March 2012 Archives

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Beware! VerticalProfits have stopped paying and have been moved to Problem status on MNO! Do not invest there!

Hi guys! I have quite a lot of news stories to catch up on tonight which is hardly a surprise given that the last few days have been kinda slow. I guess all the admins got a bolt of inspiration at the same time, lol! Before that I want to take a closer look at one of the most recent additions to the MNO monitoring page, a short term HYIP called VerticalProfits. I have to say first that this review was very nearly shelved due to the program almost never really getting off the ground due to heavy and sustained DDoS attacks which forced VerticalProfits offline for some lengthy periods, and that’s something that rarely ends well for brand new short term programs. They seem to be over the worst of it now though, so we’ll see how they go about the rebuilding process over the coming days.

Of the three plans currently made available to VerticalProfits members, two of them make daily interest payments while the third one only pays on expiry. No matter which one you opt for they’re all very short term. What’s maybe slightly unusual for these plans however is that they operate on business days only, which is something we’d normally only associate with longer term HYIPs I think. Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with that and it might even prolong the lifecycle of VerticalProfits in this case.

So the first of these runs for 5 business days and sees VerticalProfits take deposits starting from a $10 minimum. In return for your investment they will pay you back at a rate of 22% per day, a figure that already factors your principal into the final sum. That means your payments will accumulate to 110% in total, leaving you with your own money back plus 10% net profit on top. Or to put it in monetary terms were you to invest $100 here then VerticalProfits would pay you back $22 per day until you receive $110 back from them in total. Maximum spend is $1,500.

I’m not sure there’s a lot of folks looking to spend more than that in the HYIP industry these days, but if you’re one of them then take a look at the second VerticalProfits plan. It’s almost identical to the first one except it’s geared towards bigger spenders as it carries a $1,501 minimum price tag with it. The term still runs for 5 business days so you only get paid from Monday to Friday but the daily rate goes up very slightly. In fact it only increases by 0.5% which over the course of such a short term I’m not sure is all that much of an incentive for people to start spending big, though as most can’t afford the principal in the first place it’s probably a moot point. Anyway, just to explain it fully VerticalProfits are offering a daily interest payment of 22.5% per business day. This adds up to 112.5% by the time you receive your final payment, and as your principal is already included in this then your net profit is 12.5%. Maximum spend is $100,000.

VerticalProfits change direction somewhat for their final investment plan, extending the term to 10 business days (that’s 2 weeks) and only paying the members one single lump sum on expiry. The minimum required to join here is $50 this time and the final payment on completion of the term is 127%. That includes your principal so it’s your own money back plus 27% profit for yourself. Granted it’s worth a bit more than what you would expect from joining either of VerticalProfits daily payment plans for two cycles, though I wouldn’t be sure if it’s quite enough to entice many experienced players to take on the extra risk of surrendering daily payments in favor of a slightly more generous on expiry one. Time will tell I guess, meanwhile VerticalProfits accept a maximum spend of $100,000 for this plan.

Payment options are a bit limited (predictably so, I think) with VerticalProfits only taking deposits via LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. Better news is the use of instant payouts however at the time of writing these have been suspended until further notice due to security concerns surrounding the massive DDoS attacks currently blighting the program. At the moment withdrawals can take up to 24 hours to be processed.

VerticalProfits is running off a licensed script from GoldCoders, and is an SSL-secured website for safer browsing and more secure transactions. They’re hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with support and protection provided by a firm called DDosBurn who I must admit are a new name to me as far as the HYIP industry goes so we’ll see over time if they’re any good compared to the more established providers. Unfortunately for the first couple of days online VerticalProfits have suffered massive DDoS attacks and were offline more often than not so it doesn’t make for a good first impression of their services. If the admin decides to stay with them then we’ll see if this is just a once off problem or if the can seriously handle the attacks that fly around the industry so frequently. If you have any further questions about this, any other aspects to VerticalProfits, or any account related issue then you can get in touch with the admin by filling in your details in the support form found on the contacts page and submitting it. If you wish to write to them directly then you’ll find a VerticalProfits e-mail address and a Yahoo address as well. Built in to the site is a Live Chat feature where you can get your questions answered in real time, whenever you find the admin online and logged in. VerticalProfits also join the growing list of HYIPs taking advantage of social networking sites, maintaining pages on both Facebook and twitter.

