Feb 8th, 2012 Archives

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 Beware! HoldingsTrade has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! For the second of today’s two updates as well as all the news stories I want to start by taking a look at a new long term HYI program that was added to the MNO monitoring page just recently called HoldingsTrade. It’s only a few days old though shows some good promise, particularly the admin seems to be taking it seriously with the recent upgrades to security which is not only a cost effective long term investment in the success of HoldingsTrade but also an indication that they are going to make every effort to achieve what they set out to do. Of course I know all sorts of other factors come into play here but it’s a good opening move from the admin it has to be said.

The investment plans available from the program are quite straight forward, but what gives HoldingsTrade a slight edge over their competitors is that despite being a long term program themselves, is that they will also appeal widely to a short term audience as well. Basically this is down to the fact that offer a “get out early” clause in their plans that allows you to withdraw your principal and leave the program at any time, absolutely free of charge. So despite 60 calendar days being the suggested investment term, effectively the real term is determined by the individual member. Personally as a monitor I’m approaching HoldingsTrade as a long term HYIP and will be staying for the full duration, but if you have other ideas then do your own calculations according to what you’d like to take from the program.

So getting to the finer details of the plans themselves, well, there’s really only one of them. But there’s three variations depending on how much you’d like to invest. The investment term runs for 60 calendar days and you can join for a $10 minimum deposit. In return, HoldingsTrade will make a daily interest payment to you, and then return your principal on expiry. The only thing determining the rate of interest earned by you is the size of you deposit.

So for deposits starting from the required $10 minimum up to a top value of $199 HoldingsTrade pay 3% per day. At that rate you would expect to break even (assuming you’re staying for the full duration and not taking the opportunity to leave early) after 34 days and finish the term with payments that add up to 180% in total. This will then be your net profit once HoldingsTrade return your principal.

If you’re prepared to risk a little extra then the rewards increase accordingly. For example an investment between a $200 minimum up to a value of $4,999 will receive a daily payment of 3.1% interest for the 60 day plan duration. That would accumulate to 186% by the completion of the term which will be your net profit after HoldingsTrade return your principal as promised.

I think those two options would pretty much cover everything for the vast majority of readers, but just in case there’s anyone prepared to go in with $5,000 upwards (no maximum limit) then the offer is 3.2% interest per day for 60 calendar days, with HoldingsTrade again returning your principal on expiry. That leaves you with a net profit of 192% once the HoldingsTrade admin returns your principal.

Payment options at the moment are unfortunately limited to just LibertyReserve, though considering they remain very much the number one choice for most investors anyway I doubt it will be too much of a hindrance. More choice brings more growth, but it won’t stop HoldingsTrade from expanding at all either. One security concern the admin had to take swift action over was the use of instant payouts. These were made briefly by the program, however due to repeated (and failed!) hacking attempts he was forced to take the precautionary measure of disabling them. Sure, I know we’d all like to get paid faster but there’s too many crooks out there preventing the decent investors like yourselves from enjoying this industry so under the circumstances he did the right thing. They may or may not be re-enabled at some point in the future (I really don’t know) but meanwhile they’re still being made pretty quick anyway. You will need to log in to your HoldingsTrade account area to request the payout, and once made the admin should have it fully processed within 24 hours.

A couple of other quick points I want to make about the plans is that first of all compounding is allowed if you would like to try it. I myself would prefer to avoid it, though it’s purely a matter of personal choice. But if you want it then you can fix the rate yourself upon joining. The other point regards the withdrawal of your principal. As I already told you you can take your deposit back from HoldingsTrade at any time you wish to leave without any penalty fees being charged. The thing is that you do not need to contact anyone or ask for it as such. From inside your members account area you will find a tab that allows you to withdraw your principal completely. Just click on that, which in turn opens another form that you fill out and submit, and you should have your money back within 24 hours.

The script HoldingsTrade is running off is a well known licensed version of ProBizScript which I consider quite safe based on previous experience. Hosting is on a dedicated Staminus server with DDoS protection provided by BlockDos, and although there was some downtime a couple of days back one of the improvements made has been the upgrading of their protection so this should not be an issue again. The website is SSL encrypted and for customer support you can get in touch with the admin by using the Live Chat feature which unusually for the online HYIP industry does actually work, or by filling in the ticketing form and submitting it. HoldingsTrade also maintain a good level of communication through other mediums as well such as their own blog and their own forum. Away from the website you can also find social networking pages such as Facebook and Twitter. Overall though the site is quite well organized and laid out.

