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12/01/2012. RelaxCapital Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! RelaxCapital has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Well it seems like longer term HYIPs are very much the trend so far this year. With one or two notable exceptions of course – something I would expect to change in the coming weeks – the industry is largely dominated by them at the moment. One of the newest long term programs to start up and the latest addition to the MNO Premium List is one called RelaxCapital which I have to say at least made a good first impression. So before I move on to the day’s news stories I want to take a closer look at this one for you. See if you like it or not, and if you have room for it in your portfolios. RelaxCapital started just two days ago so this is at least the best time to find out more about them.

Starting as always with the investment plans, RelaxCapital is offering four of them in total, varying from medium to long term in duration. The first of these runs for 30 calendar days and can be joined for a $10 minimum deposit. It’s called simply The Relax30 plan, and in exchange for your investment the admin will pay you a daily interest rate of 1.5% per day. Not quite enough to put you into profit before the term ends, however that will come when RelaxCapital return your principal on expiry. Daily payments will eventually add up to 45% (which is your net profit) and the maximum deposit is $5,000.

Relax60, RelaxCapital‘s second investment plan, runs for a term of 60 calendar days as the name suggests. It’s a bit more expensive to join but at $50 it’s still a comfortable minimum for most regular readers I would think. During the course of the plan RelaxCapital offer a daily interest payment of 1.7%, adding up to a final total of 102% by the end, just barley putting you into profit. The admin returns your principal however, so it’s basically double your money. Maximum deposit for this plan is $10,000.

Good as that may sound, a lot of the attractiveness of that plan is heavily diluted I think by the offer made in RelaxCapital‘s third option, the Relax90. This one runs for 90 calendar days and also makes daily payments. The thing about this one is however that they accept the same minimum deposit of $50 as the last plan but make bigger daily payments. So while the previous offer does have the distinct advantage of returning your principal earlier, this one actually puts you in profit a lot faster. Different investors have different priorities so decide which you think is more important to you. The rate is 2% per day allowing you to break even after 50 days and complete the term with a total net profit of 180%. RelaxCapital will then return your initial principal.

And finally the longest term plan which runs for a term of 180 calendar days will set you back a $200 minimum if you wish to join. It’s called the Relax180 and pays investors a rate of 2.5% interest per day on their principals. That would allow you to break even after a period of 40 days and finish up with payments totaling 450%. As with the other plans RelaxCapital should then hand back your original investment with them.

Payment options are good enough, and as well as the industry stalwarts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, RelaxCapital are also using SolidTrustPay to handle money in and out of the program. Payments to members are made manually by the admin so as usual that involves you logging into your account area and requesting it. After you’ve done so the admin requires up to 24 hours to make sure everything is completed. And by the way, if anyone’s a fan of compounding then it’s available for you here. Personally I avoid it in favor of further diversification, but if you like it then RelaxCapital have the option available.

The plans are fairly conventional in the online HYIP world, which is not a bad thing either of course, but what it was that gave me a good first impression of RelaxCapital was the website’s design and security. They are running off a totally unique and customized script which was built from scratch, something that might indicate a bit more work being put into the project in the first place and that the owners have put a lot of planning into it as well. No guarantee of success of course but at least I doubt they’d put such expense and effort into an intentional fast scam. RelaxCapital is also SSL secured and hosted on a protected and dedicated server with support from DdoSWiz. If you have any questions of your own then fell free to ask the admin. He can be contacted through the e-mail ticketing form on the support page. RelaxCapital also maintain their own Facebook and Twitter pages, which are no substitute for actual one-on-one communication of course but handy things to have if the main website ever goes offline for any reason and you need to update your members as to what’s going on.

Texts are original though a bit vague to say the least. I mean I like it when on rare occasions HYIP admins avoid the pretense of pretending there’s some imaginary business backing the whole thing up and just go straight for the experienced industry players who look straight through this anyway. But in this case it’s still implied that RelaxCapital are involved with “experience in gold, stock, bond and forex trading.” Most readers will know my opinion on such things by now anyway, but hey, if you have anything to say then you’re free to tell the admin. When it comes to the HYIP industry however I get the impression of a seasoned pro at the wheel here which always tends to make me feel better. It won’t be here forever but at least you get a fair shot if you decide to play. As always this is a high risk business so keep in mind that if you join RelaxCapital then please only do so with a sensible amount of money that you wouldn’t otherwise miss, and try to keep a diverse portfolio if you are a regular participant.



