February 2012 Archives

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Beware! Perfectiva has stopped paying! Do not invest there! 

Hi everyone! It’s been quite a busy week so far on MNO and there’s still a lot to get through before the weekend. Apart from all the day’s regular news stories which I’ll be getting to in just a few moments, I also want to look at a new addition to the MNO Premium List called Perfectiva. As a short term program only online for the last three days it’s a pretty good time to get involved if this is the type of thing you would normally go for. It’s definitely worth at least a second look anyway, so I’ll go through some of the more important features for you below.

What you have is a choice of two basic investment plans offering you either a short term single on expiry payment or a more medium term one that pays you by the day. Whatever you opt for you can join Perfectiva for a $10 minimum deposit. The on expiry plan runs for 7 calendar days and is open to investments up to a maximum value of $60,000. Regardless of how much you decide to invest there will be just one rate of interest applicable, and that’s 111%. That will include your principal so it’s your own money back plus 11% net profit. Sure, there might be more lucrative offers out there in the short term HYIP market but few are more sustainable than Perfectiva‘s, so if the admin has any genuine experience in running decent programs then he may well be able to keep this one online for a good run. Fingers crossed anyway.

Your other option when joining Perfectiva is to go for the daily payments plan. In this case the term runs for 25 calendar days, and you can still join for a $10 minimum. Anything up to a $60,000 investment will be rewarded with a daily interest rebate of 6%. That would allow you to break even (ie earn an amount equivalent to your deposit) after 17 days and complete the term with 150% total return on your deposit. Perfectiva again include your principal as part of that so won’t be returning it, meaning your payments include your own money back plus 50% net profit. Much more profitable than the previous plan and with the added feature of daily payments might make this one a more attractive prospect to many readers, but do keep in mind that it still takes an extra ten days to see any profit at all before making a final decision.

Payment options are a little better than most shorter term HYIPs with Perfectiva taking not just the usual LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney but have also now added SolidTrustPay. Although the Perfectiva homepage still (at the moment) says that STP is abut to be added soon, I can confirm that it’s already in place so you are free to use them if that’s your preferred payment processor. Withdrawals are made manually and so will need to be requested from inside your members area. Once done the admin asks you to allow him up to 24 hours to complete the transaction. By the way, no matter which processor you are using the minimum withdrawal request is $1, so smaller investors please take note of that.

As for the design and security of the program, it’s up to a reasonable industry standard with hosting on a dedicated server with protection from DDoS attacks provided by BlockDos. Perfectiva is running off a unique custom made script which I myself can’t say I remember seeing in use by any other programs, and their website is SSL encrypted for safer browsing and more secure transactions. If you have any reason to contact the Perfectiva admin then support is available via Live Chat (which isn’t a 24 hour service but does actually work) or by filling out the online ticketing form and submitting it. The admin is also keeping a Facebook page, something that unfortunately not all admins know how to make the most effective use of, but if this one knows what he’s doing can be a very useful tool for communicating with members, particularly if the Perfectiva website is offline for any reason.

Texts are original so kudos to the admin for making more of an effort that we might be accustomed to seeing in the industry, though to be honest they still give little away in the line of real solid verifiable information. We are told Perfectiva is a “professional investment company that offers financial services worldwide”, and very little else. However the fact that the texts go on to say that Perfectiva has “several thousand clients” while at the time of writing this review I see only 496 registered members on the website would tend to indicate one thing – an online HYIP. And experienced players will be well aware without me having to repeat it all the time that there are good things and bad things that go along with that, namely the opportunity to earn a fantastic rate of interest on your deposit but only for a limited time and at an extraordinarily high risk. It you’re comfortable with that then Perfectiva might be an OK program to take a gamble with. Just as long as you remember to set yourself an affordable spending limit that you will stay within, and perhaps keep Perfectiva as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



