Jul 11th, 2011 Archives

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Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend over the last few days. I’ve spent it on a sort vacation to ireland exploring the ancient and the modern side by side in cities like Dublin, Cork and Kilkenny. I simply love this green and pleasent land and would like to try to return to this amazing country again and again. I suppose it’s a bit like Britain, but with much nicer accents. And a higher tolerance for liquor, lol!

Anyway, I didn’t publish much news this last few days due to the usual weekend slow down in the industry. But today, unusually for a Sunday, there’s quite a lot to catch up on. Best to start with the good news I suppose so the current #2 most popular program on MNO GulfReserve (reviewed here) issued an update today. Longer term readers will know by now GulfReserve has been one of the most profitable and efficient programs for investors, paying instantly to AlertPay (through which you can also use your credit card), LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. GulfReserve currently offers three investment plans paying 4%-5.5% for 30 business days, 1.2% for 150 calendar days and 105% after 5 calendar days. More about that can be read in my interview with the admin Alina published here followed by the Live chat on MNO which you can find here. Currently Alina is very interested in holding a second Live chat session with MNO readers and we discussing a suitable time and date which I hope will be sometime next week. So stay tuned for an update on that soon!

But getting to to point of the GulfReserve newsletter itself, it was called “100 Days of Success”. Well, there’s no doubting the title. Over the last three months it’s definitely become one of the most successful programs out there, and no doubt. The newsletter shared some exciting stats revealing allegedly over 7,000 members already who deposited almost $1.5 million dollars (I guess that figure means the total amount of deposits made for the first 100 days online which looks much more real this way). According to Alina the popularity of the program is growing nicely as you can see from their Facebook page as well as the fact that they are now the number two site on MNO monitoring. So in this matter I can totally agree with Alina that GulfReserve is becoming one of the leaders of the industry, but then the question arises for how long such growth can be sustained. I hope Alina will answer that as well as explain the Debit cards which she was planning to issue to investors with over $2,500 in the program. Well, I know that many HYI programs promised to issue Debit cards in the past with a 100% failure rate. In fact none of them ever even got issued. Anyway, it’s a matter for the future according to Alina as the process will take time to implement fully. What we can expect in the more immediate future is more contests and surprises for GulfReserve members which will be announced in future updates. Stay tuned for that and meanwhile please read the latest newsletter from GulfReserve published below:
100 Days of Success and Debit/ATM Cards
I would like to congratulate everyone for GulfReserve‘s first 100 days passed. To be honest, its been more than 100 days already but this entire GulfReserve team been too busy lately so we just got time to announce this.
Just like always, I would like to quote some from the current statistics of GulfReserve and I am proud to announce we have over 7000+ active participants and almost $1.5 million USD of investments made from our online investors base. I am also glad to announce as we have almost 2200 FaceBook fans already and with out any doubt, these figures are growing rapidly and crossing more and more milestones on very constant basis.
GulfReserve is today’s most prominent online investment program which is choice of thousands of investors and promoters. And when it comes to mentioning promoters, one of most prominent monitor known is Money-News-Online and very soon they will also have earned over 1000% (a thousand percent return) of what they invested almost 105 days ago, and this is just one example… We have numerous success stories and heaps of very very positive testimonials from our clients, for instance, I highly recommend you to check out our FaceBook page as its fully loaded with very inspiring comments from GulfReserve members and see how they describe their achievements with GulfReserve. Also we are one of those very few investment programs that are verified and in fact certified by AlertPay and given ability to accept deposits via Credit cards of any kind.
Do you remember when I announced before that soon we will be accepting credit-cards? and I did fulfill it and passed all kinds of documentations and verification procedures, today I have another great announcement to make, as soon GulfReserve will issue its own Debit/ATM cards to its investors in Dubai and Kuwait plan which will be directly linked with their GulfReserve balances and can be used any where in the world… However this may take some time before its officially announced by me, which of course will be done in an exclusive newsletter but this is the next great upcoming feature.
GulfReserve is really forwarding in right direction and our growth rate is constantly improving so I highly encourage you to buckle down for promotions and we are soon going to announce more bonuses and referral contests, which will be announced in separate newsletter. Let me also mention that in recent days, as all of you must have noticed that our daily ROI had almost doubled, which means you got paid extra so I am going to announce it as a gift for GulfReserve passing first 100 days.
Regards, Alina.

