February 2012 Archives

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Hi everybody! Before this evening’s news update I want to take a closer look at another of the several recent additions to the MNO monitoring page called PXSense which has already been online for the last month. I have to say that this one is quite unlike any of the other programs currently on my list and does have a bit more going on than just the regular HYIP style features. However as a monitor myself it’s as an online HYIP that I’m going to be covering it, but I’ll go through the other aspects of the program for you as well. It’s up to you how you use that information or if you think it affects your chances to make a profit from PXSense, because at the end of the day despite the differences they still have the one single most important feature in common with every other program in the HYIP industry – you have to spend money out your own pocket first to join and then trust a totally untraceable admin to pay you back.

So I guess we’ll start with the actual investment plan then, and this is the first place PXSense differs from its HYIP counterparts. It’s a long term program with only one plan, and you can join it for a minimum deposit of $10. What’s different here however is that rather than deposit a dollar amount of your own choosing as with most traditional programs, you must instead purchase investment units priced at $10 each. So in other words you can’t spend let’s say $11 or $12, you can only join with $10, $20, $30, and so on (much the same way as an autosurf might work if any readers have experience with them). The plan then runs for 75 calendar days with PXSense paying you back 2% interest per day. Payments will include your principal (so don’t expect it to be returned at the end) and will add up to 150% in total at the end of the term. So that’s 100% plus 50% profit.

Another slightly unusual aspect to PXSense is the maximum investment allowed at any one time. You are free to spend more or less whatever you like as far as I can see, but there is a limit placed on what you can do in a single day. As I said, investments have to be made in units of $10 each, and you are allowed to buy not more than 75 of these units per day. That comes to $750 in total. Want to invest more? No problem, but you’ll just have to wait until tomorrow before doing it. I guess I can see the logic there as this will do something towards keeping the program sustainable, as well as keeping the Hit-and-Runners at bay (though to what extent they would have been a problem to a long term HYIP like PXSense in the first place is debatable).

I’ll get to the other alleged income streams for PXSense in just a moment, but first I’ll tell you about the payment options. Currently available are AlertPay, LibertyReserve, and SolidTrustPay, so that’s a pretty good mix by itself without having to add to it. However while that may be all well and good, another difference with PXSense and other programs lies in the actual withdrawal process itself, though I must say that the program’s own FAQ page is now woefully out of date as the terms have changed considerably but without that page being updated. The thing is that you are only allowed to make one withdrawal request per day (24 hours). The minimum withdrawal is $5, and once requested you are asked to allow up to a further 48 hours for it to be processed. Withdrawals to AlertPay however are processed instantly.

PXSense is running off a MonetarySoft script and is fully SSL-secured. Hosting is on a dedicated Staminus server protected by Koddos. Customer support is available by filling out the ticketing form on the contacts page, though you can also keep up to date with developments there on the PXSense social networking pages like Facebook, Twitter, and the like. The design however could do with a little tidying up due to the fact that some pages now contradict each other as the terms and conditions have changed. Otherwise it can be quite confusing to new members and the PXSense website itself should be the first source of information for members, not news blogs like MNO.

Other ways to earn from the program include a matrix system. I won’t go into too much detail on this for the simple reason it’s of more use to promoters than the average member, but basically what it is is just a bonus system that gives you a couple of extra bucks (on condition that you have an active investment there yourself by the way) if you manage to bring in enough active investors through your own downline. Calling it a “matrix” is just a fancy way of saying it’s a glorified ref commission system, it’s just a little different from the average HYIP because PXSense also have more of a multi-layer system – ie your downline’s downline can also generate an extra payment for you once enough of them are in place.

The other thing about PXSense is that they operate a “pixel advertising” page. This is a big empty page, separate from the main PXSense website, with a series of small squares lined up in columns. Move your cursor over any one of these squares and click on it, and a new page will open displaying a website that’s paid for advertising. In many cases the website that opens is a HYIP, not necessarily put there by its admin but put there by a member wishing to display his ref link. Though of course it could be anything, but generally speaking it’s going to be something that might appeal to a HYIP related audience.

Personally I’m far from convinced about the merits of this one for a variety of reasons. First of all the member is under no obligation to ever visit this page, let alone click on any of the ads. In fact I can’t think of one good reason why I myself will ever do this a second time, having already done it once purely out of curiosity. So in other words I don’t see a lot of advertisers taking it seriously enough to actually pay PXSense so they can get listed there. The other problem is the quality of ads displayed there. Already I see a good number of spots occupied by HYIPs that are confirmed scams. I’m not suggesting it’s the PXSense admin responsible for putting them there, that in itself is the problem. It’s just regular HYIP members wanting to display their ref link, but when the advertised program scams and the ad stays on display, it not only gives the rest of us an even better reason to avoid this page, it doesn’t do any favors for PXSense‘s credibility either.