IncomeInt (reviewed here) celebrated its first month online today with the traditional bi-weekly newsletter and very good results exceeding their previous goals set in the last newsletter. According to the admin of IncomeInt Eric (read my interview with him here) his program now has over 1,900 registered members who invested over $100,000 between them since it first came online. This achievement would not be possible without an admin who provides members with fast payouts to LR, PM, AP and STP accounts from two available investment plans – 110% after 5 days and 130% after 10 days – but also without dozens of promoters who like MNO saw the true potential in IncomeInt‘s program in the early stages. MNO is standing out of the crowd even here as for the second time in a row I won the referral contest run by IncomeInt and based not on the amount of referrals which can be easily delivered but on the quality of promotion meaning the total amount deposited. I’m really pleased to be the winner again which just proves how popular MNO has become and how great the promotional results that can be delivered to a quality program. The first prize has been paid to my LR account already and I would like to again express my sincere gratitude to all those who support my work by becoming my referrals – without you, guys, I wouldn’t get to the top spot for the second time. Here is the email I got from IncomeInt late last night which any of you can receive if you participate in the third round of this referral contest which is going to last for another 10 days with the top 5 referrals being rewarded with cash prizes:
Referral contest
Dear Paul, You have won the 1st prize of our last referral contest ( again! ), which means $100 has been added to your account balance on IncomeInt. You can withdraw this prize to any e-currency of your choice or invest it in one of our plans.
We would like to thank you for your efforts in promoting our site and feel free to participate in our contest again if you wish to do so.
Best regards, IncomeInt Administration”.

Let’s discuss the newsletter, excepts from which was sent to IncomeInt members today a bit further. It wasn’t issued in PDF format like the previous one, rather you will have to click on this link and read it for yourself. As promised, in that newsletter there was a new “leaders” feature discussed. It’s not an entirely new invention and in other programs this feature is simply referred to as Local or Regional representatives. You will have to fill in an application form if you wish to become a Leader and if accepted you will be able to get higher referral commissions on two tiers. The new ultimate goals for the second month of operation were also set and the aim is 3,000 members with deposits exceeding $180K. It’s a pretty bold but achievable goal with the proper dedication and professionalism in running the program which Eric already showed during IncomeInt‘s first month. More topics in the current newsletter included the newly opened forum, some testimonials from investors, the top 10 best referrers in the last contest and more reviews of the program published on other sources. The abridged version can be read below and of you want to find out more please follow the link for the full version:
IncomeInt bi-weekly newsletter
Dear investors,
IncomeInt has just celebrated its first month online with over 1900 registered members and a huge number of people in profit. This short newsletter is a preview of our second newspaper edition which you read in full version here.
IncomeInt was already reviewed by some well known online HYIP gurus such as Paul Abramson from Money News Online as we discussed in the first version of our newsletter, published a few weeks ago and during this time, our program was reviewed by other two trusted HYIP bloggers.
We have been searching for ideas to improve our referral program and promotions and we came across a very interesting concept that is now being introduced to our program. Good marketers are now welcome to become IncomeInt Leaders, which means our most qualified promoters will be given special conditions and opportunities in our program, such as extra referral commission. You can signup for an Leader Account here and the first extra features will be announced once more members register.
Our goals for our first month online were 1,500 registered members and $50,000 in total investments. Right now, IncomeInt has 1900 registered members and over $100,000 in total deposits as you can see in our main page and that means our program was even more successful than what we were expecting. Our goals for the 2nd month can be seen in the full version of this newsletter and we will work hard to achieve them.
Our recurring referral contest already awarded two groups of people and it’s now entering its third edition, the winners, prizes and suggestions can also be seen in our full version, together with several commentaries about IncomeInt we read on forums, blogs and monitors. We are extremely satisfied with the industry response so far.
In our previous newsletter we told you we were going to open our own discussion board and it is now available on www.IncomeInt.com/board. Members and non members are welcome to join us and talk about their investment strategies, show payment proofs, report errors in our page if they exist or just communicate with other HYIP investors like you.
If you have time, we highly recommend you to read the full version of this newsletter. IncomeInt‘s administration appreciates your time and thank you for being part of our business!
Best regards, Eric Noys
IncomeInt Administrator”.