I can confirm that yesterday I received my principal back for the first time from the very promising MonetaryOasis (reviewed here). Since the program is quite new and was launched only a few days ago you can guess that I was paid on the shortest available plan offering 1.9% for 7 days with principal returned on expiry. If you’re interested I can tell you that the three remaining plans include 2.4% for 14 days, 2.9% for 21 days and 3.4% for 28 days and also return your principal on expiry. MonetaryOasis only accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and employs a unique and highly advanced script developed by the same team behind the one used by ExoticFX. I believe that the admin will be able to tell us more on that so I hope to interview him on MNO by Wednesday. Stay tuned for that!

Another potential hit yet to be discovered by many investors is JPDaily. I am going to review it on my blog tomorrow and I believe it will be an interesting read as the program underwent a lot of improvements. Starting with severe DdoS-attacks that hit the website almost since day one which prompted the admin to ask for help with the best hosting provider BlockDos (MNO is also hosted with them) which managed to mitigate the attacks in no time and made the JPDaily program available again. As you might remember from my introduction of JPDaily the program used to accept only LibertyReserve deposits starting from $1 on which you receive daily variable interest and could withdraw your profit and principal on a daily basis with 3% fee. Starting today though AlertPay deposits became available (however, the minimum to invest via this method is $250) along with Bank wire deposits which start from $3,000. The deposits via Bank wires and AlertPay are not automated and you have to include your forum username in memo for the admin to add your deposit for the exclusion of the payment processor fees you will have to bear. Anyway, it looks that finally everything works fine for the members of JPDaily which recently became its second level of advertising on the most famous forums and monitors. The yesterday’s return result was a bit over 9% while today the investors enjoyed about 4.5% return. All the daily reports about the variable daily results are issued by the admin of JPDaily Rich and sent to the program’s members via email. Below you will find two more updates (for yesterday and today respectively):
Daily Result: +9.04% for JPDaily.
Todays result has been announced!
Check your balances and request your withdrawals!
Daily Report: http://jp-daily.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1310218031
Investor Balances: http://jp-daily.com/investors.htm
Referral Stats: http://jp-daily.com/referrals.htm
No news! A day without problems. Hallelujah!
Very straight forward 50% increase on our roll across 3 simultaneous tables. Quick, easy and stress-free. Time to relax for a few hours before a few drinks later, and then the headache of paying referrals tomorrow!
Regards, Rich”.
Daily Result: +4.40% for JPDaily.
Todays result has been announced!
Check your balances and request your withdrawals!
Daily Report: http://jp-daily.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1310309108
Investor Balances: http://jp-daily.com/investors.htm
Referral Stats: http://jp-daily.com/referrals.htm
The weekly referral payments will be paid in about 1hour. The daily report will be updated with the weekly referral report.
Regards, Rich”.

Despite of the assurement of the admin of UniPrimes (reviewed here) that his program was now paying instantly I have yet to see any instant payouts being processed from my account in the program. As the admin of the program says in the latest newsletter the main principal of UniPrimes is to pay to its investors in a timely fashion which they diligently follow so far. I was paid from the program daily for 10 days already on all the payment processors accepted – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, AlertPay and GlobalDigitalPay. I remind you that UniPrimes accepts deposits to the following investment plans – 120% after 7 days, 10% for 14 days, 3.5% for 21 days + principal back. I hope that the admin of UniPrimes will answer to my questions for the interview sent to him today and that it will be soon be published on MNO blog. Here is the latest newsletter from UniPrimes:
Dear Valued Members,
Weekend greetings to every one of you, UniPrimes remains your reliable and stable earning program, we are most concerned about your earnings and up till today we have stayed right on track.
We are introducing a new withdrawal system which would allow our members automatic withdrawals at request of earnings this would be however closely monitored but we fell this would help as lot of members would be making principal withdrawal by the end of the week. For those of you who haven’t seen our review you can still read by clicking on: http://money-news-online.com/blog/2011/07/04/03072011-uniprimes-review-and-daily-news-from-the-industry/ also this week we hope to have an interview with Money-News-Online Blog, please stay tuned for more information.
UniPrimes is just the right choice; we stick to our no 1 principle: Paying our members interest. For now we are growing stronger by the day and we hope to swim in more success.
Thanks, UniPimes Team.

