Jul 14th, 2012 Archives

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 Beware! SafeRisk has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello all! Hope the weekend’s been going well for you so far, whether you’re off enjoying yourself of just relaxing like I am this morning. I’m writing from the morning ferry from Turku to the Aland Islands in Finland where I’m going to spend the last few days of my vacation before returning home. Sports fans might be interested to know the under 19 lacrosse world cup just got under way a couple of days ago in Turku, though unfortunately it’s time for me to leave so I won’t get to follow too closely anymore, just on the news. I was interested to see the Native American Iroquois Nation listed among the participant countries (they just gave England a severe beating in their opening game) so I think I’ll be shouting for them! But anyway, getting back to the day’s business before we get to the news I want to take a look at a recent addition to the MNO monitoring page which I think a lot of you may already be more familiar with than me. It’s a long term HYIP, and by no means a new one, with the ironic name of SafeRisk.

I guess there’s two ways you can choose to look at this. SafeRisk are operating for what’s now approaching three months. So while some of you prefer to join exclusively new programs right from the start (and don’t get me wrong, that’s sometimes a decent strategy to follow depending on what program we’re talking about), others will prefer to let programs, particularly longer term ones, work away and establish a trusted reputation before they even look at it. There are merits to both approaches of course, I’m simply trying to lay out a few basic facts about SafeRisk for you to consider. The option to take or leave the program is yours, but what they have done in their time online which is undeniable is to put a good and growing number of investors in profit. And well in profit for some of you, because they have recently completed the first cycle of their only investment plan and are now returning the original principals to those who signed up in the earlier stages. How many more rounds SafeRisk can go for is something you’ll have to gamble on for yourselves, though if the feedback I’ve been getting from users is anything to go by there’s certainly no lack of enthusiasm out there for the program, and that by itself is an excellent selling point.

Getting to the real business of SafeRisk – what they say they’re going to do for you if you join – like I mentioned there’s only one investment plan. It runs for 60 calendar days and you can join for a $10 minimum. During the term you are offered a daily interest payment of 2.5%, and unlike most longer term HYIPs this rate applies to all deposits regardless of size. So whether you’re just a fun player spending the $10 minimum or a major player going in with SafeRisk‘s maximum allowed deposit of $25,000, the very same 2.5% daily rate applies to everyone. On expiry of the 60 day term your deposit is then returned, leaving you with a net profit of 150% on top of your own money back.

So let’s look at a practical example of how this might work. We’ll say you invested $100 in SafeRisk. That gets you a daily payment of $2.50 every day for the 60 day duration. In my opinion the really important statistic here is that you will earn back an amount equal to your initial deposit after 40 calendar days which means you are now safe – you can’t possibly lose money no matter what happens next and that’s not a bad timeframe considering the full length of the plan. But by the final day your payments should add up to $150 at which time your own initial hundred is added to that.

It’s not a bad plan by any means which I’m sure fans of longer term HYIPs will enjoy, though it has to be said that something else SafeRisk has going for it is a very good list of payment processors. All the popular ones are listed, including SolidTrustPay, Payza, PerfectMoney, and LibertyReserve. Payouts are made manually by the SafeRisk admin who asks you to allow up to 24 hours for the transaction to be completed.

I believe SafeRisk‘s website underwent a complete design overhaul since their first launch. I wasn’t monitoring the program at that point so can’t really comment, though most of the readers who know them seem to think it was an improvement. The website is SSL encrypted and is running off a licensed script from GoldCoders, though a slightly modified version of it to suit their needs. Hosting is on a dedicated server from Staminus. For any further questions about the plans, your account, or any other issues relating to the program then the SafeRisk can be contacted by filling in the online ticketing form and submitting it via the contacts page. Also included is a built-in Live Chat feature, though personally I have yet to see it active in the last week i’ve been monitoring them. Maybe older SafeRisk members have used it, but I haven’t seen it myself.

The texts are an odd mix of some things original and some copy/pasted directly from other online HYIPs. Allegedly the business behind SafeRisk is sports gambling (and we all know how “safe” that is, lol!) though as there are precisely zero examples of this technique in action I would only suggest you ignore what they say and proceed like this is any other online HYIP. In other words the only one really “gambling here is you and not the admin who is unlikely at this stage to lose no matter what the eventual outcome of the program. Therefore when joining SafeRisk you need to establish a spending limit that you can realistically stay within that’s easily affordable to you and if you want to be a HYIP player you should spread your bets between a varied and diverse portfolio.



The latest newsletter from ExpertKapital posted last night had many topics to discuss but mostly focused on encouraging more people to invest in the program which enjoyed a great level of success during its first days online with over 600 members which is a pretty decent achievement for a program paying 7% for 22 calendar days. Apart from its profitable yet sustainable plan many investors were attracted by the fact that withdrawal requests are not required with automatic payments to Payza, LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney. Not only this made the program a success of course and more about its features can be read in my detailed review of ExpertKapital which was published here as announced by the admi in the latest newsletter from her program issued last night.

