March 2012 Archives

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 Beware! Investix has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! One of the more interesting medium term programs I’ve come across recently is one called Investix. I think a lot of people are gradually turning away from short term HYIPs at the moment but in an ideal world would probably prefer to stay with them if they could. But it’s just a very unstable area in the industry at the moment, and more unpredictable than ever. And that’s really where we see what could potentially be the biggest attraction to Investix, and something that they could really exploit as there’s a growing gap in the market for a program like this. The investment terms you see are still reasonably short (maybe not quite enough to label them “short term” but enough that fans won’t be put off) but Investix don’t seem absolutely determined to destroy themselves like so many others by offering payments that are frankly not possible to meet. In fact they’re quite reasonable.

The plans are quite refreshing compared to what we’ve seen from a lot of non-long term programs recently, many of whom had a simply woeful performance. The thing is that the numbers themselves may not look as big, but the more important aspect is sustainability. If Investix offers you something they can actually deliver, then ultimately aren’t they infinitely more profitable than HYIPs that offer interest rates that are too high to meet and so end up scamming you because the admin can’t come up with the money.

So there’s three plans in total to choose from in Investix, and I guess you’ll be pleased to hear that they all make daily interest payments. The rate will depend on the size of your deposit, but you can join the program for a very basic $5 minimum. The first option is for any amount up to a maximum value of $500. The term is for 25 calendar days for which Investix will pay you 5% interest per day. Your principal is already factored into these payments and so will not be returned on expiry. That means your final return on an investment in this plan will be 125%, or your own money plus 25% net profit. To but it in monetary terms that would mean for a $100 deposit you get paid $5 per day allowing you to break even after 20 days, and complete the term with total earnings of $125.

The remaining two plans work more or less the same way, except the numbers are different. For the second plan for example the term stays unchanged at 25 calendar days and Investix continue making daily interest payments. You’ll need a $501 minimum to join, and if you do then the rate is 6% per day. That also counts your initial deposit within the payments so it won’t be returned. That will leave you with total earnings of 150%, from which you can say 100% is your own money back and 50% is profit. The maximum deposit here is $2,500.

And lastly for the big spenders willing to play with $2,501 or more Investix are offering a daily rate of 7% every day for 25 calendar days. At that price it’s unlikely to attract more than a small number of investors if that at first, but if Investix can become a popular pick and establish themselves as a dependable program and complete a couple of cycles then who knows? They might get a few more takers. Anyway, your principal is again factored into the payments and so will not be returned, leaving you with final earnings of 175%. That’s your own money plus 75% net profit. The maximum deposit in this plan is $7,500, however in the event that for some reason you wanted to deposit more then there’s nothing to stop you from depositing as many times but of course you won’t actually receive any more than the top rate of 7% per day.

Payment options are limited to just PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve, though they’re still both almost universal in the HYIP world. And if you don’t like the choice then I guess Investix go some way in compensating for that by making instant payouts. You will still need to log in to your account and request the payment, but once done the money should appear in your e-currency account within seconds.

The design and security of the website is well up to scratch and of an acceptable standard for the industry. Investix are hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection by BlackLotus who are dependable enough, and the website has full SSL encryption by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Investix is running off a script under license from MonetarySoft which I’m kinda pleased to see a bit more of these days. It’s not quite competing with GoldCoders or anything just yet but it’s quite secure and a viable and safe alternative for anyone interested in that kind of thing. But the bottom line is that I think the whole set up is solid enough to allow Investix to maintain the instant payouts with a certain degree of confidence and not be unduly worried about downtime. If you have any further questions about this, the investment plans, or any other aspect of the program then the Investix admin can be contacted via the online ticketing form that you fill out and submit. Also featured is a telephone number if you want to speak to someone directly. Investix have a Live Chat function, however when I tried it earlier was greeted with the message “Sorry, no operator is available at the moment. Please, try again later” despite the homepage telling me that live support was available and online at the time.

As for the content, well it’s largely original as far as I can see and I think obviously the work of the admin himself, so kudos to him for making the extra effort and not just copy/pasting the same rubbish that most of his competitors do. Not that it means much but it’s always promising for a HYIP when I see an admin who is prepared to do some real work on his site like I can see with Investix. They just look a bit more serious and committed in my opinion, and while that doesn’t really guarantee you anything it at least means the guy is more likely to at least give it a good and fair try than not. But what I like even more about the content of Investix is the complete lack of pretense. Nobody is trying to make this program out to be something it’s not. There’s no ForEx, no gold mines, no stock market. Just an online HYIP and you are free to take the risk and play it or refuse it as you see fit. But no one is lying to you. I mean the admin might understate the risks involved a lot more than I would, but that’s about it. You know what you’re getting into with Investix so act accordingly. If the program interests you, and I know it will for many of you, then at all times stay well under a spending limit that’s affordable for you and try to use Investix as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio. I sincerely hope that for the benefit of investors and the entire industry that this one can be a hit however. The plans are a lot better thought out than a lot of what we’ve seen recently in the industry and can, if the admin knows what he’s doing and how to promote it, can be sustained a bit better than much of what we’ve seen recently.



