February 2012 Archives

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Beware! LavishFund has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! As I’ve said many many times here on my blog recently, there really does seem to be no end to the number of short term programs opening these days. They are totally dominating the HYIP market now, and the problem that goes with that is sometimes they all look a bit the same after a while. If you want success you need to do things a bit differently and one program that seems to have captured a lot of people’s imaginations this week is one called LavishFund. It’s only been online for a couple of days but even so, the admin has already shown himself as prepared to be proactive in promoting his program and supporting the members. Always a good quality in an admin I think and something that by itself sets LavishFund apart from the competition. Not that it guarantees your money or anything, but I’d have to say it’s off to a good start.

There’s a lot more to LavishFund than just the admin of course, it’s also got a couple of pretty lucrative investment plans. Two of them to be exact, one of which pays you by the day (and which I think is clearly going to be the most popular) and another that pays you once on expiry. It will cost you a minimum deposit to join either plan and both run for the same term.

So the first option runs for 7 calendar days. No matter how much you invest, from the $10 minimum right up to the maximum allowed $7,500, LavishFund will pay you 20% interest per day. Your initial principal is contained within those payments and so will not be returned. That means you will break even (ie earn back what you spent and therefore not possibly lose any money no matter what happens next) five days into the term and complete the cycle with a total return of 140%. Or in other words 40% net profit.

The second plan also runs for 7 calendar days but the LavishFund admin will only pay you once on expiry. But although this is a decidedly higher risk, it does come with a higher reward. And of course there’s nothing to stop you spreading your bets by joining both plans anyway. So for the same $10 minimum deposit LavishFund are offering a single payout of 150% on expiry. Again that includes your principal so it won’t be returned, leaving the investor with a 50% net profit. The maximum deposit is again $7,500.

A couple of other things you will need to know about the plans would first of all include the stated maximum deposit. I said that it’s $7,500, but that of course is per transaction. Not that I myself would ever advise anyone to spend that kind of money on HYIPs, but it’s your money, your business what you do with it, and I’m only telling you the option is there if that’s what you want. The other thing concerns the payment options. LavishFund currently only deal with LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. They do however make instant payouts. You only need to log in to your LavishFund members area and request it, and the money should drop into your selected payment processor account within a couple of seconds. The admin says he is adamant about maintaining this service at all times, but if they ever do need to turn it off (security worries, replenishment of accounts, etc, there are numerous reasons why) then it should be completed within a few hours. Though it’s unlikely to be a frequent event as long as LavishFund is actually running.

The technical and design and security side of things all look pretty solid. The LavishFund website looks fine, is running off a licensed MonetarySoft script which is quite safe and I’m pleased to see seems to be getting a bit more popular with serious admins these days. It’s also fully SSL secured with DDoS protection provided by Koddos who host the site on a dedicated Staminus server. Support has been nothing but efficient so far, and if you have reason to contact the LavishFund admin with any questions or support related issues then you can reach him through several means. First is the usual support ticketing form that you can fill in and submit. LavishFund also have a Live Chat feature which is billed as being available 24 hours per day, which it probably is as I’ve never seen it closed myself. You’ll find a telephone number listed if you want to speak to someone directly, and LavishFund are among the growing number of HYIPs to make us of social networking sites with accounts on Facebook and Twitter.

Content appears original (which is bit of a rarity) and though only gives the briefest of mentions to any business activity at least indicates some level of work was put into it. The business in question by the way is that old HYIP industry chestnut ForEx trading, which most readers will rightfully dismiss anyway. I mean there’s nothing there to prove it and if trading foreign currencies could really pay you that kind of money they’d be teaching to junior school kids, right? LavishFund are also keen on telling us that they are a registered company in the UK, however I know for a fact that you can do this anonymously over the internet via third party providers so that won’t do much for the safety of your money. I agree it adds to the appearance of professionalism which shouldn’t be underrated in the sense that it can bring in a lot more people less familiar with the online HYIP industry, but that’s about the full value of any certificates. The only thing we as regular HYIP players need to concern ourselves with is are LavishFund paying or not, and as of today the answer is yes.