That being said, I want to get back to what I said in the first paragraph about MNO monitoring PXSense as an online HYIP only. So despite my reservations about the pixel advertising, the investment plan available is quite sustainable. Maybe not as profitable as some others in the industry, but in a balanced portfolio you do have to consider fitting lower profit programs that can be sustained for a longer period alongside the more high risk gambles you might normally take. Which of course leads me very nicely onto the last point which I always emphasize for every program – try to keep a diverse portfolio, and always stay within a strictly enforced spending limit that’s affordable to you.



I believe it’s safe to say that PaidProcess is currently the hottest new short term program in the industry now with hundreds of investors already enjoying the daily and instantly paid profits to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts on 25% for 5 days and 160% after 10 days plans. According to the admin over 1,200 members have already joined the program and I expect further growth due to the first profits from the five day plan expected by tomorrow. The admin Sam in his latest newsletter invited investors to read the review on MNO which can be seen here and visit the MMG forum thread which also became very active during the last few days. Sam promises to do everything possible to make PaidProcess even more popular with investors and maintain the consistent growth needed to run a successful short term HYIP. The full newsletter from PaidProcess can be found below:
Successful opening of PP!
Dear PaidProcess investors and partners,
Our first days online were a complete success and due to our instant payments policy, several investors and monitors already got paid. Our page’s opening was smooth and over 1200 people joined us in the past 3 days so we would like to say we are very glad that you decided to join us As a lot of people joined us, a lot of people also got paid both their referral commissions and their daily plan earnings.
PaidProcess has been reviewed by MoneyNewOnline and you can read it by clicking on this link: http://tinyurl.com/8yegd4k ; it’s a very informative review that can help you understanding a little more about PaidProcess or help your future referrals understand it. Our MoneyMakerGroup Forum topic has also been very active, as you can see it by clicking on this link: http://tinyurl.com/73bgpjr .
We have big plans for our program and we are always thinking about the future by using techniques and strategies that will ensure its longevity and turn PaidProcess into a multi-million dollars business in a few months from now. Our business model has been designed to last for a very long time and that means nothing but huge profits for you and your referrals.
Right now, there is a total of about $42,000 invested in PaidProcess as you can see in our main page, it’s a good number for a recently launched program but it’s nothing if compared to the level we will put our program in. Our program will become a short term industry leader in a very short time frame
We will send you small updates about our program every few days.
Best wishes, Sam Sargent


Another regular weekly newsletter from FelminaAlliance (reviewed here) finally announced the network of regional representatives which the administration promised to add for the convenience of investors over the last couple of months. Currently there are only seven countries covered by representatives but according to FelminaAlliance this will expand in the coming weeks and months. It looks like the program is very serious in making this new feature a success and I can see the topic was covered on the site in detail including the responsibilities of such representatives and benefits that they can get for their efforts. FelminaAlliance is already a well known long term program paying 1%-1.6% for 180 business days with principal back on expiry to AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. It’s been running for more than seven months now and I believe that the newly added representatives will really help them expand even further. I wish them every success in that. The latest newsletter is below:
[FelminaAlliance] Weekly Newsletter
This is the official weekly newsletter from FelminaAlliance.
We are happy to inform you that after a lengthy preparatory and testing period the new Regional Representative area has been incorporated into our website.
In our view, building a network of Regional Representatives is by far the most efficient efficient way to reach out to every customer worldwide.
Here is how our Regional Representatives can help you:
– You can get direct help from the representatives living in your area and speaking your language. Our services are available in practically all countries of the world. But, unfortunately, we are technically unable to localize our website and customer support in all the languages our global customers speak.
– Regional representative can help you set up your account and get started with your investment.
– You can call your regional representative to get immediate answers to your questions and get help with your account.
– You can have face-to-face conversations with regional representatives and ask all the questions you have.
– You can take part in conferences, seminars and workshops held by our regional representatives in your country or region.
– You can get detailed help on how to withdraw the interest you will earn in the fastest and most cost-efficient manner.
– You will be able to get basic understanding of the correct way to report your earnings with us to your local tax authorities.
The Regional Representative network is growing every day. So feel free to apply for representing our company in your country, region or city. Send your application to Lisa Waddell, head of the Regional Representatives Department, at regional@felmina.com if you are interested.
Please find a moment to visit our official Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/Felminacom. This is the fastest way to read the latest news and updates.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions and need help with anything. Your thoughts on how to improve our website and the services we offer are more than welcome.
Best Regards, Marketing Department, FelminaAlliance Inc.


