Feb 16th, 2012 Archives

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 Beware! MoneyEra has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Well I have to say right from the start it’s not been a great day for news stories in the HYIP industry, and I’ll be getting to that in a few moments. To start today’s update however I want to look at a program called MoneyEra that was added to the MNO monitoring list recently. And although I myself have only been covering this one for a couple of days you should be aware that MoneyEra has been in operation for over four months now, something that I’m sure will influence many readers decision one way or another to either join it or pass. Many investors prefer longer running programs and others do not, preferring to either join at the start of forget about it. But for those who like it I’ll describe the main features for you.

To start with, MoneyEra is a long term HYIP that first started last October. If you were already aware of them then might want to know that there have been a few changes since then, mostly in relation to the investment plans. I want to look at them as they stand today obviously as that’s all that counts. What you have is a choice of four plans that will either pay you a daily interest rate on business days only, or pay you once per week depending on which one you opt for. Though I have to say the weekly plan as I will explain is really one for the more serious gamblers among you.

So the first choice, and the most affordable, can be joined for a $10 minimum. The term, as with all of MoneyEra‘s plans, runs for a lengthy 285 calendar days though only actually pays you on business days. Now, the exact number of payments during that time will vary depending on things like what day of the week you join or what business holidays MoneyEra observe, though typically I guess you’d be looking at something around 200 business days during that time. As I say it might not be exact but for such a lengthy investment term it won’t make a great deal of difference to your total earnings. The interest rate is 1.2% per business day which will allow you to see your first profit only after 83 business days, or a little under 17 weeks. The maximum deposit you can make is $999 and on expiry of the term your principal will be returned.

For a $1,000 minimum deposit you can join MoneyEra‘s weekly plan which as the name suggests pays you once per week. Again this is a bit tricky to calculate the final earnings you might see (assuming they survive that long) because oddly enough the term is measured in days as opposed to weeks. It runs for 285 calendar days which is just over 40 and a half weeks. So I assume you just get 40 payments and the principal which is promised back on expiry is returned once the remaining couple of days have elapsed. Anyway, the return on your investment is 8.1% per week, allowing you to break even after 13 weeks and complete the term with earnings of 324%. This will be your net profit as like I said MoneyEra should then give you back your initial deposit. Maximum spend for this plan is $4,999.

Then we return to daily payments for the third plan, in which deposits start from a $5,000 minimum. The duration is again 285 calendar days with interest payments made from Monday to Friday only. MoneyEra offer 2% per business day here allowing you to profit after 50 payments (10 weeks) and then return your principal on expiry. The maximum deposit accepted for this plan is $9,999.

For anything larger than that you would have to join MoneyEra‘s final plan which accepts deposits from $10,000 up to $1,000,000 (yes, that’s a million, but if you ask nicely you might just persuade the admin to take more!). Like the others the term is 285 calendar days with payments made on business days only, and the rate is 2.3% per day. That should see you break even on receipt of the 44th payment and then have your principal returned on expiry.

A couple of other quick points about the plans you should be aware of include that MoneyEra include a built-in profit calculator on their website. The idea is you type in how much you are about to invest, hit the “calculate” button, and have the final amount you would earn appear on your screen. Unfortunately I have to tell you to ignore this feature as it’s wildly misleading. The problem is that its “calculations” are based on calendar day payments when in actual fact you only get paid on business days, making the figures totally inaccurate. The other thing you need to know is that MoneyEra will allow compounding if you are a fan of this practice. Regarding the payment options, as is typically the case for a lot of longer term HYIPs you may only use LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. Payments are made manually and so will need to be requested from inside your members area where they should be made once every 24 hours.

As for the design and security, the website is properly SSL encrypted and running off a unique and customized script. Personally I thought it looked a lot like GoldCoders but the admin assures me it is not, but at least it will have a familiar appearance for most of you. Overall it’s quite a nicely designed program I must say and doesn’t really look like much else I can think of in the industry. Making good first impressions is probably more of more importance to shorter term programs than MoneyEra, but they make one all the same. Also included is a short video presentation which you may like, as it does a good job of explaining the practicalities of how it all works and how to join. Hosting is on a dedicated server, and while there’s little protection from DDoS attacks the MoneyEra admin assures me he has a pre-existing agreement with Dragonara to provide it should the need arise. Something that frankly I’m astonished hasn’t occurred up until now. If you need to get in contact with MoneyEra then you can fill in your details on the ticketing form and submit it.

As far as the business goes, well despite a decent and original looking website MoneyEra don’t really give much away on that front. Nothing you can independently check out and verify for yourself anyway. There’s mention of “investment and technology development” though nothing to prove it, so as with all HYIPs do consider the risk before spending anything, certainly never more than you could comfortably afford to lose, and try to keep a wider more diverse portfolio.



