March 2012 Archives

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Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the first day of Spring and are looking forward to getting out and about a bit more in the next few months! Not a whole lot of news to report from the industry today, though that’s hardly a surprise given the general lack of activity around at the moment. That will change soon enough anyway as it always does, but I still have a couple of interesting updates to get to that I’m sure you’ll find of interest. So let’s get started!


Those of you who might have read the interview with the admin of III posted on MNO last night (click here to read it) already know the reason for adding the new short term investment plan paying 2% for 7 calendar days with principal return on expiry which was added just a few days ago giving rise to some arguments between investors. I remind you that III started originally two weeks ago offering only a 2.5% for 120 calendar days plan with principal return on expiry and instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. [The full review from when it had only one plan can be read here]. There was one promise also made by the admin – to allow premature principal withdrawals on the long term plan. In my opinion, it might have been better handled together with the introduction of the short term plan to allow other investors to adjust their strategy with the program based on the changing circumstances. In any case we shouldn’t really trust the words but only the actions of the admin. So let’s wait for Monday and see if the first payouts on expiry of the short term plan get processed. So far III has been paying well and I always receive the payments instantly to both LR and PM accounts, and I believe that’s the case with every single investor. Let’s hope that it will continue for the long run and enjoy the first official newsletter from III that was issued prior to the interview being published on MNO last night:
The First Official Newsletter of III
Hello our dear investors and everyone reading this first official newsletter of the WebFinance (or simply III – Innovative! Incredible! Investment!) project. My name is Steve and I am an administrator of this project. Today my team and I are happy to inform you that III is two weeks old and these have been incredible two weeks for the development of our project. Many of you have demonstrated great support and faith in us, so we want to sincerely thank you for that. It is not a secret that investors’ support is significant for any online project and any business in general, so we are asking you all to continue voting on monitors and posting your payment proofs on forums.
As you know, we have recently launched a new investment plan for all fans of short term profits. Some of you may wonder why we made such a decision, so here is why. We launched the project offering a long term plan because it complies with our investment strategy. However soon after we went online we understood that the world of online investments differs from the world of investments we’ve been engaged in for the past 8 years. Therefore we conducted a poll and received lots of requests from our members to introduce a short plan.
The thing is that many people here want to make money fast, so we discussed this matter and decided to launch a short term plan, and of course we couldn’t make it as profitable as the long term one because other rules are applied in fast operations with money. So it offers 2% for 7 calendar days and we will return your principal when the plan expires. The minimum deposit is as low as $10. But we know that there are also many people who like investing for a long time. Our long term plan is longer, however it is more profitable. You will receive 2.5% daily for 120 calendar days and the minimum is also just $10.
Of course, waiting for 120 days to receive principal back may be inconvenient for some of you, so I want to share a secret with you and to tell you that we are currently discussing the possibility of allowing investors to withdraw their initial deposits anytime in the long term plan! So stay tuned for fresh newsletters and once again I want to thank you all for your support and faith in III!
Yours respectfully, the team of III”.


MoneyEra (reviewed here) might best be described as a program from the old school in the best meaning of the expression, with an admin starting his program with slow promotion and obvious that he was not there to create a fast scam. After three and a half months online they still pay fine to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney processors on the following investment plans – 1.2%-2.3% per business day or 8.1% weekly for 285 days with principal returned on expiry. Even the current technical issues in the script founnd when requesting payments (where the system shows Insufficient Funds) have not seem to affected the payouts which are still processed fine to all the members of MoneyEra, at least at the time of writing.