The latest update from AudivaTraders (reviewed here) was positive as the admin Dale announced that the issue with his LibertyReserve account described in the previous update had been resolved successfully. LR payments are now being processed again. There will more pleasant surprises from AudivaTraders soon as announced in the latest update:
AudivaTraders – LR is Back!
Hello AudivaTraders Member!
LibertyReserve is fixed again for the verification pin! Pending’s are being sent out now, check your account! Sorry about this delay. Constantly tried getting it worked out with the support dept. at LibertyReserve. All is good now. Our bug for the auto withdraw is still being tested by our coder and the code is be re-written to knock out all bugs.
Exciting New script integration I will soon be letting you all know about should be great stepping stone for AudivaTraders.
Whose been awaiting our 1 month surprise?! Tonight, you will soon know.
Have a enjoyable weekend!
Best Regards, Dale”.
AudivaTraders accepts AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney deposits starting from $10 into three investment plans all of which pay on expiry – 108% after 2 weeks, 131% after 4 weeks, 196% after 8 weeks. The program has been online for over a month already and as per my records it’s still paying fine though remains quite unpopular among MNO readers. Well, let’s hope that the promised improvements will bring them more new investors.

As you might have noticed the site of UnitrustDirect was inaccessible for a few hours yesterday. If you tried to access it during that time you would have seen the message:
UnitrustDirect is undergoing infrastructure upgrade, estimated time: 5 hours.
If you have any questions, please contact us at helpdesk@unitrust-direct.com
Well, today the website of UnitrustDirect was loading fine and the message appeared in the news section informing the investors of the finished upgrade of the site’s infrastructure:
Infrastructure upgrade
We strive to provide company`s clients with unmatched investment experience, therefore UnitrustDirect server and network infrastructures have been upgraded to flawlessly handle growing website load. UnitrustDirect team sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by upgrade works.
Should you have any questions about the infrastructure upgrade, please don`t hesitate to ask.
UnitrustDirect has been listed on MNO for 45 days already and paid me instantly to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts many times since I managed to finish a few cycles with them. Although UnitrustDirect is not a popular choice among MNO readers I tend to remind you that the program is having a unique script and offering four investment plans which all pay on expiry of your investment that can start with as low as $5 – 107.1% after 10 days, 123.8% after 25 days, 194% after 65 days, 403.4% after 125 days. More information about UnitrustDirect you will find in my detailed review of the program posted here.

I must say that yesterday was a bad day for investors as four more programs were moved to Problem status. I was surprised to see LeLaissezFaire gone straight after the first payments on the first shortest cycle were processed as well as see TrueWealthAlliance go where no one was in profit. It’s truly a shame when such programs become scams so fast and do not allow any investors to profit from them. I guess during summer many admins are just here for a fast buck and that’s the reason for the scams. Unfortunately we will never know the real reason for any programs’ closure as neither the admin of LeLaissezFaire nor the admin of TrueWealthAlliance replied to my inquires which only means they stay on scam status now.

