January 2012 Archives

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Beware! IncomeInt has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope the weekend is going well for you all so far. Some of you may know I’ve been on vacation since just after Christmas on the Dalmatian coast (my time here is nearly over now) and today took a trip to Montenegro which I must say was just breathtaking. Not only that but as a movie fan it was also pretty cool to see where one of the recent James Bond series Casino Royale was filmed and to follow the route of some of the scenes. Back to work for me now though as I want to take a look at a new addition to the MNO monitor list tonight called IncomeInt. You’ll probably notice a few more short term HYIPs popping up in the not too distant future, and this is one of them. And I know that some of you are keen to investigate faster programs at the moment after the annual industry slowdown begins to lift finally. So before the weekend news bulletin let’s have a look and see if you think IncomeInt is suitable for you.

It’s easy enough to describe the plans as there’s only two of them and have nothing complicated. The way short term HYIPs should be I guess. IncomeInt‘s frst offer runs for a 5 calendar day term and can be joined for a minimum deposit of $10. In return for that you should receive one single payment on expiry of 110% interest. That figure includes your own principal already so it’s a clear cut net profit of 10%. Or in monetary terms deposit $100 today and IncomeInt promise to pay you back $110 in five days time. Maximum deposit by the way is $10,000.

The second plan is just as simple, the only difference being that you are offered a bigger reward for taking a bigger risk. The term runs for 10 calendar days this time but IncomeInt are offering a 130% payment on expiry. The minimum deposit remains unchanged at $10 however so of course the “risk” doesn’t necessarily have to be all that much in financial terms. IncomeInt include your principal as part of the payment of course so it’s a 30% net profit for you (if it works out that is!). Maximum deposit here is also $10,000 just like the other plan.

The program’s payment options are a bit limited compared to many other short term HYIPs at the moment. For now just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are in use, though according to their website IncomeInt say they should be using AlertPay some time in the near future. For anyone who prefers to wait for that to happen before joining then make sure to keep an eye on MNO and I’ll make sure this is the first place you’ll hear about it if it actually goes ahead. Meanwhile payments to the other two processors are made manually so you’re going to have to request them from inside your members area. Once you’ve done so the IncomeInt admin asks you to allow up to 24 hours for him to get everything processed. Just one other thing you need to be aware of regarding the plans, as depositing here is a very slightly different process to what maybe some of those new to the HYIP world are more used to. Basically what you need to do first is to fund your account in IncomeInt, and only then do you re-distribute that money into (or divide between) the investment plan of your choice. Communication with the admin is available by filling in your details on the online e-mail ticketing form and submitting it.

First impressions of the IncomeInt website is that it looks very well put together. It’s fully SSL protected and is running on a dedicated server with what the admin tells me is a highly extensive package from Staminus for their DDoS protection. The script is developed by the well known programmer Gotenks and one many of the more experienced investors would be familiar with after a number of other programs, many of which were quite popular, ran off something either the same or very close. Something you don’t see too often in the industry is that IncomeInt offer you the option of writing your questions in Russian as well as English. You can also follow the program on Facebook and Twitter. A public online chat widget is built into the website where anyone can post questions or comments from time to time if they please, and I believe you might find the admin there sometimes as well.

As you might expect from a high risk HYIP there’s no real practical information on what might be supporting the whole thing, other than new money from new investors that is. You know by now the whole industry is a gamble so IncomeInt is not going to be an exception. Therefore as with all online HYIPs you need to exercise a degree of caution. But you know there’s really nothing to be afraid of provided you are staying well under an affordable budget and not playing around with money that you cannot afford to lose. Other than that you might get the most effective use of IncomeInt as part of a diverse portfolio.



There was some news about TopWallet‘s recent performance which makes me a little uncomfortable about recommending any investments there and actually saw them placed on Problem status for a few hours. It all started with a weird email announcing a special plan with higher returns which was received today by many MNO readers (but not by me personally!) and forwarded to me which allegedly originated from TopWallet‘s admin. Later he claimed this was a scam from some competitor. Here is the email:
Dear TopWallet members,
We are proud to announce our first VIP plan. TopWallet would like to thank everyone for the continuous support and cooperation you have put into our investment opportunity.
The plan is called “TopWallet VIP”, and return is 150% after 1 day. To invest in this plan, you will be required to deposit at least $100 USD and the maximum is $50,000.
In order to make the deposit into our special plan, you’re not required to login in our site. Our system will automatically recognize your user name and investment will be credited as soon as we receive the funds.
Please click on link below in order to make deposit. In memo add your username and plan name. Example: Deposit in TopWallet – VIP Plan
Please note that this VIP plan is for a limited time only, and will be available until January 22th. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity!
Yours Sincerely, TopWallet Administrator”.

Later on the admin of TopWallet sent out a counter-email confirming the previous email was not genuine, that no special plan would be added, and all members would be addressed with their username in the program to avoid such incidents happening in the future. The admin also admitted that the withdrawals were “slightly delayed” and promised to solve the issue soon. Here is the latest official email from TopWallet (reviewed here) received tonight:
Important Notification from TopWallet – “Fake Investment Plan To Avoid”
We have been notified that someone on our behalf has sent a fake new VIP plan email. Even if it appears to be emailed from our address, please ignore it and never pay attention to such emails. All deposits are handled only within members area and we will never add any new investment plan. Moreover, in our official emails we will always address you by the first name.
Another thing, there are slightly delayed withdrawals as of now. We are going to solve this matter and process all pending withdrawal requests. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Please keep in mind – TopWallet isn’t going anywhere and we are here to stay! Obviously, there are some jealous competitors who are trying to take us down but they will not succeed.
Have a blessed weekend!
TopWallet Administrator”.

