Jan 29th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! CrownEarnInvestgroup has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! As the weekend comes to a close I hope you’ve all had a relaxing couple of days off and are looking forward to a new week of opportunities ahead. Being Sunday there’s not much on the news front to tell you about, there is a couple of updates that I’ll get to in a moment, though the first thing on the agenda is a closer look at a brand new short term program called CrownEarnInvestgroup that launched only yesterday and was added to the MNO monitor shortly afterwards. They have a fairly unusual mix of plans but might be considered by some as unnecessarily complicated, especially considering that like I just said CrownEarnInvestgroup is a short term HYIP and simplicity is a much more favorable trait that most investors tend to prefer with such programs. But I’ll try to describe the plans for you as best I can below, and with a little patience you’ll see there’s nothing really too difficult.

To start with CrownEarnInvestgroup offer a “test plan”, quite an unusual move I must say for a short term program. I guess you can check it out if you prefer not to take my word for the fact that the program is currently on Paying Status on MNO, however I couldn’t really recommend it for a serious investment. Why? Well, there’s nothing wrong with it as such, it takes a $1 minimum deposit, expires after 1 day, and pays you back 102% including your principal. It’s just that once you bring your own payment processor fees into the equation it becomes even less profitable, making it pointless when CrownEarnInvestgroup have some much more attractive options open for you to consider.

Their second plan for example, called The Easy Fund, runs for a term of 14 calendar days. You can join it for a minimum deposit of $10, and receive one single payout on expiry that will include your principal. The return will be calculated according to your investment, and will be 136% for all deposits from the $10 minimum up to a maximum value of $499. That’s a net profit of 36% for yourself. After that CrownEarnInvestgroup will pay 140% on deposits between $500 and $4,999, and 144% on anything above $5,000 with no stated maximum.

So far it’s all quite simple, but what follows is where things begin to get a little bit tricky. The next two plans both run for 21 calendar days and make daily interest payments. At first glance one of them offers a much bigger return than the other, however on closer inspection we see that compounding is compulsory in the smaller one (ie you have to do it). And that’s the one I’ll start with. It’s called The Fast Saver Plan and again CrownEarnInvestgroup require a $10 minimum to join. For anything up to $499 they offer 3.2% interest per day for 21 days. By itself you might think that would bring you a net profit of 67.2%. But no, not exactly. Because if you join this plan then compounding is mandatory. You must pick a figure between 10% and 100% to compound. Anyway, for larger deposits CrownEarnInvestgroup offer 3.3% per day on amounts from $500 to $4,999, and 3.4% per day on amounts upwards of $5,000.

Your final earnings will vary according to how much you compound so do your own calculations on that if this is really the plan you want. Keep in mind that if you’re joining The Fast Saver Plan you are going to have to compound a minimum of 70% of your earnings in order to make it worth your while at all. Reason being is that the other daily payments plan has a much higher daily rate, so if you don’t then there’s no other reason to bother joining. Please also note that this plan will NOT return your principal on expiry, so if you do not compound to a suitably high level you may actually lose money, despite the plan working correctly!

The remaining option is called The Premium Finance Plan and also runs for a 21 calendar day term, however there is no such rule saying you have to compound a section of your earnings. For a deposit between $10 and $499 CrownEarnInvestgroup will pay you a daily interest rate of 7.33% this time, bringing a total return of just below 154%. Your principal is counted this time, so that’s 54% net profit. For larger deposits the rate goes up to 7.62% per day (total return 160%) for investments between $500 and $4999, and a rate of 7.91% (166% return) on any investment of $5,000 and above. Your principal is already counted as part of the payments and so will not be returned to you in a separate payment on expiry.

CrownEarnInvestgroup‘s choice of payment processor is fairly limited with only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney being used. On the other hand it does have the added benefit which is appreciated by most investors of instant payouts. You still need to make your withdrawal manually from inside your CrownEarnInvestgroup member’s account area, but once you do so the money should appear in your e-currency account in under a minute. Aside from occasional delays if the admin’s own account needs to be replenished it can help you keep a closer eye on the general health of the program – ie it helps you verify that the cash is flowing unhindered in and out.

