Feb 6th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! PaidProcess has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a nice weekend. After a couple of relatively quiet days for news in the industry last week let’s see if things get any busier as we start another Monday. I think it might as I already have a couple of new programs lined up to discuss with you during the coming days, starting with what looks to be one of the liveliest new short term programs in recent weeks which is one called PaidProcess. I must say this one’s taken even me by surprise. I was expecting it to be popular which is definitely happening but it’s the level of enthusiasm shown by investors towards it that really struck me. Anyway, PaidProcess is a short term HYI program and as with most of the better examples of such is remarkably uncomplicated and doesn’t require much in the way of analysis – you either like it or you don’t, but from what I’ve heard from readers over the weekend the overwhelming majority of you seem to be on board with this one.

There are just two very basic investment plans to choose from in PaidProcess, one of which makes daily interest payments, and another slightly longer term option that pays once on expiry. That one’s a bit riskier but if it works out it is quite a bit more profitable. Having said that, PaidProcess is still a brand new program so none of the first investors are quite in profit just yet. That will happen soon however so for anyone who prefers a more cautious approach and wait until after other members start to reap the rewards then keep a close eye on MNO over the coming days and I will make sure this is the first place you hear about it. I suggest you not wait around for too long afterwards however, as the folks who make the most out of programs like PaidProcess are the ones who take a gamble for themselves and not just wait around watching others make money while they wait until it’s too late.

So as for the plans themselves, the first one runs for a term of 5 calendar days. You can join it for a minimum deposit of $10, and in return PaidProcess will make a daily payment to your account with them of 25% interest. Your initial principal is included as part of those payments so that means you can expect to break even (ie earn your own money back) after four days and complete the term with a total of 125%, or in other words your own investment plus 25% profit.

It couldn’t really be any simpler than that, but to put it in monetary terms let’s say you invested $100. PaidProcess will pay you back at a rate of 25% per day, allowing you to earn back your initial hundred on day four, and complete the term with $125 in total. The maximum deposit by the way is $5,000, a relatively conservative figure I guess but then again I honestly don’t know of too many people that would really want to go past that in online HYIPs anyway. Mind you, if you did want to spend more than that then PaidProcess allow multiple deposits (deposits now, NOT multiple accounts) so any maximum is effectively obsolete.

The second plan is decidedly more risky as it runs for a longer term and does not afford you the luxury of daily payments. That being said it still need only cost you a $10 minimum deposit to join, so financially speaking it really doesn’t have to be that much of a risk in that sense. The term runs for 10 calendar days, and at the end PaidProcess offer to return 160% to your account, principal included. So that’s your own money back, plus 60% net profit.

That means for a $100 deposit here you would be hoping to get $160 back after ten days. It’s a tall order to expect that kind of return to be sustained for months instead of weeks, but if the high interest rate is just too tempting for you then there is one simple way to give yourself a limited form of protection from the risk – split your investment. There’s no doubt in my mind that the first plan will be significantly more popular. I know this from experience so there’s really no argument. But if you like the thought of 60% profit but not the high level of risk that goes with it you can simply put the larger share of your deposit into PaidProcess‘ daily plan and then play with a couple of bucks in the on expiry one if you like. Just a suggestion to anyone afraid of a gamble of course, as I know most MNO readers aren’t really that bothered about taking a gamble and will jump right in to both plans anyway. If that describes you then good luck! Maximum spend in the second plan is also $5,000 by the way, but again as no restrictions are placed on the number of deposits you can make that limit doesn’t really mean all that much.

The payment processors accepted by PaidProcess are limited to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Predictable enough I suppose but if you don’t like that for whatever reason then they go some way at least towards compensating for it by using instant payouts. And this I can confirm myself as all of my requests were processed within seconds so far. You still need to log into your account area and request them of course, but once done you should see the money in your e-currency account almost immediately. Just keep in mind that this feature is not explicitly guaranteed to work all the time. There are numerous reasons why the PaidProcess admin might need to switch off the instant payouts from time to time, such as security concerns, or simply to replenish the program’s accounts. In that event you are promised a payment within 24 hours, but so far they’ve all been totally instant.

As for the design and security of the program, PaidProcess is running of a script from MonetarySoft. I didn’t recognize it myself at first, but (according to the admin) some modifications were made to make it more secure for instant payouts. The website is also SSL encrypted and hosting is on a dedicated and DDoS protected server from Staminus. For any further information on the project or account related issues then you can contact the PaidProcess admin for yourself by filling in your details on the e-mail ticketing form and submitting it. Also listed is a telephone number and a built in Live Chat feature, though nothing to indicate if the admin ever actually uses it or not. That’s a question I’ll put to him should he ever agree to an interview.