The content of the VerticalProfits website, ie the texts, are a straight copy/paste job and could easily have been lifted from any one of the dozens of other HYIPs that have used them in the past. Therefore you should know not to take any of the claims pertaining to the program’s business activities too seriously. VerticalProfit is a high risk online HYIP, anonymous and untraceable, no more and no less and certainly no different in that respect to anything else in the HYIP world. So just make yourself aware of the risks as well as the potential rewards before deciding to join or not. Set yourself a realistic spending limit that you can afford, keep your expectations in check, and if you insist on playing the industry then at least try to keep a diverse portfolio.



The admin of ENR-G has issued a newsletter today praising the gradual growth of the program for the first 25 days online. I think the greatest achievement of ENR-G so far (read my full review of it here) was to ensure that withdrawals to all four payment processors – AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – are being processed instantly without compromising the overall security of the ENR-G website which I believe has been achieved in a brilliant way. With very few exceptions all my withdrawals on both investment plans I’m in – 1.2% for 30 days and 2.2%-2.7% for 90 days with principal return on expiry – are processed instantly and I can see a high level of professionalism in the admin who always replies to all my questions in a timely manner. I hope we can schedule an interview on MNO after the first payouts of the original principals are processed in a few days from now. In the latest newsletter sent today the admin of ENR-G didn’t forget to mention his serious approach in running the program for the long term by letting us know about extending his sticky listing on the MMG forum. Well, I can also tell you he extended his tower banner on my blog for another month today which should be another good sign indicating that the payments on expiry are going to be paid in a few days. We will wait and see if that’s going to happen soon anyway. Meanwhile, please read the latest newsletter from ENR-G below:

ENR-G Newsletter
I just wanted to issue a few updates on ENR-G and things that have been happening behind the scenes with us.
As I’m sure you have noticed we have had an amazing amount of growth over our first 25 days online. We now can boast over 2500 members with that figure growing exponentially on a daily basis. We have put a lot of hard work and ENR-G into the building and running of our company and we are all very glad to see the results that it has produced for our members.
We will reach the 30 day mark soon and many members who have deposited into our Hydro plan on the first day will receive their principals back on that day. Congratulations to those members.
Ever since our server move at the beginning of this month we have had a much greater amount of stability and up time. A big thank you goes out to Blacklotus for the superb job that they have done for us thus far.
We have renewed our sticky thread on MMG for another month and I hope that our members will use this as a way of sharing your good experiences with ENR-G.
You can find our thread here –
We have added quite a few new security features to our script to ensure that we have one of the safest and most secure websites online. Offering instant payments like we do makes this an absolute necessity moving forward and I personally believe that we have done an excellent job in securing the ENR-G website. If you run into any issues along the way please don’t hesitate to send an email to and we will get them taken care of quickly.
Thank you all for your dedication to ENR-G and we look forward to continuing to serve you.
Joshua and the ENR-G team!


DividendService (reviewed here) is celebrating its first month online today. It looks to me that unlike many other programs the admin prefers gradual growth for his program to the unsustainable explosive growth. I’m glad to report that the payouts to all the payment processors accepted by DividendService – SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney – are processed fast on all investment plans – 1.4% for 15 days, 1.7% for 30 days, 2% for 70 days, 2.3% for 100 days, all with principal returned on expiry. As you can see, DividendService has already survived a couple of cycles of their shortest plans and hopefully over the next few weeks we will see more principals getting returned and more members in profit and reinvesting. The admin is promising to develop his program further by expanding the list of payment processors and supporting social networks and adding different language versions to the site. To read more on that please refer to the latest newsletter from DividendService published today:
Over the month of successful online operation of our project, more than 1,000 investors have joined us. We thank everyone for their choice and trust, and hope for a long and mutually beneficial cooperation.
In the nearest future we plan further stable growth and steady development of the project, addition of new services and improvement of functionality. The main task for today is to make work with the project for our business partners as comfortable and beneficial as possible. We are currently preparing new language versions of the project, and if you believe that it is your language version that should be added in the first place, please contact us – we will take this into consideration, your feedback is very important to us. In the nearest future we will be gradually expanding the variety of accepted e-currencies and increasing our presence in social networks for a more comfortable communication with you.
Stay with us, everything is just beginning.”