Despite some very strong resemblances to GoldCoders, the admin says that the script is not an unlicensed version of their product but merely looks like it. OK, I don’t see why he’d want to cut corners on that when some other aspects of CrownEarnInvestgroup are up to a decent enough standard. The website is SSL secured for instance which is fine, and the hosting provider is BlockDos who are protecting them on a dedicated server. Customer support if you have any further questions or account related issues is available through a variety of methods including the most commonly used e-mail ticketing form that you can fill in and submit on the contacts page. Otherwise CrownEarnInvestgroup list a postal address in the UK, and a wide range of different e-mail addresses you can write to directly with each one relating to a different department. Though I suspect they all re-direct to the same person anyway. CrownEarnInvestgroup also feature a Live Chat section though I have yet to see it online at any time myself. Granted I’m writing this on a Sunday but payouts are made seven days per week so I don’t think it unreasonable to expect to see it for a few hours at least during weekends. No exact schedule is published as to when (or if) it works so I’ll ask the admin that if he agrees to be interviewed.

Texts are copy/pasted so straight away I suggest you ignore them. I know the experienced players will anyway and these things are generally speaking only there for the benefit of those new to the world of online HYIPs, giving the appearance of credibility to any given website. Having said that interest in CrownEarnInvestgroup appears to have been brisk in the last 24 hours since they opened so I guess a lot of players seem to like their chances with this one. So who knows? Maybe it’s already on its way to being a hit, but nevertheless you do need to keep the risks associated with the HYIP industry at the back of your mind, use CrownEarnInvestgroup as a smaller part of a bigger portfolio, and of course the number one rule when dealing with anonymous online programs is only hand over money you would not be bothered about losing.



The admin of the above reviewed CrownEarnInvestgroup Vincent informed his members about the ongoing DDoS attacks that are affecting their server which is nevertheless protected by BlockDos now. Vincent assured everyone that no damage had been suffered, except the instant withdrawal process which sometimes may go to pending status. The admin also invited investors with any doubts to contact the program’s Live support in order to get faster answers. I hope that in the review I have explained properly how the investment plans offered by CrownEarnInvestgroup work, so hopefully it will help you make a more informed decision if joining the program which is by the way getting more and more popular among MNO readers:
Disturbance on the net!
And welcome to a new era of Investment solutions.
An amassing start on our new private sector investment program ran off yesterday with a very surprising positive start. The interest in the last 24 hours has been amazing considering that we still not have started our massive banner advertising.
With everything good some bad follows!
Just an hour after adding the first monitors to our list we received a number of nice welcome emails with the words ‘Pay, or I DDoS’
Not that it really matters as we are connected to BlockDos secure server. But the main point telling you this is that since yesterday we have received massive attacks. All filtered of so no harm is done. However! The traffic makes disturbance in our instant payments, so you will experience from time to time that your withdrawal request ends pending in the system until a Customer Supporter send it off.
Please feel welcome to contact Live Support if you need more details regarding Instant payments.
Best regards, Vincent Logan
CrownEarnInvestgroup Ltd Marketing & Sale”.


I would like to sincerely thank all my readers and active investors of IncomeInt who helped me win the top prize of $100 in the first referral contest which finished last night and of which I was notified by the following email from IncomeInt (reviewed here):
Referral contest
Dear Paul,
You have won the 1st prize of our last referral contest, which means $100 has been added to your account balance on IncomeInt. You can withdraw this prize to any e-currency of your choice or invest it in one of our plans.
We would like to thank you for your efforts in promoting our site and feel free to participate in our contest again if you wish to do so.
Best regards, IncomeInt Administration”.

It was hardly a surprise to me because MNO has been always famous for good promotional results. The prize was paid to my LR account within an hour and the second referral contest in underway now and will continue for another ten days (MNO is leading the way in that contest already). As usual, the five best referrers will get rewarded by cash prizes from $10 to $100, so don’t miss the opportunity to promote IncomeInt for a chance to win one of the prizes just like I did. I also noticed IncomeInt is swiftly becoming a popular choices among online investors in general and it was just announced the 1000th member joined up. It’s definitely growing fast and by accepting all the popular payment processors – AlertPay, LibertyReserve, SolidTrustPay and PerfectMoney – into two investment plans (110% after 5 day and 130% after 10 days) it has managed to carved a niche among short-term programs after only 18 days online. Hopefully the admin will keep up the good work and achieve his goal to become an industry leader soon as promised in the latest newsletter from IncomeInt below:
Dear investors,
IncomeInt got its 1000th registered member yesterday and we would like to share some facts with you to celebrate this date as IncomeInt has been a very active program and the HYIP community responded positively to our efforts.
Every day we see more and more people referring IncomeInt to its family and friends and the best thing about that is that it saves us a lot of advertisement budget and allows us to use this money for other IncomeInt‘s needs such as security measures and new developments for the program.
Our cash flow couldn’t be better and if we keep this up, IncomeInt will become an industry leader very shortly. We have no doubts that, whether people like it or not, IncomeInt will be the top mid-term program of the year in just a few months as our abilities to run this program have already proved themselves to be effective and there is no reason to change our way of doing business in a near future.
We will let you see what we are talking about for yourself but as of now, we would like to thank you for being a part of IncomeInt, we will make sure the only thing you will regret is not joining us earlier.
Best regards, IncomeInt Administration”.


