Beware! IceProfit has stopped paying! Please do not invest there!
Hi everyone! Hope the weekend has been going well for you so far. It’s been a quiet enough day for news in the industry but as always I still have the main stories from the industry for you anyway. Apart from that you’ll probably have noticed a number of new short term HYIPs opening up recently, and not just listed on MNO either. One such program is IceProfit which is a little different from much of what we’ve seen recently in terms of their payment schedule – whereas most of the shorter term games will have on expiry payments on completion of your investment term, IceProfit on the other hand make low interest daily payments and then return your principal at the end. Not exactly revolutionary but a bit less common than the current trend anyway. So before moving on to the news I’d like to take a closer look at the features of IceProfit and their individual plans.
First of all the program only started three days ago so can still be considered brand new. Other than that it’s still too soon for any of their plans to have matured (that should only happen after the weekend as the shortest of them runs for five days) so keep an eye on MNO and I’ll let you know when that eventually happens. It’s quite an important point to watch out for by the way as only then will we see the first IceProfit investors be in profit.
Meanwhile as we’re waiting for that you have four investment plans to think about. There are varying minimum costs involved in joining, the cheapest of which will set you back $10. It runs for 5 calendar days and IceProfit will make daily interest payments of 1.5% per day for the duration. Then on expiry your principal gets returned meaning all your payments come to a collective total of 107.5%, or 7.5% net profit.
The second plan runs for a term of 10 calendar days and will cost you a minimum deposit of $51 to join. Like the preceding plan IceProfit offer to make the actual profit payments on a daily basis before then returning your investment on expiry. In this case the daily rate comes to 1.8% which should ultimately yield an 18% net profit on return of your principal.
A slightly longer option is then available, clocking in at a term of 20 calendar days. The minimum cost of joining is $251 and IceProfit pay 2% interest per day until expiry, and then return your principal. The net profit for yourself should then come to 40% in total for yourself.
And finally there’s more of a medium term plan for you to think about, but only if you’re prepared to risk the hefty $501 minimum being demanded in order to join. If that’s not an obstacle to you then the plan runs for 35 calendar days during which IceProfit offer a daily payment of 2.5% interest. By the time the term closes that should add up to a total profit of 87.5% as your initial principal is then to be returned.
No surprises really with the payment options as that’s something IceProfit have in common with most of their short term counterparts. They accept only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and that’s unlikely to change. Having said that, the payments being made by IceProfit are relatively low in comparison to other HYIPs with similar length plans, so provided the admin knows what he’s doing and has good intentions (always the most unpredictable factor in any program) then it can definitely add significantly to the program’s lifespan. Payments are made manually and will need to be requested from within your members area. Once done the admin asks you to allow up to 12 hours for everything to be processed, though I have to say up until now my own have all been done in under an hour. Mind you that will probably change as the number of investors begins to grow so I’m not expecting it so fast all the time.
IceProfit is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated server with GeniusGuard DDoS-protection. For any communication with the admin you can either simply fill in your details on the contact form on the support page or else just write to him directly at the e-mail address listed. Oddly enough IceProfit also list a postal address and a telephone number. I say this is odd because the office is located in Toronto Canada, but the phone number has an area code originating some 500 kilometers (300 miles approx.) away in Montreal. So either they’re working out of one damn big building or else I suspect neither are genuine. Anyway, I doubt many of the experienced HYIP players reading MNO put a whole lot of stock in these things, but the address and number are there for anyone who cares to check them out.
Other than that IceProfit appears a fairly straight forward industry standard HYIP. Nothing out of the ordinary or unpredictable in the whole set up, but that’s not to say it isn’t a high risk venture either. The texts have been used by other online HYIPs in the past so I suggest you ignore whatever they claim about the program and proceed with the usual level of caution, expecting no guarantees, spending accordingly, and always looking out for a more diverse portfolio.
It looks like another popular program stopped paying today. I’m talking about CommoditiesCapital whose website totally vanished in thin air just a few hours ago. And I’m not talking about regular downtime that any HYIP may experience from time to time. All signs indicate that the site was totally deleted from the server and I have no idea who might be responsible for this – the admin of CommoditiesCapital himself or an unknown hacker. I would like to think that CommoditiesCapital was shut down by the admin himself because I never got a reply from him regarding the latest downtime which is a bad sign from a guy that used to reply to my queries within minutes or at most a few hours. I tend to believe that the admin has scammed already and therefore I would urge everyone not to deposit in CommoditiesCapital, even if later on we see the site back online – at least before any further information becomes known.
The admin of BetForInvest announced a 1% bonus that will be credited to every investors making their first deposit in the program by September 15th. Please note that BetForInvest (reviewed here) has been running for a month and is offering three investment plans where deposits are taken via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and principals are returned on expiry – 1.5%-1.8% for 20 days, 1.6%-1.9% for 30 days and 1.7%-1-9% for 60 days. More on the rules for obtaining the deposit bonus can be read in the latest newsletter from BetForInvest:
“First Deposit / 1% Bonus
We are pleased to announce that to celebrate the 1st month of BetForInvest, we offer for your first investment a 1% Bonus (can be removed directly).
This bonus is only valid on your first deposit. Not available for the investor who has already invested.
This offer is valid until 15 September 2011.
Best Regards. BetForInvest Team”.
The newest addition to my Premium list today is a program called RichesBank. The program launched only yesterday and within hours received a huge DDoS-attack. This was successfully mitigated by their hosting provider DdoSWiz on whose dedicated server the program is hosted. The admin immediately blamed competitors for trying to bring the website down but at the same time noticed that such attacks made him upgrade his protection to a higher level which should prevent such attacks in the future. In my opinion, such attacks indicate that RichesBank can become a serious player in the short-term HYIP market and other admins are aware of that and already tried to bring them down. Fortunately, on the day of launch not many people were even aware of RichesBank, so it was barely noticed. Anyway, the admin issued a newsletter about it which you can read below:
“RichesBank is now back again
Hello dear members,
as you might have noticed, we experienced an downtime right after the program was started. We do not know who sent the DDOS attack but it might be caused by our competitors or any other who felt the need to put our website down.
We have upgraded our DDOS protection to the best one available and no downtimes should occur in future. Please let us know if you have any questions.
RichesBank Administrator”.
Now let’s talk about some of the main features of RichesBank before the more detailed review is published on MNO tomorrow.
The program runs off a licensed GoldCoders which other similar short-term games use for payments. Payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney (the only processors accepted by them are not instant and the admin reserves the right to process them within 24 hours of the request being made. The minimum deposit starts from $10 and you can join the following plans all paying on expiry – 105%-129% after 1 day, 116%-220% after 3 days, 136.5%-600% after 7 days, 174%-950% after 14 days, 360%-2150% after 31 days. More on RichesBank will be in my review tomorrow.
Here is the list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours:
PermanentProfit, InvestNetGroup, ReProFinance, SafeDepositary, UnitrustDirect, BrantonsGroup, SuperHotPay, EurexTrade, IceProfit, SportEarn, After60Days, OnlineInvestmentBank, HitNRunMasters, HyperCompound, PowerfulStrategy, NeoProgress, FIPO, ViscoCorp, AGSTrade, TopsFund, BaseBucks, StockBiz, PrimFix and RichesBank (the first payment received).
That’s everything I have to report for today, guys. See you on MNO with the review of RichesBank and the latest news from HYIP industry tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and see you all then!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Sep 10th, 2011. Comment.
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