July 2011 Archives

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Beware! MonetaryOasis has stopped paying and has been moved to Problem status on MNO! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! Mid-week already and so far it’s been a pretty slow week in the industry. Maybe the summer slowdown is finally coming, eh? Well, I don’t really think so but I’ve been busy with other things this week so I’m glad of a couple of quiet days. That’s not to say I don’t have plenty of interesting stories for you either though, and today I’m quite pleased to have an interview with the admin of the highly promising MonetaryOasis.

That’s a very original looking program first reviewed on MNO just over a week ago and is getting a fair amount of interest from investors to it’s short to medium term investment plans and it’s original design and script. The admin’s name is Johan and although he has quite a bit to say about MonetaryOasis below, you can also find more information about them in the review first published on MNO here. Before we here from him however I’ll just remind you that the terms offered by MonetaryOasis include 1.9% for 7 days, 2.4% for 14 days, 2.9% for 21 days, 3.4% for 28 days, and your principal back on expiry.

1. Hi admin, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and give us a little background information on yourself and your experience in managing other peoples money.

My name is Johan Ridell. I am the administrator of MonetaryOasis. Most of my experience has been with offline financial entities although I am a qualified site administrator. I was appointed last year to setup MonetaryOasis for our group.

2. Can you share some facts about the MonetaryOasis business with us? How long have you been in operation? Are you the sole employee or do you have an assistant or a partner?

The group behind MonetaryOasis has been working together for a number of years in the investment arena. I was appointed to run the online entity. The reason why they decided to go online was to increase their investor base. More investments mean more profit for the group.

3. Assuming someone is coming into the online investments industry for the first time, can you talk us through a step-by-step guide in how to become a member of MonetaryOasis and what happens afterwards?

Becoming a member is easy. Just click on ‘Create Account’ at the top of the page. Fill in your Username, email address and specify your secret question and answer. Fill the capcha field, click ‘Agree and Create Account’ and your login details and 2 pin numbers will be emailed to you. The next step is to record your e-currency account(s) in your back office. To do that login and select ‘Account’ on the far right of the page. Scroll down to see the e-currency area. Fill your e-currency account details in the appropriate fields, insert your master pin and click ‘Update Ecurrency’. To invest funds you first need to deposit. Just click on the ‘Deposit’ link and follow the prompts. Next you need to apply that deposit to a plan for it to start earning. Click on ‘Invest’ and follow the prompts. The investment will now start earning daily profit after each full day of investment.

4. What are you offering investor in terms of plans and profits? What is the minimum and maximum amounts you can invest?

Our plans are very generous and the returns allow our group a small profit from each investment undertaken. We have 4 plans, all with daily payout available. An alternative to daily profit-taking is to compound part or all of the investment for maximum returns and receive the principal and compounded profit at the end of the term.

Our 1st plan is a 7 day plan with a daily return of 1.9%.
Our 2nd plan is a 14 day plan with a daily return of 2.4%.
Our 3rd plan is a 21 day plan with a daily return of 2.9%
Our 4th plan is a 28 day plan with a daily return of 3.4%
Compounding and Re-invest options can be set individually for each investment.

5. So far what have been the most popular options among investors? What are the advantages of one plan over the others? In difficult financial times has the $500 minimum for the fourth plan scared off more investors than its attracted, do you think?

Because our loss assessment expert set the plans, they have proven to be almost equally popular. We are new and the 7 day and 14 day plans are popular with those looking for fast returns. However the 21 day and 28 day plans are gaining momentum in popularity as time goes on. Many investors are looking to maximize their returns by choosing 100% compounding and 100% re-invest. We have prepared ourselves for a certain amount of ‘hit-and-run’ activity and have reserves to cover that.

6. What payment processors are MonetaryOasis currently dealing with? Is there something preventing you from adding a verified option like AlertPay or SolidTrustPay? Wouldn’t you get more members if you did?

Presently we offer Perfect Money and Liberty Reserve payment processors. We will add more as our customer base expands and express their preferences. We have no issues with AlertPay or STP other than the difficulty in moving funds quickly. However we have noticed a disturbing trend with AlertPay freezing HYIP accounts. Considering they were setup to replace PayPal as an alternative payment processor that does not freeze accounts, we feel they have lost their way. If our customer base requests STP or any other payment processor in enough numbers, we will consider them.

7. Can you give us any other general statistics on the program, for example the number of active members, total deposits, total withdrawals, etc?

