April 2011 Archives

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Hello everyone! Apologies if you were expecting a news update last night but today I’ll make up for it as I’ll be posting twice. The first one is going to be a round-up on the most interesting events from the HYIP industry over the last 36 hours. I also want to introduce three new programs that were added to MNO monitoring late last night.

So let’s start the news for today with one of the longest running medium-term programs OilCapital which has been paying 3%-4% for a 50 calendar day term for over a year now. Not so long ago the second investment plan paying 120% after 10 calendar days for deposits starting from $50 was introduced and the first lucky investors have been paid to their LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney or AlertPay accounts. I’m also pleased to say that after being on MNO for over three months the program managed to get many members in profit and following the rapid growth of its popularity was propelled into the Top 5 on MNO where it currently holds the #4 position on my ranking which reflects the level of popularity among my readers. Well, I guess such success is only the logical outcome from the long-running payment record and the trust OilCapital earned over a long time which resulted in its top current position on the leading blogs and monitors. As you know in HYIP industry you have to pay for being famous which indicates the amount of scams surrounding you and trying to deprive you from the money you’re going to pay to your investors. Such scammers should be fought and their effect should not be taken lightly to secure a program’s future. That’s why I applaud the fact that in protecting the members’ funds the admin of OilCapital Jack (interviewed here) keeps a very strict policy of disallowing referral cheating in the form of self-referring and collecting referral commissions for themselves. This is a very important thing in protecting investors’ funds from being depleted and the program closing prematurely, but sometimes even monitors, knowingly or otherwise became the accomplices of such cheaters and move the program to Problem status due to misleading information. The latest newsletter the admin of OilCapital made one such infamous monitor a topic for his discussion. I must say that I also received similar complaints but after a detailed explanation from the admin I dropped the case and you know that I’m usually very strict against scammers and do not tolerate selective payouts. However, those who violate the program’s rules should be punished in order to protect the honest members of the program and keep them paid for a longer time.

Other news OilCapital newsletter which was first reviewed on MNO here includes the program’s own forum which is currently in the development stages and will be launched pretty soon according to Jack who also asked from his members to support OilCapital by voting for it on forums and monitors to extend the lifetime of the program. Here is the latest newsletter sent to all the members of OilCapital last night:
Dear Clients,
OilCapital has successfully completely 438 days (1 year and 2.5 months) of being online, and we consider it to be a tremendous success. Our clients have been an integral part for this great achievement, and we thank every client of OilCapital, for having made this possible.
As for the main news, some of you might be aware that one of the monitoring sites, HYIPs-Analysis, has put the status of our program as NOT PAYING. Please note that the admin of this monitoring site was misled by one of our clients who tried to cheat on us. This client made 4 accounts for himself, with one being the referral of the other, and stole money from us, in the form of referral commissions. We do not entertain such unfair acts from any of our clients, and so we suspended all accounts belonging to him. When these kind of cheaters steal money, it is your money that they are stealing. So we have the take the necessary steps to protect the funds invested by our clients.
Realizing that he was caught for cheating, he straightaway head to the monitoring site HYIPs-Analysis, and lied to the admin of that monitor, saying that we suspended his account without any reasons, and the admin of HYIP-Analysis, without even listening to our explanation about the situation, put our status to NOT PAYING. As a result, we have removed this monitor from our website, and we do not intend to work with this monitor anymore. We are on PAYING status on all other monitors, which is the true status of OilCapital.
Due to many requests from our clients, we have decided to start our own forum. We are still working on it, and we expect to launch it during next week. We will let you know once we start the forum, and there afterward, you will be able to post your payment proofs, give your suggestions, and do many other things in the forum.
We kindly request every client of OilCapital to vote for us after you receive your payments, and also post your payment proofs. Your support is an important factor for the growth of OilCapital. Your votes are precious to us, as is your money to you. So please vote for us, after you get paid, and invite your friends and family to be a part of the great OilCapital.
Warmest Regards,
OilCapital Administration”.

