12/04/2012. Daily News from the Industry
Hello everybody! I’m writing to you from the Red Sea beaches of Eilat where I’m spending a few of days right now. I’m pretty grateful there wasn’t much important to report on MNO yesterday as it allowed me to spend a couple of more hours on the beach and have a few drinks with dinner. But I’m glad to be able put my feet up and take it easy without the need to work for a while. Anyway, the HYIP industry seems to be in reasonably good shape now and apart from one program all the others listed on the MNO monitor are doing fine which pleases me even more. So let’s have a look at the latest news and events and see what changed over the last couple of days.
Although not officially announced yet, I was able to see the notification about the addition of SolidTrustPay when signing into my account in SilverStructure earlier. As per the admin’s request of the manual addition of STP accounts I have submitted a ticket already and my account was updated shortly afterward. Here is the announcement members can now see on the SilverStructure website:
“SolidTrustPay has now been added as an additional payment facility for SilverStructure.
If you would like to use STP, please submit a support ticket with your STP username and we will add it to your account profile.”
I would like to remind you that SilverStructure is definitely one of the most promising new low-ROI programs online, claiming over 2,500 members according to the admin of the program Gabriel (read my interview with him here). SolidTrustPay has become the fourth payment processor accepted by SilverStructure joining AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney as well as direct Bank wires. The payments on the only available investment plan paying 2% for 150 calendar days with principal returned on expiry are processed very fast and I believe that today’s addition of STP will significantly raise the program’s profile and take them to the next level. I hope that in two weeks from now we will see the first investors in SilverStructure in profit and MNO will definitely report on that when it happens. If you want to read more about SilverStructure please don’t hesitate to check out my detailed review of the program posted here.
Last night the first official newsletter from the admin of EcoLandFund (reviewed here) was issued which dealt mostly with the explanation of the recent issues with the site’s availability being subject to constant DDoS attacks, apparently coming from their competitors. I don’t know why they feel threatened as EcoLandFund is a pretty new program having been online for less than two weeks and offering quite conservative returns of 3%-4% for 50 business days with principal returned on expiry. The fact that they only accept LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney as payment processors is compensated for by having instant payouts, something they’ve maintained despite the recent attacks. I hope EcoLandFund will last for some time and become successful. Here is the first of hopefully many newsletters from them:
“First Official Newsletter Release
First Newsletter
This is a first official newsletter release from EcoLandFund. Firstly we are thankful to you for joining EcoLandFund and making our launch phase a real success. We are also looking forward to see you making green income from your eco-friendly investments. Let us also remind you that we are offering 2 investment plans paying 3% and 4% daily for 50 business days with initial principle returned upon expiry of your investments.
An important reason to send this today’s update is the recent downtime and noticeable delay in additions of daily ROI to your account balances. ELF has constantly been under attack from DDoS attacks since last few days which has caused some minor issues such as delay in ROI crediting and SSL warnings. However, our technical team is constantly working on mitigating these attacks and I am sure we will get over them soon. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation over this issue!
We have also been monitored and reviewed by all top monitors and blog, please consider checking our rate us page.
Thank you!
ELF Administration.”
Despite all odds it looks like AmbrianInvestment is still paying fine even after the recent change of its investment plans to 5%-20% for 30 calendar days paid to LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and SolidTrustPay accounts. Yesterday the admin who calls himself Martin Nouman announced a rather questionable achievement of obtaining two stars from GoldPoll monitor. I honestly have no idea what that means or how these stars can be obtained/purchased, but it sincerely doubt it has anything to do with a program’s ability to survive for a long time, so I would suggest not to pay attention to these strange stars. Anyway, the main indicator of the program’s success will be its long payout history which AmbrianInvestment had for over four months on the old investment plans and about a week on the new ones. Here is the latest update from AmbrianInvestment the full review of which can be found here:
“AmbrianInvestment Innovation Technology Limited
I want to tell you about one important item:
Oldest HYIP Monitor GoldPoll yesterday added 2 stars to AmbrianInvestment
See our page on goldpoll.com: http://www.goldpoll.net/details/18323/
Thank you for choosing our company to investment!
Best regards,
Martin Nouman
AmbrianInvestment Innovation Technology Limited.”
A professionally made Russian version of the website is now available for all the investors in DividendService (reviewed here). I’m sure that Russian speaking investors will fully appreciate the efforts made by the administration in fulfilling his promise to add a second language version and also the high quality of the translation which I can vouch for myself being a native Russian speaker. I’m glad that even the latest issues with the program’s accessibility and the subsequent movement of DividendService to BlockDos servers didn’t damage them at all but looks to have made it even stronger. Anyway, the payments from DividendService are paid regularly to SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney accounts for four investment plans, each paying principal back on expiry – 1.4% for 15 days, 1.7% for 30 days, 2% for 70 days, 2.3% for 100 days. DividendService has been running successfully for 45 days already and I hope the addition of the Russian version announced in the latest update will result intheir continued success:
“Russian version of the website.
Project website has acquired its Russian version, and our partners can check it out right now. At the moment, we are testing a French version which will be available for you in the nearest future.
Project administration is constantly striving to broaden its functionality. Follow our updates and news.”
I’m not sure really how it connects with the HYIP industry, but it and real life rarely meet. However, something made the admin of CFDonline issue an update last night about the latest tsunami warning in the Indian Ocean you may have seen in the nes after the recent earthquake there. He sent his prayers to the people living in the affected destroyed areas:
“Tsunami warning Indian Ocean area
WARNING to all my investors living nearby Indian Ocean area.
