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27/03/2012. GlobalResources Review and Daily News from the Industry


Beware! GlobalResources have stopped paying and have been moved to Problem status on MNO! Do not invest there! 

Hi everybody! The first new addition to the MNO monitoring page I want to tel you about this week is a short term HYIP called GlobalResources. It’s by no means a new program by the way, it just hasn’t been listed here until now. In fact they’ve been online for over 50 days in total now which is something I know you’ll all react to differently. Some of you will appreciate the track record and the stability, while others may be more skeptical of the program’s motives of only joining MNO now and consider GlobalResources to be too old. I can’t really sway your opinions either way but I myself would be more hopeful that the admin was keeping it deliberately low key up until now in an attempt to build a reputation before really opening his program up to mainstream industry players. Well, it’s anyone’s guess really and we’ll know one way or another for sure before too long, though it’s difficult to see how some of their investment plans could have been sustained as long as they have if the admin had been paying out to any kind of a substantial number of accounts.

As always I want to start with the investment plans, and GlobalResources have three of them. They’re all short term like I said, but there are some significant differences between them at the same time. The first option is called simply Package 1 and runs for a term of 5 calendar days. You can join it for a minimum deposit of just $5 and in return receive one single interest payment on expiry that combines your interest payment and your principal in one. The profit you make from it is determined by GlobalResources based on the size of your deposit, and as is always the case with HYIPs the bigger the risk you’re being encouraged to take, the bigger the reward they try and tempt you with. For the Minimum deposit of $5 up to a value of $299 then GlobalResources are offering you 125% back on expiry (ie your own money plus 25% profit for yourself). Higher rates apply to higher deposits and include the following:
140% is available to deposits from $300 to $699, larger sums from $700 to $999 are offered 155%, and anything over and above that up to the maximum amount accepted by GlobalResources of $10,000 per deposit is offered 170%.

Your second option, or Package 2 as it’s known, works along the same lines. This time the term stretches to 7 calendar days, but you will again receive one single payout on expiry. This payout will combine both your principal and profit into one. For anything from the minimum $5 required to join GlobalResources up to a value of $299 the return being advertised is 150% (so that’s your own money back plus 50% net profit. For larger deposits GlobalResources offer the following:
165% paid on expiry for amounts from $300 to $699, 180% for deposits between $700 and $999, and from $1,000 up to the maximum $10,000 GlobalResources are offering you a 200% return.

Package C is a big departure for GlobalResources and sees them take a different direction entirely. It’s still a short term plan, running for a term of just 4 calendar days this time, with the main point of distinction between this and the other two plans being that investors get daily interest payments for this one. You can still join for a $5 minimum deposit and for anything up to $999 GlobalResources are offering a daily payment of 26.5% interest. These will add up to a total of 106% by the end of the term and are considered to include your principal, so basically what your looking at is your own money back plus 6% net profit for yourself. If you want to risk a larger sum of money then naturally this being the HYIP industry it’s going to be accepted, right? GlobalResources offer the following rates:
28.5% per day on deposits between $1,000 and $1,999, giving you a total return of 114% which includes your principal, ie 14% profit. For deposits in the range of $2,000 to $4,999 GlobalResources are offering a daily interest payment of 31%. That adds up to 124% in total by the end of the term, which including your principal leaves you with 24% net profit. And finally for deposits between $5,000 and $10,000 the daily interest rate is 33.5%. Including your principal this accumulates to 134% in total, or 34% net profit.

Payment methods are a little different in GlobalResources than most online HYIPs you might be familiar with. The payment processors in use are well known, such as AlertPay, LibertyReserve, and PerfectMoney, but what’s different here is the method. GlobalResources pay you directly into your e-currency account (the same one you join with) automatically without the need to request anything. Payments are generally made at the same time every day so you know what time to expect it. There’s a couple of two hour windows during the day when GlobalResources make the payouts so see their website for details on that.

Also there is no registration form like with most other programs, so in order to join you need to make a deposit from your e-currency account, which you will be redirected to when joining. Keep in mind you also need to enter your email address when making a deposit as you will need to use it to contact the admin if you have any problems later on.

