November 2011 Archives

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 Beware! HYIPInnovation has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! I hope the weekend’s going well for all of you so far. Being Saturday it looks like another typically quiet day for news in the industry today as many programs slow down a little, though as always I still have the stories you need to know about. Before that however as mentioned in an earlier post I want to take a closer look at one of the most recent additions to the MNO monitoring page, which is a more medium term program called HYIPInnovation.

HYIPInnovation have four available investment plans for you to think about. When you look at them one by one there’s nothing all that unusual about them as individual plans but they are a little unorthodox in the sense that they all over the very same daily rate of interest regardless of the size of your deposit or the length of the plan you’ve opted to go with. I guess it makes it simple for the rest of us if nothing else because there’s no real reason to overcomplicate things in this business, especially not now when things are so slow as we enter the last six weeks of the year. HYIPInnovation also keeps a very conservative maximum limit on deposits, and that should hopefully help keep the program’s cash flow under control while they’re still new. Please note before joining that interest is credited on business days only so you will not earn anything on Saturdays, Sundays, or public holidays observed by the admin.

The first of HYIPInnovation‘s four plans runs for a term of 25 business days and can be joined for a minimum deposit of $10. The maximum spend is quite low at just $50 so it’s clearly geared towards the smaller or more casual HYIP player doing it for amusement as much as anything. As we shall see with all the plans, HYIPInnovation offer a daily interest rate of 5%. Within that payment they also include your principal as part of the payments, so don’t expect it to be returned at the end (not that the program could survive very long if they offered it anyway). So at that rate you can expect to break even (ie earn an amount equal to your original deposit) after 20 days, and complete the term with a total return of 125% which is your own money back plus 25% net profit for yourself.

The next option runs for a slightly longer term of 30 business days, for which HYIPInnovation will require a $50 minimum deposit. The maximum spend for this option is still quite low in comparison to similar sites, and is limited to a $200 maximum. As already stated HYIPInnovation offer the same 5% daily interest rate to investors in this plan as all the others, so the real benefit comes in the fact that it runs longer allowing you to collect an extra five payments. So whereas you still break even after 20 payments you finish out the term with a total return of 150%. That includes your principal so that’s your own money back plus 50% net profit.

The third plan starts with a $200 minimum deposit, something that also won’t break the bank. Not for the more serious investors anyway. This time the investment term runs for 35 business days and sees HYIPInnovation offer the same 5% daily payment. And again your principal is factored into that, so once you break even after receiving 20 payments you can expect to see out the term with a total return of 175%. That’s your own money back plus a 75% net profit this time. The maximum spend for this plan is $500.

The fourth and final plan sees HYIPInnovation again offer a daily 5% interest payment, except this time it’s on deposits ranging from a $500 minimum up to the maximum amount taken by the program of $1,000. The investment term in this case runs for 40 business days and your principal is again counted as part of the daily payouts. That means that you see a total return of 200% by time the plan expires, or double your money back.

The selection of payment processors is rather poor at the moment. In fact it’s even a bit misleading because despite having the banners of three different e-currencies displayed on the website, at the time of writing only two are accepted. HYIPInnovation currently use LibertyReserve which has more recently been joined by PerfectMoney. Payments are made manually and will need to be requested from inside your members area. Once made the admin asks for up to 48 hours to process the payout.

In terms of design and layout HYIPInnovation is practically unrecognizable from the version first launched just over a week ago and is now vastly improved and much more professional looking. It runs off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection supplied by DdoSWiz. For any support related questions or queries the best way to get in touch with the admin is probably by filling in your details in the e-mail ticketing form on the program’s contacts page. HYIPInnovation is also one of a growing number of online HYIPs to make use of social networking sites to communicate with their members and promote themselves. So for any breaking news updates you can check out their Facebook and Twitter pages, though to be blunt your own HYIPInnovation account area should really be the first place you go to see what’s going on (that and MNO of course, lol!)

Texts are original and to be fair to the admin he takes the all too rare step of presenting his program to you not as some kind of Wall Street high flying financial corporation or a ForEx currency trading firm, but rather as an online HYIP. Which is is exactly what it is and exactly how you should treat it. There’s no guarantees and a high risk that is at all time borne 100% by you the investor, so you should know by now how to behave in such situations. If you’re comfortable with all of that – and thousands of people will be – then the least you can do is to set yourself a sensible and affordable spending limit that you will rigorously adhere to and if joining HYIPInnovation then keep it as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.


