Feb 14th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! FXTrust has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Happy Valentines Day everyone! And if you’re all alone then don’t worry, MNO still loves you, lol! Anyway I want to start today’s update with a closer look at another ultra short term HYI program called FXTrust that was added to my monitoring list when they first started working last Sunday, so it’s a brand new program if that’s what you prefer. No doubt you’ll recognize a lot of the features and investment plans in FXTrust as it has quite a lot in common with many of the popular short term HYIPs around at the moment, so whether you like this particular type of program or not I think it still has a good chance of becoming popular. Although the website itself looks a little more professional and well presented it’s essentially the same thing that’s so commonplace in the industry now.

What you have is five investment plans running for various terms, all of which pay you once on expiry. Some are more than workable in HYIP terms and can continue to pay profits for a good number of cycles, and indeed already are, while others are a bit more far fetched and probably not really worth the gamble. It’s up to you to decide which is which, but the first of the FXTrust plans runs for 1 single calendar day and can be joined for a $10 minimum deposit. Your interest payment will be included with your principal when both are returned on expiry. FXTrust will determine the rate according to how much you invest, with returns including 105% for deposits between the aforementioned $10 minimum and $500, 106% for deposits between $501 and $2,000, and 107% for anything between $2,001 and $5,000. Higher rates are available but if you’re really prepared to gamble with that kind of cash then I would suggest you see your FXTrust member’s area for those numbers.

The second plan runs for 3 calendar days this time but can also be joined for a minimum deposit of $10. The return paid on expiry of any invested amount from that up to $500 will be 116%, in which FXTrust are including your principal. As you can see it’s only very marginally more profitable than reinvesting in the one day plan for three cycles. In fact were you to reinvest the full amount (ie principal plus profit earned everyday) the difference would be negligible. The main advantage here is not having to withdraw on a daily basis, something I myself would be slow to describe as an advantage at all. If you want so spend a little extra in this one then the applicable returns include 119% on amounts from $501 to $2,000, and 123% on amounts between $2,001 and $5,000. Larger investments are accepted and for details you can see your FXTrust member’s area.

The third plan stretches the term out to 7 calendar days so things begin to get noticeably riskier now, and you will also need to spend a $50 minimum to try it out. Returns are again paid out once on expiry and will include your principal. The basic rate is 142% on deposits from $50 up to $500, though you may also get 149% on deposits from $501 up to $2,000 and 156% on amounts between $2,001 and $5,000. As with the other plans you may spend more if you wish so check the FXTrust member’s account area if you do.

The fourth plan runs for 14 calendar days and can be joined for a $200 minimum investment. Payments are made on expiry and will include your principal. Due to the ever increasing risk coupled with the high price of joining I can’t really see this one becoming all that popular (if it stuck with a $10 minimum at least some people would take the gamble no matter how slim their chances). But for those who want to give it a try then the return offered on anything up to $500 is 190%. If you spend from $501 to $2,000 the return is 205%, and from $2,000 to $5,000 it’s 220%. If you want to know about larger deposits check the FXTrust member’s area for the figures relating to that.

And finally a plan I personally would describe as best avoided, though by no means let that put you off having a bet on one of the shorter term ones, FXTrust take a $250 minimum deposit for a term of 30 calendar days. Payments are offered on expiry of the term and are offered at a rate of 350% on anything up to $500. For investments between $501 and $2,000 the rate is 400% and for $2,000 to $5,000 it’s 450%. And of course FXTrust promise to include your principal again as part of that. See the member’s area for any further information on larger deposits if you are interested.

Just as the investment plans might look like so many others you’ve seen before, the list of payment processors is also predictable. You choice is between LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, which as you know both operate a strict “all transactions are final” policy, which is fine as long as you accept never to spend more than you can afford in the first place. FXTrust don’t make instant payouts, but they are quite fast. You will need to log in to your FXTrust members area and request it yourself, and once done the admin asks for 12 hours to process the transaction.