The admin of FACTUnion Amelia (interviewed here) issued another newsletter tonight, apologizing for being out of sight for too long and saying she was busy working on the site’s new features. FACTUnion has instantly processed payouts to the program’s members on three investment plans – 4%-5% for 30 business days (interest credited every hour) and 1.2% for 150 days – accepted via LibertyReserve, AlertPay and PerfectMoney. I must say I’m quite satisfied with their performance as the only time they didn’t pay instantly was when the payment processor’s website was offline. It’s no wonder that the program is growing nicely and after 70 days has 2100 members and counting. That in itself requires a lot of work and put an overload on the server which requires upgrading. That is why the decision was made to switch to another hosting provider which will happen within the next few days and will be announced later. Also you can keep updated on all the program’s developments on their Facebook and Twitter accounts, links to which are provided in the latest newsletter from FACTUnion (reviewed here) which you can read below:
“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin.
First of all I apologize as its been too long since I wrote any newsletter. I have been busy with administrative issues of such a growing program and thankful to my coworkers for not only handling but keep a constant level of unbeatable customer assistance all the time.
Lets get started from a good news as FACTUnion is today approx 70 days old and paying instantly from its very first day which was beginning of December 2011. During this period we have gained over 2100 happy members so far which is, in my view an excellent achievement. Together with your support and cooperation, I am sure we will be able to succeed towards a better and prosperous future for all of our union members! Please join us on these 2 social networks for upcoming contests full of prizes and more…
Due to heavy increase in traffic, slow loading and problems while delivering email messages to our members, we will be switching our hosting provider during the next 24 hours so I request to all of you that be patient while this happens. I will issue another update once we have successfully moved to new hosting provider. I am sure this change will bring further positive effects on growth of our program and your promotional campaigns. Let me remind you that we are currently paying referral commission on 2-tiers. You will earn 4% for direct and 2% for in-direct referrals.
Once again I would like to thank our members for their kind support!
Thank you!
Amelia (Administrator) / FACTUnion.


The admin of LifeTimeProfits Lara still hasn’t decided to upgrade her program to Premium listing on MNO and that is why she can’t be interviewed on my blog. But she was interviewed anyway on another monitoring site which was mentioned in her latest update. LifeTimeProfits has been listed on MNO for 65 days, paying to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts on a 3%-5% for 50 business days plan. More can be read on MNO review here or the AlfaMonitor interview link which is given in the latest update from LifeTimeProfits below:
LTP Interviewed by Alfa Monitor
Our program was interviewed by Andrew from Alfa monitor. Please note that LTP is ranked # 1 in Alfa monitor, and we are the first program to be interviewed by Andrew who is doing an appreciable work for HYIP Industry.
The interview was interesting, please take some time to read it. A link is provided from “Rate us” page on our website LifeTimeProfits.
The interview can be viewed on this link:
Shall you need any support, please feel free to contact us 24/7 and we will be glad to answer your queries anytime.
Best Regards. Lara


I must say that at least one admin had the decency to officially close his program, disable all the deposits and even issue some refunds today. LucidNature whom I got an email from late last night admitted cashflow issues and promised refunds, some of which have been paid already. But honestly I was suspicious that the admin could use his current identity to launch another program soon or a second round in LucidNature. In a private email from him received today however he assured me he was not going to launch any program. Let’s hope that he really has some good intentions and if you were also issued a refund please email me or tell this on the MNO ShoutBox. Here is the official farewell newsletter from LucidNature announcing its closure:
LucidNature closing down
 With a great regret, we are informing you that LucidNature seizes operations. In the last days we were hit by 500% increase in withdrawals, which lead to sudden decrease in our reserves maintained for payments. All deposits throughout the weekend were refunded with the exception of the ones in minimum amounts ($10). We will be processing payments in the form of refunds today and in the coming days ahead of us. We will be following our own protocols of refunding which will not be disclosed to the public.


Perfectiva is a brand-new program added to MNO’s Premium list late last night. Currently the program accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay which is a really good choice of payment options in my opinion. For a $10 minimum you can join two plans paying either 6% for 25 calendar days or 111% after 7 calendar days. I think that the plans are quite attractive and at the same time sustainable enough. I would not say that the website of Perfectiva fully reflects its name but it’s definitely a high level standard, running off a unique script which I don’t remember seeing before, properly SSL-secured, and hosted on a dedicated server with BlockDos protection which should eliminate any loading issues in the hopefully bright future. The full review of Perfectiva will be posted on MNO blog within a couple of days but meanwhile I invite you to check out the website and read the news the admin submitted already:
Today we announce the grand launch of Perfectiva. After much planning and many efforts, Perfectiva website is finally ready for use and open to the online public. Please feel free to read about the investment plans we have to offer you, and explore our site unique features.
Striving very hard to protect our clients’ funds, we have installed BlockDoS protection against DDoS attacks. It uses superior methods to keep our website safe and secure from such attacks.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: LuxorAllianceGibraltarFinancialGroup, HoldingsTrade.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, OneInv, NewGNi, Royalty7, PammGroupsEurexTrade, FXMoguls, IncomeInt, ForexReflex, PaidProcessCrownEarnInvestgroup, GeniusVenture, FelminaAlliance, ProfitableSunrise, SolidForexLtd, BensonUnion, FACTUnion, PlexCapital, VascoForex, SenrosGroup, InvfairLimited.
From MNO Standard list: LifeTimeProfits, PanamaHedgeFund, Profitima, PXSense.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, AmbrianInvestmentUFOWin.

That’s all I have for you this evening, guys. Tomorrow I’ll be publishing an interview with the admin of LuxorAlliance (reviewed here) – the program that recently upgraded their listing to Sticky on MNO and a couple of other monitors which is hopefully a good sign for its investors. Then later in the evening I’ll have another review with with the regular daily news update. So stay tuned, and see you all then!

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