November 2011 Archives

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BEWARE! IncomeWith is paying selectively! Do not invest!

Hello everyone! The first update of the new work week in the HYIP industry is dedicated to the admin of a short term program called IncomeWith. Or to be more specific, to an interview I sent him a couple of days ago. Other than that it’s been a slow enough start to the week with not much other new to report on this Monday, so I hope you find this one useful. Anyway, the admin’s name is Matt and he’s been running IncomeWith online for the last two weeks now. Considering his shortest investment plan pays you back on expiry of a term of just one single day, no one can deny that’s been an excellent achievement, particularly in the current downward industry trend. Certainly ample opportunity to make a major profit for anyone savvy enough to get in at the right time, and I’m pleased to see that number includes enough of you to propel IncomeWith into the Top 5 most popular programs among MNO readers.

Before we here from Matt let me just give a brief reminder that IncomeWith is offering terms of 105%-128% after 1 day, 116%-220% after 3 days, 137%-600% after 7 days, 174%-950% after 14 days, and 360%-2150% after 30 days. If you like what he has to say and would like more information on the program then I suggest you start with the original review, first published on MNO here.

1. Hello Matt. Please introduce yourself and tell us what your experience in running HYI programs.

Hello Paul and Money-News-Online readers. My name is Matt, I am admin of investment program called IncomeWith. First of all thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity to answer to your questions, I will try to be very honest in this interview session. Well, I spent many years in this industry. Firstly I started as an investor and its really helped me to gain some experience and understand what investors need from online HYIP. For a last 4 years I am making successfully my own investment projects.

2. For how long have you been running IncomeWith and what are the realistic expectations for how long your program is going to stay online?

IncomeWith has been successfully running for already two weeks and doing really well at the moment. I am sure you will agree with this point because we already were able to reach Money-News-Online Top5 in such a short period of time and I believe we still can do much more. Well I dont want to give any expectations as its always hard to predict in HYIP industry so I will just say that with current level of daily growth, fantastic members trust and support we can stay for a long time.

3. Can you describe the investment plans your program is offering in detail? What have been the most popular choices so far?

Sure, we have five different investment plans:

105%-128% After 1 Day. Return rates will depend on your deposited amount:

Deposits from $10: return rate is 105% After 1 Day. For example, if you invest $100 you will be credited with $105 After 1 Day. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $201: return rate is 106% After 1 Day. For example, if you invest $201 you will be credited with $213 After 1 Day. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $501: return rate is 107% After 1 Day. For example, if you invest $501 you will be credited with $536 After 1 Day. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $1001: return rate is 108% After 1 Day. For example, if you invest $1001 you will be credited with $1081 After 1 Day. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $3001: return rate is 115% After 1 Day. For example, if you invest $3001 you will be credited with $3451 After 1 Day. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $5001: return rate is 128% After 1 Day. For example, if you invest $5001 you will be credited with $6401 After 1 Day. Principal is already included.

116%-220% After 3 Days. Return rates will depend on your deposited amount:

Deposits from $10: return rate is 116% After 3 Days. For example, if you invest $100 you will be credited with $116 After 3 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $201: return rate is 119% After 3 Days. For example, if you invest $201 you will be credited with $239 After 3 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $501: return rate is 122% After 3 Days. For example, if you invest $501 you will be credited with $611 After 3 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $1001: return rate is 125% After 3 Days. For example, if you invest $1001 you will be credited with $1251 After 3 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $3001: return rate is 150% After 3 Days. For example, if you invest $3001 you will be credited with $4501 After 3 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $5001: return rate is 220% After 3 Days. For example, if you invest $5001 you will be credited with $11002 After 3 Days. Principal is already included.

137%-600% After 7 Days. Return rates will depend on your deposited amount:

Deposits from $10: return rate is 137% After 7 Days. For example, if you invest $100 you will be credited with $137 After 7 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $201: return rate is 145% After 7 Days. For example, if you invest $201 you will be credited with $239 After 7 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $501: return rate is 155% After 7 Days. For example, if you invest $501 you will be credited with $611 After 7 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $1001: return rate is 185% After 7 Days. For example, if you invest $1001 you will be credited with $1251 After 7 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $3001: return rate is 315% After 7 Days. For example, if you invest $3001 you will be credited with $4501 After 7 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $5001: return rate is 600% After 7 Days. For example, if you invest $5001 you will be credited with $11002 After 7 Days. Principal is already included.

