Mar 6th, 2012 Archives

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Beware! FreedomTradingLtd has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! There seems to be a small but noticeable and maybe even growing swing back towards longer term HYIPs in the industry recently, though of course it’s still far too early to say if this is definite. One program just added to the MNO premium list one by the name of FreedomTradingLtd, though I wouldn’t exactly call them a new program by any stretch as they’ve been running since last November. I can’t really say why the admin waited this long to get listed on MNO, but it hardly matters now. In that time I’m sure at least some of you have already heard of them and are aware of who they are.

The plans are on one hand fairly standard long term HYIP industry options, and basically just one plan divided into seven sub-categories where FreedomTradingLtd pay you in accordance with the size of your principal. What’s different about them however is the quite unusual way they organize the payments schedule, as FreedomTradingLtd pay their members every 12 hours rather than once per day in the traditional long term manner. Interest rates are low so the amount paid in any individual payment won’t exactly make you rich, but I guess anything that helps you break even as soon as possible from any HYIP can’t be a bad thing.

Other than that there’s really nothing overly complicated. The plan runs for 180 business days (36 weeks). You can join FreedomTradingLtd for a $10 minimum and in return they will pay you twice per day, from Monday to Friday only, for the duration. They then return your initial principal on expiry. The finer details are as follows, but first I just want to point out that for the sake of keeping things simple I’m going to describe them using the full amount you will earn over a 24 hour period, not the two individual payments:
For a deposit from the $10 minimum up to a value of $150 FreedomTradingLtd will pay you 1.2% interest per business day for 180 business days. That will allow you to earn 6% interest per week and complete the term with payments that total 216%. This can be taken as your total net profit as your initial investment is then added to that.

If spending from a $151 minimum up to $300 the FreedomTradingLtd are offering 1.4% per business day. That would give you a return adding up to 7% over the course of a week, and allow you to complete the term with earnings coming to 252% which is pure profit after your principal is returned as promised.

More serious investors joining with a $301 minimum up to a maximum of $800 then you are being offered interest payments that total 1.8% every day for 180 business days. That accumulates to 9% every week and will, by the time the plan expires and FreedomTradingLtd return your principal, come to 324% net profit.

For those willing to invest an $801 minimum and anything up to $1,500 are offered an interest rate of 2.2% per day for 180 business days. That allows you to collect 11% interest over the course of a business week and complete the term with payments adding up to 396%, which can only be considered profit once FreedomTradingLtd return your principal as promised.

Anyone prepared to go past $1,500 can see the full details of the options available to them on the FreedomTradingLtd website, but I’ll just give you the numbers here. As with all other investments the term is 180 business days and the principal is returned on expiry:
Deposits between $1,501 and $3,000 are offered 2.8% per day, from $3,001 up to $8,000 are offered 3.4%, and anything valued above $8,001 with no stated maximum is offered 4%.
And again interest payments are made in two installments per day so the figures above represent your full earnings for the 24 hour period.

A couple of things that you will need to be aware of regarding the plans is that as you already know FreedomTradingLtd only pay on business days, however also observed are national holidays in the USA. If you don’t know what they are then don’t worry, the admin will be covering it in his news section so you will have plenty of advance warning. I’ll also be letting you know right here on MNO as well. Other than that if you are a fan of compounding then you’ll be pleased to see it in use here. You set the rate yourself at anything from 0 to 100%, but can only do so in 10% increments (ie 10%, 20%, 30%, etc)

Payment options are a bit limited which is I suppose typical for long term programs like FreedomTradingLtd. Your choice is between LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, and considering the program has been online since November and haven’t added anything new yet, I wouldn’t be expecting that to change anytime soon. But what may be lacking in choice is made up for with the speed of payments. They’re done instantly. You will need to log in to your FreedomTradingLtd account and request it, and once done should see the money a few seconds later.

FreedomTradingLtd is hosted on a dedicated server by Koddos and the website is using SSL-encryption by Thawte for safer more secure browsing and transactions. The script however is quite an eye opener, as it’s 100% unique and developed especially for the program. A very good security feature in use is the Transaction PIN system. You will need to enter a unique Personal Number to make a withdrawal so you can feel secure that the only person accessing your money is you. If you have any further questions for the admin or account related issues then you may get in contact with them by filling out the support form and submitting it. You may also e-mail them directly if you prefer at the address provided. FreedomTradingLtd list a telephone number and a postal address in Malta. This address is unlikely to be the physical location of FreedomTradingLtd given their observance of US holidays as opposed to Maltese ones.

Overall it’s quite an original website, and paying instantly twice a day has surely done their reputation no harm either. There’s no denying their quality as an online HYIP, though as ever I would take any claims that they are anything other than on online HYIP with a pinch of salt. Nothing is there to prove or verify the claims that FreedomTradingLtd are, as they describe themselves, “a registered and fully licensed financial corporation”. So I suggest you not pay much attention to that side of things, set yourself a sensible spending limit that you will strictly adhere to, and of course if you want to play the market keep a diverse portfolio.