However we all know that those kind of returns can’t be sustained indefinitely. No one can tell you how long LavishFund can last for, but if it’s of any help to you I get the impression the admin has sunk a lot of his own money into getting up and running and advertised all over the place, so I do think he’s prepared to work very very hard to earn it all back. And as long as that continues then the opportunity for the rest of us to make a few bucks from it is there. As always though I’ll just finish by reminding you that whether it’s LavishFund or any other program you find on the internet, there are no guarantees. Set yourself a spending limit that’s affordable to your own means and stay within it, and try to widen and diversify your portfolios.



While I simply love CrownEarnInvestgroup for its instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney I can’t just agree with the desire of the admin to create some sense of false security among members by issuing a so-called “Guarantee for Investment” on amounts of $5K and more. While I appreciate the admin’s eagerness to get more high profile investors this alone should be achieved with the stable work of the project for weeks and not by providing some fake promises and guarantees. Where in the HYIP industry can we find a person who can guarantee anything? Who will be able to get your money back when the project is closed when it has no physical address or proper registration? Where in the world is this guarantee going to be valid and what will it provide you with when the program goes south? That literally means nothing and such a false of security might be really dangerous for any type of real investor. I know that many of them can play with big money in HYIPs but they should realize the risks involved and know that they can win or lose money depending on their luck. HYIPs have nothing to do with real investments and you can read my thoughts on that if you refer to any of the MNO Fridays’ issues in which I described many tips and tricks used by HYIP admins in order to create a false sense of security and decrease the level of common sense when dealing with HYIPs and their imaginary “investments”. The same is now being down by the admin of CrownEarnInvestgroup Vincent (read my interview with him here) who promised a fake guarantee that will mean nothing in any court when a program accepting only anonymous payment processors like LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney goes bust. This is very dangerous approach to the HYIP business, so please always invest at your own risk and avoid all the attractive offers providing you guarantees which can’t exist in the industry at all. Here is the latest from CrownEarnInvestgroup (reviewed here):
Guarantee for Investment
Dear Investor,
As I wrote last week we are now able to give you a personal legal guarantee for your investment if investment is $5000 or greater. Investors can contact secretary directly on email secretary@crown-earn-investgroup.com providing your full name, address and phone number. Following, you will receive your personal guarantee for present and all future investments made with CrownEarnInvestgroup ltd. The document is fully signed and valid in any court of law as long you have a remaining proven credit amount due at CrownEarnInvestgroup ltd.
If you have any questions regarding the process please dont hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards, Vincent Logan
CrownEarnInvestgroup ltd.
Marketing & Sale“.

As far as an online HYIP goes I can say that CrownEarnInvestgroup was almost perfect now. The payouts are always made instantly on all the investment plans on offer – 3.2%-7.91% for 21 days, 102% after 1 day, 136%-144% after 14 days. Even if sometimes for some reason your withdrawal request goes to pending status you should just cancel it and submit it again as in most cases it will work and the payment will be processed instantly. It’s no wonder that CrownEarnInvestgroup is very popular among MNO readers most of them have raked in some nice profits for the four weeks the program is running and it is rightly occupies the #1 spot on MNO Sticky listing in my opinion. I sincerely hope that the program will make it successfully for a few more weeks and wish the admin and members every success, with or without the investment “guarantee”.


I think that by the time you read this the 5% for 5 days with principal back on expiry plan which was offered by LuxorAlliance for two days only will be over and you would not be able to deposit. Anyway, one final reminder about the plan’s last hours availability was sent in today’s newsletter from the program together with a file containing a speech by “Adam Grant” – a made-up founder of the Luxor Trade company which allegedly provides investment services to offline investors for three years already. In this audio message there’s a brief introduction that the services LuxorAlliance supposedly offer to their business clients and briefly mentions the interest rates without any actual description of the plans.