174%-950% After 14 Days. Return rates will depend on your deposited amount:

Deposits from $10: return rate is 174% After 14 Days. For example, if you invest $100 you will be credited with $174 After 14 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $201: return rate is 187% After 14 Days. For example, if you invest $201 you will be credited with $375 After 14 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $501: return rate is 220% After 14 Days. For example, if you invest $501 you will be credited with $1102 After 14 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $1001: return rate is 300% After 14 Days. For example, if you invest $1001 you will be credited with $3003 After 14 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $3001: return rate is 550% After 14 Days. For example, if you invest $3001 you will be credited with $16505 After 14 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $5001: return rate is 950% After 14 Days. For example, if you invest $5001 you will be credited with $47509 After 14 Days. Principal is already included.

360%-2150% After 30 Days. Return rates will depend on your deposited amount:

Deposits from $10: return rate is 360% After 30 Days. For example, if you invest $100 you will be credited with $360 After 30 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $501: return rate is 1300% After 30 Days. For example, if you invest $501 you will be credited with $6513 After 30 Days. Principal is already included.
Deposits from $1001: return rate is 2150% After 30 Days. For example, if you invest $1001 you will be credited with $21521 After 30 Days. Principal is already included.

Its hard to pick out the most popular plan, because all plans are popular among IncomeWith investors.

4. I’ve seen dozens of programs that offer rates like 2150% (or something similar) after 30 days, but never once seen any of them successfully pay it to anyone. Why should anyone think yours is going to be any different?

Its a special plan, surely the most risky one but worth to try as its just $10 minimum to join in. As I admitted in previous answer all plans are popular and despite you are pessimistic about this plan many of IncomeWith members joined our special investment plan.

5. What payment processors is your program accepting now? Do you plan to add more in the future?

We accept AlertPay, Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money. I think that they are the most popular payment processors in the industry so I am not sure that there
will be more additions. Anyway I might add SolidTrustPay in the future.

6. Are the payouts processed instantly? If not for how long should members wait for the payment request to be processed?

Payments are not instant due to security reasons but anyway they are quite fast. Usually it takes from a few minutes up to a few hours to process all pending payments. I would like to say that I am satisfied with decision to ignore instant payments by the admins now days because most of programs with instant payments collapse because of hackers, its not safe and not worth attention at all.

7. What script is IncomeWith running off? Why did you choose this script for your program?

We use modified GoldCoders script. Its the most popular script around and surely well known by investors. I tried many other scripts before and In my opinion GoldCoders is really best choice. Its also very easy to use.

8. What is the hosting provider do you use? Is IncomeWith properly SSL-secured?

We are hosted on a DDosWiz dedicated server with a top level ddos protection and I believe our website is safe. They are very good in my opinion and I hope that they will continue providing us top notch service. There is also an SSL certificate provided by Comodo, ensuring safe data transfers between members and the website.

9. What are your plans for the future of IncomeWith and should members expect any new developments? Or is the program in its finished state as it is?

Surely IncomeWith is not finished yet and we will continue developing our website because every business needs progress to keep investors trust and confidence. There is many new interesting things will be implemented to IncomeWith in near future so I will keep them in secret for now, you all will see them very soon.

10. What would you like to add here to make people invest in IncomeWith instead of the dozens of very similar ones. What are the advantages over your competitors?

I don’t think personally that there is dozens of similar ones around because IncomeWith is really well planned program with a great potential to become a big hit. Our main goal is not to make some fast bucks, we aim to make a great investment program and this is main difference between us and other short terms programs.

11. Thanks for the interview. Is there anything you would like to the members of your program that you feel might not have been covered already.

Thanks for an interview Paul, I just hope that it was useful for Money-News-Online investors and those who were in doubts before the interview will join our community to earn huge profits with IncomeWith.

And thanks a lot to Matt as well for taking the time to answer me questions. I hope you found it useful in deciding whether IncomeWith is a suitable program for you to risk joining or not. And while nobody can predict the lifespan of any online HYIP, his previous record with this one would suggest a few more admins like this would improve the industry to no end. Good luck to all the existing and future members there as well by the way.

That just about wraps things up for today, guys. Thanks for reading and make sure to check back tomorrow for all the latest goings-on in the HYIP industry. Stay tuned and see you all then!

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