According to the texts featured on the website, the program is supposedly involved with “buying and selling recently launched Pharmacy related products”. Unfortunately that is the full extent of the information offered so I think we all know not to take that side of the industry too seriously by now. There’s no guarantees there anyway, even it it was true, so as long as you know that and are prepared to accept the gamble then PaidProcess may be worth a few bucks while it runs. Provided of course you follow the number one rule and keep within a strictly enforced spending limit that’s affordable to you. You might also consider using PaidProcess as a smaller part of a wider more diverse investment portfolio.



GibraltarFinancialGroup extended its online presence by proudly announcing the addition of major social networking websites such as Twitter and Facebook as marketing and communication tools to attract more investors. In the latest update the recent review on MNO was also mentioned as a potential tool to attract more customers to the program and extend its already astonishingly long presence on the net of over 70 days. Here is the latest update from GibraltarFinancialGroup:
Follow GibraltarFinancialGroup on Twitter, Facebook and MNO.
Dear our beloved clients, within this email, we are proudly announce to you, that now:
1. We have our review published on MNO, so all of our client and potential client, able to read and get a review about us from it, for anyone who doesn’t know what is MNO.
MNO (money-news-online.com) is a portal consisting of a daily news blog, monitoring service, forum, and interactive chat room. It is constantly updated with the newest and most up to date information from any news source in the online HYIP industry.
2. We have launched our official page on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Gibraltar-Financial-Group/360672730610784) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/GibraltarFG).
That way, all of our clients could share to each other all their experience they got with GibraltarFinancialGroup and get in touch with another GibraltarFinancialGroup‘s investor.
On it, we will be posting daily updates about us. Everyone is invited to visit it and giving ”LIKE’‘.
The full review can be read on MNO here but I can tell that GibraltarFinancialGroup accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney starting from a $10 minimum which you can invest in the various plans all paying on expiry – 105%-127% after 1 day, 116%-190% after 3 days, 128%-267% after 5 days, 141%-355% after 7 days, 190%-650% after 15 days, 300%-1300% after 30 days.


As with all the successful short term programs like PammGroups many spammers take advantage and try to use lists of HYIP investors purchased from previous admins. Ever wondered why you might be receiving a lot of spam emails to an address registered just a couple of weeks ago? Well, this happens exactly because you’re using it for HYIP investing and the admins of the previous programs you’ve been in will always try to take advantage of it and sell such lists of email addresses to other scammers. That is why it’s important to use a specially created email address to deal with HYIPs if you want to avoid the spam that some members of PammGroups have received already. I haven’t received it myself but from what I’ve been told I can guess it was some “special plan” asking you to pay for directly into some LR and PM accounts. Experienced investors already know about such tricks but the newbies can buy such lies. That’s why it’s important that the admin of PammGroups warns about such scams himself which shows his true commitment to the program and his investors who might otherwise be fooled by yet another HYIP spammer. This is an email I received from PammGroups yesterday:
PammGroups urgent
Hello, just received some complaints once again about fake spam emails from our name. Please note that we didnt sent any email this night regarding special plan offer, once again spammer trying to get some funds from PammGroups members so if you received something from fake email please ignore it.
Best regards, Cris
PammGroups is a short-term program which already achieved tremendous success after just 10 days online and currently occupies the #5 position on the MNO Premium List. The success of PammGroups I believe can be explained by its experienced admin and fast payouts processed to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts of those who invested into one of the following plans offered by the program – 105%-130% after 1 day, 117%-225% after 3 days, 143%-600% after 7 days, 200%-1250% after 14 days, 350%-2500% after 30 days. More about that and the other features can be found in my detailed review published here.