In hindsight we launched MonetaryOasis at a bad time as far as historic member activity for this time of year is concerned. However we are amazed by the daily signups which seems to be bucking the trend. We now have 245 members with $14600 invested. We have paid out $3100 in withdrawals including principal returns.

8. What would be the best and most efficient way of contacting you if I have any questions or problems? I notice you have “Live Chat”, can you tell us what kind of schedule you keep there? What are the best times (GMT) to find an operator?

You may contact us 24/7 either by using our Live Support or by opening a ticket. We pride ourselves on the quality of our support staff and have been pro-active in sourcing the best available. Members can be assured that whatever their problem, it will be attended to as quickly as possible.

9. What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?

The most common request by far has been for advertising, but I guess this is to be expected. The only problem that we have had is that some people are confused which pin number to use. We have a Transaction PIN and a Master PIN. We have made it clear which one is required where. We did have a problem with mail due to Dragonara supplying an IP which is in the RBL list, but this has been overcome by using other mail servers. The Ticketing system has been revamped to not rely so much on the mail system. We recommend that all tickets be sent while logged in to make it easy for members and support staff to track them.

10. Can you tell us in detail about the security of MonetaryOasis? Who is your hosting provider and how highly do you rate them as a service provider? What script are you running off? Are you using SSL encryption? Can you also describe in detail the extra security features you are using that the average HYIP investor may not be familiar with from the more generic programs?

MonetaryOasis is running on a customized script from Sangranet. DDoS protection is supplied by Dragonara and we have an SSL certificate from Thawte. The script is designed to be highly secure with a fully encrypted database. We plan on being here for and extreme amount of time so no expense has been spared in making the site as secure as possible.

11. What other outside business and investment activities are you involved with? Can we see any independently verifiable proof of these activities?

Our group is involved in a variety of investment activities. They diversify our portfolio by investing in the stock market and derivatives as well as some who invest in the foreign currency trade. Individuals in our group are specialists in their own markets and know how to maximize returns within those markets. We have been getting steady profit results for many months now and our investment plan returns are fully covered by our earnings. The individuals within the group wish to remain anonymous so I am afraid that we cannot offer verifiable proof of their existence.

12. Tell us more about the general advertising and promotional strategies being used by MonetaryOasis. In a very competitive market what are you doing to bring the program to a wider investment audience?

Our advertising budget is quite small compared to some of the HYIP offerings out there. We depend on our members to promote us in forums and by voting at monitors. To make promotion highly rewarding to members we offer a 3 level affiliate program. Members receive 5% commission on the first level, 3% on the second level and 2% on the third level for all deposits their affiliates make. We have limited our expenses to work within our profit margins this way we won’t ever need to dip into our reserve funds. As time goes by we may look at more paid advertising options.

13. Are there any plans to develop MonetaryOasis further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many other options open to investors?

We plan to always have MonetaryOasis evolving to meet the needs of our members. The plans have been fully costed and should never need changing. A lot of time went into research of other sites and we believe we have the best plans available in the HYIP market today. We are highly competitive and will keep an eye on our competitors’ offerings. One advantage we have is that we have the best support available to service the needs of our members. We plan to constantly improve the site as members voice their needs.

14. And finally, is there anything you feel that wasn’t covered in this interview that you think the readers of MNO should be aware of?

I think we have covered most things Paul. I would just like to thank you for this opportunity to share information about what we believe to be the best investment Program on the net with your readers. I believe, and I am sure your readers see, that we have the best plans and best security along with the most user-friendly site available. These things shouldn’t be taken lightly. Your readers are constantly looking for programs to make money, we wanted to be taken seriously so we designed a profitable program with a profitable affiliate option, used a highly secure customized script, selected Dragonara because of its reputation and added SSL. The one thing we aren’t going to do is waste money on lots of ads. We are here for the long term. We are not here for fast money. We intend on taking this program to a new level. The members that want us to succeed, who want a successful and long lasting program need to take it upon themselves to spread the word.
Thanks again, Johan Ridell”.

Thanks a lot to Johan for that and best of luck to him in bringing MonetaryOasis to the wider audience that it no doubt deserves. If you haven’t already done so then from the investor’s point of view then it’s definitely a program worthy of a second look. And I’m sure you won’t be disappointed in what you find there. Apart from that all I have left to say is good luck also to those investors already part of MonetaryOasis, and I hope you do well from the project.

That’s about all for today, guys. I’ll be back as usual tomorrow with all the most important news stories from the programs covered on the MNO monitoring page so make sure to check back here again for that and see you all then!

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