PammGroups is still going well after completing a third batch of payouts tonight and surviving perhaps the most difficult problem for any short term program – API issues in LibertyReserve. I remind you that for the last few days LR had some temporary issues due to which it was impossible to make instant or automated withdrawals. Due to this HYIP admins had to either process the payouts manually or wait for these recurring issues to be fixed. Hopefully, this nightmare is over now and we will see LibertyReserve back to normal. From his end, the admin of PammGroups is doing everything to process the payouts as fast as possible, however he still reserves the right to pay the pendings within 24 hours. So in case of further LR issues don’t forget about that, guys!

In today’s update from PammGroups the admin also shared the link with the review of his program on MNO two days ago (read it here). where I described the investment plans in detail – 105%-130% after 1 day, 117%-225% after 3 days, 143%-600% after 7 days, 200%-1250% after 14 days, 350%-2500% after 30 days. Hopefully it will be useful for anyone and I am grateful to the admin for providing the link to his members in the last newsletter:
PammGroups News
First of all, sorry for small payments delay today but LibertyReserve API system again was down whole day. I was waiting from early morning till now to process pending LibertyReserve payments and finally I been able to do this. All pendings are processed now, hopefully LibertyReserve been able to fix all their problems during weekend and we won’t face this again.
Recently, PammGroups was reviewed by Money-News-Online. I guess most of you already read it but anyway if you didn’t, feel free to check it here:
I am really satisfied with our growth, as we already have more than 1,000 members within just 3 days. I am sure that we will continue to do well and will be able to stay for a long time. I wish you all a great week and thanks for your support!
Best regards, Cris. PammGroups.


The admin of WinningProfits Bruno (interviewed here) mentioned this weekend was especially good for his program which accepted its 300th member. Bruno is asking for the member’s support on the main investment forums and encourages everyone to take advantage of the new limited offer paying 10% for 11 days in addition to the existing plans of 5% for 24 days and 120% after 20 days. WinningProfits is accepting AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from a $5 minimum and was first reviewed on MNO here. Below is the full newsletter from them:
Another great day at WP!
This was really an amazing weekend for WP. Even with the site troubles we still managed to move well over the 300 member mark and we are growing at an incredible rate. Much faster than we have seen thus far. I attribute that directly to the promotional efforst of the members and we thank you for that.
Many of our mew members are also taking advantage of the limited time plan which we feel will be a big hit. we still haven’t decided how long we will leave it open for but we will let you know once we decide.
Please don’t forget to post your payments in MMG, DTM and TG for us. This helps others to know that we are the real deal and it also helps us to grow thereby boosting your earnings.
Let’s get ready for an amazing week ahead!


It was officially announced on OneInv‘s website today that the short term plan which paid 11% for 10 days had been closed for new deposits:
Short Term Plan Closed
Short Term plan closed as we already reached the investment limit.
OneInv currently occupies the very high #2 position on MNO’s Premium list and has been paying investors for 132 days now. The current investment plans accepted via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney include – 0.6%-1.2% daily forever (principal back after 12 months), 1%-2% for 300 days, 1500% after 300 days, 2500% after 250 days. More about the OneInv can be read in the detailed review posted on MNO here.


To tell you the truth, I am kinda annoyed with the DDoS attacks on the site of LucidNature (reviewed here) now which seem to be occurring on a daily basis. Though such frequent downtimes seem not to have affected the payouts which are processed promptly and on a daily basis the admin of the program Edwyn should think about changing his hosting provider since they clearly can’t cope with such attacks and to increase the program’s chances for survival. Today for instance LucidNature was offline for a few hours again and still no word if measures have been taken to prevent this from happening in the future as no social websites were updated and I only have this newsletter which I’m going to let you read below:
Downtime and more
Dear members,
Yesterday we were hit by a series of big DDoS attacks. The people responsible do not like the fact we are listed on certain monitor and wanted us to pay them or remove the monitor from our site. We are not negotiating with intimidators or extortionists.
On another note, we are 1 month old since the start of operations. We will send a congratulating email tomorrow informing you with how we did during this month and what is to be expected from us in the many months ahead of us.
Regards, Edwyn”.