Two days ago the admin of MoneyEra issued a by now almost traditional bi-weekly newsletter. In it he reports on the success of the newly added plan with the reported 30 investors. Well, let’s count how much money it actually attracted. With the minimum deposit of $10K only (!) the admin must have received at least $0.3 million now. What can I say about that really? Surely it’s an exaggeration and nobody in his right mind would invest such money into an online ponzi. Well, of course this is the reason why MoneyEra is trying to do its best to look like a real trading company (that is exactly what all the long term programs try to do in order to get bigger deposits) and boasts of having 15%-20% daily profits on some trading days (something real banks cannot offer you in a year!). But still I appreciate the gradual development of the program and we will see if his future plans which include launching a Spanish version of the site and further building of social network of members are going to become a reality. I will definitely report about this on MNO when it happens but meanwhile you can read the latest for yourself when reading the latest newsletter from MoneyEra below:
MoneyEra Newsletter Feb 28
Dear members and investors of MoneyEra program, we are continuing our tradition of bi-weekly newsletter updates. In this issue we would like to cover our current trading results and progress in the development of new trading algorithms, and also I’d like to provide you with an outlook of the future development of our online program.
Let us start with our MoneyEra program news and prospects.
The introduction of the new investment plan for larger investors has turned out to be a success. The new 2.3% daily plan has attracted more than thirty new deposits since its introduction two weeks ago. Quite important for us is the fact that most of these investments were made by our old members. It means that we succeed in meeting the needs of our investors and we are able to build up trust over time. Also personal one-on-one support, offered to the investors in this plan, is really attractive for our members.
As I mentioned in my previous email update, currently we have members from more than 30 countries. That’s why it becomes really important for us to provide customized, native-language support. About 25% of our members come from Spanish-speaking countries, and within two weeks we will launch a Spanish version of MoneyEra. Other languages are also coming.
Also we started building a social network for MoneyEra investors and promoters. It will be launched in approximately two months, providing a seamless interaction for our members and allowing us to receive your and your social graph feedback in real-time. Not much can be revealed now, so stay tuned for more, this is going to be a killer feature of our program!
Trading-wise the last two weeks stood out due to rising oil prices and the oil reaching its maximum in this trading year.
We trade heavily in commodities, including oil futures. We managed to make very consistent profits during this rally, trading with a very high margin we had trading days when we could achieve 15%-20% daily profit. Overall our trading results remain very stable, and the developments of new trading algorithms, which promise to be really disruptive, are under way. Our new Forex arbitrage robot will be launched next week, and we hope that it’s going to be a real game-changer!
At the end of the newsletter I’d like to remind you that we’re always open to your feedback, suggestions, and comments. Feel free to drop us a line!
Have a good week,
Wolfgang Smidt,
Head of MoneyEra customer support department.”


It looks like we might have another fast goner in AVIFinance. Today it was reported to me that the payouts to LibertyReserve from them have went from being processed instantly as happened during the first 25 days online to pending. I immediately took action and moved the program to Waiting status on MNO, simultaneously trying to get in touch with the admin and inquire about the delays. Unfortunately, there was no response received up to now and the payouts haven’t resumed yet. So we can state that AVIFinance was another big scam and never made anyone (except the admin) a profit paying only 2.1% daily which was not enough even for the first investors of the program to reach break-even point. Well, this is just another rotten apple in the basket!

During the last couple of days and through a lot of closures recently I realized we might have a much broader crisis in the HYIP industry now than originally thought. That might in turn rattle the investors’ confidence and hurt the chances of new programs to become successful. We’ll see how things develop, but I would be kinda pessimistic regarding the industry’s growth for the next couple of weeks with a decline in investors’ funds and quality programs launching overall. Might not be a bad idea now to reconsider your investment strategy now, guys, because things have changed already and nobody knows when the industry is going to be back to normal!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky listHoldingsTrade, III.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, NewGNi, OneInv, Royalty7, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, FelminaAlliance, ProfitableSunrise, SolidForexLtd, BensonUnion, PlexCapital, VascoForex, MyDiamondShare, BulletProfit, MoneyEra.
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, UFOWin, AmbrianInvestment, CreditProgramBank, RoyalMiracles (the first instant payments received).

That’s all I have to report today, guys. See you all on MNO soon and stay healthy and stay active despite anything!

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