Jun 17th, 2011 Archives

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Beware! OnlineWealthFund has stopped paying and has been moved to Problem status on MNO! Do not invest!

Hello everybody! Hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend as much as me. I have some plans which I’ll let you in on in another post but for today I want to round off the working week with a closer look at a newly opened medium term HYI program called OnlineWealthFund that was just added to the premium list on MNO a couple of days ago. I’m sure many of you noticed it already on my monitoring page.

For a mid-term program the selection of investment plans isn’t bad. Though they’re all quite profitable there’s nothing exactly too outrageous in there either (in HYIP terms I mean) that’s impossible to accomplish. And they all make daily interest payments.

I’ll start with the shortest term one because it’s also the cheapest option, carrying just a $10 minimum in order to participate. OnlineWealthFund are offering a daily interest payment of 1.9% per day for a term of 14 calendar days giving you an eventual profit of 26.6%. At the end of the term your original principal is then returned.

So if we take a simple example of a $100 investment here, that gets you back $1.90 every day for the next two weeks. This will accumulate to $26.6 in total which can be counted as profit once OnlineWealthFund return your initial hundred. The maximum you may spend in this plan is limited to a quite conservative $200.

The second plan sees OnlineWealthFund shift to slightly longer cycles. The term now stretches to 21 calendar days and the minimum cost of joining goes up to $100 with a maximum limit set to $5,000. You will receive a daily interest payment of 2.3% for the duration, which doesn’t put you in profit by itself but along with your initial deposit getting returned on expiry the total net profit you should expect is 48.3%. That’s not a bad return at all for 21 days, granted it may not be as big as what some shorter term HYIPs have to offer but the important thing here is that this might actually be achievable and sustained for a longer period. And if you’re in this industry for the gamble then a payment like that is something definitely achievable as many other admins have proven.

I guess the least popular plan, owing as much to the cost as the risk, will be the final one. It runs for 42 calendar days and also makes daily payments. The minimum price for joining is a $200 deposit and you can invest as much as you like as there’s no upper limit. The interest paid out is 2.9% with your original principal returned at the end of the cycle. That leaves you with a final profit of 121.8%, (and that’s total profit remember, your principal gets added to that). Now, while I’m never going to tell you that’s guaranteed it is at least achievable at this point. How you deal with the risk is up to you, but all going according to plan you should at least break even 35 days into the 42 day term.

A far number of the popular payment processors are accepted by OnlineWealthFund, though by no means all of them. Something I’d have mixed feelings about at the moment anyway given the unpredictable actions of one particular verified processor recently. At the moment you can channel money in and out of OnlineWealthFund via GlobalDigitalPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. Payouts will be made manually and so need to be requested. Once done you should allow up to 48 hours for the transaction to be fully processed. On a side note OnlineWealthFund previously had a rule stipulating only one withdrawal per day was allowed to each e-currency account you had registered. This rule has now been scrapped. Or at least if it hasn’t then it’s about to be (it still shows in the FAQ) as the admin told me this himself just a couple of hours before publishing this.

The OnlineWealthFund website itself is pretty good as for one thing it’s fully (both public and members areas) SSL encrypted for safer browsing and more secure transactions. They run off a script under license from GoldCoders and are hosted on a dedicated server with support and DDoS protection by Dragonara.

If you have any support issues then you can contact the admin though the online support form by filling in your details and submitting. There is also a Live Chat feature for live support. Amazingly (for me at least because I’ve never seen this anywhere before) while it’s not a 24 hour service you do get a detailed schedule detailing the best time to find an operator running the service. Let’s hope they can stick to it now.

Texts have been borrowed from other sources and have been used in the HYIP industry more than once before. I would have disregarded them more or less immediately anyway, but would suggest you not to draw any comparisons between this or any HYIP related website based purely on design. If that were really the case one could also suggest every blog and every internet forum you see are also all run by the same person, which is ludicrous. But all that aside (it’s of limited importance at best anyway to most regular readers here) it does show some promise and I expect it will grow slowly, something that may help OnlineWealthFund in what’s so often a slow season. So as always remember to assess the risk before you decide how much to spend, keep it sensible, don’t ask for guarantees because they’re not there (something else to help you determine the size of your first deposit) and try to use this program like all others – as a smaller part of a wider diverse portfolio.


