February 2012 Archives

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Hello everyone! Hope your weekend is going well so far, but it’s been a bad one for the industry. Maybe the worst of the year so far I think. A lot of closures and not much good news to report at all. Four programs have been moved to Problem status on MNO due to a total halting of payments, or to delayed and selective payouts. One program is on Waiting status still as I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a possible resolution to delayed withdrawals. It’s sad when so many programs, both new promising ones as well as those more well established, get into trouble. But it’s a part of the industry and we must accept it and use it to our advantage if we want to learn any lessons from the current situation. The HYIP industry is moving in waves and right now it’s on the way down.



Today one more program was added to MNO’s Premium list. It’s called BulletProfit and it was only listed on the major forums and monitors today though the welcome message posted on the website was dated yesterday:
BulletProfit is Online!
We are glad to introduce our official website BulletProfit. To make our services more efficient and comfortable for our investors, we accept electronic payment systems. Now you can deposit and withdraw money with LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney services. Investors from all over the world are welcome!

BulletProfit offers three investment plans which are accepting LR and PM with different minimums to invest – 1.6% for 7 days, 2% for 14 days, 2.5% for 21 days. The interest is credited to members’ accounts on calendar days and the principal is returned on expiry. The withdrawals are not instant but are promised to be processed within 18 hours on request. The site of BulletProfits looks good at first glance and is running off a customized script. The site is properly SSL secured and is hosted on a dedicated server by one of the leaders in the antiDDoS market – BlockDos. Most likely a full review of BulletProfit will be posted on MNO tomorrow when I get my first profit to my LR account. Today the advertising of the program was started on which the admin talked in the latest news update on his site:
Advertising campaign started.
We have just started our advertising campaign around popular forums and monitors! We believe the investment plans we offer, the fast payments we make, and the incredible support we offer, will make us the best HYIP, separating us from every single existing program.


Possibly the biggest and most unexpected disaster yesterday was the very sudden collapse of LavishFund – a program that was considered by many as the next possible leader in the short term market. Unfortunately that was not going to be and the reason for it – the permanent DDoS attacks and the inability of LavishFund‘s hosting provider KoDDoS to cope with them properly. You might remember the admin of the program Lachlan already mentioned the attacks in the last newsletter about but assured us that KoDDoS was handling the situation and that such attacks were unlikely to happen in the future. Well, apparently it wasn’t the case as yesterday the site was again very intermittent. The admin Lachlan told me that Koddos didn’t make much effort to stop these attacks which were made by some blackmailer despite being handsomely paid by LavishFund for providing “expensive” DDoS protection. But it’s not the only case of sites on Koddos being down this week – FXMoguls, PXSense, GeniusVenture – they were all down at some point and their admins considered moving to other hosting providers. Unfortunately where as longer term HYIPs can survive these things shorter term ones like LavishFund can’t for the simple reason they cannot deliver stable results and investors start to panic. The admin sees that and knows it’s useless to run the site once deposits dry up. And that’s the outcome we saw in LavishFund last night.

To the admin’s credit he didn’t go the way other admins do and as soon as he accepted the situation he disabled new deposits and even issued limited refunds to members with smaller deposits. Maybe he will open another site in the future but there’s one thing I know for sure – he told he would not be using Koddos ever again. And I think possibly that provider cannot be considered safe anymore, especially to short term HYIPs like LavishFund which collapsed due to a poor level of protection. Anyway, some refunds are done and the deposits in LavishFund are disabled which I really appreciate as 99% of the HYIP admins would just leave their programs intact and stop payouts without disabling deposits to earn more from their scams. Also there was an explanation posted on the site of LavishFund for everyone to see. Here it it:


The second program to go was UniteProfit. They stopped payouts yesterday and become another which failed to profit investors by closing 4 days into a 5-6 day cycle. As you know we cannot predict for how long a program will last and with short term programs it’s almost impossible to see the early warning signs like we might with the longer term ones. In this case the admin just stopped payouts and never replied to my emails. But the deposit option is still open and the admin will accept all the money from unsuspecting investors. So do not invest in UniteProfit anymore. It’s a fast scam and has been moved to Scam status on the MNO monitor now!


According to the admin of CrownEarnInvestgroup Vincent his program was also subject to DDoS attacks yesterday, but I didn’t notice any downtime myself and tend to think this might be an excuse to stop investors from panicking when the usually instant withdrawals were stopped. Here is the first update CrownEarnInvestgroup issued yesterday:
Dear Investor, Since yesterday we are undergoing a 4 times heavy DDoS attract making the site inaccessible many places even that we are protected by Black Lotus with server protection in extreme high levels. The disturbance is causing many failures in investors’ deposits same as Instant withdrawals is not possible, why we proceed this manual within 24 hours of time.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
CrownEarnInvestgroup Ltd”.

