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15/09/2011. Divatri Review and Daily News from the Industry


Divatri has been delisted and the investments there are not recommended! Read why here!

Hi everybody! It’s been an absolute hive of activity on MNO this last week, and it’s been a long time since I was kept this busy with new programs coming to me for monitoring. It’s been tricky enough to keep up with it all because while all this is going on I’m currently on vacation in Germany (which has been great) and I’ll be heading to Munich tomorrow to unwind during the opening few days of the famous Oktoberfest before going home again. But anyway, with no disrespect to the other recent programs joining MNO I have to say that the one I’m most excited about is a program called Divatri. I usually prefer to sit on the fence when it comes to things like this. So matter how good something is there’s always an above average risk when it comes to anything connected with online HYIPs so I don’t bother with trying to make predictions. But from examining Divatri in closer detail I can at least say that it’s got the potential to be the next great industry giant, and easily one of the best new programs to launch in 2011.

I know for a fact that a hell of a lot of hard work and extensive planning have gone into Divatri already, in fact from the time the admin first contacted me about getting listed on MNO and the program actually launching over six weeks had passed. During that time it’s obvious that a very skilled and professional team went to work on the program that eventually opened it’s doors to us last weekend. Divatri is also a little different from what most of you might be more accustomed to so I’ll try and go through it in a bit more detail. To be honest though there’s nothing too complicated there either, but it’s worth your while paying attention. And you know while I’m often a little cynical about what goes on in this business I’d still have to say that even the biggest HYIP skeptic has to at least acknowledge that far too much effort was put into Divatri for it to be just another fast scam. It’s not just me saying that by the way, it’s also a fact being noted by a lot of HYIP industry observers.

That’s probably enough about my own opinion of Divatri for now, especially as I haven’t explained any of the details yet. So let’s start with the plans I suppose and there are some really good options in there. Divatri is a long term investment program with three options for you to consider. There’s a huge amount of variety in there but one thing that they all have in common is that they are all affordable (you can become a member of any plan for just $10). In terms of interest payments however all the plans will I am sure eventually prove highly profitable. Interest rates are good but not outrageously high which will only help keep them sustainable. Over the coming months this could well prove a tidy little earner for all of us so while I would never suggest anyone to jump in without careful research and consideration I would definitely suggest you keep a close eye on it and make sure to at least think it over.

The three investment plans available have three complete payment schedules, varying from daily to weekly to monthly. I’ll start with the daily plan as typically these tend to be the most popular. To simplify things it’s just referred to as The Daily Package, though the full title is a bit more grand at “The Emerging Markets Bond Fund”. It runs for 150 business days (30 weeks) and makes daily interest payments from Monday to Friday. The rate that gets offered to you will be fixed, but will depend on the size of your principal. On expiry of the term Divatri will then return your principal. You can join for a $10 minimum and depending on how far you want to go with it avail of the following interest rates:
For an investment from the $10 minimum up to $499 you can earn 1.4% per business day. That allows you to earn back an amount equivalent to your original principal (ie reach the point where you literally can’t possibly lose money no matter what happens) after 72 payments. So if you were thinking the term is kinda long keep in mind that you freak even less than half way through it, which is in my opinion the most important goal for any HYIP investor. Every cent you take from Divatri beyond that point is just pure passive risk free income. On expiry of this plan your payments should come to a total of 210% which can then be treated as net profit once they release your original deposit as promised – itself a nice little windfall.

For the larger investor Divatri have something for your too. This Daily Package continues with investments between $500 and $4,999. If this is the kind of deposit affordable for you then the rate on offer is 1.7% per business day. This would allow you to reach the magic “break even” point after 59 payments and finish the term with a total profit of 255%. Your original principal is then returned.

And then for the really big spenders prepared to join with $5,000 or more (there’s no maximum) Divatri are paying 2% interest per business day. That may seem like a lot but I have little doubt that in time a program of this quality will eventually start attracting money like that once they establish themselves as good service providers. That rate will enable you to break even after 50 payment days and complete the term with a total profit of 300%. Your initial principal will then be added to that.

