February 2012 Archives

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Beware! ProfitsMax has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Friday’s here at last so I hope you’re all looking forward to relaxing for the weekend, something that can’t come fast enough for me after a pretty hectic week. And it’s not over yet as I still have a couple of new programs to review on MNO, continuing today with a short term one called ProfitsMax. At first glance it’s a fairly nondescript short term HYIP like many many others, until you notice one distinguishing feature – it’s been online since July of last year, 208 days at the time of writing. This of course would be a simply remarkable achievement for any short term HYIP but in this case I think it’s been a well thought out strategy used by an experiences admin to push this one to the top. It’s a tactic I’ve seen used before, and sometimes with exceptional results, where an admin launches a program and then buries it. It’s online, it’s paying the few people who are aware of it, but it’s not really in the public eye. By the time the admin is ready to open it up to a wider audience like is happening now you have one of the longest running short term HYIPs in the industry with a flawless payment record. You just don’t have any real members or any serious expenses along the way. So you can, if you prefer, think of ProfitsMax as a new HYIP.

Well, I suppose we can debate the merits of all that day and night and still not agree, but as far as I’m concerned ProfitsMax have for one reason or another been keeping this one pretty quiet during all this time and are really only starting to push it now. So no, it’s not a new program, but the end result is the same so it may as well be. I mean you can see for yourselves the level of activity surrounding them on the main HYIP forums, which prior to a couple of days ago was negligible. And considering ProfitsMax is a short term high ROI program that’s not generally the case.

But anyway, let’s not dwell on that too much because it’s hardly that important. What is important is the condition ProfitsMax is in today – pretty healthy – and what investment plans they offer. You have two options to choose from, both of which will make one single payment on expiry. The first of these is the more affordable of the two, carrying a $10 minimum price tag for deposits. The investment term runs for 7 calendar days, and at the end ProfitsMax will pay you back 120% interest. That includes your principal so it’s your own money plus a net profit of 20% for yourself, or in other words invest $100 and get paid $120 a week later.

The second plan works more or less the same way, just with some what you might call mechanical differences. For a start the investment term stretches to 15 calendar days, and the minimum investment gets bumped up to $50. The basic principle is the same however, with ProfitsMax still making one single payout on expiry. The rate this time is 150%, which also counts your initial deposit. So in this case it’s your own money back plus 50% net profit. Or in monetary terms that would mean a $100 investment yielding a return of $150. I really don’t know if this will be such a popular plan compared to the first one though, because despite being more profitable 15 days waiting for a single on-expiry payment is a bit longer than a lot of investors I know are prepared to wait these days, particularly since the emergence of the ultra short term one day programs has come to dominate the short term HYIP market over the last 18 months or so. Still, I guess a little variety won’t hurt your portfolio and if you like the rate but not the term you can always split your deposit between both of ProfitsMax‘s plans.

Payment options are limited to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, but I have to say that’s what I would have expected anyway, given AlertPay’s continuing drop in popularity and STP not really being used by shorter term HYIPs all that much. So just be aware that all transactions are final and therefore nothing should be spent in ProfitsMax that you can’t live without if you lost it. Payouts are made manually and so will have to be requested from inside your member’s area. Once done you will then need to allow anything up to 24 hours for the ProfitsMax admin to ensure the transaction is fully processed. One other thing I should have mentioned earlier about the plans incidentally is that neither have a maximum investment limit. So you may spend as much as you like provided it’s above the $10 and $50 respective minimums.

As for design and security, ProfitsMax is running off a script under license from GoldCoders so I suppose most of you will think it has a very familiar look to it. The website is properly SSL encoded and is hosted on a dedicated server with protection and support by AntiDdos who have earned a solid enough reputation by now. For any customer support or account related issues the ProfitsMax Admin can be reached by filling in your details on the online ticketing form and submitting it.

When all’s said and done I guess I can’t really find anything to differentiate ProfitsMax from any of the similar HYIPs floating around at the moment. Nothing to suggest it’s better, worse, or identical, other than payments have been made to more monitors than investors since last July. Over 200 days online for ProfitsMax now but I wouldn’t bank on them being here another 200 as the advertising gets underway and the real money starts flowing in and out of the program. At the same time there does appear to be a definite strategy behind the whole thing so there’s obviously an opportunity here to make some money as well. It might not interest all of you but I know from experience there’s a good number of investors out there who enjoy programs like ProfitsMax to make it a reasonably successful program for a while anyway. Just be careful to only ever invest an amount you’d be comfortable losing and try to keep a wider more diverse portfolio.



