February 2012 Archives

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Beware! CrownEarnInvestgroup has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Hope the weekend went well for you all whatever you found yourself getting up to. It looks like I wasn’t the only one taking it easy as it’s been a noticeably slow day for news updates, though that’s not really much of a reason to complain either I guess. But that’s OK because today I want to take advantage of that and catch up with an interview I received recently from Vincent, the admin of CrownEarnInvestgroup. That you may remember is a recently launched short term HYIP with some plans that might best be described as “individual”.

I’ll let the admin describe the program in his own words for you in just a moment, but first I’ll just remind you that the program offers terms of 3.2%-7.91% for 21 days, 102% after 1 day, and 136%-144% after 14 days. Please note that compounding in one of the plans is compulsory (and in fact whether you like that or not you are going to have to do it to avoid losing money anyway). However if that sounds a bit strange then not to worry, you can find a more detailed explanation of CrownEarnInvestgroup, their features, and all their investment plans in my detailed review of the program first published here.

1. Hi Vincent, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us please about your own involvement in CrownEarnInvestgroup.

First I want to thank you for your interest in our program and welcome all new investors.

My name is Vincent Logan, responsible for Marketing and Sale at CrownEarnInvestgroup. My primary job is to promote CrownEarnInvestgroup and make direct contact to monitors and forums for advertising proposals, that way steady build up our front face of the company and make us visible were we will be seen most.

2. Can you give us some background information on CrownEarnInvestgroup? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online?

CrownEarnInvestgroup was established in Seychelles 2006 by two gentlemen named William Penik and Alan Chapman who have financial responsibility for all activity in CrownEarnInvestgroup.

CrownEarnInvestgroup has until now been doing trading from its main office in Hong Kong the past 5-6 years investing CrownEarnInvestgroup own funds with a team of 5 professional traders hired to analyze and marked execute orders for profit. Two years ago CrownEarnInvestgroup established another office in Bangkok with another team of 5 professional market traders, and plan to expand to Singapore London and New York. All together 24 people are now a part of CrownEarnInvestgroup. That includes management and secretary, traders, marketing, support and our technical adviser.

The private section of CrownEarnInvestgroup came up last year with the main goal to find private investors and build up a new division for private investing. This is where I was hired to research the marked for potential private investors and plan the steps to setup the online CrownEarnInvestgroup as you all can see today with start from last Sunday 28th. Of Jan. 2012.

3. What plans are available to investors in CrownEarnInvestgroup? Explain them in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you accepting at the moment?

Our strategy for the investments offers CrownEarnInvestgroup can offer our private investors are all set by the return CrownEarnInvestgroup want to give. The return (not Incl. referral commission) is set to range daily between 7.33% to 10.28%. I will make an example to compare the 3 plans in simple language

EASY FUND gives a daily return on 9.71% to 10.28%. This is our highest profit range you can get.

FAST SAVER set on 70% compounding (default) gives a daily return on 7.58% to 7.8%. Set on 100% compounding gives a daily return on 9.23% to 9.6%.

PREMIUM FINANCE gives a daily return on 7.33% to 7.91%.

The whole idea behind the plans and the question you have to ask yourself when investing is:

Do you aim for highest return in short time? Then you choose EASY FUND. Easy Fund gives a return daily on 9.71% to 10.28% paid out after plan expires. Meaning your investment is locked for 14 days before you can make a withdrawal.

Do you aim for daily withdrawals and high profit? Then FAST SAVER is a good choice. Set on 70% compounding, you can cash out 30% daily of your daily profit on 3.2-3.4% for 21 days and the remaining 70% daily profit when plan expires.

Do you aim for highest daily withdrawals? Then PREMIUM FINANCE is your choice. You get smallest profit on the table but able to cash out your full daily profit for all 21 days.

So always ask yourself the 3 questions to choose the right plan.

Do you aim for highest return in short time? = EASY FUND

Do you aim for daily withdrawals and high profit? = FAST SAVER

Do you aim for highest daily withdrawals? = PREMIUM FINANCE

All plans start at $10 with no top limit. We use Perfect Money and Liberty Reserve as our preferred processors as they are easy to manage with a full automatic payment system giving you INSTANT payments and easy to deposit/withdraw to our banks in Asia.