I would like to heartily thank the admin of ExtraIncome Phil whose second interview on MNO was published last night for his willingness to mention both the MNO review (click here to read it) and both interviews conducted with him (click here and here). I must say that I’m very pleased to see such quality programs as ExtraIncome which is one of the pillars of the HYIP industry that is keeping it afloat. It pays 120% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days, and 170% after 15 days for over four months now, and by featuring on MNO for three of them they achieved the undisputed #1 spot in the MNO rankings reflecting the level of popularity among readers. The mention of the MNO review and interviews in the latest newsletter already brought record-breaking traffic to my blog for the last 24 hours and I believe it will be a very important factor in increasing my readership as I will obtain more regular visitors from the thousands of investors in ExtraIncome. In the next newsletter Phil promised to announce the winners of the now finished referral contest and I will be looking forward to hearing it. Here is the latest news from ExtraIncome:
Dear Members,
With much excitement and joy, we are happy to announce that, Paul, the blogger behind the most famous and successful blog, Money-News-Online.com, has interviewed us again for a second time, and the interview has been published in his blog. You can read the second interview here: http://money-news-online.com/blog/2011/04/15/15042011-second-interview-with-the-admin-of-extraincome/
Those who have still not read our first interview, and the review of ExtraIncome, may follow the below links to read those.
Review of ExtraIncome: http://money-news-online.com/blog/2011/01/22/21012010-extraincome-review-and-daily-news-from-the-industry/
First Interview: http://money-news-online.com/blog/2011/01/24/24012011-interview-with-the-admin-of-extraincome/
Second Interview: http://money-news-online.com/blog/2011/04/15/15042011-second-interview-with-the-admin-of-extraincome/
We know that many of our members, especially the active participants, of the ongoing contest are waiting with much eagerness and excitement, to know the winners, as the contest is about to end in a few more hours. We will be announcing the winners of the contest in our next newsletter. So stay tuned for that.
Best Regards, Phil Whitaker. ExtraIncome”.

And if you like the interviews on MNO please tune again tonight when I’m going to publish one with the admin of Opulentia – a program that accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and GlobalDigitalPay starting from a $1 minimum to the daily plan paying 2.15% on every business day for 365 days and a weekly plan paying 11% for 55 weeks with principal returned on expiry in both. I guess a good reason for publishing the interview will be the most recent announcement from the admin of Opulentia about the long-anticipated addition of two more verified payment options – AlertPay and SolidTrustPay. That alone with a low minimum spend should definitely increase the membership of Opulentia and I believe the interview will be useful for you and help you decide for or against investing there. Meanwhile if you’re curious to know more about them you’re more than welcome to check out my review of the program posted here. And this is the latest short newsletter from them:
A large number of investors asked us to add AlertPay and SolidTrustPay. We have listened to them. From today, you can invest and withdraw on Opulentia using those two processors as well.
By the way, MNO, one of the leading investment blogs, published a review about us which you can read on http://money-news-online.com/blog/2011/04/07/07042011-opulentia-review-and-daily-news-from-the-industry
Thank you for your trust.
Best Regards, Opulentia Support”.

And finally one more interview can be expected on MNO tomorrow with the admin of BusinessVentureFunds Jonathan whose program has been featured on MNO for over three weeks already paying automatically 2.15%-2.85% for 120 business days and principal back on expiry. BusinessVentureFunds (reviewed here) accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and most recently AlertPay starting from a $5 minimum. Keep in mind that you don’t even need to have an account in the program to make an investment. I guess we will find out more about the program directly from Jonathan tomorrow and in the upcoming Live Chat on MNO which is scheduled to be held next week. Please wait for a more detailed announcement about that very soon and remember to sign up here in order to participate.