FXTrust is hosted on a dedicated server with support and DDoS protection by AntiDdos, a familiar name in the HYIP industry by now and one that rarely seems to have any serious downtime problems. The program is running off a script under license from GoldCoders and is fully SSL encrypted for safer browsing and more secure transactions. If you need to contact the FXTrust admin for any further questions or account related issues then you’ll need to fill in your details on the online ticketing form and submit it. The website does have a built-in Live Chat feature however despite the fact that the banner on top proudly describes is as “27/7 Live Support” I myself have never seen them online and it’s not working as I write this either.

Like I said at the start FXTrust has the appearance of a slightly more professional and better designed website, however it is just that – an appearance. Texts are a direct copy/paste job and can be found word for word on a number of other older HYIPs. So I trust you will all have the good sense to not fall for any claims made about FXTrust being a genuine financial services company, even if they do display a certificate saying otherwise. Of course even if it were true it wouldn’t matter as you can still lose money anyway. So as with everything else you find on the net, FXTrust is best kept as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio and of course never ever put more money into it that would leave you in serious trouble were you to lose it.



It looks like not only myself remembered to send best wishes for Valentine’s day , as it seems the admin of LuxorAlliance (interviewed here) loves you all too! His latest newsletter announced the finish of the payment proofs promotion and congratulated the three lucky winners. Also announced was an upcoming video review and video presentation for the program which is apparently in the making now. LuxorAlliance is currently ranked #1 on the MNO Sticky list and has been paying promptly to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney for 45 days now. The program offers several short and medium term plans with principal returned on expiry – 1.8% for 15 days, 2% for 30 days, 2.4% for 45 days, 2.8% for 60 days. More on LuxorAlliance can be read in the detailed review provided on MNO here. And this is the full Valentine’s Day newsletter from the program:
Hello Dear LA Investors,
We would like to congratulate the most active members who have posted a payment proofs after they get paid within a week:
1) allegroman, 2) ctzul221, 3) esahputra1
Thank you for your support! Our Bonus Program has been officially closed and we will update you soon with LA Video Review and Video Presentation.
Today is Valentine’s Day and our deep greetings to You:
Valentine treasures are people who have often crossed your mind, family, friends and others, too, who in your life have shined the warmth of love or a spark of light that makes you remember them.
No matter how long since you’ve actually met,
Each one is a luminous gem who gleams and glows in your memory,
Bringing special pleasures, and that’s why this Valentine comes to you.
You’re one of those sparkling treasures!
We wish you a happy valentine day!
Best Regards,
LuxorAlliance Team”.


HoldingsTrade (reviewed here) keep improving their site after the forced downtime caused by DDoS attacks and domain suspension issues. Now that the the site is back online and working as normal the payments on 3%-3.2% for 60 days plan have resumed. At the same time it looked like a few members of HoldingsTrade abused the system of premature principal withdrawals by doing this too often, taking it mistakingly as a short-term program which HoldingsTrade is obviously not. So it was officially announced about a couple of changes regarding this feature which should improve the situation and at the same time should not affect the members that were attracted by it in the first place, as it will remain intact – the time for withdrawal process of your principal will not be 24 hours like for regular withdrawals but is now 48 hours and in addition you can do it only once and then leave the program instead of redepositing over and over again. I hope that those measures will help HoldingsTrade in establishing their name as a reliable medium term program and at the same time allow them to keep the “withdraw principal anytime” feature. In an attempt to improve the communication with members the admin of HoldingsTrade announced several new ways in which members can contact them and get a fast and efficient response to all their questions. More details can be found in the latest newsletter below:
A Brand New Support Suite and Clarifications on Principal Withdrawal
Dear Members of HoldingsTrade.
Right from our inception, providing the best in class support has been the top priority for us. To make our support even better, we have integrated a brand new support suite. You can access our support suite by going to https://holdingstrade.net/support.php
Do let us know your feedback on our new support suite.
There are 8 Different ways to get in touch with us:
1. Support Suite: https://holdingstrade.net/support.php
2. Live chat support
3. Email: info@holdingstrade.net
4. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HoldingsTrade
5. Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/HoldingsTrade
6. Skype: HoldingsTrade
7. Malaysian Toll Free: 1-800-813-156
8. International Toll Free: 1-800-961-4915
Clarification of our Principal Withdrawal System:
You may be aware that we allow our investors to withdraw their principal at anytime during their investment period at no extra cost. We have done this to ensure that our investors can have full control over their investment. But some members have started to misuse this system so we are forced to imply the following rules:
1. You may request for principal withdrawal only when you decide to leave our program. You cannot use our principal withdrawal system to withdraw and deposit on a daily basis.
2. We have increased the time to release your principal back to your account from 24 hours to 48 hours. So if you make a principal withdrawal request, it will take 48 hours for us to add your principal back to your account.
Note: Principal withdrawal is still free. We do not charge you anything for this.
We are sorry but we are forced to implement this rules to protect us from any fraudulent activities.
If you have any questions, you can reply to this email or contact our support department.
Thanks & Regards