ENR-G which was reviewed on MNO just yesterday (click here to read the review) has today decided to upgrade from Standard to Premium status. Unfortunately it looks like their previous host Koddos couldn’t provide a competent level of protection for them so in order to put a stop to the downtime the admin decided to move to BlackLotus if it couldn’t be handled by Koddos properly. It looks that by the time of writing the site of ENR-G is back on a brand new server and twice as protected from DDoS attacks as the previous one. It’s definitely very good for the future of the program which will be bright in my humble opinion judging by how the admin handled the situation. Here is the latest on that from the program’s admin Joshua:
ENR-G site moved successfully!
We have just completed a full server move with very minimal downtime. We have confirmed that all website functions are working properly. We are now on a server with twice the Ddos protection. These downtimes should stop now.
Thank you for your patience and I’m happy to report that we can resume the business at hand.
Thanks. Joshua”.

In the first newsletter from ENR-G today it was explained that apparently SolidTrustPay deposits and instant withdrawals are in the final testing stages now and once they are successful will be implemented fully. For now you can invest and get paid instantly via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay in one of the investment plans ENR-G offers – 1.2% for 30 days or 2.2%-2.7% for 90 days with instant payments. I must say that even with such frequent downtime in the first days online the payouts from ENR-G were always instant which inspires some level of confidence that it will continue for a long time. All in all, I’m very positive about their future and I honestly told you what I think about them in the review published yesterday. I’m grateful that the admin also liked the review and even added the link to it in his newsletter which was sent a few hours ago, just before the hosting move was made:
ENR-G Newsletter
I’m really happy to be able to send out this first newsletter to you and announce that the online web presence of Diverse Traders LTD. has launched.
As many of you have I’m sure noticed the website has been up and down over the last day or so. I apologize personally for this and it’s being rectified. If it continues rest assured we will not settle for anything less than the best performance possible and will not hesitate to move the site to a bigger and stronger server if we feel that it is needed. We have people waiting in the wings to do this for us on a moments notice if it needs to happen. Of course we will keep you informed up front if a move is warranted.
I’m also glad to announce that our first review has been published with Money News Online. To say that the review is flattering would be an understatement. But, I will let you read it for yourself.
So far so good and we will continue to be here to take care of you support wise should you need it.
Oh and one last thing. Many of you have emailed us asking why STP isn’t yet enabled on the site. I fully expect that to be enabled today. The new STP API was a bit confusing for our programmers and we didn’t want to accept any deposits unless we were sure that the payments could be instant. I believe that we have solved the hang up and once we test it then it will be enabled on the site for deposits and withdrawals.
Thank You. Diverse Traders LTD.


I’m glad to report that yesterday the first principal deposits which were made in the shortest possible plan in BulletProfit (reviewed here) – 1.6% for 7 days – have been successfully returned to the first lucky investors. As MNO listed the program since its first day online I’m aware that some readers have received their profits from BulletProfit too and that is why my congratulations go to them. To those of you who chose the longer lasting plans in the program – 2% for 14 days and 2.5% for 21 days with principal back on expiry – have to wait for a bit more to get their profits to LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney accounts, but hopefully they will be rewarded with bigger profits in the end of their investment cycle. And I hope that BulletProfit will continue the good work and attract a lot of investors which will enable the current ones to get their profits successfully – that’s the way all HYIPs work!


Many regular readers of MNO are aware that a program featured on Sticky listing and then dropping it for some reason is scamming fast. I don’t know how to explain this phenomena but the fact remains the fact. So, I was pleased that the admin of HoldingsTrade decided to extend their Sticky listing for another month yesterday. HoldingsTrade (reviewed here) recently successfully finished its first month online and proved to be a profitable program to those of you who joined in the beginning but then for some reason chose to close their account and withdrew their original principal prematurely, before the end of the 3%-3.2% for 60 days cycle. Within the next few days even the first investors of HoldingsTrade who put their LibertyReserve in the program during the first days online should get their profits. HoldingsTrade is currently in the #1 position on MNO’s Sticky listing and I hope that will help them achieve new heights and bring profits to many more investors in the long term. That’s what I’m hoping for!