I noticed that the site of EarnoSphere (reviewed here) was not available for some time yesterday morning but I was able to access it later on with no issues. I wanted to ask the admin about the reasons for the downtime but he was faster and already issued a newsletter which explaining it. And of course, it was due to DDoS attacks launched by their competitors. I guess they must be pretty nervous and feeling uncomfortable seeing such a quality program as EarnoSphere which has been online for over three months now paying on such high-profit plans as 115% after 5 days, 135% after 10 days, 180% after 20 days, 280% after 40 days accepting LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney only. The growth was not very high and after 3 months only 1,000 members had signed-up which is not so much considering the age of the program and the very lucrative plans on offer. I guess that was the very intention of the admin of EarnoSphere George to keep the program low-key for a while to establish its reputation and make the growth more sustainable. I believe that the re-introduction of AlertPay which was dropped by the program due to a conflict with its administration would be even more beneficial in attracting more investors, but even in its current form I think EarnoSphere is doing fine and I wish the admin the best of success in surviving for another three months. Here is the latest newsletter from EarnoSphere:
Hello EarnoSphere members,
I hope you are in good mood today.
EarnoSphere is successfully working more than 3 months, and more than 1000 lucky members have already earned with our investment offers – 115% after 5 days, 135% after 10 days, 180% after 20 days and 280% after 40 days.
You may have some difficulties accessing EarnoSphere website last night. This was due to a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks on our website which caused the short downtime period. Our technical department has quickly repelled the attack.
At this moment all returns and payments have been completed as per our plans. No problems or queries have been left unanswered or unresolved.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Do not hesitate to contact us with any question you might have.
Best regards, George Santee, EarnoSphere.

I must report that yesterday I received a couple of complaints from readers who were not satisfied with the delayed payouts from IvaStock (reviewed here) which otherwise should be processed within 24 hours of submitting a request. After figuring hings out with the admin a reason for the delayed payouts was given. Apparently many members left the fields where you enter your e-currency account blank. So if you have a delayed payout from IvaStock please double-check that this information (AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney or GlobalDigitalPay) is complete. You can do it by clicking “Edit Account” in your members area and then entering your account details from there. That helped a lot of investors in IvaStock already who were properly paid after submitting their payment processor info from both investment plans – 10% for 12 days and 5% for 30 days.

I find it really hard to believe that MidasGoldFund (reviewed here) received $25K in deposits and though they do their best to look real such deposits are simply unacceptable in the HYIP industry. It’s very risky and the temptation of the admin to close the program prematurely would be too much because sustaining the payouts to such members is nigh on impossible. So I really hope that the announcement from the admin of MidasGoldFund Warren (interviewed here) is no more than a marketing trick. Much as I appreciate MidasGoldFund as a successful program running for two and a half months and paying 1.7%-2.7% for 30 days with principal back on expiry to your AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, at the same I cannot condone such behavior which misleads investors into spend thousands in just one program. Always remember that investing in any HYIP holds a significant level of risk and that instead of putting $25K in one program it’s better to diversify your among several and have a better chance to profit if one of them closes prematurely. Apart from that I can’t say anything bad about them. They’ve been paying promptly to investors for over two cycles already and have every means of communications including Twitter and Facebook accounts. It’s very clear to me that MidasGoldFund continues its growth and is a reputable medium-term program where you can get 51% pure profit just in one month. The program is currently ranked #7 on MNO monitoring and keeps reaching new heights every day so fingers crossed they will stay with us for another 75 days and beyond. Here is the latest newsletter containing all the necessary links to the sources where you can find more info on MidasGoldFund:
We would like to announce we received all mailing addresses for investors of $25k and over. Thank you for your cooperation. UPS has picked up all our paper contract packages. Tracking numbers will be emailed out individually in the next several hours.
We would also like to take a moment to remind all our investors of our Facebook and Twitter components of MidasGoldFund.
We are on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Midas-Gold-Fund/196345023708882
and on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/midasgoldfund
As a reminder if you have not already, please read our latest Press Release found on our website.
It is a good comprehensive source of information of the latest on MidasGoldFund. If you have not already, familiarize yourself with our news section.
We have been receiving many questions via email regarding information that can be found already answered on our website. If you have not already, take a few minutes and browse our website and its content.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Warren Lincoln.
President. MidasGoldFund”.

