November 2011 Archives

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Hello guys! Due to a general shortage of new HYIPs being added on MNO for the last few days I’ve only got a news update for you tonight, however from tomorrow I have a couple of new ones lined up. and I will be talking about that in the end of today’s updates. I’ll highlight them in a few moments when I get to the end of the news. And I know it’s been sluggish enough for the last couple of weeks, with a couple of big programs closing and then bringing the inevitable domino effect as some smaller programs follow suit.

Well, I think one program that started just four months ago, FelminaAlliance, offering moderate returns of 1%-1.6% for 180 business days with principal returned on expiry has a good chance to survive this latest industry meltdown as they simply didn’t manage to attract so many investors to justify the time and expense spent on the program. All the holidays which FelminaAlliance observe provides a perfect opportunity to save on payments and survive this slow period in the industry. If the admin is going to maintain a strategy of slow development I believe they might become big next year, provided it’s still here. Anyway, plans to add AlertPay in addition to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and direct bank wires inspire some cautious optimism that the program can really reach new heights provided it happens soon. Any program accepting AlertPay is appreciated more than most which will help FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) to become the next big thing in the HYIP industry. Here’s their latest newsletter issued today:

[FelminaAlliance] Weekly Newsletter
 This is the official newsletter from FelminaAlliance.
First of all, we would like to inform you that no interest will be paid on Thursday, November 10, 2011, which is The uprising in the Villa de los Santos against Spain, one of the official holidays in Panama and on Friday, November 11, 2011, which is the Veteran’s Day in the United States. According to our Terms of Service, we do not pay interest on US and Panamanian official holidays.
In the effort to bring more payment options to our customers, we are working on adding AlertPay to our system. As you are aware, AlertPay is one of the leading electronic payment systems in the world. It allows for quick credit card and ACH funding which we believe is extremely convenient. We hope to launch it by the end of week, but reserve the right to postpone the launch in case we are not fully satisfied with the way it is integrated in our system. As always, we are striving to excel in everything we do. So we will introduce AlertPay only after its integration is fully tested and polished.
Make sure to visit and like our official Facebook page at This way we’ll keep you informed about the latest news, updates, links, tips and everything else related to FelminaAlliance.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.
Best Regards, Marketing Department, FelminaAlliance Inc.

Other news for today was largely negative. Starting with the unexpected collapse of EliteGain which surprisingly stopped paying to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney just after less than a month online. Please note that the payments to AlertPay are still instant, so those of you who invested via that processor are encouraged to continue withdrawing their earnings before AlertPay blocks the admin’s account. Unfortunately, the admin’s silence over the current situation doesn’t leave any doubt that EliteGain is just a short-lived scam. Well, what else can you expect from an admin cheating on her own referral contests and calling herself (himself?) Sarah-“Jessica Parker”. I can tell you what – nothing good! It’s really unfortunate that some good investment plans EliteGain offered were spoiled by the actions of a malicious and greedy admin. In other hands the program could have been a success.

Another proven scam – NeoProgress – keeps spreading lies and confusion among investors by issuing updates about more language versions available on the site and telling everyone that payouts are being processed as normal. Well, the latest statement is as far from the truth as I am from the Moon. The blatant lies spread by the admin of NeoProgress is worthy of an award if such a thing existed. Do these people actually believe that their lies go unnoticed and that nobody can figure out that only monitors are getting paid? Well, I believe the readers of MNO are generally much smarter than the average investos and have the brains to determine who’s lying and who’s telling the truth. I know that many investors took my recent warning about NeoProgress quite seriously and hopefully that saved them from further losses. According to the latest newsletter from NeoProgress they will start instant payouts from Thursday but most likely monitors will be the only ones to benefit. Please do not invest in this pending scam spreading barefaced lies in the last newsletter issued late last night:
NeoProgress now translated to German language and all payouts processed
We continue to work on localizing our site and today we added German language.
Now all our interface completely translated and every visitor from Germany can enjoy of native language.
Also we have paid all pending withdrawals and we will pay instantly from 10 of November.
We are actively working on the localization of the website and within 1-2 days our site will be translated into Italian language.
Please note, we have completed work on the protection of the new payment server and soon we will enable instant payments, please wait a few time and you will enjoy our instant services as always. Also, we will post our weekly Forex trade report on these week and you will see how our traders make money on this market.
NeoProgress Client Support Department”.

