March 2012 Archives

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 Beware! SilverStructure has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! As the investors slowly begin to favor longer term programs over short term ones again, one of the more impressive long term programs to emerge in the recent past is definitely SilverStructure. I’m not talking about performance here, that’s yet to be proven as the program is far too new, but rather about the whole research, planning, and organization of the project. They were only added to MNO yesterday after being launched but have already sparked much interest from readers and I hope we won’t be disappointed. So before we move on to this evening’s main news stories I want to take a close look at SilverStructure first, and see if you think it might be a suitable addition to your portfolio.

Arguably the single most important factor that most investors would look for in a program would be the plans. That is basically why we’re all here after all, right? To make a profit. SilverStructure have just got one of them so it’s an easy decision for you to make – you either like it or you don’t. But in my opinion it’s a good one. It’s got the two most essential ingredients necessary to be successful, which is the right combination of profitability and sustainability. And under the management of the right admin, ie someone who knows his way around the industry and knows what he’s doing, then there’s no reason why SilverStructure can’t be a massive hit. Shorter term programs have dominated long enough now and it’s only a matter of time before things swing back towards longer term programs again. With the launch of SilverStructure I believe it’s already well under way now, so that puts this program in particular in an an excellent position to take advantage of that.

As for the finer details of the plan itself, it’s remarkably simple. Other than the two most important qualities of profitability and sustainability that I already mentioned, you can also add affordability to the list. You can join SilverStructure for a minimum deposit of just $1, so even if you don’t generally go for longer term programs you can still take a chance on this one just to see how it plays out for a minimal amount of money. The plan runs for 150 calendar days, and no matter how much you wish to spend, SilverStructure offer a daily interest payment of 2%. They then return your principal on expiry, which will be in addition to the 300% net profit you’ve just cleared from the investment.

So to put it in monetary terms let’s pretend you make a deposit of $100. That gets you back $2 per day, $14 per week, and the most important statistic of all you break even (reach a point where you can’t possibly lose money no matter what happens) after 50 days. Considering the full term is 150 days that’s really exceptional. The payments themselves will add up to a total of $300 which can be considered pure profit once SilverStructure returns your principal as promised.

A couple of other things you might like to know about the plan is that compounding is enabled. I’ve never been a fan of the practice myself mind, but it’s a matter of personal taste so if you like it then it’s there for you. You just need to set the rate for yourself before proceeding. You may only compound in increments of 10%, so you can compound numbers like 10%, 20%, 30%, etc. The other important thing is the payment processors, and I must say that for a long term HYIP SilverStructure‘s list is a bit better than usual. Not only do they have the usual LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney, they also accept AlertPay. When requesting a withdrawal you are asked to allow the admin up to 24 hours to complete the transaction as it’s done manually. Minimum withdrawal to AlertPay is $1 by the way, so smaller investors keep that in mind. SilverStructure also accept direct bank transfers, but because we’re talking about a whole other set of rules there you’d be better advised to talk that over with the admin and get the details (you’ll need a $5K minimum first).

On the design and security side of things SilverStructure is an outstandingly high quality website. It’s very original with plenty of good content that clearly had a lot of work put into it. Running off a licensed though customized script from GoldCoders, SilverStructure is hosted on a DDoS protected Staminus server. There’s also an SSL-certificate from Geotrust for more secure transactions and safer browsing.

Communications are also taken very seriously. For instance the program has its own tutorials to explain how it all works, and currently under construction is the assembly of a group of regional representatives. Applications are currently being considered so if you’ve done this sort of thing before it might be worth your while having a chat with them. I don’t know what the requirements are but I’m sure it’s rewarding if you’re prepared to work. SilverStructure have a members forum where you can discuss the program with your fellow investors and share your own experiences with them. There isn’t a whole lot of activity there just yet as you would expect, they’re still brand new and that will change as the program inevitably grows. Meanwhile you can get in touch by submitting a support ticket. This will then be numbered so you can track it’s progress to ensure it’s dealt with to your satisfaction. Much more innovative though is SilverStructure‘s call back system. You just submit a separate ticket with your contact details and they will phone you back at the requested time with the info you need. It’s a really simple idea but it’s the extra service that people really appreciate and that’s something that can really make a difference in the long term success of the project.