In my honest opinion the latest newsletters from Profitima‘s admin really contradict each other. Just recently it was announced that the program was experiencing explosive growth with over 1,800 members joining for the last three weeks online (read my analysis of that update here) and then today it was announced that the first referral contest is starting which will last for another 12 days and reward the program’s best referrers with very generous prizes. In my opinion, such growth (provided it’s true which I doubt very much it is) requires not ref contests with totally unnecessary expenses as prizes which look unrealistic anyway, but rather the improvement of customer service and the addition of some new features. Sorry, but the recent emails from Profitima really make me wonder if the admin is fully qualified to run a successful program and doubt his intentions to keep his program online. I would not be very positive about the chances of Profitima to survive at this moment, until the first principals on expiry of its shortest 1.5% for 30 days plan (let alone the longer 1.7% for 60 days, 1.9% for 90 days, 2.1% for 120 days plans) are returned. Otherwise, the admin’s recent behavior makes absolutely no sense to me and looks kinda erratic. Here is the latest message from Profitima (reviewed here):
Profitima First Referral Contest!
Happy Valentine day to all of our customers! We are very excited to announce, that the very first Referral Contest of Profitima begins now! The prizes to the 3 winners are going to be very generous, and everyone has an equal chance to win. The contest starts today, February 14th, and will end on Sunday, February 26th. The 3 members, who will get the biggest number of active referrals until then, will receive the following prizes:
The first place: $500 directly to his desired e-currency account + 10% Referral Commission
The second place: $300 directly to his desired e-currency account + 8% Referral Commission
The third place: $100 directly to his desired e-currency account + 6% Referral Commission
This is the best time to put all your advertising & promotion skills into practice. We wish each and every member of Profitima, the very best success and luck in this competition!
With Warmest Regards,
Profitima Administration”.


MoneyEra was added to the Premium list on MNO tonight after already running for four months. Despite their age I don’t think a lot of investors saw a profit from them yet as MoneyEra offers four investment plans paying 1.2%-2.3% per business day or 8.1% weekly for the duration of 285 calendar days returning your original principal on expiry. I would say that apart from the daily plan which accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney deposits starting from $10 other plans might be out of reach for the majority of MNO readers, but I will get into more detail in the upcoming review of MoneyEra which is going to be published in a couple of days. What I like about the site and which you might like at the first glance is the layout which is quite original with interesting type of symbols all over it. The website also has a short video presentation and claims to be a registered and insured company though not providing any evidence. The script is customized though it reminded me of GoldCoders which it might be based upon. The website of MoneyEra is properly SSL secured and the site is hosted on a dedicated server with the domain name registered for seven years. According to the admin in case of DDoS attacks he’s going to buy DDoS protection from Dragonara with whom he has an agreement. Let’s hope that the first four months online really proved that MoneyEra is a decent program which will be able to bring some profits to its investors. I will look into it in more detail on MNO blog soon, so stay tuned for that!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: LuxorAlliance, FinStockLimited, FXTrust, HoldingsTradeAVIFinance.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, OneInv, NewGNi, Royalty7, FXMoguls, EurexTrade, CrownEarnInvestgroup, ForexReflex, GeniusVenture, ProfitableSunrise, BensonUnion, PerfectivaPlexCapital, VascoForexSenrosGroup, InvfairLimited, MyDiamondShare ( the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: LifeTimeProfitsProfitima.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestment, UFOWin.

That’s everything for tonight, guys. Stay tuned for the full review of MyDiamondShare accompanied with the usual daily news only on MNO tomorrow! See you all then!

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