Mar 30th, 2011 Archives

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Hello everyone! I suppose this is entirely a matter of personal opinion but if you were to ask 100 people in the HYIP industry what their favorite mid to long term program of recent times is, I think a lot would either say OilCapital, or at the very least include OilCapital in their top four or five. So today I pleased to welcome for the second time to MNO the main administrator of the program, Jack, who has agreed to take a second interview from me.

This time he has a bit more to say about the ongoing development of the program, as well as some general thoughts on some other industry issues. But you can always refer back to the original interview that was first published here. Put the two of them together and I hope you find something useful in them because few admins have done as good a job as Jack in building OilCapital into the excellent investment program we see today.

The main change to the program since I last spoke with Jack has been the introduction of a new shorter term plan that has proved to be very popular among OilCapital members, both old and new alike. I’ll let him explain more about it below but first I’ll just remind you that the program offers terms of 3%-4% for 50 days, and 120% after 10 days. It was first reviewed on MNO here.

1. Hi Jack, maybe we can start with you just re-introducing yourself to the readers and for the benefit of anyone not already familiar with OilCapital give us some brief background information on it.

Hi Paul, and MNO readers. My name is Jack, and I am one of the administrators of OilCapital is a high yield investment program, which has been in operation for over a year, providing high rate of returns for its clients.

2. What are the investment plans you currently offer to your members and via what payment processors can they join?

The plans we offers are as follows:

3% daily for 50 calendar days (Principal Included) – Minimum: $5; Maximum: $1,000
3.2% daily for 50 calendar days (Principal Included) – Minimum: $1,001; Maximum: $5,000
3.4% daily for 50 calendar days (Principal Included) – Minimum: $5,001; Maximum: $10,000
3.65% daily for 50 calendar days (Principal Included) – Minimum: $10,001; Maximum: $25,000
4% daily for 50 calendar days (Principal Included) – Minimum: $25,000; Maximum: Unlimited

120% after 10 calendar days (Principal Included) – Minimum: $50 Maximum: $25,000

3. When an established investment program offers a new plan like you have, some people think it’s a positive development but others begin to get suspicious of your motives. Why do you think that is and what do you say to those not so confident?

When a new plan is introduced by an established program, some people feel suspicious about it, because in the past, many admins have done the same to pull in more money from the investors, and run away with it. It does not mean, history needs to repeat itself. We have introduced the new plan, to offer better returns for our clients within a short interval of time, and moreover, we had a lot of requests from our clients to introduce the same. Those who do not feel confident about this, may test the waters by putting in a small amount, and when you feel confident enough about the seriousness of our program, they can invest bigger amounts, and earn higher profits.

4. I suppose the basis for any doubts would arise from the question that if this new plan is so good, why didn’t you have it from the start? Why did you only do it now? And also why do you think it’s necessary to introduce it at all?

Like I mentioned before, as the growth of OilCapital increased, and our membership count rose, we received a lot of requests from many of our clients to introduce a new short term plan, so that they may be able to earn higher returns within a short interval of time, without having to wait for 50 whole days. As our priority is to satisfy our clients up to 100%, we introduced such a plan.

5. You were fairly certain in our last interview that payments to members would be made instantly almost all of the time, but there’s been a couple of problems with that hasn’t there? Why do they have to be made manually so often? Shouldn’t you just change your terms and conditions if you can’t guarantee instant payouts all the time?

We do our level best in processing all withdrawals instantly. However, at times, withdrawals may go to pending, because of less funds in the account. We do not store the whole funds of the program in one account, as a part of our security procedures. Nevertheless, we can assure you, that no withdrawals will be pending state for more than 24 hours.

6. I think that maybe we have established a lot about OilCapital in our previous interview. So maybe now we can talk about your opinion of the wider HYIP industry. Maybe you could tell us something about the day to day running of OilCapital? Is it a full time occupation for you? What would a typical day consist of?