Apparently, thanks to MNO and some other sites asking the members to exercise caution and not to join high paying plans offered by TopsFund with ridiculously high minimums accepted via LibertyReserve only the program is still running fine. As observed from the history of other programs run by the same admin he never closes his program unless he finds a few gullible investors who would put thousands of dollars into his slowly dying scams. Anyway, for the members of TopsFund considering joining any of the following plans – 1080% after 180 days, 1620%-1800% after 90 days, 150%-600% after 30 days, 300% after 15 days – judging by the spotless performance of the program delivered so far I would strongly advise against doing so. All other slow paying plans offered by TopsFund (reviewed here) – 0.5%-1.5% daily forever (principal back after 18 months), 0.6%-0.7% for 300 days (principal returned on request), 1.5%-3% for 150 days (principal back) – have been paid off fine so far for the long nine month history of TopsFund which made it to the top choice and #1 listed program. TopsFund‘s endurance is being tested now and perhaps the admin is going to remove the high-paying plans soon. I’m not sure if that’s the trick to make the investors act fast and put their money into the definite scamming plans or maybe a genuine desire to keep TopsFund running for a longer time. Anyway, very soon we should see things more clearly as TopsFund is approaching a crucial stage in its development which will show the genuine intentions of the admin who claims to already have $15 million from the promotional investment plans and threatened to close them anytime now, possibly in last gasp attempt to get more money into these plans from HYIP newbies that would justify running the program for nine successful months. Anyway, everyone is advised to be very cautious about investing into the shorter term plans offered by TopsFund currently and better to wait till they are abolished like the admin promised in the latest newsletter published on the website:
Promotional high interest investment plans are for a limited time. The TopsFund Inc. has the right to suspend the promotional high interest investment plans at any time or sold out the investment amount of offered.
The TopsFund Inc. allocates not more than $15000000 USD of deposit for the promotional investment plans and advertising of the company. (Our current total deposit is near to $10000000 USD and growing fast!) All High Interest Investment plans offer more than 1.5% per day can be stopped at any time, but all the % bets will be kept until the end of the time (for example the acceptance of deposits for the tariff plan is stopped, the payments of % continue until the closure of all active deposits).
That is, the investment program, which aims to attract clients of small and medium businesses in the TopsFund Inc., can be closed sooner or later (the money receipt is stopped- the payments are held until the end).
Once those high interest investment plans closed, only remains the first 3 daily plans which pay 0.5% daily to 1.5% daily.


In the latest newsletter issued today the admin of CFDonline apologized for being unable to answer the live support queries for the last couple of days as the Live chat didn’t work properly. It looks that the problem has now been solved and yesterday the admin Stevan installed new Live chat software which you can find in the bottom left corner of the site of CFDonline. Here what he reported about that:
New Online Chat provider implanted
The chat operator is having some problems on their SSL server last two days. That means that chat request was never received by me even I was online. I have therefore implanted a new chat operator provider in the program and its fully operational now. I am truly sorry if you have been waiting for my call asking for help in the past 48 hours. But it just came to my attention today and now fixed.
Kindly regards,
Stevan Brady
Admin CFDonline”.

I would like to remind you that CFDonline was first listed and reviewed on MNO more than a week ago, straight after its launch and the more detailed review can be read here. CFDonline offers instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on several investment plans returning your original principal back on expiry in all of them – 1% daily forever (principal back after 180 days), 1.5% for 30 days, 2% for 60 days, 2.5% for 90 days.


