November 2011 Archives

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Beware! StableProfit has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everybody! One of the most impressive runs put together by a short term program in recent months has been by a program perhaps not so well known by MNO readers due to it never progressing past the Basic Listing has been one called StableProfit. Well, after 58 days online and counting the admin has decided to upgrade his listing and try and promote his program to a wider audience. So despite almost two months on my monitor you won’t have found a whole lot of information about them on my blog. I’ll try and fix that today and take a closer look at StableProfit and their plans before we move on to the day’s news.

Regardless of what way you want to look at StableProfit one thing is for sure – taking the length of the plans into consideration anything that can carry them off this long is already a success. Regular payments and no complaints certainly didn’t harm the program’s reputation to date either, but now as the admin tries to step up the promotional activities we hope he can maintain that performance while expanding the membership. I guess there’s no point in denying the obvious that things could be better in the HYIP industry at the moment and it’s going to be a tough task for any admin right now, but in the case of StableProfit we have one who seems to know what he’s doing so hopefully he’ll manage to step up a level. Ultimately the choice to join or not stays entirely with you the investor anyway, so let’s take a look at the plans and see what you think of them.

StableProfit have three main plans available all of which pay on expiry, with another two being not really suitable for online investors. I’ll describe them all for you anyway. The rate of interest being offered is dependent on the size of the principal you’ve invested. The shortest term plan has completed just short of an incredible 60 cycles now (even the longest plan is about to finish it’s tenth) so there can also be no doubt that anyone who wanted the opportunity to earn some easy money here could have taken it. But it’s not over yet because there’s still plenty of room for growth I think.

You can join the first plan for a minimum deposit of $10. It runs for just 1 single calendar day, meaning if you join today you should hopefully get paid by tomorrow. For deposits up to a value of $3,000 StableProfit will pay you back 105% interest on expiry, a figure that includes your principal. So that’s a 5% net profit for yourself. Or in other words invest $100 today and get $105 back tomorrow. Larger deposits are taken of course but if you really want to know what rates apply to deposits over $3K then check out the StableProfit accounts area.

For a slightly longer but still fast investment term of 3 calendar days you can avail of StableProfit‘s second plan. Like its predecessor it’s quite simple, requiring a $10 minimum deposit to join and paying out on expiry. The rate will depend on the size of your principal, but all most of you will really need to know is that for an investment up to a maximum value of $3,000 StableProfit are offering a return of 116%. That will include your principal meaning you’re left with a 16% net profit for yourself.

The third of what we might call the more serious plans runs for a 6 calendar day term and also costs a $10 minimum to sign up for. On expiry of the term you collect a single payment of 136% interest which includes your principal. Or in other words your own money back plus 36% profit on top. That rate applies to deposits up to a maximum value of $3,000, but if you want to know what’s on offer to larger amuonts you can check out the StableProfit members area.

What follows next is two plans perhaps best described as “eye candy” for inexperienced players with more money than they know what to do with. Longer term HYIP investors will probably know better and steer clear of them but for informational purposes I’ll just give you a very brief description. Starting with a plan running for 10 calendar days, StableProfit offer a single payment of 1,000% on expiry for all deposits between a $5,000 minimum up to a total value of $10,000. And if that doesn’t turn your head then on expiry of a 25 day term they offer a 3,000% payment on deposits starting from $8,000 up to a top value of $100,000. Clearly these are designed to take advantage of the more gullible folks out there who actually believe this to be possible, but despite any experienced HYIP investor telling you to avoid these two options it doesn’t mean there isn’t an easy couple of bucks to be picked up in StableProfit‘s other three plans.

As you can see the plans are all very simple and straight forward. And so too is the list of payment processors with StableProfit limiting the choice to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, something I wouldn’t expect to change at this stage. Payments are made by the admin manually and will need to be requested from inside your account area. Once you’ve done that you will be required to allow up to 24 hours for the payment to reach your e-currency account.