Later another update also aimed at calming people down over delayed payouts caused by imaginary DDoS attacks, which strangely didn’t stop the admin from accepting new deposits, shamelessly promising again to make payouts manually and one-by-one. Of course that was never going to happen, and CrownEarnInvestgroup has been now moved to Problem status on MNO with no further investments advised there. Here is the latest (farewell?) newsletter from the admin and possibly the latest attempt to squeeze more money from investors without paying them:
As informed earlier today we are still in continually DDoS attack. The site is accessible and working however our pay processors are affected as they are set to one unique IP address to process instant withdrawals. But while the attacks are filtered off, it runs through dynamic IP’s and therefore the instant process fails same as when we try manual send payment through back-office with only errors received.
Considering the size of the attack I do not believe they are able to sustain it for long as we receive close to 10gb ps. What is insane a lot!
Just note that if it continues like this we have to start manually make payments one by one and pay the list down. Hopefully it will never come to that as it will be a fulltime work for many employees.
Also our chat is affected of the continually shifting IP’s and come and goes regularly.
A bettering is that as the host keep filtering bad traffic off we get closer and closer to normalization.
Just note that we are here and working on it to get back to normal.
Kindly CrownEarnInvestgroup Ltd.

Unlike short term programs that collapse without warning, one can actually detect something wrong with CrownEarnInvestgroup. For the last two days the admin was bragging about some fake investment guaranty to persuade investors with over $5K to join. It was very obvious to me that it might indicate cash flow issues and I honestly warned readers against making deposits there. I was right and the program went south within two days. It’s another tip for recognizing the warning signs in HYIPs. Please note that CrownEarnInvestgroup is a scam now and deposits there are not recommended.


As for LuxorAlliance I was watching the warning signs emerge on a daily basis. First there was a promotional plan added indicating danger. Just yesterday LuxorAlliance went further and announced the scrapping of the old investment plans and replacing them totally with four new short term ones – 5% for 3 days, 6% for 5 days, 7% for 7 days, 8% for 10 days with principal returned on expiry. Experienced investors might remember the popular program EVBusiness also did the same and then scammed within a week. I would not be surprised if LuxorAlliance will continue some selective payouts to monitors and small investors for a while, but the fact that some of them were waiting for their payouts for over 48 hours while monitors were paid fine (I was paid last night as usual) makes me think that it’s not safe to invest in LuxorAlliance now. The program will definitely go to Scam status next week and those new plans are just another trick played to get money out of some inexperienced investors before closing. Please do not be another victim and do not invest in those new plans announced in the newsletter below. LuxorAlliance is currently on Problem status with MNO:
Hello Dear LA investors,
During this period of time we realized how much interest we received from the “Anniversary Plan”. After analyzing all factors we came to a decision that we’ll create much higher cash flow with such kind of plans which will produce more income for us and our investors.
Here are new plans:
5% daily for 3 days
6% daily for 5 days
7% daily for 7 days
8% daily for 10 days
It’s great that our anniversary brought us so much innovations and thoughts to improve our services.
Great future is ahead of us our dear investors. Let’s walk this road to success together!
You’ll not have an option to invest in our previous plans. People who has invested in them will have to wait till the plan is expired in order to reinvest or withdraw their funds.
All pendings has been processed in time as usual in our claimed 48-business hours.
Using this opportunity we want to thank you all!
Best Regards, LuxorAlliance Team”.


III (reviewed here) is another program to announce a sudden addition of a new short term plan yesterday. This new plan will pay 2% for 7 calendar days returning your principal on expiry and it is open to deposits starting from $10 via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. It joins the already available 2.5% for 120 calendar days with principal returned on expiry and currently the two plans are running simultaneously. So, let’s analyze why this was added in the first place and how it might affect the future performance of III.

