’s running on an absolutely unique and custom-made script. The hosting provider for EurexTrade is DdoSWiz and it’s an SSL-secured website hosted on a dedicated Staminus server which in itself is a very good level of security. The overall first impression of the program is quite positive and I look forward to looking into them in a bit more depth after the first payout is received.

However if you prefer short-term programs then you might want to look at a brand-new program just launched today called TopMoneyClub. The program accepts deposits via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $10 and promises to provide instant withdrawals as well on all the deposit plans on offer – 104%-108% after 1 day, 110%-118% after 2 days, and 115%-128% after 3 days. TopMoneyClub is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated server with Dragonara protection and SSL-encryption installed. Overall, the quality of the website is quite good and as far as I can see the first instant payouts from TopMoneyClub have been processed to monitors already. Hopefully, this program will stay online for a long term and I look forward looking at it more closely in a couple of days. Here is the first short update announcing the start of TopMoneyClub posted on their website today:
TopMoneyClub opened for public. Feel free to open an account with us
and start investing. This is right solution for those who want to
invest their funds to reliable program and obtain steady income from

That’s about it for tonight, guys. I’ve just landed here in Germany where I will be spending the next few days before heading off to Ireland for a short visit there. But my regular readers know that it will not affect the publishing of the news which will still be done on a daily basis. So tune in to MNO blog tomorrow and every day for the latest news from the HYIP industry!

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