There is no real script in the traditional sense and no members area. Some people are uncomfortable with this for their own personal reasons but on the other hand there is nothing to hack in the program and no information to steal, making the installation of SSL unnecessary in my opinion. As I said there will be a direct interface with your chosen payment processor when spending, and nothing else for you to be concerned about after that (other than making sure you get paid obviously). The site is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server and is protected from DDoS attacks by Koddos. If you have any further questions for the GlobalResources admin or any account related issues then you can contact them directly by the e-mail address listed. You’ll also find a telephone number and a postal address which is of course most likely a virtual serviced office used for message and mail forwarding only. The GlobalResources website also comes with a built in Live Chat feature though I’ve not seen it online at any time myself. I can’t say if it’s ever turned on or not but I’ll be sure to ask the admin if he agrees to an interview at some point in the future.

On the business side of things I can only suggest you ignore all claims put forward on the GlobalResources website. The fact is the texts have been copy/pasted from older HYIPs that have since closed so if it’s not original it’s almost certainly not true either. Take this one as a high risk anonymous online game with the thrills and spills that go with it. Set yourself a sensible spending limit that will not cost you too much money to stay within and always look for ways to diversify your portfolio if you want to be a regular industry player.



The admin of CFDonline Stevan (his program was first reviewed on MNO here) has promised that there will be no less than 20 lucky members are going to be picked from those who join the program before the first of April. It’s not clear though if the members qualifying to share the bonuses must have an active account in one of the investment plans offered by CFDonline – 1% daily forever, 1.5% for 30 days, 2% for 60 days, or 2.5% for 90 days – or it’s just enough to register an account without actually making a deposit. Anyway, it’s hard to imagine though if the admin is really going to give $20K in total to some random strangers. Most likely the bonuses will either be credited to fake accounts or else this will be just an April’s Fool’s day joke. Anyway, we will wait and see what happens within the next few days.

In the latest newsletter from CFDonline issued today Stevan also reminds us that since the minimum to invest was reduced from $25 to $10 there were a lot of new members joining and currently enjoying instantly processed payouts to both LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. There was also a message about buying advertising on some monitoring sites, but as they are not very well known and cheap enough I don’t think that is going to change anything. Although the admin promised to extend his advertising campaign soon and buy more banners on the top monitors as well. Here is the latest from CFDonline for your attention:
One week has now passed and we get allot of new members. Probably a part of it as I started a massive advertising on monitors dominating their monitoring site. Please take a look at iehyip, shumonitor and hyiphall with tower banner, big banners, small banners and sticky listing. Then you get a hint where we are heading. I will continually add-on advertising on weekly basic until we fill out all top monitors on my list.
It was a big hit lowering the investing start price to $10 for all plans last week. Now all investors big as small can join what they do in big numbers.
I will make a happening 1st of April making people talking about this program for years. All members signed up from program start until 1st of April will get the chance to receive a bonus not less than $1000. Did I get your attention! I will randomly pick 20 members on 1st of April who signed up and give them the bonus. This is a good reason for you to send invitations to people you know and let them join. So what are you waiting for? Get started.
Kindly regards,
Stevan Brady
Admin CFDonline”.


You know that the admins of HYIPs usually send a newsletter to their members when they have something important to report. Not in the case with Verifonds which was listed on MNO a week ago and reviewed here. The admin seems not to be all that bothered about reporting any real news updates and just reminded everyone about the investment plans offered by Verifonds – 2.5% for 45 days with principal returned on expiry and 6.5% for 45 days with no principal back – and mentioned about the timely processed payouts to SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. There wasn’t a word about the AlertPay deposits which were disabled a few days ago after AP requested additional verification details. Well, sometimes no news is good news for investors and I hope that even though the admin didn’t extend his banners on MNO blog or monitor that will not affect his program much and it will continue paying to everyone. Here’s the newsletter:
Welcome to Verifonds
Dear Customers,
We want to thank you for joining and supporting our initiative; Verifonds. Our online teams are doing their best to support this great project and we hope to deliver our promises.
Payments are been processed on time and we do our best daily to improve our services.
Our program runs on two plans which pay 2.5% daily and 6.5% daily with a 6% referral commission.
Verifonds Team”.