“For major security update we disabled withdrawals, will update in 48 hrs” – this is not a bad dream, but rather a message that suddenly appeared on the site of III today “explaining” the reason for pending withdrawals. For me the reason is just an excuse to extend the agony of a program in decline whose admin couldn’t even find time to explain that to me in person, forcing me to take appropriate measures and move III to Problem status. There is absolutely no viable excuse for such withdrawal delays and I’m more than sure that III is as good as dead now. I would be glad to be mistaken but I predicted a bad outcome when III opened a new short term plan nine days ago. As I appeared to be right the program only paid the principals back to the very first investors and collapsed shortly afterwards. In fact, it just happened one day after the admin of III refused to renew the Sticky listing on MNO. Well, I can see a pattern developing. Really, why spend money on Sticky if you’re going to scam tomorrow? Think of it, guys, and use signs like a sudden drop in banner purchases, Sticky listing and other types of advertising on MNO to your benefit next time to see pending scams. As for III, it’s just another failure with an admin not capable of running a program properly. Please note that the program is on Problem status so don’t deposit there! Of course, the program might miraculously recover in the promised 48 hour timeframe and resume payments but chances of that are pretty slim. Close to none in fact.


There’s a brand new program in town that launched today and got listed on MNO’s Premium list straight away. It’s called SilverStructure and is offering a single investment plan paying 2% for 150 calendar days with principal returned on expiry. They accept three popular payment processors – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay – starting with a $1 minimum as well as direct Bank wires with a higher minimum. In my opinion, SilverStructure has everything needed to become a popular program – quality website with a lot of original content, licensed and customized GoldCoders script, hosting on a dedicated and DDoS protected Staminus server, SSL certificate issued by Geotrust, the program’s own tutorials, a lot of support features with ticketing and callback systems on offer, their own forum and regional representatives who will be available after the first applications are considered. The admin is quite talkative and he’s already issued the first news update which you can read in the news section of SilverStructure‘s website:
Welcome to SilverStructure
Dear investors,
SilverStructure has now begun its journey on the forgotten trail of Silver Trading business. Many people stopped investing in this business due to the appearance of new opportunities and the rise in other markets. We on the other hand, stayed put with the silver market and that has been a very profitable business for us for more than 5 years now.
Opening an online version of our investment pool has been a subject often discussed during our meetings. It took us some time to go through all the bureaucratic processes of accepting online payments although SilverStructure is a legally registered company, but now we are ready and well prepared to invite more investors into our investment pool and are looking forward to increase your and our earnings this and subsequent years.
Our site offers a single plan paying 2% each calendar day. We are trading Silver 24/7 even though some of the markets we operate in close on weekends. We offer a two level affiliate system paying 4% on the first level and 2% on the second and if you are an experienced promoter, you can submit an application to become a representative and upon acceptance receive extra benefits and earnings. Our website has a page dedicated for representatives here.
SilverStructure has plenty of content concerning our activities and offered services, we highly recommend that you visit all the pages and get acquainted with our way of doing business before registering. Our customer support department is ready to answer your questions and requests so do not hesitate to contact us at anytime.
We look forward seeing you again soon,
SilverStructure Administration”.

There is also a special message from SilverStructure wholly dedicated to support issues and describing the many options open to current and future program’s members looking to clarify any issues. Such efforts will be truly appreciated by prospective clients of SilverStructure who allegedly trade in the silver market, being properly licensed to do so. Communication is the key for some investors and I hope that it will help the program to win the trust of those left disappointed by a lot of fast scams which offered similar plans. Anyway, with SilverStructure it will take you 50 calendar days to break even and start profiting, so the admin has a challenge to accept in the near future which is hopefully he’s up for. Here is the other update about that, but I’m going to review SilverStructure on MNO properly tomorrow, after receiving the first payouts (stay tuned for that, guys!):
Welcome to SilverStructure!
We are glad to have you as a part of our journey. You are now ready to make investments and/or promoting our program and increase your online income!
We would like to remind you of some of our services so don’t forget to check our own forum, where you can communicate with other SilverStructure investors, share your payment proofs and success stories. The forum also has a lounge area where you can post for your own amusement about pretty much everything!
We also invested a lot in our communication features and there are several different ways to contact us if you need any kind of assistance. You can simply submit a support ticket in our support page and you will receive an e-mail when one of our employees answers to your request. Another way to contact us is to request a callback, you can do it in our support page and one of our operators will call you within 24 hours to answer all your questions about the program.
Enough said, we hope you will enjoy your time with SilverStructure and we hope the profits you are about to earn will guide you towards financial wealth!
Best regards,
SilverStructure Administration”.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HoldingsTradeRockferryFund.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, NewGNi, OneInv, Royalty7, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, BensonUnion, ProfitableSunrise, FelminaAlliance,  SolidForexLtdPlexCapital, VascoForex, MyDiamondShare, ENR-G, MoneyEra, FreedomTradingLtd (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, UFOWin, AmbrianInvestment, SafeAgriculturePlanCreditProgramBank, RoyalMiracles.

That’s all the news I have tonight. I hope to see you on MNO tomorrow when I’ll have all the latest news from the most popular programs in the industry. Stay with MNO and be the first to know both the latest scams and the rising stars in the HYIP world!

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