The admin of CrownEarnInvestgroup Vincent (interviewed here) is currently looking for active promoters for his program who will enjoy some benefits listed in the latest newsletter received today and which you can read below and make an application if you like what you see:
CEI News. Regional representative.
We are in continually expansion and the interest for our program is overwhelming positive with now 1000 active investors and growing fast. Its a pleasure to see the positive marked reaction and investors reinvesting in a program they now trust as a stable and trustworthy Investment program.
That is why we already now are ready to continue to the next step and expand our services to local areas close to you.
Apply for a regional representative position.
Be a part of the team and work as a regional representative for CrownEarnInvestgroup.
We will help you getting started and give you the necessary tools to start.
As a part of our team you will get:
o Directly personal contact with CrownEarnInvestgroup.
o Get influences on the future planning
o Get your own private page on our server
o Get your own personal email address
o Be displayed on our contact page.
Depending on how active you are, you will get the extra benefits for bonuses on your referral commission.
o +5% on top for every $100 referral commission earned.
o +5% on top for every $1000 referral commission earned.
All we require is that you are already an active investor on our site and a proven active promoter.
Send your application to marketing@crown-earn-investgroup.com and tell us what you have done so far and why you think you are the right choice for us.
Kind regards, Vincent Logan
Marketing & Sale
CrownEarnInvestgroup ltd.

CrownEarnInvestgroup was first reviewed on MNO here and is offering instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney investors who chose one of the following plans – 3.2%-7.91% for 21 days, 102% after 1 day, 136%-144% after 14 days. After being online for almost three weeks CrownEarnInvestgroup has almost finished the first cycle and brought profits to lots of investors who believed in the admin’s ability to deliver a quality program. I hope that CrownEarnInvestgroup will be able to outperform the expectations and become the next big thing in the industry. We will wait and see how the program will develop later, but the beginning was definitely promising.


I cannot possibly comment positively on the new announcement from FelminaAlliance regarding their offer of debit cards. In my opinion (and experience), any HYIP doing this is not going to last long, but since these cards are only in the pipeline and not yet confirmed I can’t see why we should be worried just yet. FelminaAlliance is currently an established long term program which has been paying 1%-1.6% for 180 business days with principal returned on expiry for more than seven months already. The first investors who joined via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay have to be well in profit now and counting their extra returns. As for the new features, the most recent addition of internal transfers between the members’ accounts became another well thought addition to the growing members’ demand for a quality and convenient program which FelminaAlliance has definitely been so far. More about this can be found in the latest newsletter from FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) posted below:
[FelminaAlliance] Weekly Newsletter
This is the official weekly newsletter from FelminaAlliance.
We are happy to inform you that we have added the new option in the user account area allowing our customers to make transfers between FelminaAlliance accounts. You can transfer funds from the available balances in your account. This option has been integrated into the ‘Withdrawals’ page of the user account.
To make an internal transfer, you need to:
– Log into your FelminaAlliance account,
– Go to ‘Withdrawals’ page,
– In ‘Step 1’ choose the type of the Available Balance you would like to use for the transfer and enter the username of the recipient’s account,
– Enter the amount you would like to transfer in ‘Step 2’,
– Click ‘Proceed’ in ‘Step 3’.
We would also like to inform you that we are working on issuing debit cards for our customers. We are not yet sure how long it will be till this option is finally available, but we are doing our best to make it available to you as soon as possible.
Please find a moment to visit our official Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/Felminacom. This is the fastest way to read the latest news and updates.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.
Best Regards, Marketing Department, FelminaAlliance Inc.


Sorry, guys, but I have absolutely no idea what the purpose of the recent short update published on the site of AVIFinance was and you can see for yourself what I mean by reading this latest masterpiece of “good” English language:
Charity of AVIFinance ltd.
On the 2012-02-15 We AVIFinance ltd held a charity auction to benefit the fund of saving sick children,. All the proceeds, 12,350 USD were specificly sent to the needy children”.

Sorry, I don’t get this at all. What was that? Another marketing trick to solicit trust from the investors by doing some good deed? I guess so, because otherwise I would like to see exactly what charity organization benefited from such unheard of generosity from an HYIP admin. I’m sure that the admin would not be able to answer this because this information can be independently verified with the charitable organizations he supposedly donated money to. Anyway, this is an interesting attempt at a publicity stunt though kinda awkward for my taste, but still can attract some extra money from a specific group of investors provided they believe in these lies.

Anyway, charity hilarity aside, AVIFinance otherwise has been quite good for its first investors when it comes to processing instant payouts to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay. I myself have all my payments paid instantly and in my e-currency accounts within seconds for the first week of monitoring. I hope that AVIFinance will become a more popular choice because of that feature and remind you that the program pays 2.1%-6.1% for 90 days with optional principal back for a 25% fee anytime. Please read more about the investment plans and other features AVIFinance has in my detailed review published here.