MoneyEra (reviewed here) takes a different approach in persuading investors to deposit in one of their plans via LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney – 1.2%-2.3% per business day or 8.1% weekly for 285 days with principal returned on expiry. With the payments sent to members’ accounts every business day I really can’t say a bad word regarding MoneyEra‘s performance which has been paying for close to six months now. However there are some interesting tricks being pulled by the admin to make it grow further. The first is the magical trading robots that are so good that the more robots you get the better results will come your way from trading of any kind. Well, if it was so easy I bet everybody would have one and earn money like that, but I believe that the precision of such tools are something akin to predicting the weather, lol. The second point the admin raises in his regular bi-weekly newsletter issued today is that any investor who wishes to make a deposit in the Premium plan (which requires a minimum of $10K by the way!) is going to get a free debit card. Well, first of all, to me such a “generous” offer is like offering a free bottle of Coke if you are buying a new car. And second, I doubt very much that any online HYIP has ever provided a real debit card. Yes, I know many made the offer, but when the time came to send them they always went bust. No real banks will work with HYIPs and give out debit cards just like that anyway, so don’t be deluded or excited by this offer from MoneyEra. On the brighter side, however, I can say that offering a Debit card only for the members with at least $10,000 in the program is very safe as I doubt that anyone will go for this offer, especially given the current harsh climate in the HYIP industry. Plus the endless efforts by MoneyEra‘s admin to attract more deposits deserves some appreciation and the long lifetime of the program is definitely something that deserves taking into consideration when making a decision to join or not.

MoneyEra Newsletter March 27
Dear investors of MoneyEra program,
Please let us present you our regular bi-weekly update on the current state of the development of our program.
All branches of our program keep growing steadily. Automated financial market trading, which is the main pillar of our investment fund, yields stable and growing profits. The recent two weeks have been marked by explosive foreign currency profits, achieved through using our multi-currency arbitrage robot. As I mentioned in one of my last newsletters, this trading robot is capable of trading up to 50 currency pairs simultaneously. This manner of operation demands a very substantial computational power. Last week we have upgraded our computational pool, which allows us to further improve our trading.
This week we also plan to launch our hedging trading robot.
The manner of its operation is based upon using different, but related, financial instruments in order to obtain arbitrage profit. The software tries to pin down a correlation between seemingly independent financial derivatives, and exploits the correlation to the full extent. This tool will serve the long-term stability of our program, since it is able to provide very smooth trading cash flow in the long run.
Probably now you want to know what we did for the progress of our online program MoneyEra, and I have some really great news for you.
We have been contacted several times with a proposal to introduce a debit card for our members to allow them to cash out their profits more easily. Cashing out Libertyreserve or Perfectmoney can be a real hassle sometime. And not all our members are able to send international wires.
So, we contacted our banking partner and the response was positive! At the moment we’ll be able to provide FREE debit cars for investors in our Premium plan, but in near future we’ll offer it to all of our investors.
So if you are a premium plan investor please contact support and claim your free debit card!
Our MoneyEra Social module is also being finalized at the moment, social network for our members and promoters will be launched within weeks.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any suggestions,
I wish you happy investing,
Wolfgang Smidt,
Head of MoneyEra customer support department.


There was some exciting news from AlertPay today as after many long months of waiting they are testing the first deposits via Credit Card with a select group of clients. There will be a general announcement about the availability of depositing via Credit Cards made soon which I hope will be done rather sooner than later after so many delays already. I remind you that currently AlertPay offers deposits via Bank wire or transfer, check or money order and the coming addition of Credit cards deposits for a 3.5% fee will be very convenient for their users. More info will be available on MNO as soon as I know more details:
New Feature: Piloting AlertPay’s Deposit by Credit Card
AlertPay’s Deposit by Credit Card
We are currently piloting our new Deposit by Credit Card feature this month. Our test group of selected customers will help us develop the best, most convenient method for depositing funds into their AlertPay E-Wallets via their credit cards.
Over the next few weeks, we will be working with our customers to make sure we provide you with the finest possible process for using your Visa or MasterCard via AlertPay. Stay tuned for the general launch of AlertPay’s Deposit by Credit Card feature!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HoldingsTrade.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, NewGNi, Royalty7, OneInv, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, BensonUnion, ProfitableSunriseSolidForexLtd, VascoForex, FelminaAlliance, PlexCapital, ENR-GSilverStructure, VerifondsInvestixMyDiamondShare, DividendServiceMoneyEraFreedomTradingLtdCFDonline, GlobalResources (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund.
From MNO Basic list: UFOWin, WalesFinance, RoyalMiracles, AmbrianInvestment.

That’s everything for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading the updates and see you all on MNO tomorrow!

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