GlobalBankInv admin is also trying to spread lies about his long-dead scam by sending outrageous emails trying to squeeze a few more pennies from his victims. I guess it worked many times already as even after the program’s collapse a few weeks ago I kept receiving such mails. Please do not believe a word as GlobalBankInv are no more than thieves trying to empty investors’ accounts by asking them to create an API. Don’t waste your time and money on this scam:
GlobalBankInv – Instant payments for PM and LR available
Dear members, 44 days online and still paying huge amounts. We are now number one investment program in whole world.
More than 8 Million dollars Invested and more than 2 Millions paid.
Check our out Last payments page in real time. You can see payments going in/out every second.
10% bonus for all +$500 Investments. Regards”.

Here is the list of the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours:
FinMarks, WebCorporate, FreedomReserve, BaseBucks, ExtraDeposit, TopsFund, FelminaAlliance, SingInvest, SolidForexLtd, HyperCompound, ReProFinance, EurexTrade, BrantonsGroup, VirtualPayments, BonusPayMe, LightWaters, WorldwideCapital, StableProfit and OneInv.

After being listed on MNO Monitoring on the Basic list for almost two months the admin of StableProfit has finally decided to upgrade to Standard listing to have an opportunity to be reviewed on my site tomorrow. This coincided with the next step in the program’s promotion which the admin probably planned from the beginning. Just yesterday I noticed that their website design was totally overhauled and makes a much better first impression now. Obviously the impressive mark of 57 days online also displayed on the site is aimed at gaining some more confidence from the investors already tired of fast scams but still looking for an opportunity to make a fast profit. I must say that for almost two months I never heard any complaints about StableProfit which always paid like clockwork. I believe the admin is quite experienced and if everything goes as planned we might have a big hit among short-term programs just before Christmas. StableProfit accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney processors starting from $10 into the following plans – 105%-130% after 1 day, 116%-200% after 3 days, and 136%-500% after 6 days. It’s very clear to me that by paying on these plans the admin is hopeful that some inexperienced investor would put $5,000 or more into the 1000% after 10 days plan or even $8,000 into the more outrageous 3000% after 25 days plan. I would strongly discourage my readers from risking such huge amounts in HYIPs but my experience also tells me that for smaller investors programs like this can be extremely profitable. Anyway, more about StableProfit will be in my upcoming review tomorrow. Just wanted to add that the program doesn’t pay instantly and you have to wait up to 24 hours to receive your withdrawal, so take that into consideration. Finally, StableProfit runs off a licensed GoldCoders script and the hosting provider is the increasingly popular AntiDdos who have it on a dedicated server meaning little (if any) downtime.

The second addition to MNO is a much more interesting program called APEnergyInvest that was launched a week ago. The program went straight to Premium listing on MNO and raised a lot of interest with ongoing speculation over what the admin ran in the past. Some people see some similarities to an older program in the script and the whole concept of earnings and investment plans – 1.9% for 30 calendar days, 2.3% for 180 calendar days, 2.5% for 365 calendar days with principal returned on expiry. Apparently such plans are very reminiscent of what GPI had to offer but unlike that APEnergyInvest only accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from $10 and according to the program’s admin it’s going to stay this way. Well, maybe it will save the program from unnecessary complications from AP or STP and help it last longer as the admin’s intention (according to himself that is) is to survive Christmas and enter the new year as an already established program for 2012. I sincerely wish him the best of luck with this. The site is run off a modified licensed GoldCoders script, is SSL-secured, and hosted on a dedicated Staminus server via Koddos. The latest news from APEnergyInvest was posted on their website just today and featured its first promotional Twitter contest where one lucky member will win a $100 investment in 1.9% for 30 days plan. Interested in how to participate? Then please read the full newsletter below and be ready for my detailed review of APEnergyInvest later in the week:
Twitter Competition
WEEKLY PRIZE Simply follow @apenergyinvest and ReTweet messages containing #apenergyinvest to win a $100 investment!!! To help promote APEnergyInvest all Twitter users are invited to participate in this awesome competition.
Prizes are drawn every Sunday night until further notice. Users are picked at random.
$100 investment is in the APEI30 plan with Liberty Reserve as the withdrawal option.
Good Luck as you Tweet to the world.

That’s everything for today, guys. I sincerely appreciate you reading MNO and hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow for another review and the daily news from the HYIP industry. Stay tuned and stay informed with MNO!

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