As you might have noticed the site of GlobalResources was offline for several hours just after the review on MNO blog published on Tuesday. I can assure you that this was just a coincidence as many sites on Koddos were down at the time and that didn’t affect the program’s performance at all as even when it was offline I received my payments from GlobalResources to all the payment processors accepted by them – LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay. That is just another advantage of the offline database which GlobalResources keeps as the payouts to all the payment processors can be paid even when the major site is offline for some reason. Here is what the admin posted on his site during the downtime and straight after it:
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our hosting-provider. Problems will be fixed within 12 hours. We are sorry for this situation.
Upadate: Now all the technical problems were solved.

I remind you that GlobalResources has been paying for about two months now which is an exceptionally good result for a program with three short-term plans that were properly analyzed in my review published here – 26.5%-33.5% for 4 days, 125%-170% after 5 days, 150%-200% after 7 days. I hope that my review will help the program develop and make it last longer. Here is the short message from GlobalResources posted on their website with the link to MNO review:
Money News Online (MNO) admin has posted a official review on Global Resources Ltd. Read it here...”.

And just today the site of GlobalResources (reviewed here) experienced yet another powerful DDoS attack which prompted the admin to take more radical measures this time and change their previous hosting provider to AntiDdos which is widely known as a perfect provider for short term programs. Actually, this is a very good sign of the admin’s seriousness in continuing GlobalResources and it’s also a good addition to the payments which were processed even during the site’s downtimes for the last few days. You should remember that what doesn’t kill a HYIP eventually makes it stronger and the admin proved to be a person who wants his program to last longer by the necessary implementation of the changes featured in the latest update posted on GlobalResources‘ site today which can be read below:
GlobalResources informs about unscheduled downtime that happened today because of powerful attack to our server. Downtime lasted around 5 hours. GlobalResources server has been switched to the top-level individual DDOS protection provided by


Trade4Future is a brand-new program on my Premium list which only started yesterday and already secured its spot on MNO monitoring. I can’t say I’m not really impressed by the program’s simple layout or the texts which are quite sloppy. The minimum to invest is also quite high and starts from $100 which can be only accepted via three methods none of which are particularly popular in the HYIP industry – AsianReserve, OKPay and Bank Wires. AsianReserve is a very new currency which is very similar to LibertyReserve which should establish itself first in order to become at least 10% as popular as currently LR is. OKPay is actually a more popular option as it can be funded via different methods specified on their website including several exchangers and Bank wires which are also accepted by Trade4Future.

The investment plan offered by Trade4Future is quite unorthodox as the program pays 10% weekly for the duration of 9 weeks, but on the third and sixth weeks investors also get a 10% bonus in addition to their weekly earnings, so the total profit paid on those weeks will be 20%. The original principal is then returned after 9 weeks which when added to your interest the total return from Trade4Future should be 210% which I consider quite a high return over the term of two months. As far as I can understand from the program’s website the returns will be paid directly to your AsianReserve and OKPay accounts without the need to request them manually, as there is no member’s area in the site.

In terms of security Trade4Future is nothing special either as it’s running on a shared server and I didn’t notice any DDoS protection. I’m not sure it’s vital for a website that has no member’s area, but in my opinion the admin should think about installing such protection in the near future. With a limited investing option and quite a high minimum I don’t expect Trade4Future to be an overnight hit, but maybe in a couple of months as more new quality programs emerge on the market it might become more popular. For now I don’t see any place for such a program in this highly competitive HYIP market and it will struggle at times when fighting for investors’ attention unless it’s here to stay for a long time. A more detailed review of Trade4Future will be published as soon as the first weekly payment is processed to my AsianReserve account. I will keep you updated on that and who knows, by gradually developing the program it might become a popular option among investors with time.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HoldingsTrade.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, NewGNi, Royalty7, OneInv, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, BensonUnion, ProfitableSunriseSolidForexLtd, VascoForex, FelminaAlliance, PlexCapital, Verifonds, ENR-GSilverStructureInvestix, GlobalResources, DividendServiceMyDiamondShare, FreedomTradingLtdMoneyEra, CFDonline.
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund, VerticalProfits (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: UFOWin, WalesFinanceAmbrianInvestment, HippoWin.

That’s about it for tonight, guys. I hope to see you again tomorrow with more news and updates from the HYIP industry!

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