A slightly more generous option comes in the form of Divatri‘s second plan, The Weekly Package (or to give it it’s full name The High Yield Bond Fund). As the name suggests payments are made by the week this time rather than by the day, however on a week by week basis the plan is only marginally more profitable than the previous offer. The main advantage is that the term is slightly longer, so by the time it closes it will all add up to something a lot more significant. The details are as follows:
The plan runs for 180 business days (36 weeks) and makes weekly interest payments. You can join it for a minimum spend of $10. Anything up to $499 will bring in a weekly income of 7.5% (compared to 7% for a similar sized investment over the same period in the daily plan). That allows you to break even after 14 weeks, which again is worth noting is substantially less than half the length of the full cycle. Your total profit will eventually add up to 270%. Divatri will then add your original deposit on top of that.

If you are prepared to take an extra risk then for an investment between $500 and $4,999 you can expect a payment of 9% per week for the same 36 week term. That would allow you to break even after 12 weeks and start collecting a passive weekly income from Divatri after that. The total return on expiry will add up to 324% which is in addition to your deposit which is then returned.

And for the big spenders willing to spend $5,000 or more, the weekly rate is 10.5%. That should see you break even after ten weeks and finish up with a total profit of 378%. Your initial deposit then gets added to that.

I must admit that I have mixed feelings about Divatri‘s final plan, though I’d still be cautiously optimistic. It’s called The Monthly Package, otherwise known as The Monthly Income Fund. This time it’s just one blanket offer for any investment starting from a minimum of $10. You’re free to deposit as much as you like after that. The one major drawback I see in this plan is that Divatri will only pay you once per month. The rate is a flat 30% regardless of how much you joined with which is actually less than what you could expect in some of the other plans and yet still get paid more frequently.

However I do think they have done something to compensate for this and where the plan falls down on one category I think it gains in another. First off the most obvious advantage here is that the plan has no expiry date. So once you’re in you continue to collect the 30% rebate for however long Divatri can run. And despite the fact that if you joined this plan right now you might think it might be January of 2012 before you see a profit. Not so. You can leave anytime you like. You don’t necessarily have to earn an amount equal to your principal to consider the plan a success remember, you can just be satisfied with one or two or three months payments if that’s all you want, and leave Divatri with your principal then. Personally I wouldn’t do that but it’s totally a question of personal strategy and what you hope to achieve by joining in the first place (but when I go into perpetual “no expiry” plans I prefer to stay there).

The choice of payment options is something that really makes Divatri stand out from the rest of the standard online HYIP industry however and there’s something that really gives them almost an air of credibility – PayPal. It’s not something that’s available automatically through the script or anything like the usual processors associated with HYIPs, but if you contact the Divatri admin after you join he’ll be happy to set up your PayPal account to your Divatri account and you can proceed as normal from there. This was quite impressive I have to say as it’s the first program ever monitored by MNO (in five years!) to allow this option. Other than that you have the usual options for channeling money in and out of HYIPs, which include AlertPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney.

Just a couple of other quick points you need to know about getting paid by the program before we move on. First of all there’s a minimum withdrawal of $1 so make sure you have at least that in your account before trying to take it out. There is also a withdrawal fee of 1% charged on each individual request. And also after you have requested your withdrawal the Divatri administration team ask you to allow them up to 24 hours to process it. Compounding is available, as is the ability to ask for your principal back and leave the program at any time you so wish. Please note that leaving before the chosen plan expires will incur a 25% penalty fee (plus the surrender of all compounded interest if you were using that option) so do think about it carefully before joining at all. Please note that this early withdrawal fee does NOT apply to the no expiry monthly payment plan, which you are free to leave at no additional cost anytime you wish.

Divatri has a very sophisticated graphic interface which can be seen in a professionally designed website which has been a long time in preparation. The fact that a lot of work has been done on this really shows, and it really works out well for them in my opinion. Highly original in just about every way (including the texts) it’s bright, easy to understand, easy to navigate, well explained, and user friendly throughout. In the best traditions of all the finest long term HYI programs of the past Divatri is also running off a totally unique and custom designed script which is exceptionally secure. For example it runs a program called BlockScript which restricts the ability of proxy servers to access the site. So security has definitely been stepped up a notch over the usual industry standard here. Divatri are also protected by SSL encryption and this I feel is another point that warrants special mention. Online HYIPs using SSL is nothing new, but in this case the program is using Verisign, and this is something not generally available to just anyone, HYIP related or not. It’s a far more efficient and professional method of protection, and one that involves a more rigorous verification process. Security of both the client and the website is treated with utmost importance by Divatri as can easily be seen on their detailed security center and their anti-fraud center. And by the way, even if you never join one single online program in your life I would still recommend these sections of Divatri as essential reading for anyone who is serious about online security. It’s a no-nonsense guide written in plain English than even non-computer savvy people will understand that imparts some exceptional advice on internet security, so please, even if you don’t sign up I would strongly suggest you at least visit their website and have a read. It’s free advice and could help you out a lot in the long run.