For less than two months online ExoticFX (originally reviewed here) has achieved so many things that others couldn’t do in years. The list of achievements listed in the latest newsletter is really impressive and includes the latest launch of the unparalleled Forex Apprenticeship program. Of course the first investors who deposited in the 192% after 8 weeks plan in the program’s early days should be especially pleased as their matured investments will be paid on Monday as ExoticFX only pays on business days. Other plans in which you can join ExoticFX with your LibertyReserve, GlobalDigitalPay, HD-Money or AlertPay include 1% for 120 business days, 1.2% for 140 business days, 1.45% for 160 business days, 2% for 180 business days (with principal back on expiry), 110% after 2 weeks, 125.6% after 4 weeks, and 146.5% after 6 weeks. I guess now even the most extreme skeptics wouldn’t say that ExoticFX doesn’t have the potential to be the #1 low-ROI programs in the near future. In 55 days of monitoring on MNO ExoticFX already reached #8 which is not a bad result for a long-term program which are usually quite slow to grow. The active participation of the admin Charles in all aspects of the program, his most detailed replies to my interview (published here) and a very talented team of programmers, bloggers, marketers and possibly ForEx traders – all combine to make ExoticFX an outstanding prospect. I think the future is really bright for the investors of ExoticFX and that two months online is just the tip of the iceberg. MNO will be watching closely and reporting on all their developments and future achievements. Here is the latest newsletter from ExoticFX sent to all the members late last night:
TWO Month Anniversary
We just completed our first two months online and when look back to see how far we have come in such a short time it is actually pretty amazing.
Our first investor Term 8 investments are maturing today so Congratulations to those of you who invested day 1.
We are extremely excited because of the progress we have made. Here is a list of the first 2 months accomplishments.
ExoticFX.net Investment Platform Launch
ExoticFX.us Blog Launch
EFX Traders Society (traders meeting room)
– Daily Performance Chart added to website
– Top 20 Traders Chart added to website
– 2,200 plus members have joined
– #8 on Money-News-Online Top 10 List
– Alexa Ranking of 7 day 18,051 -5,672 1 month 20,830 -1,982 3 month 32,252
Very Respective FIRST 2 months List of Accomplishments!
Not Just Selling the Sizzle!
In regards to Marketing you’ve probably heard the age old saying, “Sell the Sizzle and not the Steak!”
We prefer to Sell the Sizzle and Give you the Steak, the Potatoes, the Side Dishes and FREE Dessert!
With our FREE Forex Trade School Program and the Corresponding Affiliate Marketing Structure, there will not be a program online that will be able to compete when it comes to being able to provide Income, Profits, Features, Benefits, Reliability, Sustainability, Support, and Total Financial Freedom.
Financial Freedom can be a Reality even IF you’re…
… NOT interested in being a Mentor
… NOT interested in FREE Forex Apprenticeship!
… NOT interested in FREE Forex Trading Room!
… NOT Interested in FREE Forex Trade School!
If you have yet to understand what we have to offer and where we are headed…
…then Pull Your Head Out of the HYIP Sand!
…Quit Following the HYIP Sheep to the Slaughter!
You Need … NO … You Deserve to become the Master of your Own Destiny!
Don’t Miss YOUR Opportunity to be a part of the Number One HOTTEST Program Online
ExoticFX – Just Profits!”.