OilCapital is not a full time occupation for me. As I mentioned in my last interview, I have a partner, who support me when I am not online. So we both have time to spend our day-to-day lives with our family, and also to provide such a wonderful investment opportunity to our clients.

7. Do you have any plans to accept SolidTrustPay in the future? Why have you not taken them before now and why do you think they have declined so much in popularity? Especially considering how AlertPay have grown so much.

We may accept SolidTrust Pay in future, but still, we have to consider about it. SolidTrust Pay’s popularity has declined a lot these days, mainly because of very few people using it, and because of the rise and fame of the payment processor AlertPay.

8. How much has changed in your program since our last interview? How popular is it now? What statistics can you offer us on the size of the membership and the amounts being collectively deposited?

OilCapital has grown a lot more than you can think. As you can see, most of the investors in this industry are talking about OilCapital. I am more than 100% sure that there is no one in this industry who does not know about our program. We have over 15,000 members now, and we have collected over a million dollars in deposits.

9. Online investment programs have, if we’re honest, a limited number of people willing to participate. How have you managed to maintain the popularity of OilCapital for so long amongst a limited audience, and then encouraged it to grow in such a controlled and stable atmosphere?

Limited people take part in a program, if a program is new. In our case, it is not true. We have been online for over a year, and it was not a hard task for us, to attract numerous amounts of investors within a short period of time. Our constant and stable advertising, and our fast customer support, contributed a lot in the fast growth of the program.

10. Many online admins have reported dreadful security problems with GoldCoders over the last few months (viruses, backdoors, spam, but worst of all hackers). You are still with them, so what is your opinion of them now? Are these problems exaggerated? Or just invented by disgruntled customers? Is there any truth to them?

GoldCoders script had some security issues, but that is past. We run on GoldCoders script, and we have not experienced or come across any security issue so far, and we believe we will not have to face anything like it in the future too. We would only recommend GoldCoders script to anyone who is looking forward to open their own program, as it is the most secure and easy to use script in the industry.

11. Tell us more about the general advertising and promotional strategies being used by OilCapital. In a very competitive market what are you doing to bring it to a wider investment audience? Are you planning any contests for instance? Any other promotional activities planned?

We have advertised our banners in most of the top monitors and blogs. We do not believe in strong and heavy advertising. Rather, we prefer, stable and consistent advertising, so that it will help in the better growth of the program, and that is exactly what we are experiencing now. Speaking about contest, we are currently have a referral contest, in which the winner will be awarded with $1000, and which will end next week. We plan to have more such contests in the future.

12. Maybe now we can talk about some of the general statistics about your program since the first review, and the last interview an MNO. To start with:

a) How much bigger is OilCapital today than it was back then? How many more investors do you have?

As I mentioned before, OilCapital has grown a lot more than any of you can think, and our membership count has risen by over 12000 members since our last interview.

b) What about some other general statistics? For instance, what percentage of members join using each of your payment processors?

Almost 55% of our clients use AlertPay, 40% uses Liberty Reserve, and the rest 10% use Perfect Money.

c) What percentage of members are in each plan?

After the recent introduction of the short term plan, many of our clients have switched to it. Almost 80% of our clients are now in the long term and short term plans, and the remaining 20% are only in the short term plan.

d) Then, as the admin of an online business, what’s been your greatest source of on one hand traffic, and on the other hand actual active members? Is it forums? Monitors? Something else?

It is definitely the consistent and stable advertising we have been doing in most of the top monitors and blogs. You can see our banners and listing in most of the top monitors and blogs out there.

12. Now that we have completed one review and one (other) interview, how would you like to comment on how you think OilCapital has been covered by MNO or about my review?

I think you have done a wonderful join in covering most of the aspects of OilCapital, and I really appreciate and thank you sincerely for the hard work you have put in to do the same.

13. Do you think my coverage of OilCapital has been fair? Is there anything you felt that I have ever said about OilCapital that was wrong, was mistaken with, or was somehow unfair? Anything you feel needs to be corrected?