I was not aware that WinningProfits which was added to MNO’s Premium list last night had a co-admin with the funny alias Bruno Vitali, but judging by the first newsletter sent today that’s exactly who he is. Anyway, the main topic of the newsletter was the explanation of why they decided to choose MNO as their exclusive monitor. I believe that you will find the reasons worth knowing after reading the update from WinningProfits which is going to be reviewed on MNO tomorrow. Meanwhile, the first payouts from the daily 5% daily for 24 days plan have been received by members today to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and I hope that soon we’ll also see payouts to those in the second plan paying 120% on expiry of its 20 calendar day term. Here is the first newsletter in full:
WinningProfits first day online!
 Dear members of WinningProfits,
My name is Bruno and I’m one of the two administrators of WinningProfits. Along with my partner Julia we intend to make WinningProfits the best and most well run site online today.
We have successfully completed our first day online with over 70 members joining. This is not a bad start.
As you may have noticed we have decided to be exclusively monitored by this was a decision that was made by us because we believe that our limited advertising campaign will produce three fold results. The first is that we will still get a great amount of promotion due to the fact that MNO is an extremely popular blogger.
This will also give us a chance to get established and to get our feet wet before we experience explosive growth. Thus allowing WinningProfits to grow at a nice and steady pace.
In addition this also saves members money allowing it to go back into payments and referral commissions.
With this though comes a large responsibility on the shoulders of the administration as well as the members because it will be our job to make sure that the WinningProfits name is spread all across the internet.
With this idea in mind I would like to invite all members to come and interact with me personally at our home forums of money maker group and dream team money. I will be active in our threads there answering questions and giving updates about the progress of WinningProfits.
Heres to our success and the continued growth of winning profits.
Bruno Vitali”.


Recently HYIPInnovation (reviewed here) celebrated the first two months online and in the first newsletter dedicated to its results the admin Sean (interviewed here) congratulated members on their choice as many of them were with the program from the beginning profiting from the 5% for 25-40 business days plan in their LR and PM accounts. In his newsletter Sean also stressed that HYIPInnovation is only two months young, rather than being two months old and has a lot to achieve still. He also congratulated the most active promoters of HYIPInnovation for them taking advantage of its powerful affiliate program and reported that the implementation of the “not more that two withdrawals per day” policy had been almost completed by now. For more information on the program’s developments please refer to the full newsletter from HYIPInnovation below:
HYIPInnovation – Two Months Online Celebration!
 Dear HYIPInnovation members,
1. HYIPInnovation is two months young!
January 11th is our two months online celebration day!
I must say that while being able to get to this point in time was of course never a question from our perspective, but if it was not for YOUR trust and YOUR active participation in the program, we would have a lot harder times advancing. Today we are congratulating all of our participating members of whom very many are already well in profit and we are pledging our further financial commitment to continue serving our program users in the future.
2. The power of innovative affiliate program
We wanted to express our deepest appreciation of all the efforts shown this far by our current affiliate program partners. We are very happy to see that more and more website owners are choosing our program over the others and we are happy to report that your efforts are really worth it and that thousands of dollars have already been paid out in referral commissions.
In case some of you didn’t yet noticed, HYIPInnovation is offering one of the most powerful affiliate programs this industry has to offer and I am inviting all of those not yet participating website owners to have a closer look at our commissions structure description. Not only are we offering conditionally increasing percentage on the first tier deposits, but chances are, you might as well earn a lot more from two more tiers deep. Once you join, please do not forget to send us your website link!
3. Program Payouts
As it was mentioned in one of our prior news releases some three weeks ago, we have been gradually incorporating our “two withdrawals maximum per day, per account” requirement where our website supporting software will not allow placing excessive withdrawal requests till each next day. This process is now almost complete with only about 10% of accounts still being left on the old payout schedule and which will be switched within the next few days.
Please enjoy one of the most reliable and stable programs around and High Innovative Five to all of you!
Sean Mebokan on behalf of
 HYIPInnovation Team.
P.S. If you haven’t seen it yet, please check out our program video presentation here:“.