Before getting to the news I’d just like to express my sincere gratitude to all MNO readers who supported me with their emails and good wishes during the downtime caused by DDoS attacks on the old MNO server which has now been abandoned in favor of Dragonara who agreed to provide superb level of DDoS protection for MNO and for which I’m also very grateful. I was really astonished by the goodwill from readers saying they really appreciated my work and told me they were eagerly anticipating my site getting back online. I listen to all advice but in the end I make the decisions myself which will ultimately determine my approach to the programs listed on MNO and the HYIP industry as a whole. As some of you will already have noticed (and more of you will over the coming weeks), the collapse of some of the bigger programs is causing a major slowdown in the industry as many investors prefer not to participate at all until after the holidays are well and truly over. I believe this Christmas will be no different from others and therefore, to increase the probability of success for my readers and help them with their investments I have decided to keep the high prices for monitoring and advertising on MNO until the start of 2012. In my opinion, this will help you distinguish quality programs from cheap scams. In reality, low-life scammers will not get anything from advertising on MNO as it will not be worth their money and they would prefer to list their programs on the dozens of cheap monitors. I believe that only quality programs with professional admins not just out for a fast buck will be able to afford advertising on MNO and in the long run it will definitely be worth their while. Unfortunately for fast scams, I believe MNO will not be the right place for advertise as I prefer quality over quantity. Unfortunately it’s impossible to predict what will happen but if the low grade programs can’t afford to advertise here then that should at least do something to help avoid them. So you might want to stick with checking my listings more often and pay closer attention to the programs that go with Premium listing. It may not be a universal solution but I believe it might save you a lot of money during the next month or so.

Now let’s discuss the news from the programs listed on MNO. First I would like to confirm that WebCorporate is a scam now as the admin stopped paying which was confirmed by several readers. Straight after verifying this information WebCorporate was moved to Problem status (now it’s on Scam status) making MNO the first monitoring site to report about the issue. You didn’t need to be a psychic to predict this happening though after the blatant attempt at a scam mailed out to members offering a 300% after 1 day plan was sent yesterday. I believe those who read MNO regularly were saved from wasting any money there, though it has to be said WebCorporate was a good program during the two weeks it ran. That might sound short but considering the shortest plan paid 5% pure profit after just a day you could easily have made a lot of money from them. Anyway, WebCorporate is gone now so even if you see Paying statuses on other monitors please do not believe them.

I would like to warn about investing in the 144% after 12 days plan from FinMarks (reviewed here) via AlertPay, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney starting from a $250 minimum. Apparently there’s a glitch in the script reported by one reader that prevented him from withdrawing his original deposit from the program as only the profit of 12% was paid. That is exactly what he was supposed to get for one day and but his original deposit simply disappeared. Support requests submitted to the admin of FinMarks remain unanswered and at this moment I can’t say if they were deliberately ignored or perhaps there was another issue with email delivery. I was not answered myself but the fact that the program is still paying instantly in the 3.5% for 60 days plan with principal returned on expiry cannot be disputed. Therefore, I’m leaving the program on Paying status on MNO, but at the same time would not recommend joining the on expiry plan until I receive an explanation from the admin.

BonusPayMe (reviewed here) issued another weekly update today containing some recent stats. Also the admin emphasized that the bonus deposits which were credited to all members’ accounts when the program started can only be withdrawn on condition that a real deposit of at least $10 was made via LibertyReserve into 1%-1.58% per business day. I think it’s a reasonable decision if we consider that BonusPayMe already has over 2,000 members and paying them even a couple of cents daily would not be a great solution when the program needs real money to pay to its existing members. Here is the latest newsletter from BonusPayMe containing all the necessary links for your information:
Report last week.
With the objective of to provide greater clarity on our progress, show screenshots of our members area and Liberty Reserve account, this is done so that users can verify the development of “BonusPayMe“.
Period November 8 to November 15 “2011”
Total accounts: “2402”
Total deposits, “$ 22,135.88”
Previous report.
Period October 26 to November 7 “2011”
Total accounts: “2189”
Total deposits, “$ 18,522.48”$18522.jpg
Statistics of growth.
Accounts: 9.74%
Deposits: 19.51%
Remember that to make withdrawals to your account you must make a deposit, $ 10 minimum and no maximum amount, all withdrawals from users who have not made a deposit will be returned to your “account balance”.

Here’s the list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours:
HYIPInnovation, EurexTrade, HyperCompound, APEnergyInvest, IncomeWith, FreedomReserve, SingInvest, WorldwideCapital, FelminaAlliance, ReProFinance, VirtualPayments, TopsFund, OneInv, BrantonsGroup, SolidForexLtd, PokerProfits, StableProfit and FinMarks.

That’s all I have to share with you tonight, guys. I hope to see you all on MNO tomorrow with a detailed review of an interesting and promising new program called SolidForexLtd and the usual daily news from the industry. See you all then!

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