Your review of OilCapital has been totally fair. I have not felt anything wrong with any of the statements in your review. The only thing that is left out is the recent short term plan which we introduced, but since the review was made way before the plan was launched, I cannot say it was unfair. Thank you for taking your time to publish such a wonderful review on our program.

Thank you again for giving me an opportunity for having a second interview with you.

And thanks a lot to Jack for taking the time and effort to complete this interview. I know that OilCapital is enormously popular so now that we have two interviews with its main admin I hope that anyone not involved will find some clue to the programs ever increasing number of satisfied customers and long term supporters.

Before wrapping things up for today I would like to mention that SolidTrustPay payment processor is finally back online. I also need to warn you about the latest scams and ask you not to invest in such programs anymore, at least until I receive replies from the problematic HYIP admins about their statuses on MNO. So, ForexTradingTeam and AssetManagement are both caught on selective payouts which had been confirmed by me with the help of some readers who contacted me (thanks, guys, for that). Profitorium stopped instant payouts after just 6 days online which was still enough time to profit for many people. Anyway, today Profitorium even announced the addition of new plans paying 300%-400% after 1 day which is a clear sign of an imminent scam, so be careful. As for InvestPlatforms, I have moved it to Problem status on MNO due to the fact that the account crediting supposed to start last Monday hasn’t started yet. There is no sign yet from the admin there so I would not be positive until I get a reply from him regarding this issue. Therefore, please keep your money away from Profitorium, AssetManagement, ForexTradingTeam and InvestPlatforms as they are scams or pending scams. You’ve been warned! Also you have to understand that MNO has nothing to do with the recent scam program called GoldProfitInv which keeps sending spam emails impersonating me. Please stay away from this scam if you don’t want to lose your money and don’t encourage this cheap spammer with your sign-ups!

I have added two new programs to MNO over the last couple of days and want to just give a brief introduction. The first program is called GulfReserve and it just launched a couple of days ago. GulfReserve is running on a licensed MonetarySoft script and offers instant payouts on AlertPay and LibertyReserve on the following plans: 4%-5.5% for 30 business days, and 1.2% for 150 calendar days. Please note that your principal is already factored into the daily payouts and won’t be returned on expiry. On a brighter note though the minimum to invest in GulfReserve is only $1 so it can be affordable for any investor plus on the first plan your account will be credited with profits actually on an hourly basis and depending on your invested amount you will be able to receive from 0.17% to 0.23% hourly interest on your investment which makes your experience with GulfReserve more profitable provided that the payouts are processed instantly. The program features also a fully SSL-secured website and is running on a dedicated Staminus server. More on GulfReserve will be published in my review tomorrow since I have already received my first instant payouts from them.

The second program I added last night – JzBux – which is actually not an HYIP which I know you’re well used to seeing on MNO by now, but a Paid-to-Click site. It means that apart from optional membership all that is required from you to earn $0.01-$0.02 from any clicks (viewing advertised websites) you make every day but also made by your referrals. The level of earnings you can get from the program will depend on your own efforts, referring skills and the level of membership you have with JzBux. This is a very interesting program with many levels and different features that you can make money from. The minimum request to withdraw should not be less than $2 and can be paid to your LibertyReserve and AlertPay accounts (PayPal is also accepted from verified members). Of course I cannot say anything about the script and hosting provider of JzBux because I have not reviewed such programs before, however I’m going to look into this issue further and find the answers before the review is published on MNO. This won’t happen of course before the program’s status is changed to Paying which I expect to be done within the next few days since I have a Diamond membership in the program. I’m kinda excited about the addition of the first PTC program to my Premium list and looking forward to deliver you the most comprehensive review I can considering it’s a totally different type of program for me as well. Stay tuned for the soon review of JzBux on MNO, guys, and I hope I will be able to facilitate many more such Paid-To-Click programs later on.

That’s about everything for today I think, and hope you enjoyed the second interview with the admin of OilCapital. See you all again tomorrow with the latest news from the HYIP industry and the full review of GulfReserve. Stay tuned for more on MNO!

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