Jan 24th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! WinningProfits has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi all! As it’s been a slow enough day for HYIP industry news today, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to publish the following interview with the admin of WinningProfits. I hope you enjoy it because he has some quite interesting opinions to share with us. I’ll have a full news update for you tomorrow of course and will catch up on all the stories from both days, and might even publish earlier than usual if necessary. But staying with WinningProfits, you may remember that it’s a short term program that opened just under two weeks ago. That’s not particularly long however, because although the investment terms on the plans are short, the profits available are much more sensible and have a higher degree of sustainability than most of the better known short term HYIPs.

WinningProfits have two plans that offer a very basic choice between 5% for 24 days, or 120% after 20 days (both of which include your principal). If you like what the admin has to say – and I must say that personally I really do appreciate his candid and refreshingly honest approach to HYIPs and not wasting anyone’s time telling lies about the true nature of the industry – then you can find more information on them in the detailed review first published on MNO here.

1. Hi Bruno, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within WinningProfits. What are your own duties within the program? What kind of experience do you have in managing the funds of others?

Dear Paul and readers of the MNO Blog. My name is Bruno Vitali and I handle the support as well as the forum postings and some promotions. My partner Julia handles the payments.

As you know we have chosen to take a much more upfront and forthright approach to WinningProfits. So instead of making up a lie let me just tell you that I have been a very successful HYIP admin since 2009, although I’ve been in the industry a bit longer than that.

Running an HYIP is only slightly about managing funds and much more so about the approach taken and the efforts that the admin are willing to go through to achieve the planned success.

2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What were you hoping to achieve by starting it in the first place? Apart from you is there anybody else working on WinningProfits?

WP started on the 11th of January of this year. We planned this program out from top to bottom to be a long term program. Even more than that we planned it to give investors the confidence they need to feel comfortable that when they wake up the next day we will be there always ready to serve them.

Over the years there has only been a handful of programs that at one time or another were able to achieve this level of confidence. We hope to be in that group. As I said before my partner Julia handles many of the “Behind the scenes” activities which keep WP running smoothly.

3. What about the investment plans? Can you explain them in detail to us? What are the minimum and maximum amounts for investment, what rates of interest are on offer and how long do they run for? Which ones have been the most popular?

We did our best to keep WP as simple as possible to avoid the confusion that sometimes comes with many complicated plans.

We offer two plans which both start with a 5$ investment.

The warlock plan pays 120% after 20 days and the entire amount is paid back upon expiry. This gives investors a 20% clear profit after 20 days.

The tiger blood plan pays the same roi of 120% but does so by paying 5% to your available balance each day for 24 days. This amount is able to be withdrawn daily.

So far the daily plan has been the most popular. This is to be expected as we are relatively new and members want to see quick payments prior to taking the shorter yet paid on expiry plan.

4. Tell us about the payment options available from WinningProfits. What payment processors are you currently dealing with? What have been the most popular choices among investors? Are you planning to add SolidTrustPay at any stage?

We currently accept Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money and Alertpay. We do have an STP account ready to go but as of yet we have not added them as an option. As you may know the more processors used by an HYIP the more exchanges and funds transfers the admin has to juggle.

Once the word about WP gets out there more I have every intention of putting that account to use for the members.

5. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

Security was of utmost importance when creating WP. We’re using Black Lotus Cloud for our server and I must say I’m quite impressed with them so far. The support is the best in the business and I really am very happy with our choice to use them.

6. I notice that you are running off a custom made script, is that correct? What would you say the benefits of this are to your members and how safe/secure/easy is it to use?

It is custom to a degree. I have worked with a programmer friend of mine for a very long time and while this script isn’t available for purchase like gold coders would be, it isn’t 100% custom in the sense that it was created just for us.

In fact I have personally used this script in the past. One thing that is very good about it though is that the coder will make any customization that I ask for in regards to security or anything having to do with the member’s area.