Just one other thing. Nominally SilverStructure is allegedly involved with investments in the silver trade. Most MNO readers will of course know how I regard such claims in the HYIP industry, and this is no exception. I simply never believe any of them. The industry is fraught with risk, so you always need a healthy degree of skepticism, though having said that I still believe SilverStructure has everything needed to become a popular program. Just don’t look for guarantees, stay at all times well below an affordable spending limit, and try to diversify your portfolios.



As you might remember after less than three weeks online the admin of RockferryFund has decided to change the investment plans and made them more attractive. The current plans include 110%-140% after 5 days, 140%-160% after 10 days, 10%-12% for 20 days and deposits are accepted from $5 via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and AlertPay. The current rates are approximately twice that of their original counterparts, but according to the admin of RockferryFund giving the promotional nature of the offer they are going to be available only till March, 25 after which the rates will be reduced. In the latest newsletter issued today he also clarified on the issue of SolidTrustPay which is expected to be added very soon after the verification documents submitted by the admin are approved by STP administration. Anyway, I look forward to hearing more about that and I promise you that MNO readers will be the first to know about the latest developments from RockferryFund which will possibly include opening their own Facebook page and the addition of several new representatives. Also please remember that the withdrawals from RockferryFund are usually processed instantly but the admin sometimes reserves the right to process them within 24 hours (usually that happens when their e-currency account needs replenishment as there are certain daily limits set for security reasons). More about RockferryFund can be read in my review published here which the admin also highlighted in his latest newsletter below:
RockferryFund NEWS!
Hello RF Investors,
We hope you have a great spring mood and enjoy our promo plans! We’ d like to remind you that PROMO Plans available till 25rd March! After this period we will reduce our ROI. It will be daily plans with a low rates. Current promo plans are represented to attract more investors and provide the best opportunity to get better income.
As we promised, AlertPay has been added as a new payment processor and SolidTrustPay is coming. Once our documents are approved by STP we will add it.
Here our review by Money-News-Online:
We added many new monitors which are showing our real status. We exceedingly request you to remember to vote for us every time when you get paid! We think it’s not hard, isn’t it?
Here is our rating page where you can check our status and vote for us by clicking monitor button:
This week we will present you our Facebook page and few Representatives which will help us to communicate with our investors.
All withdrawal request have been paid instantly and we continue to do the best work for you! That is all for now. See you soon!
Kind Regards,
RockferryFund Team”.


As you possibly know if you have been in the HYIP industry long enough AlertPay is possibly still the most popular payment processor after LibertyReserve. Sometimes times get hard and you feel you have been scammed by some crooked HYIP admin. Then (if you used AlertPay as your payment processor) it’s time to file a transaction dispute! Of course, sometimes the amount you can get back from a scammer didn’t meet your expectations exactly and in some cases you shouldn’t expect to receive anything at all if AlertPay considers that the merchant did not abuse their rules. However the very opportunity to possibly get your money back is the only advantage over LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney (where all transactions are final and irreversible) which made AlertPay popular payment processor with investors and sometimes hated among HYIP admins. So it looks like AlertPay is working hard on making the whole resolution process easier and more convenient for users as last week on their official blog it was formally announced about the opening of a new Resolution Center where you can submit your complaint and which is promised to be handled in a fast and efficient manner by AP specialists. I am aware that in the past the dispute process was very long and in some cases almost a waste of time talking to AP support regarding a particular case. So I have some hopes that the new Resolution Center will be aimed at helping you out in HYIP industry. If you want to know more about that please read the whole update from AlertPay below:
AlertPay’s New Resolution Center
Have you ever not received what you paid for? Have you ever had a problem with an online seller not delivering what they promised? AlertPay is here to help!
We are pleased to announce the launch of our Resolution Center, a new member’s area designated to resolving disputes between shoppers and merchants, where our members can file, respond to and resolve disputes. A dedicated team of Resolutions Specialists are also on hand to moderate those disputes members cannot resolve on their own.
Why file a dispute?
You did not receive your product or service.
You received something different than what you paid for.
Delivery of your product/service was significantly delayed.
We are committed to creating a safe and trustworthy environment for all of our members. Opening a dispute through our Resolution Center will allow both parties involved to communicate directly and reach a solution they can both agree on. The Resolution Center is there to protect the customer from fraudulent sellers and protect the seller from false allegations of fraud.
A purchase is a purchase!
Did you know that 85% of online purchases are services? Did you also know that PayPal does not allow transaction disputes on purchased services?
A problem can equally arise when you purchase a product OR a service. If your purchase was not delivered or rendered by the merchant as stated at the time of your transaction, then you can file a dispute. At AlertPay, we are committed to a fair, transparent and equally accessible dispute resolution process for all of our members!
It is easy to manage your disputes:
Direct communication between both parties.
Real-time updates on the status of your dispute.
Full record of all past communications and disputes.
You can manage multiple disputes and track every step of the process – from the moment you file a dispute to the instant it is resolved.
Rest assured – you are being heard!
The Resolution Center is also supported by a dedicated team of Resolutions Specialists who will moderate the disputes members cannot resolve on their own. Please visit to learn more about the Resolution Center and the terms and conditions for filing a dispute.
Shop safely online
While we do what we can to protect you and your purchases, you can prevent any problems from arising in the first place by conducting your own due diligence. For more information, check back here next week for a feature on safe online shopping!