The hosting provider is LiquidWeb who as you may expect are keeping Divatri on a dedicated server. Protection from DDoS attacks however comes from BlockDos who I can tell you right now are by some considerable distance the number one company on the net today for this service. No one even comes close so downtime issues are unlikely to have any notable impact. Customer support is also something taken pretty seriously here, and from my own experience the admin is quite a good communicator. I was impressed with the Live Support available which lists their working hours as between 09.00 and 17.00 Monday to Friday EST (New York, eastern US/Canada time). You may also opt for submitting a support ticket via the contacts page. Mind you, most of your questions will already be answered on the extensive FAQ and information pages. Beyond that you may wish to know that Divatri also have their own members forum where you can find support and discuss the program with your fellow investors. There’s not a great deal of activity there just yet as the program is so new, but I’m sure that will change soon enough after they get a bit more widely known.

There’s plenty to read on the Divatri website about their outside business and investment activities without me contributing. My fellow skeptics will already know where I stand on all of that. I don’t necessarily dismiss everything I read out of hand but simply require more proof than any online HYIP to date has been prepared to furnish. Divatri will be no exception though I must say making use of both PayPal and Verisign will work wonders for their credibility. You make up your own minds but genuine or not these things guarantee you nothing anyway. Does anyone believe that a so called “real” investment company can’t lose you money simply because they really are who they say they are? Of course not, and the same rule applies here.

But as online HYIPs go, they’re one of the best new long term ones I’ve seen so far in 2011. It can often be a difficult task for admins to establish long term programs like this as it requires much hard work and it can be a particularly difficult corner of the market to dominate. However there are some gaps opening up there and plenty of room for them in the market. I’d be reasonably confident in Divatri‘s abilities to succeed here and come October, November, December, and indeed well into 2012 I’d say you’re going to be seeing them moving steadily up a lot of investors list of priorities and be seeing them a lot closer to the top than the bottom of most portfolios.


Let’s start with the most recent update from the above reviewed Divatri. Apparently the expected success of the program which was already noted by a lot of people in the HYIP community is less encouraging for others. Troublemakers and low-grade blackmailers like the infamous “hyip365” who have a long history of threats and extortion, DDoSing programs if they refuse to pay a $50 ransom to him. From the official forum of Divatri I learned that this guy approached the admin and tried to blackmail him. When he was refused he took revenge by DDoSing the site, forcing the admin to take appropriate measures and secure the services of the current market leader BlockDos. Let me tell you that it doesn’t come cheap for HYIPs but their service is always top-notch, the support is brilliant and fast and I believe such a decision will benefit Divatri enormously in the long run. On the other hand, it just proves how serious the admin is in making his program worth while and actually delivering the high expectations investors have of him. Here is the latest update from Divatri informing the members about the new site protection which should prevent any serious downtime in the future:
Recent Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack (DdoS)
This is to inform you that we have successfully neutralized and eliminated the DDoS Attack targeted at Divatri at around 11:00 AM ET. We are very sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you. To ensure better stability and avoid this type of attack from happening again in the future, we have installed a DDoS Protection from
For more information, please visit
Sincerely, The Management”.

It looks like the admin of After60Days (interviewed here) is also tiring of having to deal with this type of low-life scammer who try and impersonate admins and steal money from investors by doing so. These tricks can be easily recognized and prevented from happening if the investors were more careful and pay more attention to the details like the email address from which they receive these suspiciously great offers. It looks like these guys will keep operating for as long as investors fall into these traps and take part with their money for good. So, I really appreciate when the admin of good paying programs like After60Days send updates exposing this. it needs to be done to reduce their influence and safe the money of honest investors. Here is the latest from After60Days reminding investors about the only email address the updates from which they can trust – Here is the newsletter I got to my mailbox today:
After60Days update!
Remember Forever:
Our e-mail is ADMIN@AFTER60DAYS.COM only!
Remember Forever:
We don`t send e-mails with different offers and special investment plans.
Remember Forever:
We offer you only 4 investment plans, you can see them in your user panels.
 We receive deposits only thru After60Days website!
Unknown scammers have big spam base with your e-mails, and they send you SCAM letters.
Please, don`t believe them!
Best Regards.
I remind you that After60Days accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $10 into the following plans – 104%-120% after 1 day, 122%-200% after 5 days, 200%-700% after 15 days, 10,000% after 60 days. The program has been paying for over three weeks now and was first reviewed on MNO here.