Because the coder is a long-time friend I don’t have to worry about backdoors and such like we see many times with retail scripts that are on the market. So in that sense it is one of the most secure scripts around. Hosting plays a major role in security though and since we have spared no expense there I personally feel extremely confident that we will always have a safe and secure program.

7. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions?

We offer the traditional way of utilizing support tickets. As many members are aware we have an excellent support staff in myself and Julia. We are online almost all day ready to answer any issues as they come up.

8. What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?

At first we had a small issue with interest not crediting 7 days a week. That issue was quickly resolved though and everyone was able to receive each payment that they had due to them.

Other than that support has been just basic questions for members who wanted to make sure that we were responsive prior to depositing. Actually I appreciate these emails very much as it shows a level of awareness that many investors simply don’t have. But clearly your readers are a bit more educated than most.

9. So far you have preferred to avoid most of the traditional monitoring websites and are not advertising widely on HYIP related resources. Why is this? Why do you think this is beneficial to your program? Would you recommend this approach to other admins starting out in the same position as you?

As I said before, this isn’t my first experience with running an HYIP. What I’ve found is that longevity speaks volumes and the real fun will begin after the first couple of cycles are under our belt. That being said I didn’t feel that it was necessary or fair to members to spend their money on monitors who may or may not enhance the program for the long term.

That’s not to say that we won’t be advertising in the future but for now where our main goal is to prove ourselves, we felt that it was much better for us to let a single monitor (you) do the promotions for us while we simply do our jobs and show the members what type of a team we have running WP.

10.What other outside business and investment activities are WinningProfits involved with? Because in my review I said I was pleased that you opted to not make any of the usual nonsensical HYIP claims about ForEx trading and the like. How do you think the experienced industry players have responded to this and do you think the more honest approach is appreciated by them?

In a word, we have the same business activities as every other HYIP on the market. None! Now, this type of a candid approach may surprise some of the less experienced HYIP players who still believe that returns such as many HYIP’s offer are realistic.

Allow me to be the second (because I’m sure Paul has already explained this to you) to tell you that all HYIP’s are ponzies. This means that new money pays old investors. This is the way that it has always been and I’m sure will always be.

Many of you will remember 12dailypro. This is an excellent case and point. They paid out 12% daily for 12 days and ran for a very very long time. In fact many members, despite their better judgement, were completely convinced that the admin were truly making this return. Of course they were not. But a site that paid out a 44% profit after only 12 days was able to run for over a year.

We pay a 20% clear profit after 20 days. Let me tell you now that with proper support WP has the potential to run for a very very long time and to make many members some very safe profits if played correctly.

11. Are there any plans to develop WinningProfits further in the near future? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many new programs opening every day? With things picking up again in the industry how long do you realistically think you can keep the program online for at the moment?

I have absolutely no doubt that we can keep WP online for 4-6 month and probably longer than that. We spared no expense when creating this site and we built it for the long term.

We also didn’t come into this without having funds to keep WP afloat either. In fact we spent $900 just on MNO monitoring. We are very serious about this project and I have complete faith that we will do very very well in the coming months.

There is always the possibility of adding new plans and payment processors. We also just launched our first referral contest which we hope will gain us some attention while rewarding the members for their efforts.

There is a very strange cyclical nature to HYIP’s and believe it or not we hope that other programs on the market at this time flourish as well because that allows members to play in our site and experience what we have to offer as well.

Once our members see what we are trying to accomplish I have no doubt that we will be an industry leader in the medium term category.

Thanks a lot to Bruno for the interview and for taking the time and effort to explain his program and his role in the industry in such detail. Good luck to him in establishing WinningProfits as a top program and best of luck also to the current and future investors there. That’s it for this evening guys, but as I already said at the top of the page I’ll have a full news update for you tomorrow as well as a brand new review of an interesting new addition to my monitoring page. Stay tuned and see you all then!

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