26/03/2012. Daily News from the Industry
Hello everybody! After a couple of slow days over the weekend MNO is back and ready to tell you about all the latest events in the HYIP industry. I hope everything is working to schedule for you now and that programs will start issuing updates and things will get more active in the industry. Anyway, let’s meet the new week with the latest news from the programs featured on the MNO monitor.
I must say that Investix (reviewed here) has really been the leader when it comes to adding new features and novelties to make the program more competitive in the HYIP market, some of them not seen before. And in today’s newsletter Hamzah (the admin) announced yet another new feature allowing members to send invitations to join Investix by using their link and not only earn the usual ref commissions but also a cash bonus to their accounts which they can withdraw instantly anytime they like. This is already the second source of income members can use – the first being a random cash bonus for a submitted automated testimonial every time one makes a withdrawal to LR or PM from the 5%-7% for 25 days plan. What else can an average investor want? Investix has it all. Instant payouts are available along with an option to enable automatic payouts which are paid every day without you even logging into the account. But that’s not all. Don’t forget the current contests running on both the MNO Chat room and the Investix Facebook page. Two people have already won $5 cash prizes and the admin encourages everyone to participate – all you need is to answer a question on MNO Chat and be an active member of Investix (an active deposit is not compulsory!). So I’m just wondering why there are so few people participating there? According to the admin Investix has 1,000 members and counting, so it’s really strange to me that investors don’t want to try their luck and earn some extra money. All that is required from you is to be more active and register on both Investix and the MNO Chat room (please allow up to 24 hours for your MNO Chat account to be activated), and that’s it. So please register in the Chat Room and let’s make the contest last longer. Because judging by activities the admin of Investix will make a decision about extending the contest for another week. Here is the latest newsletter from Investix in full version:
“Fourth Newsletter Tell-A-Friend and Make GUARANTEED Money
Investix is an online investment program with unique approach to stay ahead of the competition in HYIP industry, therefore alongside our 3 profitable investment plans and 2-tier referral program, we have tools to empower our investors which you will not find in any other investment program. Thus we are determined to make regular enhancements in our program, launch various contests and time to time addition of unique tools.
About 2 weeks ago, when we launched Investix there were on-going crisis, lack of trust in the industry and a big competition to win support of investors and being popular among them but with all your support and appreciations Investix made its way on the top of eligible and worthwhile investment programs. In next few days, we will have our first milestone of 1000 members achieved. Nevertheless, we are also committed to carry out your expectations and therefore once again, I have an excellent announcement for addition of a new feature at Investix.
Our members are enjoying the instant payments alongside optional automated ROI payments directly made to their e-currency accounts everyday. We are also rewarding a random voting bonus to our members who optionally decide to have their payment proofs posted automatically on various monitors upon making a withdrawal. Investix has affiliated with number of popular monitors to prove our credibility and with some help of my designer I have included a glance of our advertising campaign in the end of this newsletter. I also want to include some information regarding recent DDoS attacks against our site, there was a downtime of few hours but Investix managed to fight back and If you keep reading this newsletter, I am sure you will understand that there is absolutely nothing which can keep us from becoming the number one online investment program in near future!
Tell-A-Friend and Make “Guaranteed” Money!
Some other programs have already announced this feature recently but Investix, as usual has its vision to stay ahead of the competition. For a limited time, Investix is offering guaranteed incentives for every lead. That means you can send official invitations to maximum of 5 recipients at a time and upon their decision to join, you will earn $0.1 to $1 per registration and of course 4% + 2% commissions from their deposits.
You can personalize these invitations by writing your own custom message. To make these invitations more effective, you have an option to select whether you would like to send these invitations on your behalf or directly. And to make it look more official, invitations are pre-designed and already have all basic information about Investix along with top 10 reasons to join and support us.
Login to your account and navigate to “Tell a friend” page to make a guaranteed income! You must have an active investment in order to earn from this offer. Incentives are solely based on credibility of your invitations as we have a very efficient anti-abuse system in place. Please also refer to Anti-SPAM policy available on our terms and conditions page.
