March 2012 Archives

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  Beware! SilverStructure has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Not much in the way of news for you this evening but I do have a couple of things to get through, among them a new program that’s just been listed on the MNO monitor. First things first however so right now I’m pleased to have received the following interview from the admin of SilverStructure, which I’m sure you might know is a recently opened long term HYIP that I know sparked a lot of early interest among readers. And a lot of you seem to be following up on that initial interest as according to the admin (his name’s Gabriel by the way) membership of SilverStructure is well into four figures now and they’ve got a growing army of regional representatives around the globe assisting them in their quest to dominate the industry.

Will it happen? Well, I guess anything is possible with the positive support of the members but how about we let Gabriel explain all of that to you in his own words. Beforehand let me just remind you that SilverStructure offers terms of 2% for 150 days, and your principal back on expiry. If you like what the admin has to say and would like some further info then I suggest you start with the original review of SilverStructure first published on MNO here.

1. Hi Gabriel, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and give us a little background information on yourself and your experience in managing other people’s money.

Hello Paul and MNO readers. I’m Gabriel Raske, administrator of SilverStructure and trader on the Silver market for over five years now. I’ve been the head of a private investment group for a few years and even though SilverStructure is my first online venture, I’m pretty sure my management skills will be up for the challenge.

2. Can you share some facts about the SilverStructure business with us? How long have you been in operation? Tell us about any partners or assistants you might have working for you as well.

We have been operating as a private group for about five years, as I mentioned above. We were a limited group of people and did not advertise. A couple of years ago, we began introducing new people to the group, and this is when the idea of opening an online version to the general community was born. Our team is made of myself as manager and trader, three other traders, a designer, a programmer, a marketing executive, a financial affairs person and two customer support operators.

3. Assuming someone is coming into the online investments industry for the first time, can you talk us through what you do in a typical working day as the owner of SilverStructure?

Well, I take partly care of payments as well as the general management of the program, and then I also trade silver myself. The first thing I usually do every day is to talk to the persons in charge of each area of SilverStructure (payments, support, marketing; etc) and consequently make decisions concerning the program. I then begin to trade and discuss with other traders as well as contacting clients. We have several traders and staff members to help maintain our operations, which gives me the opportunity to concentrate on decision-making and of course, look for new profitable opportunities.

4. What are you offering investors in terms of plans and profits? What is the minimum and maximum amounts you can invest?

SilverStructure offers a single investment plan paying 2% for 150 calendar days, which means there are earnings on weekends too. The minimum investment is 1$ if using an online payment processor and $5,000 for bank wires. There is maximum deposit of $100,000 per account. It is good to remember that earnings from investments made via bank wire can be withdrawn to any of our accepted online payment accounts, as the minimum withdrawal amount via bank wires is $1000.

5. What payment processors are SilverStructure currently dealing with? Are you satisfied with them as partners or do you have any intentions to expand the list and add more options? Why aren’t you using SolidTrustPay?

We are working with LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and bank wires. Investors can also fund their AlertPay accounts with a credit card so there are several options to make an investment at SilverStructure. I’ve been very satisfied with all the processors in terms of safety and availability on exchangers. However we are actually considering SolidTrustPay as a further option as a few have asked if we would add it as well.

6. Can you give us any other general statistics on the program, for example the number of active members, total deposits, total withdrawals, etc?

As we speak we have close to 1,700 registered members and 40 representatives. Total deposits/withdrawals amounts are not disclosed to public since SilverStructure is not a money game.

7. What would be the best and most efficient way of contacting you if I have any questions or problems? Explain the call back system to us in more detail if a member needs to speak to someone in support.

If you want to contact me personally, the best way is to send an e-mail to But if you want to solve a problem with your account or ask general questions about our business, I recommend you talk to one of our live chat operators, as they will be able to help you immediately. The call back system was designed for people who want to hear more about our program or ask questions, all they have to do is leave their phone number using the callback form and one of our operators will contact them within 24 hours.

8. In the original review of SilverStructure I said you were in the process of hiring regional representatives? How has that been coming along? Can you tell us anything about them (such as what qualifies them to provide this service) and if anyone else is interested in applying what would be expected of them?

You are right, we are creating a group of representatives from the entire world and we have received a lot of applications so far. There are about 40 active representatives listed on our site and we are being very selective in choosing them, as we have a cap of 100 at the moment. The concept of the representatives’ idea is to help people who never invested online before and we are satisfied with the results we are seeing. To become a representative, it is mandatory to provide a communication service (phone, e-mail, instant messaging, etc) that will be posted on our site and, of course, be willing to help new investors to become a part of SilverStructure and bring new ideas for the program’s development.

9. What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?

Several people contacted us with questions about compounding, as that can be somewhat confusing. Basically, your compounding rate is how much of your daily earnings will be added to your principal (main investment) every day. That means your daily earnings will grow as your main investment is increasing each day. It also means you will receive a bigger payment at the end of your investment term, when your principal is returned to you. So far this question has been the most commonly asked.