Another program that can rival IncomeInt is definitely Royalty7 (reviewed here). Although the program’s admin is not so active and prefers his program to be advertised mostly by word of mouth, Royalty7 managed to become a very successful and popular program since its first introduction on MNO back in November 2011 paying promptly on two investment plans – 7% for 22 business days and 110% after 7 calendar days. Accepting all the main payment processors Royalty7 is extremely popular now due to its gradual development and prompt payouts. But it looks like some admins of other less successful programs do not feel particularly good about that and are seemingly really jealous about the success of Royalty7. The thing is that two days ago some MNO readers noticed that there were a couple of complaints (which were totally unjustified as everyone was paid by Royalty7 and is paid at the moment of writing this) and yet some messages appeared again and again even after me personally removing them. Many investors on my ShoutBox were as stunned as I was and suspected a smear campaign which appeared to be true as I received this message from the admin of Royalty7 today asking monitors to disable voting for his program explaining it as follows:
Royalty7 Urgent: Voting Abuse!
Respected Admin, Royalty7 is being attacked by a slanderer. I know for a fact the slanderer is ‘…’ They’re continuously posting fake votes. Please remove all our negative votes. Also, if you can disable our voting. I appreciate your prompt action. Awaiting for your confirmation. With my sincerest gratitude.
Admin, Michael Solomon. Royalty7.
I deliberately removed the name of the program blamed in this attack on Royalty7 but I can say that the program was on MNO and is currently on Scam status. I guess for some reason that admin might get mad at the success Royalty7 is rightfully enjoying now and paid to some bad posters who used to praise his program at the same time. So, voting for or against Royalty7 is temporarily disabled on MNO monitor and I hope that other monitors will follow my example. It’s too early though to say how it might affect Royalty7 but one thing I can say – I’m totally on the side of the admin here so let’s support him and say “no” to scammers!


Investors of CrownEarnInvestgroup concerned about them being offline last night had really nothing to worry about as they returned today after it was revealed Vincent (read my interview with him here) that the site had been moved to more secure servers with more capacity managed by BlackLotus – a well-known name in the industry when it comes to providing protection from DDoS attacks. I hope this will make the program safer and allow it to run for a long time. They offer several investment plans with instantly processed payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The current investment plans in CrownEarnInvestgroup include 3.2%-7.91% for 21 days, 102% after 1 day, 136%-144% after 14 days. For more information on the plans which might look complicated at first please read the detailed review published here. This is the latest update from Vincent before noticing that the site had come back online and the payouts were still instant:
CEI moves to the Elite
Dear investors
Last night we moved our locations to a new and much faster powerful server to ensure the stability of our fast growing site. The transfer was done successfully in just a few minutes; however the nameserver need to propagate in all areas to point to the new IP why many of you still entered the old site with a disabled login.
At this moment 80%+ can access the site as normal and many never realized the change happened.
If you are the one who still cannot login, then don’t worry. It will soon be accessible in your area too.
Instant payments are working as normal without any delay.
Deposit is working as normal.
Live Support is extended with 4 hours today to answer your question.
The server time has been set as old server time what is US Central time. A few experienced a delay in the profit as the server time was set wrong. This is now corrected and you can login and cash out same time as usual.
I believe this move was as a necessary step to strengthen our position in the business and take us to the elite of online investments.
Yours sincerely, Vincent Logan
CrownEarnInvestgroup ltd. Marketing & Sale”.


As some of you might have noticed two days ago the site of HoldingsTrade was first exposed to a DDoS attack from some blackmailers and (I have to praise the admin for this) they decided to upgrade the DDoS protection instead of negotiating with that scammer. That resulted in migrating the website to more secure BlockDos servers which is a very good choice if one wants to be secure from future attacks and downtime. So the admin of HoldingsTrade gave thanks for everyone’s patience and future should provide the program with some much needed stability. Here is the update from the official blog of HoldingsTrade telling you the full story and which you can read if interested below:
We are deeply sorry for our Down Time
Dear Members, Investors and Monitors of HoldingsTrade.
We started our online marketing yesterday (06-02-2012) and we started facing problems right from the start.
First our automatic payment system was getting attacked by hackers and they were trying to steal money from our automatic payment account. Luckily we had only a few dollars in that account so there was no major loss. After this incident, to protect our investors, we decided to completely disable the auto withdrawal system and invested in human resources who will process all withdrawals as soon as possible. Now all your withdrawals will be processed within 24 hours. This is done for the best interest of our investors. We hope we have taken the right decision.
Next we faced another major issue. Hackers started attacking our website with strong DDOS attacks. We bought the basic protection from Staminus but it was not able to sustain the attacks. So we decided to get the advanced protection from BlockDos.net. The protection is now setup and they started monitoring our website. You might face some downtime for the next 24 hours.
We truly apologize for all the inconvenience caused due to our problems. We hope there wont be any other problems like this in the future.
We strong advice all our investors to add us to your skype account: Holdingstrade
This way even if our website is down (hopefully not) you can be in touch with us all the time.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the investors who has invested in our program so far.
If you have any questions, you can always contact our support department here: https://holdingstrade.com/support.php”.