There are two possible scenarios on how the things will be develop for III. We can assess what the admin wants to achieve by creating this new plan yesterday (allegedly made after a poll voted for by the program’s members):
1) The new plan is for promotional purposes only and was created after the admin of III realized that the longer term plan paying 2.5% for 120 days were not so successful. The total return offered on the short term plan isn’t really that high and will give you 14% pure profit after a week compared with the long term plan bringing you to break-even point after 40 calendar days with possible profits of 300% after 4 months. To support this point I can add the short time online of the program (it’s been open for only 11 days) and the huge advertising campaign. As many readers said on my ShoutBox it might be not a good thing to scam so fast.
2) The second option is also viable and suggests the admin of III created the new plan in order to scam within a week. If you think that’s the case I would suggest you wait for at least a week until after the first payments on expiry of the new short term plan are due to be processed. I think there is a big possibility that the 2% for 7 days plan will be paid, but we can’t dismiss the possibility that it won’t and be prepared for any outcome.
Please note that my task is not to make III collapse but just to make you aware of the possible scenarios. We will see how things turn out for the investors of III next week, but so far all payments are processed instantly and nothing seems to have changed.


FXMoguls (reviewed here) is actually looking much better than its main competitors paying very stably for about three months already. The program has been developing quite gradually so far and have added a number of different features including the addition of AlertPay and the introduction of new plans paying 2.2%-3.5% for 60 business days in addition to the already available 2.4%-3.7% for 150 business days with principal back on expiry. But the most welcome addition for members of FXMoguls was the introduction of instant withdrawals, now available to all payment processors accepted by them – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay. As the testing period progressed the admin of FXMoguls Jason (interviewed here) has gradually increased the maximum that can be paid instantly. The latest increase for instant withdrawals in FXMoguls was made yesterday and was reported in the latest newsletter from the program (the current maximum limit for instant withdrawals is $50 with the possibility to get paid within 24 hours if you have a bigger request):
FXMoguls – LR and PM instant withdrawal limits raised again!
As always we wish to welcome all new members as well as thank our existing members for their wonderful support that they have shown us.
As many of you have noticed our member count is well above the 3000 mark and we anticipate that the momentum will continue.
In this newsletter I would only like to announce that we are raising the instant withdrawal limit again for PM and LR making it $50 which is even with Alertpay. This will accommodate members with very large deposits. Of course all members who wish to have instant withdrawals but have more than $50 to withdraw are more than welcome to make multiple withdrawals so that they are received instantly. But, of course this is at the discretion of the member. We will of course continue to pay manual withdrawals above $50 within the 24 business hour time frame as we have been. We will continue to raise these limits as the days and months pass.
We are coming near the end of our third month online and I must say that I feel that our outlook is very bright. The changes that we have made as well as the additions have been a big hit with most members and we will continue to be innovative and try to stay on the cutting edge of what our members tell us they want.
Thank you again and we look forward to continuing to serve your needs.
Sincerely, FXMoguls LTD Staff”.


Please do not invest in PXSense at this moment, guys. I have two pending withdrawals already with them and one confirmed complaint from someone who has a pending withdrawal for over the promised timeframe of 48 hours. Some delays already occurred in PXSense this week but it was mostly connected with the site’s inaccessibility due to Koddos’ bad service and the admin quickly rectified it by processing the payouts as soon as the site was back online. This time though it looks more serious to me and there is a possibility that PXSense will be moved to Problem status on MNO tomorrow in case the payouts are not processed by then. For now the program is on Waiting status and I’m looking forward to hearing from the admin explain the delays.


There was a pretty short update posted on the site of OneInv (reviewed here) today:
Script Updated & Added Online Calculator.
We have updated our script for more stable and easy to use and also added calculator.
I myself didn’t notice the update in the script, so perhaps it was something insignificant or technical. As for the online calculator, it will definitely be a useful tool for the current and future investors, especially those who use compounding. Plans available at OneInv include 0.6%-1.2% daily forever (principal back after 12 months), 1%-2% for 300 days, 1500% after 300 days, 2500% after 250 days, 1620% after 180 days. The only negative thing about the calculator is that that you have to enter your investment period and daily rate by yourself, while in my opinion it would be easier if the script would do it for you when you just mention the plan offered by OneInv. In any case, I hope that this new feature will help you understand which plan and which compounding rate is best for you.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky listHoldingsTrade, AVIFinance, III.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, OneInvFXMoguls, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, ProfitsMax, FelminaAlliance, SolidForexLtd, BensonUnion, PlexCapital, VascoForex, MyDiamondShare.
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund.
From MNO Basic list: UFOWin, AmbrianInvestment, CreditProgramBank (the first payments received).

That’s all I had to report for this poor weekend in the HYIP industry. Hopefully next week will bring us more joy than sorrow, and I sincerely wish all MNO readers good luck with their online investments. See you all tomorrow!

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