Congratulations to all the members of FXMoguls (reviewed here) and its admin Jason (he was interviewed here) on the successful completion of two months online. Investors who joined the 2.4%-3.7% for 150 business days plan with principal back on expiry should start receiving their first profits today. I must say there were a lot of investors initially joined the program as the minimum to invest was just $0.01 via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney which was unheard for such long-term programs as this. Of course after adding AlertPay as their third payment processor the minimum was raised to $1 as that’s the minimum requirement for AlertPay. And today it was finally announced that due to high growth and 1700 investors already after two months it was decided to increase the minimum deposit to $10 in a couple of days. Due to the same reason it was decided to issue a prior announcement about scrapping the bonuses which investors can still get on deposits over $50 to the end of February two days before it happens, so keep an eye on future newsletters from FXMoguls. Finally, the testimonial contest on three major investment forums has been extended for another week and which you can also read in the latest newsletter from FXMoguls issued last night:
FXMoguls Newsletter 2-05-12
There are a few updates that we wish to issue you in this week’s newsletter. Let me of course begin by welcoming all new members of FXMoguls LTD. As of this writing we have over 1700 members and this number continues to grow daily.
Today FXMoguls celebrates our 60th day online. While this is only a small step in a very long journey we still wish to point this out and to thank everyone who has participated in some small way to getting us to this point.
This first bit of news that I wish to discuss is the minimum deposit amount. As you can see we are growing very steadily and as such the payments for 2 or 3 cents do get a bit overwhelming at times. So starting this coming Friday the minimum deposit amount will be raised to $10. While this is not a huge jump and is very reasonable for most investors we still wish to make this known ahead of time so that there aren’t any surprises that you weren’t aware of.
The second bit of news is regarding our testimonials contest. The activity has been minimal at best and so instead of picking winners for this week we will extend it for one more week. This will be the last week of the contest. What we ask is that after leaving a testimonial for us on MMG, TG or DTM that you please send an email with the link to your testimonial to support@fxmoguls.com so that we can be made aware of it.
Finally, we have made the decision that our deposit bonuses will be ending in the month of February. While we haven’t decided on an exact date we have decided to end them soon. They have accomplished their goal as establishing us as one of the premier HYIP’s online and we feel that to extend them any further would be overkill on our part. So if you wish to take advantage of this promotion please do so soon. We will give a 48 hour notice prior to stopping the promotion.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns or comments and we will certainly answer you in short order.
Sincerely FXMoguls LTD Staff”.


If you’ve been in the HYIP industry for a long time you must know that there is a lot of importance placed by some admins on hiring paid posters who will gladly post their payment “proofs” on various monitors and forums for mere cents. That is how such people make their living and I don’t blame them personally for that, but usually such paid voters are very easy to distinguish by their huge presence and annoying comments “I got paid” compared to very few genuine investors posting genuine proof in the threads of programs who don’t squander investor’s money paying such “professionals”. Anyway, it looks like the admin of LuxorAlliance chose a different path and decided to reward active investors who would post their payment proofs on various monitors and forums. So starting from today you can not only earn from the plans – 1.8% for 15 days, 2% for 30 days, 2.4% for 45 days, 2.8% for 60 days with principal return on expiry – but also make some extra money by supporting LuxorAlliance (reviewed here) by simply voting according to the rules published below:
Hello LA Investors,
We would like to offer you a great chance to earn more money with LuxorAlliance. You can earn up to $21 a week by voting your payment proofs on different monitors where we are listing.
Our general requirements:
1. Your payment proof should be $5 minimum.
2. You will get $3 a day for 20 votes on different monitors.
3. To get paid you should provide us a report with your name (on monitor sites) and links.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact our marketing department: affiliate@luxoralliance.com
LuxorAlliance has been added to a Sticky Listing on Hyipexplorer and now you can see our banners on MMG Forum.
All members have been paid as usual. We wish you a good and successful week!
Best Regards, LuxorAlliance Team”.


Everybody should agree that the main task of any good HYIP admin would be to make his site better for his investors by adding more features and providing a more user friendly and convenient interface. The admin of Profitima is doing his best, with the first step in that direction being the addition of the calculator which members can use to count their potential profits from Profitima before joining one of the investment plans via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay – 1.5% for 30 days, 1.7% for 60 days, 1.9% for 90 days, 2.1% for 120 days with principal back on expiry. So far payouts have been fast which I hope will continue. Here’s the latest from Profitima (reviewed here):
Profitima Investment Calculator!
Dear members,
We have received a lot of requests from our valued investors to add an investment calculator to the site so that they can calculate their profits with Profitima. After a very comprehensive research, we are pleased to tell you that you can receive all the information about your investment in hyipcalculators.com, after filling the necessary fields and clicking on the “CALCULATE” button.
Best Regards, Profitima Administration”.


This weekend was probably the worst in the industry so far this year for closures. No less than five programs have stopped paying completely or started processing payouts selectively only to monitors. They include WinningProfits, RelaxCapital, LucidNature, WorldwideCapital and eToroGainClub. Make sure you don’t invest in them anymore.

Starting with WinningProfits, I hate to say it but it looks like I was right about them again. Regular readers might remember a few days ago in my article published here I questioned the necessity of adding more monitors and a new investment plan despite the fact they said quite clearly they were looking for slower and stable growth. The question was why the admin suddenly changed strategy and added a new plan abruptly thus making all the statements about the popularity of the program totally obsolete and false. It looks like adding more monitors simply meant a fast scam which was proved over the weekend when the payouts stalled before simply stopping completely. No wonder the admin has already removed my monitoring banner and never replied to my email when I asked him about the delayed payouts. So WinningProfits is a confirmed scam now which promised to be a good and stable program but was unfortunately killed by a greedy admin. The very first investors of the program should be in profit anyway, so congratulations if you’re one of them.