Also in the latest newsletter there were some future plans shared on developing a members forum and even the instant payouts which should allow the investors to get paid to 1.8% for 15 days, 2% for 30 days, 2.4% for 45 days, 2.8% for 60 days plans with principal back on expiry on their AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts within a matter of seconds. But these are just plans and for me LuxorAlliance will be a viable option to invest again when they prove that their promotional offer plan was not just some trap to collect more money before disappearing, but rather a promotional tool to get more members and get to a higher level in the industry. Two months online is not such a long time for a program like this one but we should remember that LuxorAlliance has already finished a few cycles and is now in need of further growth to sustain the existing payouts. I hope that the admin of LuxorAlliance Alan (read my interview with him here) fully realizes that and will do his best in order to keep the program afloat. Here is the latest newsletter from LuxorAlliance (reviewed here) containing all the new information:
Hello Dear Investors,
Today is our Anniversary and We are glad that so much people today’s are celebrating with us and enjoying our Anniversary Plan. Our Anniversary Day is almost over and we already have a lot of plans for the bright future of our company. And for most of ideas we are grateful to our Dearest Investors.
What has been interesting that during this period of time we experienced enormous amount of interest from investors which we didn’t expect. We would like to inform that today at 11:59PM we’re closing our Anniversary plan. Our staff hopes that this plan met all your expectation and you received as much joy of this wonderful day. We want to congratulate everybody with this event since you are part of our company too. You are our foundation for the bigger success we aim for.
While celebrating our 3 Year Anniversary we realized that we have to increase communication between us and our investors since it’s the main source of information. We learned a lot from our investors past these 2 month of our online activity. Therefore we would like to inform everybody that we are working right now on forum platform for LuxorAlliance website which we’re planning on presenting during first days of March.
Also we would like to share a secret with you. Our staff is working on the way to present an instant withdrawals for you. We don’t promise that it will be introduced right away. But our staff is working on all security aspects of this method of payment since as you may have already noticed we are really concerned about security of your hard earned money. We estimate introduction of this feature about a week after we build a forum.
We also publish an early teaser of our upcoming video which you can find here:
Full video will be available within 24 hours.
We would like to thank everybody again for your interest and loyalty to our company!
Enjoy the rest of our Holiday!
Truly Yours,
LuxorAlliance Team”.


Just like I said in my review of the program, PlatinumFinance has indeed proven to be entirely unpredictable and has already been moved to Problem Status on MNO. I imagine it was set up to deliberately resemble the other similar programs which ran so well in the past in order to trick investors into thinking it was worth a gamble and then scam them. Well, whatever the truth the fact is that PlatinumFinance are now only paying to monitors, while the real investors get robbed. As is normally the case MNO is the first monitor to spot this and to act on it, and I have moved the program to Problem Status immediately after confirming the facts. It was a quick scam but at least that’s all it was – quick. Hopefully there won’t have been too many readers here caught up in it but the simple fact of the matter remains that you have to be prepared for these things if you want to play the HYIP industry. And if you did join then I also hope you followed my advice to keep your spending level to a minimum so hopefully you won’t have too much trouble in recouping the loss elsewhere. But as of now you have been warned – PlatinumFinance is a selectively paying scam and do not give them any money under any circumstances!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: CrownEarnInvestgroup, LuxorAlliance, HoldingsTradeLavishFund, III.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, NewGNi, OneInv, Royalty7, FXMoguls, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, ProfitsMax, FelminaAlliance, ProfitableSunrise, SolidForexLtd, BensonUnion, UniteProfitPlexCapital, VascoForex, InvfairLimited, MyDiamondShare, MoneyEra.
From MNO Standard list: PXSense, PanamaHedgeFund.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, UFOWin, PerfectLottery, AmbrianInvestment.

That’s all the news for today, guys. See you on MNO tomorrow with more updates from the HYIP world and possibly some new programs added to my list. Stay tuned and always be on the money with Money-News-Online!

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