Another interesting update came today from the well-known admin of HitNRunMasters NB (he was first interviewed on MNO here). He admitted that the new HYIP season had just started but told that it was not necessarily a good thing as there would be many programs that fail and their admins might scam before anyone gets their profits. Well, I have my own opinion on that and would be in partial agreement. Yes, more programs in general will also have a certain ration of low grade scams. But I also believe that more competition in the HYIP industry means that more better quality programs will appear and leave less room for the scams from getting a serious foothold. I believe that we can actually see some new leaders emerging in the market currently whose presence is now just taking shape. And who knows, maybe HitNRunMasters will actually become one of them? The future is unwritten after all and making predictions in this business is a fool’s game. The only thing I know for sure – I believe that MNO readers can distinguish good programs from bad ones and I hope that MNO is a source you’re using diligently for information. Treat every single HYIP as a game, never invest what you can’t afford to lose and always diversify your investment portfolio. Perhaps these are the most important golden rules of HYIP industry which can result in serious losses if forgotten. Despite what the admin of HitNRunMasters might say, you can win in any HYIP and it’s just a matter of luck. Some investors prefer short-term games where they can double their deposits in two weeks while others suggest longer term HYIPs double your money in six months are more dependable. One way or another you can always win or lose in any program. Sometimes programs from which we expect so little can really surprise you and last for a very long period time while the best ones with flashy designs, original contest and finely tuned plans can collapse within a week. The success of a program doesn’t depend exclusively on the features which one or another program has or has not. It is also up to the admin – if the investors believe him and follow him the program can last for a long time if his intentions are good. Remember, very few admins tell you that their programs are simply games. I believe that HitNRunMasters meets all the criteria to be the good paying program like the admin claims it to be – they are running on a dedicated server with Dragonara protection, are using a highly customized and secure script, and process the payouts daily and without delays. HitNRunMasters accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $10 in the plan paying 1.5%-2.8% daily for 365 days with the interest increasing gradually within the investment term and the possibility to withdraw your principal after two weeks. For more information on HitNRunMasters please read my detailed review on them posted here. This is the latest newsletter from the admin of NB issued today:
Changes are Coming Soon – In More Ways than ONE
Changes are inevitable in just about every facet of life. No doubt that holds excessively true in the world of HYIP.
We have been telling you about the changes that are being done to our website, they are on the way. Tonight we modified some of the content that is found on our site.
But lets talk a minute about HYIP and the changes that are happening there.
You really dont need us to tell you that September is generally a busy month in this market. Generally new programs begin to arrive in droves this time of year. What you may not know already is there are three groups of admin that have and are developing two dozen or more additional programs that they will be launching one right after another over the next few weeks. These admin groups are hell bent on taking every single dime they can from your pockets Their programs are notorious for NEVER giving you a chance to profit. They open and close before you can ever even consider breaking even.
These admin are getting bolder and bolder as they open and close their programs taking more and more profits each week. They are getting wiser and wiser. Their programs are getting better and better looking and they continue to do their best to route funds so that our network of associates doesnt trap them and keep them from profiting.
To some degree it is working for them. We dont have time to infiltrate their programs because they never intend on remaining long enough for anyone to profit no matter how many members they attract or how big the daily deposits become. Their strategy is simple, to open and close over and over.
We dont want them here. You dont want them here. No payment processor wants them here and not even the exchangers want them here. It is not good for the industry to have new members become familiar with HYIP, join and then lose with no chance of winning. It is one thing to run a ponzi for as long as it can be run and take profit from it. It is another to never allow anyone to win.
Pay attention to the littlest of details and you will see the signs.
Dont join programs with bad grammar.
Dont join programs with stupid nonsensical names.
Dont join programs with cheap support.
Dont join programs that resemble 2 or 3 others.
Dont join programs that have non-original content.
Dont join programs that have no SSL certificate.
Dont join programs that are not on a dedicated server.
Dont join programs that use non DDoS protected hosting.
Dont join programs that use pirated scripts.
Dont join programs that offer an unrealistic return on investments.
It may be easier to just say, Join HnRM and let us worry about it.
Nevertheless, be careful. It is going to especially bad this last half of this year.
Believe it or not, our associates and those with insight and insider knowledge are working to eliminate the admins that are ruining hyip for all of us. Through it all, we will be here.
Good Luck to you all.