MNO Cash Contest:
Investix has sponsored a cash contest for MNO readers. But you can still participate by joining MNO chat room, if you are not an existing MNO reader. We are posting a simple question every day and a winner is randomly chosen for the reward of $5 USD paid directly to their LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney account. So far, we have already rewarded 2 winners during last 2 days and we are expecting to run this for at least a week. Please note: based on the numbers of people participating, we can choose two or even more winners everyday!
Are you ready for “Grand FaceBook Contest”?
Contests are effective way to keep people involved and we have been planning for the Grand Facebook contest lately. Currently, we have over 250 people who have liked our FaceBook page and are the potential participants in upcoming contest. You can also take your position simply by clicking on “Like” button.
Important Rule of Eligibility:
Whether you are participating on MNO contest or FaceBook one or even both! Please set your FaceBook name, MNO Chat nickname, MMG and TalkGold usernames in your Investix account profile.
What’s next?
Because Investix generates most of its income from tactical sports arbitrage betting, we are thinking of adding some features to disclose our members with this form of betting and the details will be announced in our upcoming newsletters. Rest assured, Investix is not just an HYIP but its a powerful and effective system equipped with prominent tools of generating multiple streams of income while having fun and staying involved!
Regards, Hamzah M.
Investix Management.”
GeniusVenture (reviewed here) has been paying perfectly well for about three months now, however I’m quite concerned that the admin recently started adding plans which are obviously not sustainable in the long run. For example paying 17%-20% for 70 days with daily payouts to LibertyReserve is almost impossible. That’s why the addition of this plan looks kinda suspicious to me and taking into consideration the high minimum of $500 accepted via LibertyReserve only I would recommend not to deposit regardless of how enticing it looks to you:
“Starter and Premier 70 Plans.
We pay interest up to 20% daily to your account for 70 days. Total up to 1400% return.
Maximum $250,000 offered. Once reached $250,000 investment, this plan will close and not allow to invest.”
Regarding the other investment plans on offer in GeniusVenture. The program started while having only one plan paying 1.5%-3% for 300 days which was perfectly fine while with time more other plans have been added with higher minimums to invest like 7%-8% for 180 days, 2%-7% for 90 days and the most recent one paying 17%-20% for 70 days. So far the payments from GeniusVenture have been processed fine and I hope that it will run for much longer to bring profits to all the investors, but just be reasonable and invest what you can afford to lose, ok?
PanamaHedgeFund have been really quiet for the last weeks, however I can’t say I’m complaining as all my LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney payouts have been processed instantly so far. I remind you that PanamaHedgeFund offers 1.9%-2.7% per business day for 30-365 days with principal returned on expiry and a very unorthodox payment schedule of which you can find out more by reading the detailed review of the program published on MNO blog (click here to read the review).
Today though I got a strange but at the same time funny update regarding the program’s plans (which is a virtual HYIP if anyone doesn’t know yet!) to offer a virtual IPO sometime in April. To tell you the truth, I really have no idea how PanamaHedgeFund is going to redistribute shares among its members but knowing that the admin prefers to stay apart from the general HYIP crowd I would imagine that we can expect something really unusual. I can’t wait to see what happens next, as according to the latest update posted on the PanamaHedgeFund website it promises to be something exciting:
“Virtual IPO in April
Our company is preparing Initial Public Offering in April. 24/7 trading, possibility to exchange Stocks among other users, predictable and profitable rates are just a few of the full feature list our customers will enjoy.”
GlobalResources is a new short term program that has been added to my Premium list tonight and most likely will be reviewed tomorrow. Well, we can’t say that it’s really a new program as it was launched exactly 50 days ago and during its run GlobalResources managed to earn a reputation for stable payments though some members were quite skeptical about their future right from the beginning. GlobalResources really doesn’t look like a trivial short term program. There is no registration form and in order to join it you just need to make a deposit starting from a $5 minimum into any of the three e-currency accounts – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney or AlertPay. All the payments on the three plans offered by GlobalResources – 26.5%-33.5% for 4 days, 125%-170% after 5 days, 150%-200% after 7 days – are paid directly to the your LR, PM or AP account daily without the need to requesting anything. The interest which you will receive daily or on expiry of your investment with GlobalResources (depending on your chosen plan) will be paid to the same account you joined with. You also need to enter your email address when making a deposit to use it to contact the admin if you have any problems later on.
