February 2012 Archives

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Beware! SenrosGroup has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Hope you’ve all been having a nice weekend. There isn’t much news to report on today which I guess is typical for a Sunday anyway, though there was one new long term program added to my monitoring page that I’ll get to in just a moment. The main item for today’s update first however is the following interview I received this morning from the admin of SenrosGroup.

That’s the name of a more medium term program that was an addition to the MNO monitoring page about a month or so ago, though they have been operating since mid December. SenrosGroup offer plans that pay 1.5% for 15 business days, 1.8% for 25 business days, 2.5% for 50 business days, and of course return principal on expiry. Plenty of time then for the first members of all three plans to be in profit by now (even the longest term one which may not have actually returned your principal but would at least see you in profit had you joined early enough). Anyway, if you like what the admin has to say for himself then you can refer back to my original review of SenrosGroup that was first published here.

1. Hi Adam, please start by introducing yourself to the readers of MNO and telling us a bit first about your own role in SenrosGroup and then about your background in the HYIP industry. What kind of previous experience do you have in managing funds?

First of all, thank you Paul for this amazing chance to get interviewed and I would like to greet you and all your readers. My name is Adam Polsen and I’m the chief administrator of SenrosGroup. I have been working at this company since it has been launched, and before getting a position at SenrosGroup, I was working as a chief manager assistant. In overall, I have been into the investment business for more than 10 years as of yet, and within the previous two years I have been exploring the ways of creation and development of online investments.

2. Can you also tell us a bit more about SenrosGroup itself? How long have you been in business? Are you running this alone or are there others involved with you? Why did you start the program to begin with?

The launch of our company goes back to 2007. Since then we have started our investment activity and now we accept funds for management. We started with small investments and our regular clients were mostly people that do not have large monthly incomes, but seeking for some alternative ways to earn. But after some time we managed to get several big clients by using different advertising techniques and that was actually the start of our successful activity. By the 2009 we turned into a huge investment company and the number of large clients greatly exceeded the number of small ones. In 2010 we rebuilt the system we used to manage the funds and created an online version of our company for small clients. This solution allowed us to continue accepting small investments in a convenient way both for us and for clients. In December 2011 we made our investment platform public for all those wishing to have their reliable alternative of extra income. We strived to make all actions automated in order to simplify the process of investing from the moment of depositing funds to the moment of instant payout.

3. Please explain the investment plans to us in detail. What are the minimum and maximum amounts accepted into each plan? What rates of interest do you offer and how long do they run for?

All investments are divided into three investment plans depending on the amount of initial deposit. The first one – Start – is created mostly for those who wish to test our platform first. Being a short-term solution it offers you to place the deposit for only 15 business days. The interest rate for test plan is rather high though – 1.5% daily, which is 22.5% of net profit as the plan matures. For this plan you can invest from as low as $10 and the maximum limit is $200. Another investment plan – Normal – will be ideal for people who cannot afford to invest large amounts of money. The minimum and maximum limits to invest are from $201 and $1000. The interest rate is 1.8% which is credited to our users’ accounts during the investment plan’s duration of 25 business days. This plan is our customers’ choice offering a net income of 45% after the maturity of your investment. And our third and last investment plan – Expert – with a minimum investment of $1001 has the duration of 50 business days and interest rate of 2.5% daily. The total income for this plan will be 125%. A lot of our investors have their investments located at two or sometimes even three investment plans at the same time. It is not prohibited, so you can even have several deposits placed on the same investment plans.

I would also like to bring to your attention that investors with deposits over $5000 will be served individually as our VIP-clients. These investors are not included in our overall statistics as they have customized terms of services.

4. What payment processors are you dealing with at the moment? What are the most popular and do you plan to add to this list? Do you allow instant withdrawals?

At the moment we accept three the most-used payment processors – AlertPay, Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money. All transactions between these systems and our platform including deposits and withdrawals are instant. By the end of February we are planning to add Solid Trust Pay. Integration process has begun.

5. I know that AlertPay was added only after SenrosGroup opened. So how has that been going for you? I believe you were waiting for them to fix their ongoing issues with credit card transactions, is that correct? Have they been dealt with that to your satisfaction? Would you consider SolidTrustPay as a better alternative?

We added AlertPay primarily for our customers being able to invest using their credit cards. As of yet, we are still unable to process credit card deposits as AlertPay is still having their negotiations ongoing with the companies providing credit card processing. So at this time we accept AlertPay just as another payment method as we used to receive 5-10 inquiries daily from customers willing to invest from AlertPay. But there is no rush for us, we will just wait for AlertPay to restore their credit card processing services and then we will accept credit card payments. Solid Trust Pay will never be a better alternative for credit cards with their awful, unorganized customer service. It won’t be anything more for us than just another gateway as Liberty Reserve or Perfect Money by the end of February.

6. Can you give us any statistics regarding the program? Particularly in relation to the number of members, the amounts paid in and out, and from which plans.

All statistics can be reviewed in the lower part of the website. There you can see the total invested amount, the number of accounts and the number of deposits. Of course, the figures are not that impressive, however please also take into account that we are only 2 months online. And smooth growth can be only an advantage for us as it is easier to manage investments this way.

7. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?

Security is given the highest priority and remained at the highest level. We use Staminus Communications as our hosting-provider. I cannot tell that we are totally satisfied with them though. When we performed testing of our investment platform we pointed out that Staminus Communications does NOT provide any ddos-protection at all. But our technical specialists have found a solution to this problem by developing our own technique of traffic protection and filtration. On January 28th you could notice we experienced a heavy ddos-attack which was repelled within less than 3 hours though, so that most users didn’t even notice it.

8. What about your script? Who is the provider? What do you think the benefits of this script are to both the admin and the investors? Are you using SSL encryption?

Our script in use is a unique solution developed by our technical department exactly for the use at our online version. It allows the customers to manage the investments in a safe and convenient way instantly receiving their deposits back as the plan expires. Our SSL-certificate was issued by Comodo Group for the safety of our customers’ personal information. No one will ever have access to it.

9. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions?

What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?

I said in my review that you had advertised your Live Chat support as a 24 hour 7 day per week service but that was not actually the case. What can you say about that?

We provide customer service by e-mail, phone and live chat. The best way for us to be contacted is by e-mail. Thus we reserve some more time to analyze the problem the customer has and to provide him/her with an efficient solution. The most frequent problem the customers appeal to customer service department with is the issue with affiliate program as very often people do not know whose referrals they become. We have almost finished the solution to this problem. But at the moment I would like to advise customers to clean their cookies before completing the sign up process so that they could be referred by the referrers they want.

As for the live chat, our customer support operates about 8 hours each business day approximately from 9 am to 5 pm GMT. From February 27th we will hire two more customer support representatives in order to provide live support round-the-clock.

10. What other outside business and investment activities are SenrosGroup involved with? Can we see any independently verifiable proof of these activities and are you licensed by any authority to offer financial services such as you do?

Of course, we do have all legal documents including registration certificates and licenses to offering financial services, but all of them can be provided to you at our office only. Additionally everyone can issue an investment agreement with us even with active deposit of $10. We consider it unsafe to provide legal information about us through the Internet.

11. Tell us more about the general advertising and promotional strategies being used by SenrosGroup. In a very competitive market what are you doing to bring SenrosGroup to a wider investment audience?

At the moment we are being advertised at the most respectable resources. Beginning from March when we will have Solid Trust Pay integrated, we will start a wide banner advertising campaign at many investment forums and blogs.

12. Are there any plans to develop SenrosGroup further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive in such difficult times?

As I’ve already told before, we are working on integrating Solid Trust Pay. From February 27th our live support will be also operating on the 24/7 schedule. And of course as soon as AlertPay gets their credit card processing back we will directly accept deposits from credit card. Our AlertPay account is ready for this as we have passed the website review process for credit card merchant services. In March we are going to add another payment processor, however we are not yet sure what exactly the payment processor it will be. We are investigating the market and will decide later. In April there will be several contests carried out, and in the beginning of summer we are going to launch our own forum. We are also planning to expand the number of plans to five and integrate bank wire deposits, but that will be sorted out not earlier than in summer. And planning something for autumn we are going to integrate some foreign language localizations and start providing multilingual support.

13. Finally, is there anything you wish to say that you feel wasn’t covered here? How do you feel about the MNO review of SenrosGroup overall? Is there anything there you feel unfair, inaccurate, or needs to be corrected?

I think that we have missed information about our affiliate program. Your rate will depend on the plan your affiliate chooses. If he chooses plan Start then you will receive 3% from his deposit. For Normal – 5%, and 8% – in case you referral chooses the Expert plan. But on the whole I would like to thank for your advertising efforts and for providing this opportunity to get interviewed.

Thanks a lot to Adam for that and I hope you all found it helpful either in deciding whether SenrosGroup is a suitable program for you to take a chance on, or if your already a member then maybe it shed some light on how the whole thing works. Best of luck to him in running the program but most importantly good luck to all the members and investors of SenrosGroup in making a good profit from them.


The newest program on MNO’s Premium list that was added only last night is called strangely III. As explained on their website it is a joint investment project of Web Finance Ltd. and III Consultancy Ltd. For me it just means that the admin purchased two UK incorporation certs and didn’t know where to use them, so “joint venture” sounds more solid, lol. Anyway, as you know III should be treated no more seriously than any other HYIP which is always a risk as big as the rewards. In the case of III you can earn a 2.5% daily return for a duration of 120 days (4 calendar months). Payments to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are processed instantly and the original principal is returned to your account on expiry and is available for withdrawal or reinvesting. The program has been running for only five days but already attracted a lot of talk and speculation from investors, many of whom consider III as the next big program. We will wait and see if that’s true, but in my opinion the program has a fairly good chance to exceed expectations. The site is quite professional, the script is original which I have never seen before, the payments are really instant, there is DDoS protection from Staminus where III is hosted on a dedicated server, plus there’s SSL encryption by Comodo installed. In my honest opinion, III has all the chances to succeed and become a profitable program the full review of which is going to be published on my blog tomorrow. Stay tuned for that, guys!

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