Some admins are even more crooked and in collaboration with bad monitors (of which the choice is endless!) are trying to disguise their cashflow issues in hope of attracting a few more investors. EverydayEarnings which was only on Basic listing has a confirmed case of a pending unpaid request for over 72 hours. Straight after moving his program to Problem status the admin tried to persuade me to move his program back to Paying status promising to pay my referral ASAP. Well, until now this was not done so I can only conclude that his promises were nothing more than lies trying to scam as many more investors as possible before going to problem status. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work with MNO which puts programs to Problem status as soon as a complaint is verified and the admin refuses to pay like it happened in case with EverydayEarnings. Apparently this upset the admin somewhat and he didn’t like being exposed as a crook. Well, I can see now that he is a complete conman trying to taking full advantage of the crooked monitors who will display any scam as a good paying program in exchange for some loose change. This is absolutely intolerable and I can assure you that such cases will not be accepted on MNO. After proper verification any program found to be paying selectively will be moved to Problem status without exception. Such admins are not welcome on MNO and they should be aware of that if they want to use MNO as an advertising source.

One of the worst example recently of an unscrupulous and just plain dishonest criminal trying to squeeze every single penny from his investors is the admin of Insectrio. His program stopped paying yesterday which although we all knew would happen eventually there really is no excuse for this lowlife admin behaving in the manner which he did next. The first thing was to alter the monitoring images, so I’m eternally grateful as always to the sharp eyed MNO readers who alerted me to that. But what he did next was particularly spineless. He sent yet another one of those shameful emails asking you to create an API in your LR account in order to “be paid instantly” again. As I told you many times such actions only lead to one thing – the admin of an HYIP gains control LR account and all the money contained within. I mean it’s one thing to run a ponzi where it’s a risk but still a fair gamble that gives you a fair chance. You might win, you might lose, but that’s the game and you know the rules. You can lose money to HYIP admins, OK, but most of them are not bad guys in the sense that they won’t at least give you a fair shot at winning a few bucks too. Not so with this thieving scumbag from Insectrio. In his last email to members he has made a deliberate and calculated attempt to steal not only your investment in his program but also every cent you have in your LR account. And that’s just despicable. I hope that you recognized the con and will not be so stupid to do what he asks because all he wants is to steal money from you. Not just a few bucks but every single penny he can lay his hands on. So beware of Insectrio and its admin who has made an attempt at serious felony criminal fraud with the below e-mail (DO NOT DO ANYTHING HE ASKS YOU TO!):
New LR Instant Payments System!
Dear members, I am very pleased and excited to let you know that Insectrio has a new LibertyReserve instant payments system, which is much more safer, secure and faster than our previous one! I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart, to GoldCoders, our script provider, for dedicating the time to work on the system and making sure everything works perfectly well. Please be advised that from now on, due to security reasons, each member of Insectrio who uses LibertyReserve, is required to create the API (Automatic Payment Interface) of our new system in his LibertyReserve account, in order to always get paid instantly from Insectrio. Please follow the instructions below, step-by-step of creating our API system in your LR account:
1) Login to your LibertyReserve account
2) Click on “Merchant Tools”, after that click on “Create new API”
3) Enter the following details:
API Name: xxxxxxxx
Security Word: xxxxxxx
5) Enter your Master Key and click “SUBMIT”
Once you finished creating the API of Insectrio, please send me an email to insectrio@yahoo.com with your username and LR account number and I will add you to the safe list immediately, so that you will be able to receive all your payments from Insectrio instantly, forever.
Regards, Robert”.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of programs on my list that pay me consistantly. Here are the ones that paid me for the last 48 hours:
GorgonProjectInvest, MonetaryOasis, BrantonsGroup, EarnGroups, PrimFix, InvestNetGroup, GulfReserve, ReProFinance, UniPrimes, HyperCompound, HeinxInvest, StockBiz, EurexTrade, Opulentia, PermanentProfit, FxLandiar, GlobalFxTrades, BaseBucks, LibertyHoard, MAFinance, JPDaily, TopsFund, EurosFund, FeoCash and SeriousInvestors (the first payment received).

That’s all for today, guys. See you tomorrow on MNO with the review of JPDaily and the latest news and events from the HYIP industry. Stay with MNO, you know it makes sense!

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