GlobalResources is most likely another program trying to use a slow and gradual advertising strategy in order to establish themselves first before listing on the major monitors and blog like MNO. I really hope that’s the case with GlobalResources, because there is really a shortage of good paying short term programs now so hopefully they can fill that gap. As there is no script and no members area there is nothing to hack making the installation of SSL unnecessary in my opinion. The site is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server and is protected from DDoS attacks by Koddos. The admin of GlobalResources though is not very honest when it comes to talking about his program, trying to persuade us they have over 1 million dollars in capital. Well, 99% of the admins are lying all the time so it should hardly be a surprise to experienced investors. The most important thing is that GlobalResources keep paying and I hope that I will be able to review the program in more detail on MNO by tomorrow, after receiving the first payment. The latest news from the site is posted below for your information:
“We are happy to inform you that with 50 days online we have already more than 2700 clients around the world. GlobalResources are proud to announce that during two months, the revenue of the company has increased in more than 9 times. At this moment, the total amount of all assets held by GlobalResources has exceeded the point of 1M. In fact GlobalResources capital has reached the amount of $1,190,000. Please note that $670,000 of this amount are the company’s own assets held on our bank accounts, stocks and other actives. In year 2012 GlobalResources are moving on the new level of development and looking for new directions of investment portfolio diversification.”
I would like to address a very serious issue tonight which could very easily affect the entire industry if not addressed. As you all know LibertyReserve is the most commonly used currency in the HYIP industry and it has been relatively safe to use it, at least till now. There are more and more messages appearing on forums like Talkgold (click here to read this disturbing thread) regarding hacking incidents which apparently happen to people using LibertyReserve. This has happened to many people now as the alleged hacker resets all the passwords in order to gain access to accounts and steals the money by transferring it to his own accounts. The thing is that the email address linked to the LR account getting hacked is never compromised, there is no “mail forwarder” installed, but still the hacker somehow obtains the reset codes and even IP changing codes sent to your email address. Apparently the reason for this is an inside security leak when someone (if not an LR employee) uses this to intercept the messages being sent from their email server. In other words he doesn’t hack your email to recover the codes, he hacks the LR mail server to see them as they are sent.
The worst thing about that is that the LibertyReserve support and abuse departments were made aware of the problem at least a week ago now, as many others had the same issue and sometimes an account using brand new unused email accounts created for the sole purpose with no connection whatever to the HYIP industry were also broken into. LibertyReserve refuse to explain or react in any way to to the many complaints submitted, denying that the problem even exists. I can only conclude that either it’s them who are covering the hacker, or simply they do not care about the issue and don’t know anything about how to fix it. Anyway, it’s very obvious now that LibertyReserve has become an unsafe payment processor where your money can be stolen at any time. Therefore, starting today I will stop accepting LibertyReserve for all types of advertising on MNO until the issue is fixed or at least LR administration acknowledges it and proposes some concrete measures to make the accounts safer. I might make some exceptions for some HYIP admins who are longer term MNO customers if they contact me first via my email address abramsonp@gmail.com and ask for details. Otherwise, I can cover their expenses in exchanging LibertyReserve to PerfectMoney if they wish because PerfectMoney is a far more secure option in my opinion.
So in conclusion I would not advise you hold a lot of money in your LR at any given moment and possibly for the time being it’s better to use PerfectMoney as a better and safer alternative to LibertyReserve. I will try to investigate this problem further and will publish an article on my blog soon, so stay tuned and be very careful about using LibertyReserve for now.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HoldingsTrade.
From MNO Premium list: TopsFund, NewGNi, Royalty7, OneInv, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, BensonUnion, ProfitableSunrise, FixedMonthlyIncome, SolidForexLtd, VascoForex, PlexCapital, ENR-G, SilverStructure, Investix, Verifonds, MyDiamondShare, DividendService, MoneyEra, FreedomTradingLtd, CFDonline.
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund.
From MNO Basic list: UFOWin, WalesFinance, RoyalMiracles, AmbrianInvestment, PerfectLottery, HippoWin.
That’s all I have for you tonight, guys. I wish you the best of luck with your investments and be sure that MNO is here to help you making your investment decisions. See you tomorrow with more news and views and the detailed analysis of the latest programs on MNO!
Filed under Daily News by on Mar 26th, 2012.