The second article which was announced already last week and published on AlertPay‘s blog just yesterday was dedicated to the main principles of safe online shopping. Of course the administration of AlertPay took this opportunity to outline the major advantages of using them over the traditional payment methods like credit and debit cards. It’s a matter of dispute, of course, but no one can deny that sometimes paying via a payment processor might be a safer way for a merchant (HYIP admin) to keep his anonymity, but at the same time to show the potential investors to his program that he had gone through the whole process of approving his site via AlertPay and that this effort might be worth some extra credence on an investor’s part. To know more about how AlertPay makes your shopping/HYIP investing safer please read the article below also taken from the official blog of AlertPay:
Safe Online Shopping
Buying online is no longer a future trend – it’s today’s reality!
While credit cards and debit cards are still the dominant purchasing tool, cracks are beginning to show. Little by little, buyers are realizing that e-wallets and other alternative payment methods are a safer and easier way to pay. Unlike traditional methods, payment processors such as AlertPay allow you to make online purchases while keeping your personal information private.
If you’re reading this, you are probably among the over 80% of internet users who are online shoppers. It’s expected that by 2015, we’ll be spending more than 1.4 trillion USD a year on online purchases. It’s now more important than ever to safeguard your financial information.
How to keep yourself safe
The best thing you can do is educate yourself and to follow some quick tips:
Watch out for items with delayed shipping. If the shipping date is more than 20 days after the payment date, there is more risk involved.
Establish a relationship with the seller. Ask all of the necessary questions before purchasing so you know who you’re buying from.
Be careful with high value and popular items. If an offer seems too good to be true, do some research before making the purchase.
Internet Purchase Scams. If you are using websites with free online classified advertisements, make sure that you deal locally with the other party.
For more tips on how to protect yourself visit the AlertPay Security Center.
How AlertPay helps keep you safe
A great way to increase the safety of your online transactions is to make your purchases through trusted payment processors like AlertPay. It’s important to conduct your own due diligence, but AlertPay Fraud Prevention Team is here to help.
AlertPay is strictly compliant with the regulations set by our banking partners as well as those outlined in applicable anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing legislation. We are constantly monitoring transactions for any suspicious activity in our system, using seller-specific procedures such as:
Account Verification. We have a strict Know Your Customer (KYC) policy to ensure the security of our members’ accounts and our network.
Website Review. In order to ensure compliance with our User Agreement, merchants must complete a website review before they can accept payments through AlertPay.
128-bit SSL Encryption. All transaction data is filtered through an encryption system which hides members’ sensitive personal information.
Fraud Matrix. Our state-of-the-art real-time monitoring platform adapts to the patterns in our system and instantly identifies suspicious activity.
Resolution Center. If an AlertPay member has a complaint regarding a completed transaction, members can file, respond to and resolve a dispute using our new Resolution Center.
Find out more about our Features and Services, and start shopping safely with AlertPay!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: HoldingsTradeRockferryFund.
From MNO Premium listTopsFund, NewGNi, OneInv, Royalty7, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, BensonUnion, ProfitableSunrise, BulletProfit, FelminaAlliance,  SolidForexLtdPlexCapital, VascoForex, ENR-G, FreedomTradingLtd, SilverStructure (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: PanamaHedgeFund.
From MNO Basic list: WalesFinance, UFOWin, AmbrianInvestment, SafeAgriculturePlanCreditProgramBank, RoyalMiracles.

That’s all the news for today, guys. Thank you for staying with MNO and see you all tomorrow!

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