Do you know anything about trading robots? Well, according to the admin of MoneyEra who just issued a newsletter celebrating five months online they help the program trade and make 5% to 6% daily profits without failure. Strange, isn’t it? That income would be considered good enough per annum in the majority of high street banks but according to MoneyEra they can make such profits within a trading day. If that’s true then they should really be called trading wizards and geniuses of our times. But as no proof will be available to support those claims I would suggest to avoid paying too much attention to them and instead look at the performance the HYIP and its payment record, which in the case of MoneyEra has been impeccable so far. For its five months online from which the program has been on MNO for one month only (please read my review of it here) it has been paying fine and within terms to all the investors and developed quite slow but steadily, gradually becoming more popular among the investors and increasing its loyal membership base.

I must say that the plans for the future outlined in the latest bi-weekly newsletter issued by MoneyEra today are also very broad – starting from introducing of multi-lingual versions of the website (the admin asks members for suggestions on the languages he’s going to add) and a unique investor social network which according to the admin would be something big an unheard of in the industry, so I’m looking forward to the time when it’s going to be launched. The admin also informs the promoters of MoneyEra about the multi-level referral commission system launched recently which helps promoters earn on different levels and promote MoneyEra more actively. The ref commissions will be a good addition to the regular profits paid to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts on daily and weekly paying plans with principal returned on expiry – 1.2%-2.3% per business day or 8.1% weekly for 285 days. More on everything please read the latest newsletter from MoneyEra republished below:

MoneyEra Newsletter March 14

Dear members of MoneyEra program, our team would like to update you on the recent developments in our program. As you know, we send you bi-weekly email updates to keep you in the loop.

Recent weeks were quite successful for us, we go very steadily now trading-wise and our online MoneyEra program grows at a really impressive rate.

First I’d like to mention some of our trading achievements. The Forex arbitrage trading robot, development of which I announced in my last email, has been successfully launched, providing quite satisfactory trading results. The robot is able to trade simultaneously up to 50 currency pairs, finding arbitrage opportunities between several currency pairs at the same time. This is a very secure trading technique, which simply cannot fail.

But a very high level of technical sophistication is needed to realize such a strategy to a full extent, since the robot opens thousands positions a day. We are able to achieve stable ROI in the range of 5-6% daily using this strategy, which provides a great foundation for the robustness of our investment program.

But we are moving on, and the developments of new trading robots do not stop. Currently we are developing a new hedging strategy algorithm, which can truly open new horizons for our trading group and for our investors. The profits we plan to make using these new techniques are going to be spectacular.

We’re also constantly tweaking and updating our online program. The multilanguage version of our website is going to be online really soon. We are also would like to ask you what languages you want our site to be in, we’ll implement new languages taking into account your feedback and proposals.

Another great thing which, as we hope, is going to be disruptive for our investors community, is a investor social network. We’re currently building it and it will be launched within several weeks.

It is going to be a tool unprecedented in high yield investment arena. Our main objective in building it is promotion of community feeling among our investors, we want you to be more involved and more active. Registering in MoneyEra Social you receive an access to our vibrant investor community, which can provide you with valuable tips and tricks, help you in- and out-exchange e-currencies, and more.

And on top of that, your referral bonus is automatically increased! So if you’re an active promoter you have a great tool to build a multilevel downline through our social network and increase your profits. It’s going to be a multifaceted useful tool for all types of our users and also for us, since we’ll be able to feel the pulse of our community much better.

So, as you can see, we are always moving ahead! And there is still much more to come.

Your MoneyEra.


As a payment processor in the HYIP world AlertPay is known for its strict adherence to the law and unlike the anonymous payment processors it has real headquarters in Montreal, Canada and are forced to comply with all the laws maintaining the legality of financial payment systems. Taking this into consideration it’s no wonder that every change in their terms and conditions should be given to its members in due time in order for them to adjust their business accordingly. Thus, the latest important updates in AP’s terms of service became the subject of discussion in the latest post on their official blog. There are three major changes that were brought to attention of AlertPay users and I would like to tell you about then briefly:

 1) The merchant accepting checkout payments on his website must submit the website for review in order for AlertPay‘s administration to make sure that the site is compliant with their terms of service and doesn’t deal with anything illegal.

 2) The important rules the are applied to AlertPay‘s Pre-Paid Card and how it can be used in Visa check-points around the world and the ways to recover your money if the card is lost or stolen. That will apply to those who already requested and received the offered card via regular mail.

 3) The new resolution center that will be dedicated to your disputes with other AlertPay merchants is open on a specially assigned location and will handle your complaints submitted within a 45 day timeframe from the time the transaction was made.