As already mentioned, today some programs struggled to process their withdrawals automatically or instantly for several hours due to LibertyReserve having API problems again. Yesterday similar issues hit MoneyHysteria who scammed and today it looks like ProvidentInv is following the same path after failing to cope. MNO has moved ProvidentInv to Problem status now and a warning issued on my Breaking News teletype. First sign of the coming collapse is pending withdrawals to LR which were not processed even after LibertyReserve fixed the issue, and the second sign is that infamous 200% after 1 day plan announced in the latest newsletter by the admin republished below. Honestly, these plans are almost a cliché by now! Do NOT invest in this scam!:
Hello, we are proud to announce our new investment plan “200% after 1 day”. Minimum deposit is $100, you will receive 200% of your investment after 24h. Please notice that this new plan is available for limited time, so make sure that you don’t miss this fantastic opportunity.
Regards, ProvidentInv”.

As for the new programs presented on MNO recently, like Profitima for instance (read my review here) is too new to deliberately scam and run away after being online for only 6 days. Having sustainable paying plans of 1.5% for 30 days, 1.7% for 60 days, 1.9% for 90 days, 2.1% for 120 days with principal returned on expiry via AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney I was sure that the program would not be hit by the LR issues. And apparently it wasn’t. Here’s the latest news from Profitima issued after LibertyReserve got back to normal and all pending payouts were successfully processed:
LibertyReserve is back to normal!
Dear members,
We are pleased to inform you that LibertyReserve staff finally fixed their API issues and all pending LR withdrawals have been processed. Previously today they had a problem in their API system so we had to process LR withdrawals one by one but now everything is fixed and works properly.
Best Regards, Profitima Administration”.


It’s hardly a surprise for me that for over 24 hours after the first problems in MoneyHysteria were reported and the program was moved to Problem status on MNO the vast majority of monitoring sites still keep this obvious scam on Paying status. Such practices will definitely cost investors who use these sites a lot of money! Some of them may not even realize that there are really honest monitors out there like MNO who don’t take bribes and move programs to Problem straight after the first signs of selective payouts are confirmed. So I did it without hesitation last night immediately after I verified reports from the members of MoneyHysteria and can proudly say that I was the first monitor (yet again!) to do so. So it is worth your while to check the status of a program on MNO first to make sure it’s still safe to invest there. Sometimes such a careful decision will save the average investor a lot and I’m proud to have such an uncompromising position which will definitely bring more readers to my site over time. By the way, I was even told yesterday that I’m the only monitoring site worthy looking at, because others do not care to change statuses for weeks and therefore making their visitors lose money. Sometimes I wonder how such shabby monitors are still in business! MNO will always stay well away from these useless and totally corrupted so-called “monitors” who would do anything (deliberately or just because they are too lazy) to mislead their customers and make them lose money. That is why it is crucial for an average investor to check the status on MNO before making any decision to join.

I must say that after altering the image of MNO on their rating page I expected all manner of nasty things from the admin of MoneyHysteria. And I was right. Today the scammer sent another email promising bonuses to all the members due to the program’s 65 days online. Well, you know what to do with such emails – delete and block! Here is his latest attempt to steal from you:
Today we reach our 65 days online!
 MoneyHysteria would like to announce that everyone is able to receive deposit bonus from us, be it our old member or our fresh member.
When you make a deposit, you will receive deposit bonus $10% from your deposit.
Only for 5 days onwards, so grab it fast.
Best Regards, MoneyHysteria”.


Here is the list of the programs I was paid by during the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: RelaxCapital.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, EVBusiness, EurexTrade, FXMoguls, LuxorAlliance,  IncomeIntPammGroups, WinningProfits, GeniusVenture, SolidForexLtd, BensonUnion, PlexCapital, LucidNature, VascoForex, CrownEarnInvestgroup (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: Profitima.
From MNO Basic list: EtoroGainClub, AmbrianInvestment, UFOWin.

This is all I have to report for tonight, guys. Enjoy what’s left of the weekend and I hope to see you all back on my MNO again tomorrow!

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