Beware! IncomeInt has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello all! For the second day running I have an admin interview for you so I do hope you find them in some way beneficial in deciding which programs are suitable for you to join or not. Today it’s the turn of Eric from IncomeInt, a recently launched short term HYIP which has been monitored on MNO for the last three weeks.
Simple, basic, but highly profitable plans such as 110% after 5 days and 130% after 10 days including principal have already put a good number of investors into profit with IncomeInt since that time, and while there’s no denying the risk is high (which is what the entire online HYIP industry is about!) there may still be room for a lot more to profit still. We’ll see how that goes but in the meantime if you like what Eric has to say for himself and would like more detailed info on the program, IncomeInt was first reviewed on MNO here.
“1. Hi Eric, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in IncomeInt.
Hello everyone, I am Eric Noys, founder and administrator of IncomeInt, a new HYIP that was launched a few weeks ago and has been a success so far.
2. Can you give us some background information on IncomeInt? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?
There is a designer and a programmer who help me on a daily basis as I do have some knowledge in programming but it’s better to leave those problems to an experienced professional as I basically take care of payments while three other people take care of our customer support, one for English, one for French and one for Russian.
3. What plans are available to investors in IncomeInt? Explain them in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest?
We offer two plans, plan A pays 110% after 5 calendar days with principal included, which means a 10% net ROI while plan B pays 130% after 10 calendar days, also with principal included which means a 30% net ROI. The minimum investment is $10 and maximum is set to $10,000.
4. What payment options are you accepting at the moment? I know that since first launching IncomeInt you have expanded that list (which I’m sure has contributed enormously to your popularity) but particularly with regard to AlertPay how safe do you think this is for the survival of your program? Considering they can be highly unpredictable when dealing with HYIPs, and could turn on you at any moment.
You are right, we only accepted LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney when we first launched the program but we are now accepting AlertPay and SolidTrustPay too. We are aware that some other HYI programs had problems with AlertPay but that won’t be a big problem for us as most of our funds are not kept online.
5. How secure is the website of IncomeInt? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?
IncomeInt’s website is very secure, we bought a 10GBPS anti DDoS attack protection from Staminus, it was the most complete and expensive package they offered. We are on a dedicated server with SSL encryption as well, security is one of our main concerns.
6. Tell us also about the script IncomeInt is running off. Where did you get it and why do you think it’s the best for your program?
IncomeInt uses Gotenk’s script as we spoke to several script providers and he was the only one who answered us quickly and actually worked to make sure the changes in he would make in the script would be exactly what we were looking for. He has been very supportive and so far the script didn’t show any problems, I personally think it won’t.
7. Can we see any statistics regarding the site? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?
Yes, our statistics are public and can be seen in our main page. As of now, we have 1450 registered members and deposited just passed $70k. The response from our investors has been incredible so far, many of them are communicating with us and giving us suggestions, etc. Most of our new investors have a sponsor so old members are actually playing a very important role for the future life of IncomeInt.
8. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues? I did notice that you have a built-in Live Chat widget on IncomeInt. Would you be there yourself very often (ie at the same time every day) or just occasionally?
They can write us an e-mail, which can be written in English, French or Russian or call as at +441394647551 or go to our live chat as you mentioned. I am online a big part of the day nearly every day so it’s not hard for members to speak to me directly!
9. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?
Some people contacted us about our company’s registration so we included it in our previous newsletter as well as the most common questions received too.
10. How have you been promoting the program so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join? Tell us about the referral contests you have planned as well, and how they are going to work.
We bought some banner ads and listed IncomeInt in several monitors but what has been working the best so far is mouth to mouth advertising as most members coming lately have a sponsor. We won’t stop buying advertisements but we strongly believe that doing a great job is the best advertising out there and that can’t be bought. Our referral contest awards the top 5 promoters every 10 days, we created a special page for it where you can see the status of the contest and winners from our previous contest already got paid their prizes, which up to $100.
11. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?
We are investing in several private high yield investment opportunities that are usually not available to the general public. These opportunities show up on a regular basis so we can take advantage of them very often and achieve a very high profit in a short period of time.
12. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Anything in the review you may not agree with or wish to comment on? If you had just one more thing to say to the unconvinced about the merits of putting their money into your program, what would that be?
Of course we would like every HYIP investor out there to join us but they should do it when they feel comfortable. We are doing our best here and a lot of people already noticed that. We want to make IncomeInt the mid-term program of the year and being a part of our journey to achieve will bring its investors nothing but success and huge profits.”
That’s about all for today, guys! Just to say thanks too Eric for taking part in the interview and wish him the best of luck in keeping IncomeInt online for a very long time to come. But more especially best of luck to the investors there at the moment and to those about to join. Fingers crossed it’ll be as profitable for you as those who have already joined and collected their payouts before you. I’ll be back again tomorrow with all the latest updates from the programs on the MNO monitor list so I hope to see you all then!
Filed under Interviews by on Feb 2nd, 2012. Comment.
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