Mar 11th, 2012 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello everyone! Welcome to the fascinating HYIP world – a place where nothing is ever as it seems and everything is an illusion, a world of scammers and endless possibilities of earning and losing money. This is a game for some and source of income for others, that is why the goals and the attitude of the HYIP players are very different. I prefer to treat the HYIP industry as a big playground which in essence it is, but if you treat it as a real place to double your income with some level of guarantees then I’m afraid MNO is not the place for you. My credo is honesty and total transparency in my attitude towards HYIPs. I know everything about the industry, its tricks and deceptions as I’ve been an investor myself before establishing MNO which has become a model for copycats and other types of wanna-bes and thousands of followers as well as haters. It was not hard to achieve at all due to a sometimes controversial approach to HYIPs and a total lack of commitment to any particular program and/or its admin. For me an investment program is good while it’s paying and when it starts delaying payouts or paying selectively or showing some suspicious signs it should be dumped and forgotten. Maybe it’s too harsh but it’s how most of the admins treat their investors, so why should I be any different?

The same goes for MNO readers as I’m pleased to see that from the comments on my ShoutBox and emails to me have a sober and reasonable approach towards HYIPs and who honestly share with me their concerns regarding a particular program, sometimes even asking me for a recommendation. Well, regarding that I never make recommendations as the HYIP industry is so damn unpredictable and in many cases some unexpected factors can interfere and kill a program prematurely even if an admin wanted it to last for a long time. So, it’s always better be safe than sorry and try to outsmart the admins by seeing the signs and interpreting them, even if such admins oppose it for some reason.


An example of the strange signals being sent to investors recently is the admin of RockferryFund John who seems to fly into a state of uncontrollable panic when he sees the slightest complaint about the performance of his program which was first reviewed on MNO here. He also obviously reads my ShoutBox (as most of the HYIP admins do anyway!), because he reacted very fast to a notice of pending withdrawals to LibertyReserve from RockferryFund posted there by issuing quite a nervous update stating that sometimes the withdrawals to LR might be delayed up to 24 hours due to the daily limits imposed and the need to replenish the account. I’m aware that such limits can be good for the program’s safety and security of the funds which are always exposed when the withdrawals are processed instantly. By the way, it looks like the withdrawals to AlertPay and PerfectMoney are not affected by these limits, so if you don’t like delays to LR you can invest in one of the investment plans offered by RockferryFund – 110%-140% after 5 days, 140%-160% after 10 days, 10%-12% for 20 days – via AP or PM which were not mentioned by the admin in the latest newsletter issued last night:
RockferryFund Notification!
Hello RF Investors,
We would like to remind to some our investors who are not patient and not able to read our FAQ first before panic! Funds are usually available instantly but you should allow 24 hours time-frame to get paid because we credit our LR Paying account partly for security reasons and sometimes limit may be exceeded. If you don’t receive your earning instantly, no need to panic everywhere. We also put this notification on withdrawal page.
Kind Regards, John”.

By the way, I can’t help but notice the strange and even bizarre behavior of John last night when he refused to extend his Sticky and banner on MNO but at the same time expressed his strong displeasure of how such things are treated by my readers. To tell you the truth, I kinda understand their concern as it does look suspicious when a program buys a Sticky listing and banner for a week and then refuses to extend them which in most cases signal their coming demise. That did happen a lot and I realize the pattern cannot remain unnoticed by MNO readers who have the right to say what they think about RockferryFund based on the admin’s advertising strategy. According to John though he originally intended that Sticky+banner deal to be a one-time promotion for his program on MNO and he promised that his program would run for a long time and that he would prove my readers wrong about interpreting his latest decision.

I myself would be only too pleased if RockferryFund lasted for a very long time as I am tired of the fast scams dominating the HYIP industry now and I wish a lot of success to that program and its investors. At the same time I find the admin’s approach of blaming my readers to draw the “wrong” conclusions from his advertising policies and me personally of being arrogant (for telling him honestly what I think!) and keeping high advertising prices (which I will continue to maintain to keep more of the fast scam admins away from MNO!) really inappropriate and so I suggested John to stay away from my monitor if he doesn’t like my approach to HYIPs or how my readers are “killing” his program. In my opinion, everyone is entitled to his own opinion and I respect all points of view expressed on MNO, though I find it extremely unprofessional if an admin of any HYIP makes it a personal feud for simply expressing their concerns. As I have said already, I wish RockferryFund a lot of success, but only time will tell as actions speak louder than words and in my opinion after the sudden change of investment plans and withdrawal delays RockferryFund have an uphill struggle to prove themselves to the HYIP investors which have every right to stay cautious, especially in the current hostile climate.