Finally we have now an official reaction from the admin of Royalty7 Michael to the attempts to destroy his program’s reputation by some scammer trying to spoil the program’s performance for the last three months with fake votes on the popular forums and monitors. Like I already stated on my blog last night MNO has taken appropriate measures, removed the unverified bad comments submitted against Royalty7, and temporarily disabled any voting for the program. I hope other monitoring sites will follow my example and the investors of Royalty7 will be wise enough to distinguish between the real support for which Michael is hoping for and the bad votes being paid for by a jealous admin of another less successful program. Royalty7 has been now officially paying to all members via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and SolidTrustPay and in today’s newsletter it was announced that Bank transfers are available now for investing as well. Two investment plans are currently available in Royalty7 – 111% after 7 calendar days and 7% for 22 business days. To read more about the investment plans please refer to the detailed review of Royalty7 which was published on MNO blog here. Below is the latest newsletter from the admin marking its three month anniversary:
Royalty7 News: The road so far.
Today the February 10th, 2012, we are pleased to mark the successful completion of our 3rd month online, with a long road still ahead. I would like to share with you that ever since our project was launched on 11/11/11, we are seeing a very steady and healthy growth. You should know that we are always nurturing our project and we will keep making every effort to succeed where others has failed.
We have recently started accepting bank transfers with no receiving fees! You can now invest directly via your bank account. You can also start buying any e-Currency funds directly from us, if you are interested in more information, please contact us. You can place a request here: https://royalty7.com/support choose the subject “Bank transfer” and we will answer you asap.
Last subject is less fortunate, we are being slandered by a competitor that seems to run a smear campaign against Royalty7. This slanderer has a malicious intentions and I would like to ask of you to please disregard his bad voting, they are all fake. Furthermore, I will appreciate if you would take a moment to post your own feedback, about your true experience with us.
You can leave your opinion in one of the 3rd parties reviewing web sites that are listed here: https://royalty7.com/feedback
Thanks & good weekend.
Admin, Michael Solomon.
Royalty7 Team.


The members of FXMoguls (reviewed here) have been enjoying regular newsletters for 65 days already. During this time FXMoguls processes payouts to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts on 2.4%-3.7% for 150 business days with principal returned on expiry plan. As you might remember, the previous newsletter announced the increase of the minimum deposit from $1 to $10 on Friday which already happened today. Any investors still wanting to take advantage of the instant deposit bonus of up to 11% for deposits of $50 or more should do so before February, 20th when sthe offer expires. And finally the three lucky winners of the testimonials contest held by the admin Jason (read my interview with him here) were announced and if you find find your username in the following newsletter from FXMoguls I congratulate you on a well deserved prize:
FXMoguls Newsletter
As always we wish to extend a very big welcome to all our new members. We have reached over 2,200 total members and we’re growing every day. This is an incredible milestone and I look forward to the day where I announce that we have crossed the 10,20 and 30,000 member marks.
We have a few updates for you this week, so be sure to read through this entire email.
As stated in the last newsletter we have increased our minimum deposit amount to $10 today. With us growing very steadily now we feel that its important that we raise this to ensure that our staff isn’t overwhelmed with the hundreds of payments being made each day. We feel this isn’t a huge jump and is still very reasonable for most investors.
Next I would like to announce our new winners of the testimonial contest.
Winners are: – Gothic_fan – asdast – allqueststar
You will all receive a 10$ deposit upgrade added to your account. Congratulations!
Please send us an email at support@fxmoguls.com to claim your reward. This concludes our testimonial contest but we are always open for suggestions. If you think you have a good idea for a new contest then please submit it to support@fxmoguls.com and if we use it then we will add a free $10 upgrade to your account as well.
I would also like to remind all members of our instant deposit bonus of up to 11%. We have officially decided on an end date to this promotions which will be February 20th, 2012. This means that you have less than 10 full days to take advantage of this so don’t delay. Please see more about this here: http://fxmoguls.com/bonus.php
As always, feel free to contact us at any time with any questions, concerns or comments and will will answer you promptly.
Sincerly, FXMoguls LTD Staff”.


The newsletter from HoldingsTrade program posted last night didn’t really contain much new information except reference to the MNO review published recently (click here to read it). The program is still running smoothly, the payments from 3%-3.2% daily for 60 days plan are processed fine, and the admin is pretty active and keeps answering all the emails on time and so on. The newsletter also mentioned the link to another daily trading report where HoldingsTrade allegedly invest money and a reminder of the means of communication if you have any questions. Here is the newsletter in full:
We have been reviewed by Money-News-Online.com
Hello from HoldingsTrade.
Below is our newsletter for 09-02-2012.
1. We have been Reviewed by Money-News-Online.com today. It is one of the most honest and reliable monitor in the HYIP industry.
You can read the review here: http://money-news-online.com/blog/2012/02/08/08022012-holdingstrade-review-and-daily-news-from-the-industry/
2. We have published our Daily Trade Report for 09-02-2012 here:
3. All withdrawals are processed for 09-02-2012. Next batch of withdrawals will be processed in 12 hours. If you did not receive your payment, Kindly contact our support team.
IMPORTANT: We strongly advice all our investors to add us to your skype account: HoldingsTrade
This way even if our website is not accessible you can be in touch with us all the time.
You can also follow us on Facebook & Twitter to get all our latest news and updates.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the investors who has invested in our program so far.
If you have any questions, you can always contact our support department here:
Best Regards. HoldingsTrade Team”.