Three more programs have been added to the MNO monitor late last night. The first one is called BrantonsGroup which started a few days ago. Well, on the website itself you can find the information that it has been running since January, however I can’t believe that since their domain was only registered in February, so how they were able to run without a website is beyond my understanding. BrantonsGroup is hosted on a Canadian hosting iWeb (according to Whois), however the administration states that they are full DDoS protected by Dragonara. I was unable to establish that for a fact and am going to clarify it with the admin before the full review is published. Other than that BrantonsGroup looks very professional to me and is running on an original script. The minimum to invest in starts at $10 and with compounding allowed you can deposit via AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and even directly via Bank wires. The website has multilingual versions and is translated into Russian and French. It features two postal addresses (in Seychelles and London) and two phone numbers where the investors even can request a call back from a company representative. The investment plans offered by BrantonsGroup are divided into two categories – with fixed daily interest (0.5%-1.6% for 150 business days) and with variable daily return depending on their trading performance (typical returns can be found on the site). I will give you a more detailed explanation of the investment plans in BrantonsGroup in a couple of days. Stay tuned for that, guys!

The second program that was added to the Premium list on MNO last night is called Alteriva. The program is brand new and only launched last night. Alteriva offers four investment plans all paying on expiry – 112% after 1 week, 128% after 2 weeks, 150% after 3 weeks, and 200% after 5 weeks and you can withdraw your principal anytime with a 20% fee if you need it back urgently. The minimum to invest depends on the chosen plan and varies from $10 to $200. They take AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney payment processors. Alteriva is an SSL secured website hosted on a dedicated server and protected by Dragonara. It’s running on an original and specially developed script with a lot of interesting features (I especially loved the upside down picture you have to choose instead of a boring turing number). The site of Alteriva is translated into several languages, has its own YouTube presentation, forum and chat. My first ref comms payment has been processed instantly but the payouts have to be requested and the admin asks for up to 24 hours to process your payout. In any case, Alteriva looks like a very interesting program which I am glad to monitor and am looking forward to reviewing soon. Stay tuned for the full review of Alteriva on MNO!

The third program I would like to introduce today is called GoldInstant and as you might imagine it offers instant payouts to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay. The program just launched yesterday and is one of the latest installments in programs hosted by AntiDdos, SSL-secured and running off a licensed GoldCoders script. As you know, some of those programs were pretty popular and long lasting while some of them were flops and scammed fast, therefore it’s pretty hard to predict the program’s lifespan but the fact the GoldInstant accepts AlertPay from day one is very encouraging. Hopefully it will attract investors not normally into such short term programs. GoldInstant offers several different plans with on expiry plans and a minimum of $10 accepted – 105%-129% after 1 day, 110.5%-179% after 2 days, 137%-350% after 7 days, and 350%-2450% after 30 days. More details will be in my review of GoldInstant which is going to be published on MNO tomorrow, so be ready for that guys!

The programs that paid me for the last 36 hours and featured on MNO monitoring include the following:
ReProFinance, SafeDepositary, MGFunds, PrimFix, CitrusFinance, AutomaticEarn, SquareBoxTrends, GorgonProjectInvest, DreamRoi, DubaiInvest, EurexTrade, InvestNetGroup, SiliconValleyGroup, PicoProfit, ExoticFX, EliteAlliance, DynamoFunds, ExtraIncome, GulfReserve, MakeDepositToday, OilCapital, OrientProfit, ProfitDeluxe, Opulentia, IvaStock, MidasGoldFund, ImperialFund, BrilineLimited, FondosMayores, RebelFunds, ViscoCorp, BusinessVentureFunds, Roserlink, PermanentProfit, Agromatica, UnicornInv, EarnoSphere, Alteriva (the first instant payment received) and SuperMoneyInv (the first instant payment received).

I would like to give a word of caution about DreamRoi which is delaying LR payouts now (though AletrPay payouts are still processed instantly) so I might move the program to Problem status later tonight if I don’t get a satisfactory reply from the admin. So please be careful with them and I will report on my blog tomorrow about its real status.

That’s about all for today I think, except as I said I will be back tonight with the interview with the admin of Opulentia. So check out my blog later. Tomorrow I’m also planning to post twice so it looks like the HYIP industry is very active now with many quality programs launching, which means only one thing – the HYIP industry is in recovery. So stay with MNO stay up to date on the latest news and events from the most popular programs! See you later tonight, guys!

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