As proof of my pessimistic approach towards new programs I can give you the example of BulletProfit – a program that could only survive for one full investment cycle and stopped paying shortly after the first investors saw a profit from their 7-day plan. Ten days of payments is very poor achievement but I guess the admin decided to pull the plug a couple of days ago after seeing that even the first principal withdrawals paid a few days ago failed to increase the investors’ interest. BulletProfit was well made and in my opinion was a promising program with some potential if only it had been launched at a different time. As we know, now might be not the best time to launch a new program unless an admin is prepared to work really hard to win the investors’ hearts and wallets in the constant battle with other more established programs in a shrinking market. Please note that BulletProfit has been moved to Scam status on MNO already and any further investments there are strongly advised against!


I wonder why the admin of TopsFund (his program was first reviewed on MNO here) is so attached to all those funny made-up names whom he regularly rewards with $10,000 bonuses to their accounts. Well, I guess the passion for such imaginary aliases derives from his love to the whole stats aimed at creating the false impression of enormous popularity among the HYIP investors allegedly rushing to invest thousands of dollars into TopsFund and even getting into the trap of investing for the purpose of having gold bars shipped to their home addresses. The latest trick was really funny to read as can you imagine of a gold bar sent to your country by some stranger from a ponzi-game based somewhere in China in a parcel. I can just imagine the eyes of the postal workers seeing it wrapped in gold tin-foil and customs officers trying to trace the sender’s address and the subsequent interest in the person receiving the gold bar from the tax authorities. It looks so surreal even in my mind that it would probably make a good scenario for some comedy movie rather than the real world. Well, we all know that HYIP admins live in a fantasy world at the best of times. The investors’ task is distinguish the truth from the lies and only invest what they can afford to lose.

Currently the investment plans offered by TopsFund include the following accepted via LibertyReserve only:
0.5%-1.5% daily forever (principal back after 18 months), 0.6%-0.7% for 300 days (principal returned on request), 1.5%-3% for 150 days (principal back), 1080% after 180 days, 1620%-1800% after 90 days, 150%-600% after 30 days. That’s a lot of new plans introduced after TopsFund was first reviewed on MNO eight months ago and reaching the #1 position on my Premium list. Here is the latest short news taken from TopsFund website:
Top Investor & Top Referral March 2012
Top Investor of the month February-March 2012 is Michael J.Stanley.
Top Referral of the month February-March 2012 is Desmond Lee.
Congratulations! Enjoy the $10000 bonus which credited into your account balance!


Some more good news for any investors who prefer using SolidTrustPay as a processor. Another withdrawal option has been introduced, joining the previously available Bank wire and Credit card options. It’s called the Card Priority option and will allow you get the money from your STP account to your credit card a bit faster than a regular Card withdrawal. Of course you will have to pay 3% extra on top of the fee already introduced for the regular Card withdrawals but it will enable you to get paid faster and will be handy if you wish to receive money from STP in a matter of days. The new option is just another convenient way to handle your money within your SolidTrustPay accounts and I hope that the list of deposit and withdrawal options will be extendedover time. Here is the official update taken from the blog of STP a few days ago:
SolidTrust is pleased to announce a SECOND card payout option; this is in addition to our existing let SolidTrust “Pay” your bills card withdrawal option. Our newest option is now available, by special request, to members in Australia and New Zealand as well as being a PRIORITY EXPRESS option for all other members.
Credit Card through Bank Verified members are able to request a payout/withdrawal to any verified card in their profile!
NOTE – not all debit card companies allow other companies to send funds to their products. Please check with your card provider first before making any withdrawal requests to debit cards. Explain that the transaction is NOT a “refund”, but a “pay to” transaction.
If you see the VISA/MASTERCARD option appearing in your MY MONEY/WITHDRAW MONEY area, then you know that option is available for your country.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 40 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HoldingsTrade.
From MNO Premium listTopsFundOneInv, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, BensonUnion, FelminaAlliance,  SolidForexLtdPlexCapital, VascoForex, RockferryFund, MyDiamondShare, MoneyEra, ENR-G, SilverStructure, FreedomTradingLtd.
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund.
From MNO Basic list: UFOWin, PerfectLottery, AmbrianInvestment, RoyalMiracles.

That’s all I have to report to you today, guys. See you on MNO tomorrow when a new business week begins. Hopefully we will see some new rising stars then and the current leaders of the HYIP industry won’t disappoint us either!

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