The admin of HoldingsTrade has shown already that he’s a good communicator as during the downtime he was available both on Facebook and Twitter with updates and yesterday it was announced that support would be also available via Skype and on the TalkGold forum thread where HoldingsTrade is marked Sticky now, just like on MNO monitor. Remember that daily trading reports are also available now, but I would not consider them as reliable proof of investment activities. HoldingsTrade pays on 3%-3.2% for 60 calendar days and you can request your principal back at any time. The full review of the program is available here and the latest newsletter from the admin containing all the necessary links can be read below:
HoldingsTrade Newsletter 08-02-2012
Thank you for joining HoldingsTrade. Below is our newsletter for 08-02-2012.
1. We have posted the reason for our downtime on 06-02-2012. You can read it here: https://holdingstrade.com/blog/we-are-deeply-sorry-for-our-down-time/
2. We have posted our daily trade report. You can check that from the link below: https://holdingstrade.com/blog/daily-trade-report-08-02-2012/
3. We are now a sticky thread in TalkGold Forum. You can now get support from our admins in talkgold forum as well. Here is the link for our sticky thread: http://www.talkgold.com/forum/r350300-.html
4. We have added some new monitors based on our member’s request. You can check them here: https://holdingstrade.com/monitors.php
5. All the withdrawals are processed for today. Next processing will start in 12 hours. We strongly advice all our investors to add us to your skype account: Holdingstrade This way even if our website is down (hopefully not) you can be in touch with us all the time.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the investors who has invested in our program so far. You can also follow us on Facebook & Twitter to get all our latest news and updates. https://www.facebook.com/HoldingsTrade https://twitter.com/#!/HoldingsTrade If you have any questions, you can always contact our support department here: https://holdingstrade.com/support.php
Regards HoldingsTrade Team”.


The investors of GibraltarFinancialGroup were unpleasantly surprised today when they discovered that the site was unavailable. Everyone suspected some technical issues or even a DDoS attack, but in the reality it was even worse. I managed to discover that their domain name has been suspended by the domain registrar. Honestly, I have no idea why this happened but I can only guess that it was due to some malicious complaints that might have been received by the domain registrar Directi. It’s not the first incident of this happening during the last year but other programs whose names were also suspended managed to survive due to fast registration of domains with the same name but different extensions and transferring the websites there. This took 1-2 days though which is bearable for a long term program but not one like GibraltarFinancialGroup. I’m not saying it’s impossible, I’m just being more realistic about it. Anyway, although I have yet to receive an official reply from the admin I believe he never saw it coming and was as shocked as any investor. If the site is not going to reappear and start processing payouts within the next few hours (which due to the seriousness of the domain registrar’s issue I don’t think it’s going to happen) GibraltarFinancialGroup might be considered as good as dead. Unfortunately the program hasn’t reached its full potential and I would not be surprised if the admin was at a loss himself from this one. Therefore he may well attempt to revive GibraltarFinancialGroup one way or another, but I guess the smart investors will not be redepositing into a program that will most likely collapse within the first few days anyway. We will watch and see what happens next though, but I repeat that in my opinion the program’s chances for survival are close to zero, so please be extremely careful even if the site of GibraltarFinancialGroup is still online for you and stop investing there for the time being! You’ve been warned!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: LuxorAllianceHoldingsTrade.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, OneInv, NewGNi, Royalty7, PammGroups, FXMogulsEurexTrade, PaidProcessIncomeInt, ForexReflex, CrownEarnInvestgroup, GeniusVenture, FelminaAlliance, ProfitableSunrise, SolidForexLtd, BensonUnion, FACTUnion, PlexCapital, VascoForex, SenrosGroup, InvfairLimited, Perfectiva, ProfitsMax.
From MNO Standard list: LifeTimeProfits, PanamaHedgeFund, PXSense, Profitima.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestment, PerfectLottery, UFOWin.

That’s all I have for you tonight, guys. Stay tuned for the tomorrow’s review of ProfitsMax which has surprisingly been running for seven months already and more news from the HYIP industry. Thanks for everyone who subscribed via Facebook or Twitter and for all your activity on the the MNO ShoutBox. That is exactly what makes MNO interactive and different from others. Keep it up and see you again tomorrow!

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