January 2012 Archives

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Beware! WinningProfits has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Hard to believe another week has sailed by already and we’re back to Friday. So I hope it’s been as good a week for you as it was for me and that you’re all looking forward to the weekend again. Though I do hope that today being Friday the 13th doesn’t bring things crashing down for anyone! Anyway as we move gradually into January the proliferation of shorter term HYIPs should become more and more noticeable I think, as that side of the HYIP industry begins to recover. One such program (though arguably more of a medium term project) is one called WinningProfits, which is an interesting investment site that just launched and has joined the MNO Premium List. It’s been a slow day for news by the way but before I get to the short update for you I’d like to take a closer look at WinningProfits first.

The plans themselves are pretty simple. There’s only two of them and oddly enough for an online HYIP they both offer you pretty much exactly the same thing. The only major difference between them is how they actually go about paying you. The first plan has WinningProfits offering daily interest payments while the second plan offers just the one single payment on expiry. The total net profit available to the investor is the same no matter what option you go for, though the on expiry plan does run for a slightly shorter term. Personally I don’t see that as any particular advantage and would see the choice to go with the daily payments plan as quite obvious, but that’s just me. Let’s take a look at them both and see which one you think is better yourself.

The first WinningProfits option, colorfully titled The Tiger Blood Plan, runs for a term of 24 calendar days. You can join it for a minimum deposit of just $5, and in return for your investment the admin will pay you back at a rate of 5% per day for the duration. WinningProfits already factor your initial principal into those payments and so will not be returning it on expiry. But at 5% per day you would break even on day 20 and complete the term with a total of 120%. Or in other words 100% of your own money plus 20% net profit.

Your only other option is to join what’s known as The Warlock Plan. For this one WinningProfits will require the very same $5 minimum deposit in order to join. This will then continue for a term of 20 calendar days after which WinningProfits should return 120% in total to you, including your principal. That’s the very same 20% net profit that they offer in the first plan, you just get it four days earlier. I know the admin has his own thoughts on this but in my own experience I would have to say the overwhelming majority of long term industry players would not consider that to be such an advantage. This is especially true when you consider that you would still at least break even in the first plan after 20 days anyway, so the remaining payments would constitute your net profit and no big deal in waiting that little extra time.

But like I said that’s entirely up to you. Both plans are quite sustainable for a good number of cycles (assuming WinningProfits is managed properly) as the actual profits given to investors average out at 1% per day or less. Not exactly huge money in the greater scheme of things and I wouldn’t be expecting the program to become an overnight sensation because of it, though the more important issue here is how to combine profitability with sustainability. That plus the fact that the admin has opted to avoid hiring any other monitors apart from MNO for the time being indicate a very prudent handling of the program’s finances as well, making the admin another one to question the wisdom of shelling out tons of his own members cash just so someone will say “I got Paid” times a million on some forum. They’re free to join and monitor with their own cash of course but no more than a bare handful if even that actually will. For the moment WinningProfits clearly have better uses to put the member’s money to, and hopefully this will help sustain payments to those people who actually deserve them (ie you guys!) than wasting it on those who do not.

Payment options themselves are up to the typical industry expectations from a program like this. WinningProfits are handling money in and out of the program via AlertPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney. Payments are made by the admin manually and so will have to be requested from inside your members area. After you have done so you are asked to allow them up to 48 hours for them to be completed. Small investors please note that the minimum withdrawal is $1.

Apart from the stable investment plans WinningProfits features a well organized website with a nice design and easy to navigate. It’s also fully SSL encrypted and is hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server supported by BlackLotus. Not a name you hear as often in the HYIP industry these days as before, but nevertheless always a dependable performer. What really catches the eye though is that WinningProfits is running off a totally unique script which again might show the admin is quite serious. He certainly made more of an effort than was necessary is WinningProfits was intended as a quick scam anyway. Any communications with him can be done through the online e-mail ticketing form where you just fill in your questions or comments and submit.

On the business side of things I for one am pleased that WinningProfits have opted to spare us all the rather embarrassing charade of claiming that this is anything other than what it is. And I think too that experiences players will agree with me on that. There’s no imaginary ForEx trading, no stocks and bonds, no gold and silver, and no BS either, lol! WinningProfits is an online HYIP and this is exactly how it’s presented to you. Sure it’s a gamble, but a lot of people happen to like that. If you’re not one of them then you’re free to not join. But I think most MNO readers know what they are doing and know what they are getting themselves into. It’s the HYIP industry and I appreciate the admin not trying to hide the risk from anyone, so as the saying goes “You pays your money, you takes your chances”. It wouldn’t be a gamble if the result was under your control, would it? Of course the fact that the admin is so candid about it doesn’t change the fact that you should only play around with sensible amounts of money you can live without if it comes down to it, and of course WinningProfits will be a more effective investment for you if used as a smaller part of a more diverse portfolio.



There was a rather odd update from the admin of HYIPInnovation Sean late last night. announcing the addition of AlertPay to his program next week. And while such an addition was previously discussed in my interview with him (click here to read it), I honestly do not understand why it would take a few days to test the system and integrate AlertPay into the only offered plan – 5% for 25-40 business days, while other programs can just add it to the list and start accepting it. In my opinion the implementation of AlertPay along with LR and PM deposits shouldn’t take so long provided the account is properly verified. And if it’s not verified yet, I don’t see any reason to wait till Tuesday because the process might take some time. Anyway, possibly to encourage new deposits the admin also warned of the pending deletion of all inactive accounts from the system that didn’t have any deposits during the last two months of the program’s existence and mentions the video presentation which anybody who’s interested can watch on YouTube. So stay tuned for the addition of AlertPay to HYIPInnovation (reviewed here) and meanwhile read the full newsletter from the program’s admin below:
AlertPay is being added to the system.
Dear HYIPInnovation members,
 We are happy to announce that starting from Tuesday, January the 17th, HYIPInnovation will be accepting deposits via AlertPay payment system. Those of you not yet familiar with this payment processor should visit their website at AlertPay.com.
We are currently in the process of updating and testing our website supporting software for the AlertPay processing functions and we estimate that we should be able to start accepting deposits via AlertPay this coming Tuesday.
On a separate matter, we would like to notify all of our members who have not made a deposit about our upcoming database clearance. It means that we will be removing the accounts without active deposits from the system. We need to do this due to the growing number of active members and in order to reduce our server load.
Consequently and in case if you decide to not make new deposits any time soon, please take a note that when you do decide to do so, you may have to create new account with us because your old account will be likely deleted from the system.
Sincerely, Sean Mebokan on behalf of
 HYIPInnovation Team
P.S. If you haven’t seen it yet, please check out our program video presentation here:


Please note that EasyDollarsIncome has stopped paying today and the site has disappeared most likely due to the extensive DDoS attack on their servers which caused the downtime of the site for many hours and killed its chances for survival.

As for all other programs, they seem to be paying fine and I was paid by the following during the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: APEnergyInvest, EVBusiness, TopWallet, JunixOverseas, RelaxCapital.
From MNO Premium list: TopsFund, OneInvNewGNi, EurexTrade, BaseBucks, WorldwideCapital, HYIPInnovation, ForexReflexFXMoguls, GeniusVenture, FelminaAlliance, SolidForexLtd, WinningProfits, PlexCapital (the first payment received), IncomeInt (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: StrongDollars, LifeTimeProfits, LuxorAlliance.
From MNO Basic list: EtoroGainClub, WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestment.

That’s just about everything I have for you tonight, guys. Stay tuned for another review tomorrow and more news from the HYIP industry!

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