Please note that I had to move IceProfit to Problem status on MNO tonight following two complaints received from readers about non payment of withdrawals for over 24 hours. I have contacted the admin for an explanation but didn’t get a reply yet. I believe that program might have gone south already so please stop investing.

Here is the list of the programs that paid me promptly today and were kept on Paying status on MNO monitoring:
StockBiz, RichesBank, HitNRunMasters, UnitrustDirect, ReProFinance, NeoProgress, SafeDepositary, BruyetteInvestment, PrimFix, MGFunds, BrantonsGroup, InvestNetGroup, PermanentProfit, EurexTrade, FreedomFxStrategy, HyperCompound, TrustIncome, PowerfulStrategy, SportEarn, FIPO, WinnerEarn, ViscoCorp, TopsFund, OnlineInvestmentBank, AGSTrade, Divatri, GlobalFxTrades, SuperHotPay, PerfectLottery, LargeProfit, MirexGroup, RegularBee (the first payments received) and PokerProfits (the first payments received).

Two new programs have been added to the Premium listing on the MNO monitor today so I would like to introduce them before wrapping things up for today.

The first one was just launched yesterday and it’s called PaidJack. The site is allegedly making money playing poker (kinda popular trend nowadays I’d say!) and is offering one single plan paying 7% weekly with no expiry date. PaidJack accepts two of the most popular payment processors online – LibertyReserve and AlertPay – and deposits can start with as low as $20. Please note that you can request your principal from the program anytime you like by paying a 10% fee. That thing I like about PaidJack as well as the fact that it’s running on an expensive and secured Gotenks script famous for a flawless and problem free interface and problem free management. The program is hosted on a dedicated server and the admin obviously takes security measures quite seriously as he owns a rack in a data center for his own private server, that way he has a private power supply and a private lane for data transmission. In addition, the site of PaidJack has an open Secure port of 10Gbps and 1,000,000 PPS Firewall provided by Staminus, so we can see that the level of protection is quite good.More on PaidJack will be in the upcoming review on MNO but for now please check out the first update from the program’s admin Wayne announcing the opening:
PaidJack is now ready to accept investors from all over the globe. We’re investing into affiliate marketing, specially on poker rooms affiliate marketing as this industry suffered a lot in the past few months and they’re now investing a lot of money in marketing. It’s the perfect time to make money from them.
We only offer one investment plan, that pays 7% weekly until you request your principal back, there is no limit on how much you can earn. When you request your principal back, you’ll have to pay a 10% fee on your initial investment. Your weekly interest can be withdrawn at anytime and withdrawal requests are paid within 24 hours.
Thanks a lot for taking your time to read our site and if you need any assistance, please go to our support area and we will reply you as soon as possible.
Wayne Harvey. PaidJack CEO”.

The second program added to MNO tonight was FelminaAlliance. The program was launched back in July 2011 and has since managed to establish itself as one of the major players in the market for long-term programs with low-ROI but sustainable plans. FelminaAlliance offers a plan paying from 1% to 1.6% credited from Monday to Friday for a term of 180 business days and returning principal on expiry. The minimum to invest starts from $20 if you’re joining via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and from $1,000 if you prefer the direct Bank wire option. In order to increase investors’ profit FelminaAlliance also offers different types of compounding which will be discussed in more detail in the upcoming review. The security of the program is simply superb – it’s hosted on a dedicated server with BlockDos protection which is widely considered to be the best in the industry, the site is SSL-secured and is running of a custom-made script which personally I like a lot. The withdrawals are not instant though and are processed manually within 24 hours on request, but it further proves the extra security of the site. I will be discussing more about FelminaAlliance in the upcoming review on MNO early next week and perhaps we can see the next leader in the long-term HYIP market. Who knows but I believe FelminaAlliance has everything in place to exceed our expectations.

That is everything for tonight, guys. I hope to see you on my blog again tomorrow with more news so stay tuned for that!

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