Please note that at the time of writing the website of HoldingsTrade was not accessible due to some fake complaints provided to their domain registrar, resulting in the domain name with the .com extension getting suspended. The admin just confirmed it on Facebook:
We are having an issue with our domain name. Some of our HATERS have filed a fake complaint to our domain name registrar. We are working on it and will be back online very soon. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
In a private mail with him the admin assured me that he had already registered another domain name with a different registrar and a different domain extension and asked me to tell MNO readers not to worry about as HoldingsTrade will be back pretty soon. I will keep you updated as soon as I have more information and hope members will support an admin who didn’t disappear (like GFG admin who had similar issue last night) and will keep fighting to get the site back as soon as possible.


Unfortunately, it looks like two more programs have stopped paying today. They were both short term programs and ran for quite a number of cycles so I can’t say it was entirely unexpected. But like everybody else I would always hope they could have lasted a bit longer.

IncomeInt was the first program to go. Even with seemingly a lot of interest shown by investors after one month online it seems not to have saved the program from the inevitable. Up until only last night the program was still paying fine, with requests being processed within a few hours. When I woke up today I noticed that my latest withdrawal submitted late last night had not been paid yet. So I tried to visit the IncomeInt website only to learn that the admin and any type of customer support was absent for several hours already and their chat was full of angry investors waiting for their withdrawals to be paid and questioning the validity of the program. Immediately afterwards I moved IncomeInt to Waiting status on MNO and contacted the admin for an explanation. No reply was reason enough for me to move IncomeInt to Problem Status and issue a warning against further investments. It’s really funny how fast a once very promising program can turn into a scam. Within hours in fact, and the admin who can be very polite and fast with the withdrawals can just disappear any second and leave investors stranded. That is why I never recommend any programs on MNO – simply because it’s way too unpredictable as we can see yet again with this one. I still believed the program was managed reasonably well and in my opinion the admin did everything possible to persuade investors that his program was going to continue. Many (including me) fell for it but apparently things were not as bright as he said in the latest newsletter sent last night, otherwise the program would not stop paying.

As for PammGroups, the program managed to last for over two weeks which is not so bad for an HYIP paying 105% after 1 day. I’ve seen better but all things considered it wasn’t bad. I believe many investors in PammGroups who played smart made a nice profit, but too bad many others will have lost as in any HYIP game. I believe PammGroups had quite a decent run overall, though again I would have hoped for better. However with many short term programs having issues overnight we might now see a domino effect here and a general downward trend for short term programs.

Anyway, both PammGroups and IncomeInt have been moved to Problem status on MNO already and most likely their admins have pulled the plug. Please avoid investing there from now on!


A new program was added to MNO’s Premium/Sticky listing today – AVIFinance. It’s has been running smoothly for a few days now, processing instant payouts to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on investments which can start from as low as $10. There is no maximum to that but the daily interest credited to your AVIFinance account for the duration of 90 calendar days will depend on the amount invested. Rates vary from 2.1% to 6.1%. Please note that your original principal will be returned on expiry as well but you will have an option to request it early for a 25%. AVIFinance also offers bonuses on investments starting from $500 and has a nicely developed website with a lot of features including extensive FAQ and investment pages, live support, testimonials page and a certificate on display. AVIFinance is running off a licensed GoldCoders script and is hosted on a dedicated server from BlackLotus with SSL-encryption. The full review of the program will be published tomorrow as I already received my first instantly processed payout. Below is the welcome message from the admin after the launch a few days ago:
AVIFinance is Online!
We are glad to introduce our official website AVIFinance. To make our services more efficient and comfortable for our investors, we accept electronic payment systems. Now you can deposit and withdraw money in just few minutes with AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney services.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: LuxorAllianceHoldingsTrade, AVIFinance (the first payment received).
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, OneInv, NewGNi, Royalty7, PaidProcess, FXMogulsEurexTrade, ForexReflex, CrownEarnInvestgroup, GeniusVenture, FelminaAlliance, ProfitableSunrise, SolidForexLtd, BensonUnion, FACTUnion, PlexCapital, VascoForex, SenrosGroup, Perfectiva, InvfairLimitedProfitsMax.
From MNO Standard list: LifeTimeProfits, PanamaHedgeFundProfitima.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestment, UFOWin.

That’s all for today, guys. I know that not all the news was positive but that’s part of the HYIP industry. We can have lucky and not so lucky days and this was definitely not one of the better ones. I hope the things will improve over the weekend and we’ll see the industry back to normal by Monday. I’ll be back tomorrow with the more detailed review of AVIFinance and of course all the latest news from the HYIP world, so stay tuned and see you all then!

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