Staying on the topic of the above reviewed OnlineWealthFund I can say that their admin Gene took a really different approach from other programs. He said that the program will keep developing in its own unique way with no hype and will just work away to make profits for their investors while slowly building it into an established program. He doesn’t care how much time it will take to achieve this as he’s not going to advertise the program heavily but still promises to deliver the payouts to members over and over again. He goes on to say that he has a solid income that will back up the payouts to the investors of OnlineWealthFund. Please read the latest newsletter from the program for more information about the strategy OnlineWealthFund will be using in its future development, but like I said in the review this one looks like it could be a slow burner and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that:
Welcome all new OnlineWealthFund members.
We are off to a fantastic start. In the 3 days we have been online and with limited advertising, we have already exceeded 100 members. It seems the word is spreading fast.
We realize that this environment is highly competitive and by all means we plan on competing heavily. But not in the traditional sense. We will not be spending tens of thousands of dollars on advertising or thousands on fancy websites. We will employ the best advertising available…word of mouth. We are satisfied to bide our time and simply deliver consistent and timely payouts. We will deliver on our promises, keep you informed and expand at a pace that suits our members and ourselves.
We are not here to be the top investment program next week or next month or even next year. We don’t have the ability to save the world or create never ending wealth for everyone on the planet. Our strategy is different. We have developed a system that has provided us a steady return on our investment for quite some time now. We decided to share that with the ecurrency participants in an effort to expand our own portfolio. With the leverage that is available and based on our system and strategy, we know we can average over 3% per day return on our investment. We realize that most investors have little to no faith in programs that work within these ecurrencies and most investors that participate with us will choose the daily plan we offer. This is perfectly fine for us as we then are allowed to keep a higher percentage of the profit.
Our strategy is a simple one. We are like the long distance runner that knows his pace to perfection. We will maintain our own pace perfectly while others over-compete, become winded and fall behind. Little by little and step by step we will run our own marathon. We are satisfied to remain in the pack…for now.
Gene Adkins. OnlineWealthFund Administrator”.

I must say that I was about to move CyproRealty to Problem status on MNO last night as I had three pending withdrawals by that time, but fortunately the admin has contacted me and paid fast explaining the delay that it could take up to 48 hours to get payments from the program. At the same time CyproRealty (reviewed here) which is running for over 5 weeks already has launched a 10% bonus which will be available for all investments of $50 or more within the next few days. I remind you that CyproRealty offers you a plan paying 1.2%-2.4% for 180 business days and returning you principal on expiry. For a $10 minimum you can invest via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney processors. The latest news from the admin of CyproRealty George Polis (weird name, isn’t it?) is posted below:
Hello. CyproRealty is now 37 days online, and we consider it to be a tremendous success. We thank all members for their support and also welcome all new members who have joined our project. All pending payment have been processed.
I am pleased to announce that the board of trustee of CyproRealty have decided to offer its members 10% bonus on every investment from $50 and above. For example, if you invest the sum of $100 you will get $110 as active deposit. This offer starts today 16/6/2011 and will end 23/6/2011
Once again, We thank you all for your support, and ask that you remember to post in forums and on monitors when your payout is received.
Best Regards, George Polis
Admin CyproRealty”.

There was much said already about the fake phishing emails from alleged HYIP admins offering “special investment plans”. Hard to believe then that some people still believe that by paying money to some strange e-currency accounts listed in unsolicited anonymous spam e-mails they will be anything other that scammed. Please be aware that it’s not true and never invest a cent directly into e-currency accounts listed in emails. Only do it through the website of the chosen program. The latest scam arrived today more special plans with special accounts from someone pretending to represent SafeDepositary (reviewed here). Please beware of such emails and never invest in any accounts rather than those specified on SafeDepositary‘s website! You have been warned!

