April 2012 Archives

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 Beware! ENR-G has stopped paying! Please do not invest there!

Hi everyone! I hope the weekend’s been going well for you so far. I’ve had a pretty good week in Eilat swimming in the Red Sea and will be leaving tomorrow for a slight change of scenery. So I’ll be spending the next week floating on the Dead Sea which I’m kinda looking forward to I must say, so I’ll be hoping for a quiet few days in the HYIP industry. Somehow I doubt that’s going to happen as I already have a couple of new programs to tell you about so make sure to keep an eye on my blog for more news there. Meanwhile though I have an interesting interview for you with the admin of one of the better longer term programs to emerge in recent weeks, which is of course ENR-G.

His name is Rory and he has been running ENR-G since the beginning of March. And while it’s fair to say the industry in general is a bit quiet at the moment, or at least below average compared to recent years, hopefully once things pick up ENR-G will be at the forefront as it’s certainly a very professional program. Before we hear from Rory though I’ll just remind you that ENR-G offers investors terms of 1.2% for 30 days, and 2.2%-2.7% for 90 days, all with your principal handed back on expiry. If you like what Rory has to say about his program and are interested in further information then I suggest you start with the original review of ENR-G first published on MNO here.

1. Hi Rory, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own role within ENR-G. What are your own duties within the program? What kind of experience do you have in managing the funds of others?

My Name is Rory Barker and I’m what you might call the background admin. I handle the behind the scenes thing such as advertising, site development and investments for Diverse Traders LTD.

The funds “Management” is actually done by our advisory board who makes suggestions based upon current market data to give us the best idea on which emerging companies can generate the most profit the quickest.

2. Can you also give us some background on the program? How long have you been running? What were you hoping to achieve by starting it in the first place? Apart from you is there anybody else working on ENR-G?

Diverse Traders LTD was started back in May of 2011. Mainly as a private wealth management company with a specific focus on green emerging companies. After a few months it became clear to us that we were sitting on a business model that could go far and beyond our sphere of contact and so we opened ENR-G to the public soon thereafter.

We have been running for 42 days now and our program is running stronger than ever. When we launched this program we were hoping that we could provide some very reasonable returns to our investors while improving our world through green investments. Joshua Lang works on ENR-G alongside me handling support and administrative issues.

3. What about the investment plans? Can you explain them in detail to us? What are the minimum and maximum amounts for investment, what rates of interest are on offer and how long do they run for? Which ones have been the most popular?

We offer 4 investment plans ranging from 1.2% to 2.7% from 30 – 90 days with a minimum deposit starting at $10.

We have our 30 day HYDRO plan for investors that would like a quicker return on their investment. This offers 1.2% over 30 days with a $10 minimum deposit and a $200 maximum. It is important to note that this plan is mainly for those who want to get a taste for our company before jumping in head first. The max deposit is only $200 and we don’t expect many people to utilize this plan in the future due to its lower ROI.

Our second plan and most popular is the SOLAR plan which offers 2.2% over 90 days with a $10 minimum and $1,999 maximum. This offers a great return for a relatively low investment.

Our next 2 plans are for those with more to invest, and lately have become more and more popular. Our BIOMASS plan offers 2.5% over 90 days with a $2,000 minimum and our GEOTHERMAL plan offers 2.7% over 90 days with a $10,000 minimum.
All of our plans offer compounding and a return on principal.

4. Tell us about the payment options available from ENR-G. What payment processors are you currently dealing with? What have been the most popular choices among investors? Are you currently allowing instant payments?

At ENR-G we didn’t want to limit our investors options so we accept Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, Solid Trust Pay and Alert Pay. Our most popular choices being STP and AP. We offer instant withdrawals with no limit to PM, AP and STP. We recently had to disable instant payments to LR for security reasons as we always make sure our investors’ deposits are 100% safe.

Our decision to make LR deposits manual have thus far been a good one and haven’t limited our abilities in any way.

5. How highly would you rate the security of your own website? Tell us about your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider? What script are you running off?

The security of our website is top notch as our script was custom built for us with this in mind. On top of this our site is hosted with Black Lotus that not only offers us amazing support and server performance, but amazing DDoS protection that never seizes to amaze. Our site is also secured through 256 bit Elite SSL Encryption provided by Comodo with business validation as well as a $500,000 identity assurance policy.

6.You actually changed hosting provider since ENR-G was first launched, is that correct? Why was that? What was the problem with the original host and how have things improved since the move?