RelaxCapital was another program that many were talking about but it proved to be a total scam when it collapsed over the weekend, leaving hundreds of investors at a loss. The program stopped paying after only 25 days online and therefore even those who invested in the shortest term plan were unable to get their principals back. This result was kinda disappointing but it looks like RelaxCapital was intended to be a fast scam from the beginning. I wish we could spot such programs straight away, but unfortunately we can’t. Please do not invest here as the last payments were processed two days ago and there was no update from the admin.

LucidNature looks to be another fast scam where only the first investors managed to profit after the completion of its 25 business days plan. They also stopped paying over the weekend, just a few days after the first plan was completed and the interview with the admin was published on MNO. I don’t want to imply any connection, but there could be a strategy where the admin planned his advertising campaign in order to scam after the first payments on expiry were processed in case the program didn’t pick up steam. Purely speculation but it looks like no one wanted to support LucidNature with their redeposits and the program failed to achieve any type of success which is kinda unfortunate for investors who believed in the admin’s best intentions. Please stop investing in LucidNature too!

Finally, WorldwideCapital. I believe I said already that the program might be in trouble a couple of days ago when the payouts were delayed. Yesterday to my surprise I was paid my last pending withdrawal from them which was processed within the promised 48 hour timeframe. After confirmation from some MNO readers who were also paid payouts I decided to move them back to Paying status even though the admin hadn’t replied to my emails and never explained the delays. But I believe there was a good reason for that – selective payouts. As I found out later some members of WorldwideCapital still have their payouts pending for over 48 hours and I managed to independently verify this information by checking their accounts in the program. Therefore, I conclude that WorldwideCapital is currently paying selectively and the further deposits there cannot be encouraged in any circumstances. Please take this info into consideration if you consider investing in this program which has by now moved to Problem status on MNO blog.

And lastly a word about EtoroGainClub. Although the program has only been on Basic listing on MNO and was never reviewed the admin managed to stay online for over 40 days which put the first investors well into the profit zone. I have no idea why he never went for a higher listing as he regularly purchased banners and paid instantly till the other day. Now I have to issue a warning as I have confirmed pending withdrawals which were not paid within the promised timeframe and the admin failed to reply to my latest emails asking about this. Please do not invest in this program for now!


Another new program was added to MNO’s Premium list today and purchased Sticky Listing for a month – HoldingsTrade. Though the website says it’s been online for four weeks already, don’t believe it as it was introduced on the first monitors and forums only today, so can be safely considered as a brand new program. Currently HoldingsTrade only accepts LibertyReserve and due to hacking attempts which were blocked within its first hours online the admin decided to change the payouts from instant to manual mode with a maximum processing time of 24 hours. The plans offered by HoldingsTrade are easy to understand as it pays you from 3% to 3.2% (depending on your deposit) daily for the duration of 60 calendar days. What makes the program appealing to even short term ans is the fact that you can withdraw your principal at any time with absolutely without no fees. There is even a special tab built into the script allowing you to do this and be paid within 24 hours on request. The script the program is running off is a well known licensed version of ProBizScript which I consider quite safe based on previous experience. The HoldingsTrade website is very well made, has its own blog, forum and social networking and live support features, is properly SSL secured, and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with the basic anti-DDoS package bought which the admin claims can be upgraded any time if needed. At first glance HoldingsTrade looks like a very interesting program and I look forward to looking into it in more detail soon. Meanwhile you can check it out for yourself and read the first introductory message posted on its blog last night:
Welcome to HoldingsTrade
After 25 days of offline marketing, We are starting our online marketing today. If you have any questions about our service, feel free to contact us. Our support page is here : https://holdingstrade.com/support.php”.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: GibraltarFinancialGroup, HoldingsTrade (first payments received).
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, OneInv, NewGNi, Royalty7, PammGroupsEurexTrade, FXMoguls, IncomeInt, ForexReflex, LuxorAlliance, CrownEarnInvestgroup, GeniusVenture, PaidProcessSolidForexLtd, BensonUnion, FACTUnion, PlexCapital, VascoForex, SenrosGroup, InvfairLimited.
From MNO Standard list: LifeTimeProfits, Profitima, PXSense.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestmentUFOWin.

That’s all I have to report for you tonight, but please remember to tune in tomorrow for more of the latest news from the most popular programs in the industry. Also featured will be the full review of a new addition to MNO’s Standard list PXSense. Thanks also to anyone making an active contribution to the MNO ShoutBox discussion which quickly becoming the most popular in the industry. See you all tomorrow!

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