I was really surprised at how some investors prefer to live in denial rather than admitting the fact that a program is really experiencing some payment issues. I’m talking about EliteAlliance which very few investors consider now as a safe place to put your money after a week of non-payments to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney processors and failing to fulfill their promise to pay everybody within a reasonable timeframe. I have received a couple of really unpleasant emails from some investors asking me why I have moved EliteAlliance to Problem status on MNO when it was done for the blatantly obvious reason of selective payouts as confirmed by many investors. Yes, the program has been great in delivering what it promised until recently but we simply can’t deny the fact that the payments have now stopped for a long time now and with every passing day there is less and less chance of a recovery. Admittedly it did happen more than once that EliteAlliance managed to recover after seemingly hopeless situations but this time it’s different. It’s gone on too long and the admin broke his promise and didn’t pay like he said a few days ago. And being so selfish and persistent in asking me to move EliteAlliance back to Paying status simply because you were paid to AlertPay recently doesn’t make any sense to me. We all know that usually the programs keep paying to AlertPay for a longer time to keep their account alive and active because it takes the admin longer to get whatever money he can out of there. He’ll withdraw what he can for himself, and what he can’t will be paid on auto-pilot until the account is drained, which will happen any day. But you know what the outcome of this is, don’t you? A program usually closes anyway after a few convulsive last payouts to AP before its total demise. Do you want to invest in such semi-dead programs, guys? If the answer is yes then please do it on your own and don’t ask me change the status simply because you were paid, ok? Because most investors in EliteAlliance were not paid and the worst and most concerning thing about the whole situation is that the administration seems to have stopped all communication with its investors. We can surely hope that EliteAlliance will be able to make it through once again but meanwhile it’s not a good idea to invest in such problematic programs despite of the good payment records in the past.

I have received the interview back from the admin of Insectrio Robert earlier today and will publish it on my blog tomorrow. I’m sure that you will be curious to hear more from the person who came up with the bold statement recently that his program would be able to survive summer which is known as generally a sluggish period in the industry and will make it through till September. With such plans Insectrio is offering – 103% after 1 day, 120% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days, 170% after 15 days – it seems ambitious at best, but we’ll see. Insectrio has been here for four weeks and paying instantly to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney to every single investor, so that in itself is pretty impressive. So what should we expect from Insectrio in the near future and will it be able to achieve what the admin has planned? I guess the answer to these questions we will be revealed tomorrow. The interview will be candid and interesting to read like Robert promised, so tune in tomorrow for more information on Insectrio which was originally reviewed here.

The newly added program to MNO’s Standard listing today is called Corraliva. It just started a few days ago and can be considered as brand new. Corraliva offers long-term plans paying 1.2%-1.8% for 60 business days and returns your principal on expiry. The minimum to invest starts with $10 and two popular payment choices – LibertyReserve and AlertPay – are accepted. Interesting thing about Corraliva is that although it’s hosted on a dedicated server by LiquidWeb and has DDoS protection and SSL encryption on its website the admin deliberately refused to run his program on a licensed GoldCoders script. Instead he has chosen to use a decoded version of the script as he told me it would be changed to a totally custom designed script very soon. He assures me work is currently underway. Well, we’ll wait and see when it happens, and I will have a much closer at Corraliva‘s other features and will analyze them properly in the upcoming review of the program which will be posted on MNO in a couple of days. Stay tuned for that, guys!

The following programs has paid me for the last 24 hours:
OnlineWealthFund (the first payment received), FeoCash, PrimFix, SafeDepositary, ReProFinance, BetterMoneyLife, GulfReserve, EarnGroups, AdvanceFund, PowerfulStrategy, LucrativaFund, AlphaForex, GorgonProjectInvest, Opulentia, StraDox, BrantonsGroup, Insectrio, InvestNetGroup, MGFunds, InpladoFinance, EurexTrade, EurosFund, PermanentProfit, UnicornInv, MAHIFund and BaseBucks (the first payments received).

That’s about all I have to report today, everyone. Stay tuned for more news on MNO soon as I will continue working for you even over the weekend. Keep yourself updated on the latest updates from HYIPs with MNO blog and see you tomorrow!

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