I must say that the first reports about the delayed payouts from readers started coming last night and if you read my ShoutBox you might have seen this. Today I was faced with another string of complaints that were submitted after receiving the apparently fake email and VIP plan. I had to take some preventive measures as the payouts were still pending for too long and moved TopWallet to Problem status on MNO. Fortunately within a few hours the admin apparently processed all pending requests and I got a few confirmations from readers on it so I put them back to Paying status again. To tell you the truth, I still feel myself uncomfortable about the future of the program and would advise caution for a couple of days at least, until it supposedly gets back to normal. I must also add that no official explanation on the reasons for delaying payouts which can now take up to 24 hours was yet provided. He only told me that too many payouts caused a work overload, but I myself don’t find this explanation satisfactory.

Well, it’s good that the payouts were eventually processed by TopWallet and we’ll see how the situation develops over the coming days. Please stay with MNO blog for future details on payout schedule and watch the status of TopWallet on my monitor carefully before making an investment!


Straight after the review of the exclusively monitored on MNO WinningProfits was published (read it here) the admin of the program Bruno was in a hurry to announce it to the investors. Him and his co-admin Julia felt that the MNO review points at the fact that the program was originally intended to run for a long time and not be a fast scam on which he put a strong emphasis in the following email:
WinningProfits Review published on MNO.
Dear members,
I’m happy to report that our review of WinningProfits has been published on Money News Online. Myself and Julia both feel that is a well written and fair review that is worth a few minutes of your time to read.
You can read the review at http://money-news-online.com/blog/2012/01/13/13012012-winningprofits-review-and-daily-news-from-the-industry/
In addition I’d just like to update you on the progress of WinningProfits. From the beginning we planned this program to be a long term one. Not a fly by night or a hit and run program that only lasts 30 days or so. We feel that we have done a great job in accomplishing this goal and were very pleased with the steady growth that we have seen in our infancy.
If this pace keeps up then I have no doubt that WinningProfits will be your premier go to program for steady earnings in the coming months.
Thank you all for the support and I will see you on the forums.

The second update from WinningProfits for the last 24 hours was inspired by one of my readers pointing out to me that in his member’s area he saw an announcement that the next payment was due to be made on Monday. After contacting the admin it appeared that the script was meant to credit the daily withdrawals on 5% for 24 days plan on business days only (Mon-Fri), instead of the intended calendar days. So the admin assured me the issue was going to be handled properly by WinningProfits‘ programmer within the next few hours and confirmed that the description of the investment plans provided in my review and accepted via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay – 5% for 24 calendar days and 120% after 20 calendar days – is correct. At the time of writing the problem has not been fixed yet (at least not for my account!) and I have yet to be see today’s profits credited. However it’s kinda encouraging that WinningProfits‘ admin is aware of the situation and hopefully that when their programmer is available to fix the script all the payouts will be credited properly. I will report about the situation on my blog tomorrow but meanwhile here’s the latest official newsletter from WinningProfits encouraging members to support the program on main investment forums:
WinningProfits Member Update!
Dear members, as we continue to progress I’m very pleased with the steady growth that we have seen over the first few days. Payments are going out fast we greatly appreciate the members who are posting in support of us on our home forums of dreamteammoney.com and moneymakergroup.com.
It was brought to my attention by one of our members that the “Next payment date” Feature is showing Monday as the next payment date for those of you in the daily plan. This is incorrect. We pay interest 7 days a week and you will get credit for interest over today and tomorrow. This is simply a malfunction with this specific feature and our programmer will have this fixed in a few hours.
To reiterate, interest for the daily plan will be credited as normal today and tomorrow. Simply ignore the “Next payment date” feature for now until it is fixed in a few hours. This feature is 100% independent of the system which credits the interest itself. So not to worry, we are on the case!
Thank you. Bruno”.

P.S. Just when I was about to publish my news update I have received another email from WinningProfits‘ admin where he admitted that a few accounts had not been credited today and promised to credit double payment for those affected tomorrow. I will keep you updated then if that works for me:
Dear Members,
I would just like to add an addendum to our last newsletter.
We had a bit of an issue today where interest wasn’t credited today for some folks. We are resolving the issue and those who didn’t receive there interest payment today will receive a double payment tomorrow.
We apologize for the inconvenience and it will not happen again.
Thank you, Bruno”.


Here is the list of the programs I was paid by during the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: APEnergyInvest, EVBusiness, TopWallet, JunixOverseas, OnlineInvest, RelaxCapital.
From MNO Premium list: TopsFund, OneInv, EurexTrade, WorldwideCapital, FXMoguls, FelminaAlliance, SolidForexLtd, ProfitableSunrise, WinningProfits, PlexCapital, IncomeInt.
From MNO Standard list: StrongDollars, LifeTimeProfits, LuxorAlliance.
From MNO Basic list: EtoroGainClub, AmbrianInvestment.

That is all I wanted to report on this relatively quiet Saturday night. See you onback here tomorrow with the full review of PlexCapital and more news and updates from the programs monitored by MNO!

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