I’m quite pleased that some of HYIP admins (though very few) are actually not taking my criticism personally but actually do what’s needed to fix all the errors and complications they have on their sites. So my review of PXSense published here made the admin to change the FAQ section of his site that was quite outdated and reported this in his latest newsletter posted today. The most important things about the program which were clarified recently was the possibility to made a withdrawal once every 24 hours and the need to have at least $5 in one particular e-currency to which you need to request your withdrawal – LibertyReserve, SolidTrustPay or AlertPay (please note that the withdrawals to the latest are processed instantly). In the newsletter republished below the admin of PXSense also promised to add some more revenue streams for his program which has already got a matrix program and pixel advertising in addition to daily rebates of 2% for 75 calendar days starting from a $10 minimum. Also more reviews and different blogs were listed that dealt with PXSense and update about the status of the program on a regular basis. Please read the full newsletter from the program below:
Recent Reviews, FAQ and more
In this short update we would like to let you know about some of the recent reviews on PXSense, our updated our FAQ, answering some your most common questions and links to our networks. Meanwhile, we are working on a new addition to our Income Streams, which you will learn more about in the coming weeks.
Recent Reviews
We would like to thank the bloggers who recently featured PXSense on their sites. We were featured on the popular Money-News-Online:
Be sure to also check other blogs where PXSense is discussed.
Updated FAQ
You can find the link to the recently updated FAQ here: https://www.pxsense.net/s/contents/faq/
Common Questions and PTP Promo
To address some of the questions of our members, you may request one 1 withdrawal every 24 hours. The minimum amount necessary to make a request is $5 USD. All withdrawals to Alert Pay are instant!
Our promotion for the Paid-to-Promote Program has ended and we have reset the conversion rate of your PTP credits back to $1 USD per 1000 credits.
Join our discussion forum and social sites:
MMG thread:
Social sites:
Enjoy PXSense and have fun with it,
Christer and the PXSense team.


Today was not a good day for HYIPs at all. Four programs were moved to Problem status on my monitor in the last 24 hours. They are Profitima, ForexReflex, Perfectiva and LifeTimeProfits. Please note that investing in those programs is not advised at this moment under any circumstances and you may lose your money if you choose to ignore this warning. Let’s have a closer look at those failures and try to analyze why this happened.

Profitima‘s collapse was widely discussed on MNO for the last few days as I noticed huge discrepancies in what the admin had to say and what he was going to do in order to attract new members. It was pretty obvious for me from his erratic behavior that his intention was to close the program before the first payments on expiry were going to be processed. I honestly stated as much on my blog a few days ago and unfortunately my predictions were true as now Profitima is a proven scam as the admin keeps delaying payouts. And the latest step from him was the expected removal of the real monitoring logos from Profitima‘s rating page and replacing them with the static images that have nothing to do with real statuses. Please beware!

Perfectiva was actually one of the worst short term programs that launched recently as none of those who invested in the two plans were in profit because the program stopped paying yesterday. It was not a coincidence as the first payouts on expiry on 7 calendar days plan were supposed to be processed that day but weren’t. Instead it looks like the admin of Perfectiva pocketed a lot of money himself which was probably his intention from the beginning. Unfortunately, such strategies look to be increasingly popular among HYIP admins at the moment.

LifeTimeProfits managed to survive only for one full cycle and the admin probably decided to scam after seeing that the program didn’t gain much popularity after the first investors pocketed from 50% to 150% pure profits from them. Well, at least it was fair enough to give somebody a chance to be in profit but I can’t say that it was an impressive achievement myself. The payments are delayed from LifeTimeProfits now and the admin stopped replying to my emails, so consider it gone now!

ForexReflex was a good program going against the trend of low life scams and managed to survive for almost three months which was a full three payment cycles for the shortest plan. Still the admin suddenly stopped paying and communicating last night and I don’t see any signs of him coming back, so you should stop investing in ForexReflex too. I must admit that we could see a different strategy here based on a unique approach and the constant improving of the program which was like a breath of fresh air. Still it’s bad to see ForexReflex go so fast, as I believed the admin had true potential to become a leader in the industry which he probably didn’t need to achieve in order to collect some money for himself.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: LuxorAlliance, FXTrust, FinStockLimitedHoldingsTradeAVIFinance.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, OneInv, NewGNi, Royalty7, FXMoguls, EurexTrade, CrownEarnInvestgroup, GeniusVenture, FelminaAlliance, ProfitableSunrise, SolidForexLtdBensonUnion, PlexCapital, VascoForexSenrosGroup, InvfairLimited, MyDiamondShare, MoneyEra (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: PXSense.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestment, UFOWin.

That’s all I have for you tonight, guys. As you can see this was not a lucky day for many investors but every new day has a ray of light in that and we will always hope that tomorrow will be better than today. So see you on MNO tomorrow because if you want the most up-to-date and unbiased news you should look no further than Money-News-Online!

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