As far as the website content goes, HoldingsTrade has more graphics than texts. Which is just as well because a lot of what texts they do have are copy/pasted from other sites. All that means to me is what I would have told you anyway, regardless of the texts – ignore all claims of this being a genuine financial company and treat it as you would any high risk venture where the owners are untraceable. That means establishing a clear and affordable spending limit that you will never break as a priority, and trying to keep HoldingsTrade as a smaller part of a more diverse portfolio.



It’s already undeniable that IncomeInt (reviewed here) has managed to become a very popular program in the HYIP industry paying on two investment plans – 110% after 5 days and 130% after 10 days – for nearly a month now. In my opinion the admin Eric (interviewed here) is the reason for the growth of the program accepting all the popular payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and SolidTrustPay – and processing payouts promptly and several times per day. More activity and new features from IncomeInt were shown already in the first bi-weekly newsletter which is now available for download on the program’s website and more will come in the second newsletter expected in a few days. I look forward to that as there will be more information available on the innovative features available for all the active members who want to promote the program and explain it to newbies in exchange for some benefits. I guess this will be a variation of the regional representative program available on other HYIPs but knowing Eric I would not be surprised if it’s going to be something really different from anything else in the industry. Anyway, those interested will find more information soon. As for the today’s newsletter the main emphasis was put on the addition of IncomeInt‘s own forum which all the members are welcome to join and ask any questions as well as share experiences with other investors. The latest update from InconeInt is below:
Forum and leaders application form added
Dear investors,
As we promised you a couple of weeks ago, we created our own forum and it’s now ready to be used. It’s located at www.incomeint.com/board and everyone is welcome to join us so feel free to tell your referrals to register in our forum if they want to know the program a little better before investing. Important announcements will always be sent via e-mail but using the forum is a great way to communicate directly with IncomeInt‘s administration and other investors like you so please make yourself feel comfortable in our board.
Also, our investors can now subscribe for a Leader account by filling a short form here. A Leader is someone who can, somehow, contribute to IncomeInt‘s development when it comes to helping new people in the industry, being active on forums, blogs and Facebook. There will be many benefits for IncomeInt‘s Leaders, including extra referral commission bonuses so don’t miss the chance to become one, we will tell you what the first benefits are in a couple of days, once there will be more people signed up. There will be more details about it in our next bi-weekly newsletter, which will be sent in a few days!
Regards, Eric Noys
IncomeInt Administrator”.


Most probably to encourage promoters and stay ahead of the competition the administration of a popular short-term program GibraltarFinancialGroup (reviewed here) has decided to increase referral commissions from 1% to 5%. I believe that such a drastic increase could turn in some potentially good promoters who would like to earn some extra bucks on top of the good returns to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney from the investment plans available already – 105%-127% after 1 day, 116%-190% after 3 days, 128%-267% after 5 days, 141%-355% after 7 days, 190%-650% after 15 days, 300%-1300% after 30 days. Here is the full update posted today:
5% Referral Commission now!
In care and appreciation for all of our dearest client and as the proof of our well developed and good funds management strategy GibraltarFinancialGroup proudly announce that now, we are giving 5% for referral commission to our clients. Feel free to bring everyone and anyone be it your family, brother, sister, neighbor, colleague, anyone to join with GibraltarFinancialGroup, and give them taste the happiness, joy, and prosperity with GibraltarFinancialGroup.


After nearly two months online the admin of SenrosGroup (reviewed here) has finally decided to add AlertPay to the list of accepted payment processors, joining LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. I believe that as in the case with LR and PM the payouts to AlertPay should be processed instantly by now. I would like to remind you that SenrosGroup has three investment plans all of which return your principal on expiry – 1.5% for 15 business days, 1.8% for 25 business days and 2.5% for 50 business days. As SenrosGroup has been online for quite a long time the first investors should be in profit by now. Those who are can if they wish express their gratitude on the program’s Facebook and Twitter accounts the links to which were also given in the latest short newsletter from SenrosGroup issued today:
AlertPay Now Being Accepted
Greetings to everyone! Today we have got an outstanding news for everybody interested in SenrosGroup. As per your multiple requests we have added AlertPay as a third payment gateway at our investment platform. It has been tested and appropriately integrated, so from now on you can invest your funds using a safe and secure payment platform AlertPay provides. Stay tuned for more updates from us soon!
Please do not forget to follow us on Twitter – https://twitter.com/senrosgroup
And ‘like’ us on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Senros-Group/237897199625160”.