A bit more modest achievement of 40 days online was celebrated today by LifeTimeProfits (reviewed here). In the latest newsletter the admin of the program Lara thanked members for their support and encouraged potential investors to try their luck. LifeTimeProfits offer 3%-5% returns for 50 business days to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts. Here’s this short newsletter in full:
40 Days for LifeTimeProfits
After 40 days online, LTP would like to thank all its members for their support, and ensure to them that LTP will never let them down.
And for whom who did not invest with LTP yet, we invite them to try our services and they will be certainly satisfied.
In case you require any additional information about our activities or anything related to our business, please feel free to contact us via our support section, and we will be glad to answer your queries 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Best Regards. Lara. LifeTimeProfits”.


It looks like SolidTrustPay is taking a bigger share of the current HYIP market and attracts people who would like to have a convenient option to deposit and withdraw either with their credit cards or potentially with STP’s own international debit card which is planned to be issued very soon. With AlertPay struggling to provide even an estimate of when their credit card payment options are going to be restored, SolidTrustPay looks like a viable alternative. The only reason that might stop you from using STP is the kinda complicated and maybe not very clear verification process after which all members have to undergo if they want to use their services in full. Possibly realizing the problem, the administration of SolidTrustPay has recently issued a comparison table of all the types of accounts you can get in STP and all the types of verification you have to obtain while doing so. I think it’s a very important thing to understand before you agree to the terms an conditions offered by this payment processor and open a free account there. So I have decided to republish the full update which was posted recently on the official blog of SolidTrustPay:
Verification Options Refresher Course
Although a bit time consuming, account verification is a vital part of keeping your information and money SAFE online! Although you do not have to verify your account, you will enjoy greater transaction limits and benefits if you do. Below is an overview of our verification options. TRIVIA – STPay, in 2006, was the FIRST processor globally to require verification documents from members – setting the standard !!
SolidTrustPay offers 4 different Verification Levels to choose from.
1. ACTIVE (the most basic level; NO paperwork required)
2. CREDIT CARD VERIFIED (online document required)
3. STANDARD VERIFIED (SOME documents required)
4. BANK VERIFIED (SOME documents required)
You may verify your account at any level according to your needs.
1. ACTIVE – Basic Account Level. Active Members have confirmed their email address and can send and receive up to $250 daily. Active Members may fund via most methods, but with lower limits. Active Members may withdraw funds via an Exchanger or by transferring to others.
2. CREDIT CARD VERIFIED – Upgraded Status allowing members to use their credit & debit cards for deposits & withdrawals in addition to all options available to Active Members.
Credit Card Verification requires the following:
1.completion of our Card Authorization Form
2. completion of a small incoming deposit from the card(s) you wish to verify
HELPFUL HINT – complete the online Card Authorization Form BEFORE attempting your first deposit.
3. STANDARD VERIFIED – Upgraded Status allowing unlimited transactions and higher limits than ACTIVE or CREDIT CARD VERIFIED. NOTE – maximum transaction cannot be greater than $9999 USD.
Standard Verification requires the following:
1. government issued, non-expired, UNALTERED photo ID
2. recent phone bill matching the name, phone number and address as registered in your profile.
HELPFUL HINT – if a phone bill is not available, provide ANY TWO documents showing your name and address. Screenshots are acceptable as long as your name and address are visible.
HELPFUL HINT – if you are planning on using your VISA or MasterCard, include a recent statement showing your name and the card number. You will be required to complete the online Card Authorization Form.
4. BANK VERIFIED – Elite Account Status allowing members to use their bank accounts, credit & debit cards, bank wires and all advanced options.
Bank Verification requires the following:
1. government issued, non-expired, UNALTERED photo ID
2. recent phone or other bill, stmt or document matching the name, phone number and address in your profile.
3. print off the Bank Authorization Form for your country (if applicable).
HELPFUL HINT – you may send documents for all levels at the same time!
******** REMEMBER ********
advanced account verification is only required if you wish to transact at higher levels
Visit your MY VERIFICATIONS area for complete info and submission options”.