I think this is a very important point and changes that will hopefully keep AlertPay on top of things and will make it more attractive to all their clients, but especially to HYIP investors. Here is the blog post in full for your attention if you’re an AlertPay user:

AlertPay User Terms Updates

User Agreement updated | AlertPay Terms and Conditions

Sections 4.0 and 5.0 of our User Agreement have been updated. Please review the changes below:

A new subsection has been added to Section 4.0 Account Information:

Section 4.3.2: Receiving Checkout Payments

In order for your merchant website(s) to receive checkout payments, you must submit your website(s) for a Website Review. AlertPay will verify that all of your websites receiving checkout payments are compliant with our operating policies and standards. Upon approval, you will then be able to incorporate AlertPay Payment Button into the checkout portion of your website(s) and you will then be able to receive payments via credit card or e-wallet immediately. If you do not submit your website for review and receive approval, you will not be able to integrate AlertPay Payment Buttons into your website(s). Please refer to Section 6.0: Acceptable Use and Activities Not Allowed of the User Agreement for further information regarding the industries AlertPay supports or prohibits.

A new subsection has been added to Section 4.0 Account Information:

Section 4.9: AlertPay PrePaid Debit Card

The AlertPay PrePaid Debit Card is not a credit card or a pre-loaded debit card. It is a reloadable card in which you must deposit money. In order to use your AlertPay PrePaid Debit Card, you must transfer funds from your AlertPay E-Wallet to it. The AlertPay PrePaid Debit Card can be used at any worldwide location that accepts Visa. You can use your AlertPay PrePaid Debit Card to make purchases online or at in-store point-of-sale locations. You can also use it at any Visa-sponsored ATM to withdraw cash.

If your AlertPay PrePaid Debit Card is lost or stolen, you must login to your AlertPay account and use your Transaction PIN to confirm your card as lost or stolen. An automated confirmation email will then be sent to you. Any remaining funds on your lost or stolen card will be immediately transferred to your AlertPay E-Wallet. You will then have to order a new AlertPay PrePaid Debit Card.

Please note: Accepting a return of funds onto a card that did not issue the original charge or purchase, also called an “original credit,” is prohibited and may result in the immediate and permanent suspension of your card. Should a replacement card be issued, you will be responsible for the cost of the replacement AlertPay PrePaid Debit Card.

NEW Section 5.0: The Resolution Center

Section 5.0 has been completely revised to accommodate AlertPay’s new Resolution Center, an area dedicated to filing, responding to and resolving disputes between AlertPay members. Please note that disputes must be filed within 45 days of the completed payment transaction. Please refer to Section 5.0 The Resolution Center of our User Agreement for the new procedures and guidelines for transaction disputes.


I have to issue a warning today against investing in RockferryFund, which wasn’t entirely unexpected. In fact, I predicted the program’s collapse already in the end of last week when the admin suddenly refused to extend any type of advertising on MNO and told me that it was a one-time advertising deal blaming me and my readers in an attempt to deliberately destroy his program. Well, I must tell you after that argument I had no desire to debate the matter with a crooked admin anymore and though he promised to run his program for a long time (which I didn’t believe) it’s collapsed by now. The payments from RockferryFund stopped being processed instantly yesterday and I even moved the program to Waiting status for a couple of hours and wanted to mention it on my blog. Strangely the admin still paid after some time and thus saved his program from being named and shamed. Today though, after verifying the pending payouts to LR with one of my readers I can tell you with certainty that the 24 hour promised timeframe has been passed already and that RockferryFund has stopped paying completely, or at least is paying selectively now. That triggered my negative reaction and I was again the first monitor to move the program to Problem status, not mentioning that I was right about its doomed prospects. That would not be a consolation to those who lost money in RockferryFund, but at least I can proudly say that some stupid HYIP admins really lose their grip and give very clear warning signals to smart investors a few days before they are going to scam. The last straw was the latest news about the addition of a new plan paying 150% after 3 days which is available only for two days. Come on, you gotta be kidding me! That trick has been used many times before and this is just the last attempt to steal your money before scamming. So beware of the ugly scam RockferryFund and do not invest money there if you don’t want to lose it as it’s already on its dying breath!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:

From MNO Sticky list: HoldingsTrade.

From MNO Premium listTopsFund, NewGNi, Royalty7, OneInv, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, BensonUnion, ProfitableSunrise,  SolidForexLtd, VascoForex, FelminaAlliancePlexCapital, SilverStructure, MyDiamondShare, ENR-GMoneyEra, FreedomTradingLtd,  DividendService (the first payments received), Investix (the first instant payments received).

From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund.

From MNO Basic list: CreditProgramBank, RoyalMiracles, WalesFinance, UFOWin, AmbrianInvestment.

That is all I have for you tonight, guys. I hope my update was entertaining and useful for you and I hope to see you all on my blog tomorrow with the latest news from the industry and a full review of DividendService that was added to MNO a couple of days ago and already managed to become quite a popular choice among my readers. See you soon!

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