10. Can you tell us in detail about the security of SilverStructure? Who is your hosting provider and how highly do you rate them as a service provider? What level of protection do you have from DDoS attacks or other malicious activities?

Our hosting provider is Staminus and we are completely satisfied with their services at this point. We are running on a dedicated server and they have always been very helpful and fast when we have needed their support. We have anti DDoS protection also from Staminus and the protection level is quite high now after a recent upgrade. We also have malware scanner issued by GeoTrust to protect out site against viruses and malwares.

11. What script are you running off? Where did you get it and how secure is it? Is your website protected with SSL encryption?

We are running on an original GoldCoders script bought directly from the creators. This script has been checked by our programmer and extra safety routines were implemented to make sure our clients’ information is protected. Our site is SSL encrypted, which means all information exchanged within SilverStructure’s pages is encrypted and cannot be seen by others.

12. What other outside business and investment activities are you involved with? Can we see any independently verifiable proof of these activities?

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been investing on the silver trading business for over five years now with a public and registered company. Our certificate of incorporation can be viewed by clicking here ( ).

13. Tell us more about the general advertising and promotional strategies being used by SilverStructure. In a very competitive market what are you doing to bring the program to a wider investment audience?

SilverStructure has been listed with several blogs and some monitors to help us spread the word. Right now our marketing team is placing Adwords ads on investment related websites to attract a wider audience. Dozens of banner ads have also been bought in various investments related places. We understand that this industry is very competitive and having a unique marketing strategy is very important. We have a professional marketer taking care of our campaigns and our advertising budget is approximately 10% of all our profit.

14. Are there any plans to develop SilverStructure further in the near future? Will there be any interesting changes made soon? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many other options available to investors?

Yes Paul, we do have several plans and features to integrate into SilverStructure,
1. Twitter Page for SilverStructure.
2. SolidTrustPay account,
3. Special page where users can post good reviews about SS (testimonials page)
4. HD quality Flash banners
5. OKPAY integration (if the demand is high enough from investors)
6. Promo Video presentation to show people who we are and what we are doing

Of course we will keep our re-searches and will consider suggestions coming from our investors also. We monitor our site each day and look for ways to improve – what our investors are writing today and what they want to see tomorrow!

15. And finally, is there anything you feel that wasn’t covered in this interview that you think the readers of MNO should be aware of? And also would you like to comment on the review of SilverStructure that I wrote? As it was more or less a matter of personal opinion (mine) is there anything in it that you felt was unfair, inaccurate, or otherwise in need of correction?

I was satisfied with your review and the entire SilverStructure team was happy that MNO, a very well known online investments blogger, recognized the hard work we put into creating the site and its content. I would like to personally thank you for taking your time to do this interview with us and I hope it will give you and the whole MNO community a more detailed idea of what SilverStructure is about.

To finish this, I would like to thank the ones who are interested in SilverStructure and spent time reading this interview. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated support team or myself. We will be glad to help you come along on our journey to success.

Thanks a lot to Gabriel for taking the time from his busy schedule for that and I hope whether you’re a member of SilverStructure or not that you still found it helpful in shedding some light on the program. Best of luck to him with his plans to develop SilverStructure even further and of course more importantly good luck to the current and future members in making a profit. Longer term HYIPs are definitely in the ascendancy right now and as such SilverStructure is definitely one of the better organized ones, so I sincerely hope it works out for all concerned and we see a lot more activity there in the coming weeks and months.


The newest short term program added to Standard listing on MNO today is VerticalProfits. The program only opened last night and with the promised instant payouts via LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and an attractive yet sustainable set of short term plans it has every chance to do well. VerticalProfits is running off a licensed script from GoldCoders, is SSL secured, and hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with protection provided by a service provider I must admit I wasn’t familiar with before called DDosBurn. The main difference from other short term programs I think is that VerticalProfits only credit daily interest on business days (Mon-Fri) which is usually the method used in long-term programs. If you prefer daily profits and have at least $10 in your LR or PM accounts you can join a 22% for 5 business days plan thus getting 10% pure profit at the end of your investment. Or for $1,501 and over you can try your luck in a 22.5% for 5 business days which brings you 12.5% pure profit. Alternatively if you want to trust VerticalProfits with your money starting from $50 for two weeks you may get 127% back after 10 business days which is two weeks. As you see the plans are not very profitable but realistic and if the admin is serious that might make VerticalProfits a successful program in the long run. I will share more thoughts about them in my detailed review which will be posted on MNO tomorrow, but meanwhile you can enjoy the welcome message published on the site of VerticalProfits last night:
VerticalProfits is Online!
It’s great pleasure to announce that our company VerticalProfits website has been officially launched today (27/03/2012). I wish all our investors a pleasant and successful journey ahead.
It is to inform all members that our Facebook and twitter links will be working shortly. Please be updated till then.
Happy investing
Thanks. Rhody Thomson
Marketing & Planning chief”.

That’s about it for today, guys. Thanks for reading and don’t forget that I’ll have a bigger news round up for you on MNO tomorrow so make sure and check back here tomorrow. See you all then!

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