This is correct. We gave our original host more than ample time to prove to us they could provide a valuable service to us. Unfortunately they fell short and we’re unable to provide a decent uptime or a decent level of support. We quickly made the choice to switch to Black Lotus to avoid further complications and this turned out to work hugely in our favor. Our visitors will agree that our site has been running very smoothly since.

7. What can you tell us about the script ENR-G is running off? What makes it unique compared to the generic models on general sale and how secure is it? Is the ENR-G website SSL encrypted?

The ENR-G script was customized from the ground up to tailor fit our needs. We implemented numerous security measures to ensure we could offer a pleasant and easy to use admin panel, complete with instant withdrawals and more.
Our website is 256bit SSL Encrypted through Comodo which includes full business validation as well as a $500,000 identity assurance policy..

8. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best and most efficient way to contact you if I have any questions?

We offer fast and convenient email support to our customers. You can visit the contact section on our site to fill out a support ticket, or you can simply email us directly at support@enr-g.com. We do our best to assure everyone has a pleasant experience with us.

9. What have been the most common questions, problems, or other support related issues that you have had to deal with so far? Is there anything you would like to address here so that members can avoid having to contact you?

One question we frequently receive is how to adjust compounding. So for those reading, this is done simply by logging into your members panel, going to deposits, then adjusting your compounding rate from the drop down menu.

Another question we receive on occasion is members with a missing deposit. On occasion a glitch will occur that causes your deposit not to show up in your member panel. If this happens simply send us an email with your transaction ID, deposit amount, username and plan you were depositing into and we will have this corrected right away.

10. I also see that ENR-G is one of a growing number of programs to make use of the likes of Twitter and Facebook. How important a role has this played for you in both communication with existing members and promoting it to new ones?

There is no question and Facebook and Twitter are great tools for not only promotion and communicating with customers, but allowing them to communicate with each other and share their experiences. So although this isn’t a main point of direct promotion for us, it’s invaluable for customer feedback.

11. What other outside business and investment activities are ENR-G involved with? I said in my review that you your website seems quite unique (or at least individual) in that respect, but what evidence can we see of these projects? Or are you simply an online based HYIP related game, keeping in mind that that will be how 99% of MNO readers will regard you no matter what you reply here?

Its no secret that the world is in a bit of a crisis at the moment. Energy, as we have come to know it, has been based upon finite and unfortunately depleting resources.

What big oil and gas companies fail to tell the general population is that for years there has been a huge movement to help people get off the grid and generate their own electricity. As an example: a single windmill has the ability to power 3 houses, fully and indefinitely at little to no cost to the owners.

As this movement continues new and innovative ways of improving upon this are being created and the companies that do so are millionaires overnight. What we are seeing is a boom, similar to the .com boom but in a much more sustainable way.

Diverse Traders has a team of analysts that work with us and advise us on which companies show the greatest potential for growth and we in turn buy stock in those companies.

12. Are there any plans to develop ENR-G further in the near future? How are you planning to keep the program competitive with so many new programs opening every day? With things picking up again in the industry how long do you realistically think you can keep the program online for at the moment?

We are always working on new ways to develop ENR-G further. Whether it’s simply back end features that improve security or usability, or changes on the front end, plans, etc. Our members should always be on the lookout for our email newsletters as they’ll hear first of improvements and additions being made.

Realistically, with the current state of the industry we have no doubt our program will run for a long, long time to come.

13. And finally is there anything else you feel readers should know about that wasn’t featured in this interview? Particularly would you like to comment on the review of your program that was published on MNO? Was there anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or otherwise in need of correction?

In our opinion the review that you gave was spot on. We have spared no expense and effort in creating a website that goes far beyond a lot of the garbage that is online today. Some programs make me think that an 18 year old with a rudimentary knowledge of paint shop could have created it.

We are professionals and will always conduct ourselves as such. When you email support you will always be provided with a competent solution that goes far beyond what we have come to expect.

I appreciate the positive light that you have given us Paul and I’m sure all of your readers will have no trouble in seeing the truth behind your words.

That’s about all for today guys. I just want to finish up by saying thanks a lot to Rory for taking the time and trouble to complete the interview and wish him every success with ENR-G in the future. I sure hope it lives up to its full potential because it could be enormous. Fingers crossed anyway. I hope you found it interesting and in some way helpful in deciding whether ENR-G is a suitable addition to your portfolios or not. And if you’re already in then I’ll wish you the best of luck with it as well. See you all tomorrow guys, when I’ll have all the main news stories from the industry.

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