An earthquake on magnitude 8.7 just outside Indonesia east coast went off less than an hour ago and it is very likely a tsunami is on its way with a speed of 800 km per hours.
I urgent you all to move to higher ground right away and stay tuned on the CNN news.
Estimated time for impact in Indonesia can be any minute now.
Thailand area 3 hours from now
India 5-7 hours
My prays for nothing will happen
All best
Stevan Brady
Admin CFDonline.”
CFDonline was first reviewed on MNO here and the program offers instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney on four investment plans with a $10 deposit minimum – 1% daily forever, 1.5% for 30 days, 2% for 60 days, 2.5% for 90 days. Please note that on the first plan the original principal can be withdrawn after 180 days while the remaining three return it on expiry. CFDonline has been monitored on MNO for 24 days and so far hasn’t missed any payment yet.
The HoldingsTrade website has been offline for the most part of the day today as the admin announced testing some changes he wants to make in the program and the necessity to keep the site offline before he can finish it. Just before it went offline I got a couple of questions asking why the withdrawals were pending for over 24 hours so soon before the tests so I asked the admin. He assured me that all the pending payouts are going to be processed after the site is back online. HoldingsTrade pays 3%-3.2% for 60 days plan with principal back anytime (click here for more details posted in my review) but you can check the program’s status on MNO tomorrow. For now, I have moved HoldingsTrade to Waiting status until the site is back online and the payouts resume. Here is the last message I got this morning about their status:
“HoldingsTrade Will be Offline for 15 Hours
Dear Members of HoldingsTrade,
We have been making some very important changes to our program and now its the time to implement and test them. For this we have to make our website offline for approximately 15 hours. We sure hope we will be back online before that. We are sure you will be pleased with our new changes.
Thanks & Regards
HoldingsTrade Admin”.
I’m not sure what is happening with PanamaHedgeFund lately, but after seemingly overcoming one disaster which caused Problem status on many monitors due to multiple payment delays, now another error in the program’s website has been detected. When you try to withdraw any amount available in your balance in your PanamaHedgeFund account the system shows an error message:
“Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.”
And just like in the previous case, the admin stopped replying to emails and never explained why this is happening. Anyway, unless the payouts get back to normal (which might happen based on my previous strange experiences with PanamaHedgeFund) the investments are strongly not advised. PanamaHedgeFund has been moved to Problem status on MNO already and I will allow the admin a couple of more days to fix the issue, otherwise his program will be moved to Scam.
As noticed after my article on LibertyReserve’s lack of safety which was published almost two weeks ago (click here to read it), no changes have been made to overcome the obvious breaches in security and no answer was received from their Abuse department which is supposed to handle these things but apparently has next to no interest in doing so. LibertyReserve seem determined to deny the problem even exists and learned nothing from its mistakes by improving their system, thus making storage of any sum of money there quite dangerous. Generally speaking they refuse to take responsibility for the obvious security flaws and/or reimburse its members whenever their accounts are hacked and the money is stolen, even if such criminal activities are clearly obvious. In addition to that, the Reset password option is still working which resulted in many more accounts getting hacked which I received a few reports on from my readers already over the last couple of weeks. More complaints were raised on the Talkgold forum as well, though it looks like the moderators are quite bizarrely doing everything they can to cover up the problem on behalf of LibertyReserve, making them just about the only people in the world now to not see (or choose to not see) what’s blatantly obvious to everyone else. Not only do they keep changing the forum posts and even thread titles which is hardly acceptable for a public forum, they keep insulting those who make reasonable points and complaints calling them stupid imbeciles which is totally inappropriate and at a very questionable practice in my opinion.
Even if there are still people who can’t admit the obvious security flaws in LR, I can see that many realize how unwise it’s now to keep money in LibertyReserve. More and more HYIP investors are switching their main accounts from LR to PerfectMoney which is a close competitor to LibertyReserve in terms of account features and the same irreversible policies but is far superior when it comes to security. These changes were reflected in the exchange market, when the price of LibertyReserve to PerfectMoney rose significantly and currently it’s almost impossible to buy PM from LR for less than 10%. And this is just the beginning! Believe me – the more LR accounts getting hacked on a daily basis the more people will realize that it’s unsafe to use while the administration refuses to do anything about it or even admit it goes on. Subsequently the more will turn to safer alternatives which apart from PerfectMoney would also include AlertPay and SolidTrustPay which have been on the market for many years and all the payments in which can be reversed, so they are much more secured. Remember that denying the problem and keeping your head in the sand because it didn’t hit you personally yet will cost you a lot of money in the long run because (as described in my article published here) the hacker seems to have all the necessary information in hand in order to hack your account without actually having to get into the email account your LibertyReserve account is linked with. So unless the LibertyReserve administration take some drastic measures the value of the currency will plummet and their popularity will collapse. I myself could never have imagined something could shake the almost monopolized position of LibertyReserve in the HYIP market, but I can see it happening perfectly well and in progress right now.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: AmbrianInvestment.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, TopsFund, Royalty7, OneInv, HoldingsTrade, EurexTrade, GeniusVenture, BensonUnion, ProfitableSunrise, SolidForexLtd, ENR-G, FelminaAlliance, VascoForex, SilverStructure, PlexCapital, DividendService, FreedomTradingLtd, CFDonline, MoneyEra, PrimeXCash, EcoLandFund.
From MNO Standard list: InternationalForexLLC.
From MNO Basic list: UFOWin.
That’s everything I have for you today, guys. See you all on MNO again tomorrow and have a nice day!
Filed under Daily News by on Apr 12th, 2012. Comment.