CrownEarnInvestgroup still has the TEST PLAN left for newbie’s investors unsure how it all works. However the plan will be limited to just 1 dollar as it’s not an investment plan, but a simple try off plan.

CrownEarnInvestgroup do not intent to make changes in any of our 3 plans as they work as wanted and the profit CrownEarnInvestgroup offer is on a satisfactory level for CrownEarnInvestgroup.

4. I said in my review that it was my opinion that your investment plans are unnecessarily complicated. How do you respond? Isn’t it possible that members may actually lose money in the Fast Server Plan if they don’t understand how to properly use the compulsory compounding there? What is the point of joining this at all?

A general misunderstanding on the Fast Saver plan is that investors did not take notice of the minimum 70% compounding why we set this as default to avoid investors to lose money on the plan. I do not see any complicated in the plans. Just use the 3 easy questions mentioned above and also try the calculator on the plan list. Even with some few misunderstandings the response from investors has been very positive to the plans, and at the moment it seems like most investors like to join Premium Finance.

5. How secure is the website of CrownEarnInvestgroup? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have? Considering the recent downtime you’ve suffered recently how satisfied are you with the service?

Safety is a very important player in the online business what we already on day 1 had to feel. We use BlockDos for our ddos protection as a gateway to lead all traffic through to our dedicated server. The incidents and disturbance on the line the two first days occurred when the attacks went to high, why we had to upgrade and reconfigure our gateway to a more secure level at Blockdos. CrownEarnInvestgroup do not compromise on the security and will leave it on this high level to protect any future attack there may occur. We will not make changes as our first presumption as we find the server and gateway working optimal as it is now, and still have options to further upgrade levels if we get any needs for that.

We use TrustWave as our SSL provider for two reasons. First one is the level of encryption they use, what is a 256bit encryption the highest level today. Second reason is the certificate of trust is verified only to real companies who can literally prove their business by ownership and registration. Trustwave has confirmed that CrownEarnInvestgroup has been verified as the owner and operator of the Web site located at crown-earn-investgroup.com and confirms that CrownEarnInvestgroup is a valid legal business.

6. What kind of script is your program running off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?

In my search for programs I had two choices very similar to each other. Goldcoders and Hothyipscript. The prices are not a big deal on any of them as it’s a small decent amount on $50 and $150. But the functionality and security at Hothyipscript are much more user-friendly with more options and a top performance in security. Even thou I still unencrypted the script by an internet service and went through all the coding to find any potential backdoors or any other things being a threat for our service what I did not find any of. I am very satisfied with this program and functionality and feel the right choice has been done. Our license can be validated at http://hothyipscript.com/?a=check_license.

7. Can we see any statistics regarding the site? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

We have chosen to make it easier for investors to follow the details in the program. In our footer on all pages you will find live statistic for all movements in the program for each and every investor investing in CrownEarnInvestgroup. As the program is fully automated with deposits and withdrawals, we have no influence on this part. The data you see is coming straight from the database and instant from the moment you load the page.

Investors can also find our company registration and shareholders with ownership in the left footer corner.

8. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues? I also see that you have a Live Chat feature but have yet to see it working myself. Do you ever actually use it? If so then what time (GMT) can investors find an operator there?

CrownEarnInvestgroup‘s contact page will help you get contact to any member of CrownEarnInvestgroup staff if you have any particular you want to talk with or a specific request to another department. CrownEarnInvestgroup supporter staff work all days from 10 AM to 1AM following day (GMT +08:00) Hong Kong time. 15 hours a day.

CrownEarnInvestgroup aims to keep a high level on customer support with a short response time, and will extend the services to include a call-center when the needs come for it. CrownEarnInvestgroup‘s 7 staff can easily be increased as the need arises. As mentioned before CrownEarnInvestgroup‘s aim to setup a strong group of local representative worldwide for direct local contact near or in your town.

9. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

Most common questions so far have been very decent mostly about investors who forgot their transaction code, what the supporters can help with right away when they are online. To get a new transaction code they need your user name, the new code you want added and the answer to your security question.

Another common question has been how to choose the right plan what is explained in plan details and not any longer a big problem after the Fast Saver is set to the 70% by default.

We will always update the details and help section as we see what investors need help with to avoid new investors getting the same problems.

10. How have you been promoting CrownEarnInvestgroup so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join? I can’t see CrownEarnInvestgroup being advertised anywhere right now, so how are you expecting to reach your target audience without it?

I have for the past 3 months been researching for the company to find out what and where things are going on. Collected information for statistics and planed our strategy for the start 28th of January 2012. CrownEarnInvestgroup is now in the stage of executing the steps, step by step.

Step 1. Connecting selected monitors to our program what is done end this week. Undergoing

Step 2. Negotiate contracts and business deals with selected monitors and forum for advertising. Undergoing

Step 3. Connect CrownEarnInvestgroup on social community networks like Facebook. Done

Step 4. Setup an International Call-center to help customer support for the growing numbers of new investors.

Step 5. Build our own Social community network with our investors.

Step 6. Create a strong group of local representative worldwide.

All this steps among many more is a part to strengthening our marked parts and steady build up a strong organization known by all. CrownEarnInvestgroup expects to reach our goal within the end of this year. That is also the reason that CrownEarnInvestgroup has no rush with aggressive marketing and an explosive grown in investors. We steam for a nice and steady grown and that way make investors feel comfortable with what is going on and be a part of it.

Next week we expand or advertising campaigns around forums and monitors with a few already set up on DreamTeamMoney, TalkGold and 5 popular monitors like MNO, HyipHall, InvestRecord, Gold-Lister and All-Hyips. This area will be continually expanded on what we find most profitable and what kind of long term contracts can be negotiated.

11. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members? What solid evidence are you prepared to make available for public inspection regarding this claim?

All investors money is managed by our two professional marked teams who analyze and marked execute orders for profit. This has been done now for almost 6 years with CrownEarnInvestgroup own funds, so basically CrownEarnInvestgroup has not made any changes in the current set up, just opened up for private investors to join the success. We can of course provide previous year’s reports from CrownEarnInvestgroup by request to the management via secretary.

12. I said in my review of CrownEarnInvestgroup that much of the texts on your website have been directly copy/pasted from other websites (and I can show you links if you wish). What impression do you think experienced investors will get about the credibility of our website, and why would they believe anything else you say if it’s just taken from another website anyway?

I have to confess that I under my research since October have copied some text I found suitable for our program and suitable for what we do and stands for. Sad it looked so obvious. I will make sure to correct my mistake and apologize for my doing.

13. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Anything in the review you may not agree with or wish to comment on? If you had just one more thing to say to the unconvinced about the merits of putting their money into your program, what would that be?

CrownEarnInvestgroup‘s keywords are professionalism and competence. We put pride in excellence and performance and will make sure this will be the one all investors talk about.

It’s not the quantity that counts but the quality. Welcome to a new epoch of online investment.

That’s almost it for today, guys, except unfortunately I have to finish the weekend with some warnings. Two programs have been moved to Problem Status on MNO, while another two have been moved to Waiting. First of all WinningProfits and RelaxCapital have been moved to Problem Status after both stopped paying members completely. The other two programs are LucidNature and EtoroGainClub which are in question because of as yet unexplained delays in their payouts. They have been moved to Waiting Status on MNO for now and their longer term status will be determined tomorrow. But I just wanted to give you a very brief warning about investments in all four of them for now, and I’ll have further information on them in the news update on Monday.

Apart from that of course I just want to say thanks to Vincent for answering my questions and I hope that if you’re not currently a member of CrownEarnInvestgroup then you found it useful in deciding if the program is suitable for you or not. And of course good luck to anyone who has already joined up and to those who are about to. Let’s hope it works out OK for everyone. Anyway, as usual I’ll be back again tomorrow with all the most important news stories from the industry, but more precisely the ones from the MNO monitoring list. See you all then!

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