The program is running off a script under license from GoldCoders and while slightly different from what we usually see there, is hosted on a dedicated server by AntiDdos. Their record has been pretty good over the last year, with proof of that being that StableProfit themselves have had no major issues to speak of since their own launch almost two months ago now. Communication with the program’s support team is done by filling out the online ticketing form on the contacts page. While that’s most likely the best way to go about it, if you’re interested in checking them out StableProfit also list a telephone number and a postal address (though considering it’s in the US which is noted for taking a more dim view of these things than most authorities it’s doubtful that you’ll actually find anything there).

Texts appear to be original though as I often say that needs to be the least of your worries if playing the HYIP industry. For the record StableProfit are allegedly involved in ForEx trading (think we’ve heard that one once or twice in the pst by now, lol!) but what’s of more interest is the performance of the program. What’s happened up until now is by no means a guarantee of what direction the program is going to take next so that’s going to require a certain gamble on your part, but the fact is that apart from a dependable track record, one reason StableProfit has put such an impressive run together is by careful management of its growth. On one hand, yes, it’s easy to say two months is a bit old for such a short term program (and you’d be correct) but on the other hand StableProfit has been flying well under the radar up to now and could, with the right admin, get much bigger. That however, is the chance you have to take. So as with all HYIPs set yourself a modest spending limit that you intend to stay under, and use any program you join as a smaller part of a wider portfolio.


I’m glad that the admin of APEnergyInvest finally clarified the investment plans in which LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are accepted. Investment plans of 1.9% for 30 days, 2.3% for 180 days, and 2.5% for 365 days with principal returned on expiry your account is credited with earnings on each calendar day and the total duration of the plan is measured in calendar and not business days. However, please take into consideration that any withdrawals requested on Saturdays and Sundays might not be processed till Monday as they only get processed on business days. I would like to add that I have received my first withdrawals from APEnergyInvest today. They were processed instantly though keep in mind that this is by no means guaranteed and might take up to 48 hours. I can see there’s a lot of interest being shown in the program since my first introduction of it last night with dozens of investors joining under my link, probably encouraged by rumors (possibly put out there by the admin) that this could be another GPI. I can’t confirm or deny this as I’m not particularly interested, but I surely hope that APEnergyInvest will become a long-running success into 2012. Here is the latest update from the admin of APEnergyInvest clarifying the plans:
Investment Plan Clarification
We have received a number of queries regarding our interest payment terms and have decided to adjust the payment days to include weekends too.
So, for example, the 30 day plan will pay interest for 30 calendar days including weekends.
Interest can be withdrawn at weekends, but may not be processed until the following Monday.
Sorry for the confusion.
Regards. APEI Support”.

Probably just to ensure investors that BonusPayMe is a program with over 2000 members who deposited over $18K in total since the program first started two weeks ago the admin posted a couple of screenshots from his administration panel in GoldCoders script and his LR account. I’m not sure why he felt the need to do this or what exactly it proves but for now BonusPayMe is still doing well. And though the admin recently disabled instant payouts due to abuse from of the bonus system by certain members the withdrawals are still processed fast to LibertyReserve, the only payment processor accepted. BonusPayMe offers 1%-1.58% on every business day with the opportunity to get your principal back for a fee at anytime. More about the program was explained in my review posted here. This is the latest update from BonusPayMe with links to the screenshots:
Reports last week.
In order to provide more confidence to our users we will make screenshots of our members area and payment processor BonusPayMe to verify the investment balances and current members as time passes, first let’s publish this information Monday after will be published twice in the month.
This is the report of last week:
Total accounts: “2189” copy and paste the following link to see a screenshot of our counts.
Total deposits: “$18,522.48” copy and paste the following link to see a screenshot of our counts.$18522.jpg
Are managers with many years of experience in this business and we will make BonusPayMe the number one, welcome.

I was paid today by the following programs:
APEnergyInvest (the first payments instant payments received), StableProfit, PerfectLottery, WebCorporate, FelminaAlliance, TopsFund, ExtraDeposit, HyperCompound, SingInvest, OneInv, EurexTrade, BrantonsGroup, FinMarks, VirtualPayments, GlobaFxTrades, WorldwideCapital, BaseBucks, BonusPayMe, PokerProfits, SolidForexLtd and TradeQ.

That’s about all for today’s short update, guys. Thanks for reading and remember to check again tomorrow when I’ll have another update from the industry as well as a more detailed look at APEnergyInvest, so stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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