As promised yesterday the admin of FACTUnion Amelia (interviewed here) confirmed today that her site has been successfully migrated from NVH servers to the more reliable Koddos which will be able to offer more capacity due to an ever growing number of members. Investors can expect instant payouts to their LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay accounts from the following plans – 4%-5% for 30 business days (interest credited every hour) and 1.2% for 150 calendar days. As with every server change the site of FACTUnion (reviewed here) might not yet be available for everyone and the admin asks you to be patient and wait until the site is fully back online with improved and faster functionality now:
Hosting transfer has been Completed
Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin.
This is a quick email to notify that we have successfully moved to new hosting service provider. We are on a secure and DDoS protected network, this move should resolve all previous issues such as slow website performance, email delivering to junk folders and on top of all PerfectMoney payments are also Instant now. If the our site is still not accessible for you, you might then have to wait up to 48 hours (totally dependant on when your ISP updates their DNS records).
Thank you very much for your kind support!
Regards, – FACTUnion / Management.”


I am glad to announce that today I finally started posting on my own Facebook account and that from now on MNO blog will be presented on the two most popular social networks – Facebook and Twitter. You will be able to find the links to my latest posts and ask me any questions. I will be glad to see you all on my Facebook here and hopefully this will improve the communication with readers and help you stay in touch with the latest updates. If you want to support my work please “Like Me” on Facebook or become my friend there. I will be looking forward to getting in touch with you more often there and will try to check it at least once per day!

And just to remind you all that another way to communicate with me and other MNO readers would be to join the MNO ShoutBox for which you will have to send your desired username and password to abramsonp@gmail.com for account activation. That feature was made necessary to prevent spam but now I can see the discussions there are done in the most decent manner for which I express my sincere gratitude to all MNO readers. Anyway, if you wish to join this interesting discussion on the most visited ShoutBox in the HYIP industry please contact me and I will activate your account in no time. Thanks a lot for making MNO blog a unique source of information and contribute to the benefit of the HYIP investment community!


A new program has been added to MNO’s Premium list late last night – ProfitsMax. I believe that the program might be of interest to experienced investors who appreciate long running short term programs because ProfitsMax was officially online and paying since July 2011(!), i.e. for seven full months. I’m pretty sure that the admin of ProfitsMax is a seasoned pro who’s run many successful programs before is using a strategy of gradual advertising for his new program which pays on two investment plans – 120% after 7 days and 150% after 15 days. Experienced investors should remember a few extremely successful programs with similar plans in the past and I hope that ProfitsMax will become a welcome addition. It only accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney with a minimum of $10 and $50 depending on the chosen investment plan. The program runs off a licensed GoldCoders script which means that the payments have to be requested on expiry from your member’s area and should be paid within 24 hours of asking. The website is properly SSL secured and is hosted on a dedicated server by AntiDdos, so we shouldn’t expect any security issues. As you can see on the ProfitsMax site there are already two buttons for MNO review and interview ready, and that is no coincidence as very soon you will be able to enjoy both. Stay tuned for a more detailed review soon, guys!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: LuxorAllianceGibraltarFinancialGroup, HoldingsTrade.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, OneInv, NewGNi, Royalty7, PammGroupsEurexTrade, FXMoguls, IncomeInt, ForexReflex, PaidProcessCrownEarnInvestgroup, GeniusVenture, FelminaAlliance, ProfitableSunrise, SolidForexLtd, BensonUnion, FACTUnion, PlexCapital, VascoForex, SenrosGroup, InvfairLimited, ProfitsMax (first payments received), Perfectiva (first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: LifeTimeProfits, PanamaHedgeFund, Profitima.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestmentUFOWin.

That’s all for today, guys. I hope to see you tomorrow with a more detailed review of Perfectiva and daily news from the the industry. Stay tuned and always connected via MNO ShoutBox, Twitter and now Facebook!

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