If you’re looking for another long term program with sustainable plans and an experienced admin I believe you should look no further than PlexCapital which was added to my Premium list tonight, just a few hours after its official start which was already announced in their first welcome message from their website:
Its great and pleasant to announce that our company PlexCapital Inc website has been officially launched today.
After great extent of planning and hard work, our website is finally all set for use and is now available to the public.
We would like to invite you to explore our site and go into the investment plans we have to offer you. Have a nice day and enjoy investing with us.
Those experienced investors should know by now that the script which PlexCapital is running off was used before and is being used now by several highly successful programs including the current popular ones on MNO like TopsFund, OneInv and GeniusVenture. So we can conclude straight away that if the newly launched PlexCapital is run by the same administrator it might join that popular list pretty soon. The site is hosted on a dedicated server protected by DdoSWiz and as I mentioned already is running off a rare script. There is currently one investment plan on offer paying 1.2%-2.7% daily for the duration of 365 calendar days with principal returned on expiry. The minimum to invest is $10 and two payment processors are accepted – LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. I’ll have a more detailed review of PlexCapital in a couple of days and hope that the program will become as popular and long lasting as the other programs running on the same script.


And just a couple of hours ago another program was added to MNO’s Premium list – IncomeInt. This is a new program offering two short-term plans and paying 110% after 5 days and 130% after 10 days. The program accepts only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney for now, however it says on their website that AlertPay will be added soon. The program just launched 24 hours ago and the first payments on expiry are yet to be processed. They are pending and are only due in a few days from now. At first glance I must admit that the IncomeInt website looks nice and is fully SSL-protected running on a dedicated server with Staminus DdoS-protection. The script is developed by a well-known programmer Gotenks and many experienced investors should be familiar with other programs run there many of which were very popular. One thing to pay close attention too is that script is that first you will have to make an actual deposit in your account with IncomeInt and only after that you will be able to redistribute your money into the investment plan/s of your choice. But I guess it’s not so hard to figure it out by yourselves. If you want to get more information about IncomeInt please tune in on MNO blog, as the full review is coming soon. For now you can just check out the site and read the welcome announcement addressed to all the new investors of IncomeInt and posted on its website:
IncomeInt is now ready to receive investors from the entire world. We are offering you two investment plans to choose from, plan A pays 110% after 5 days and plan B pays 130% after 10 days and your principal is included in both. We accept LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Our plans have a minimum deposit of $10 and a maximum of $10,000. We also have a two level referral system, the first level pays 3% and second level pays 2% on all deposits.
We are basically investing in real high yield opportunities, most of them not available to the general public but we have access to them and pooling your investment with ours will open many new possibilities of investment for us.
IncomeInt is designed to become an industry leader in a very short time frame and we are counting on you to help us achieving this goal.
It will be a very profitable journey for both you and us.
If you have questions after reading our site, please contact us and our support staff will promptly reply you.
Yours, Eric Noys
IncomeInt Founder”.


Here is the list of the programs I was paid by during the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: APEnergyInvest, EVBusiness, TopWallet, JunixOverseas, OnlineInvest, RelaxCapital.
From MNO Premium list: TopsFund, Royalty7, NewGNi, EurexTrade, BaseBucks, WorldwideCapital, HYIPInnovation, ForexReflexFXMoguls, GeniusVenture, FelminaAlliance, LedgerWallet, SolidForexLtd, ProfitableSunrise, WinningProfits.
From MNO Standard list: StrongDollars, LifeTimeProfits, LuxorAlliance.
From MNO Basic list: EtoroGainClub, WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestment, EasyDollarsIncome (the first payment received).

That’s all I have to report for you tonight, guys. Stay tuned for more news and updates on MNO tomorrow and see you all then!

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