Other topics discussed in that newsletter include improvements made over the last few days. I guess the most distinguished feature of ExpertKapital is the strive for better communication with investors. For this purpose a members Chat Room recently opened similar to the MNO ShoutBox. The admin promises to install a better version soon. Other means of communication and interaction between the members and the admin include their official Facebook page, support ticketing system, live chat, and phone support. All these are available on the site of ExpertKapital and will certainly be able to improve your experience with the program and tighten the members’ loyalty towards the admin. Here is the latest newsletter from ExpertKapital in full:

News from ExpertKapital!
Hello ExpertKapital members,
We are almost reaching our first weekend online and we wish each one of you has a great one!
At ExpertKapital this first week, our office has been bustling with activity 24/7 in every area and we proudly announce having touched the 600 investors milestone today. Having been online for 3 days, we feel very humbled by all the support and encouragement we receive from all our members.
Today also saw the Money-News-Online review on ExpertKapital published. We would like to thank Paul for the elaborate summary and you may read the review here: http://money-news-online.com/blog/2012/07/12/12072012-expertkapital-review-and-daily-news-from-the-industry/
The ExpertKapital Support team is coming up with a brilliant concept for our members to interact with each other online through a Member Chatroom within the website. Some of you may have already noticed that a test chat room is in place and may be used. We will be replacing it with the new and permanent chat room as soon as it is ready. You are welcome to share your views and interact with other ExpertKapital members 24/7. From time to time, our staff will also be available in the chat room.
The ExpertKapital facebook page has also been gaining its own popularity and we invite everyone to like and share it with your friends and fellow investors. We post news updates and announcements in this page regularly. You may post your comments and connect with us through this social medium.
That is all we have today from the ExpertKapital news section. If you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our support team through Helpdesk, Email, Live Chat or Phone. We would be glad to help you.
Have a great weekend!
Regards, Julie Ballin
ExpertKapital Administration”.


The admin of KISnP Zepp (interviewed here) also issued a newsletter containing some disturbing news regarding the possible end of their relationship with Payza and a suspicious email allegedly from Payza administration asking Zepp to withdraw money from his account and suggesting a new unknown exchanger to do it. If that was the case with KISnP and Payza stopped accepting HYIPs altogether due to stringent new requirements I guess other programs would also be reporting the same and closing accounts with Payza en masse. So I’m inclined to suspect it might be a scam from the sender. Anyway, I would have suggested that Zepp better keep it under wraps next time and not to spread unnecessary rumors among the Payza clients before its officially confirmed by Payza themselves. This payment processor is highly dependent on cashflow from HYIP and MLM sites and suspending accounts of HYIP admins would be suicidal. The only explanation I can offer (provided it’s not fake) is that Zepp, who confirmed he is a US resident, consequently has his rights to run a HYIP using payza restricted manually by them.

Another point to note is that due to that suspicious email KISnP temporarily disabled deposits via Payza and will wait for an official confirmation from them before enabling it again. In any case, Zepp was eager to assure current members of KISnP that they had nothing to worry about and that in the worst case scenario of Payza really forcing him to leave, investors using Payza would still be allowed to withdraw to STP, LR and PM which are the remaining payment processors for the following plans – 1.1% per business day forever, 6.25% weekly forever, 30% monthly forever with the optional principal return after 150 days on each “forever” plan, plus 4.5% for 50 business days and 3.75% for 80 business days for larger investors.

Apart from that, it looks like SolidTrustPay might still not be accessible temporarily from time to time and that was the reason for the latest withdrawal delay for KISnP‘s clients. Zepp assured everyone that he would process the pending withdrawals to STP as soon as their website is back online, even though he usually doesn’t do so on weekends. Below is the latest newsletter from KISnP (reviewed here):

Weekend Newsletter: STP Payouts, Payza Update
Hi Members,
So far all pending requests except STP payouts are processed.
STP is down again that is why I was not able to process the pending payouts for STP but those members who requested payout to their STP accounts please rest assured I will process them right away once I am able to access our STP account even if it is weekends.
Now I am going to inform you all of an email we received from Payza.
Pasted below is the email we received:
Dear Zepp Lombardo,
This email is to notify you that your industry is no longer supported by Payza.
Due to an increasingly stringent regulatory environment associated with your industry, which has been reflected in an update to Section 6.02 of Payza’s User Agreement, we can no longer process payments for your business industry. Because Payza is a licensed money transmitter agent, Payza must conform to the standards and regulations imposed by the U.S.A. and its individual state regulators. As a result, your industry has been included as one of the industries Payza can no longer support.
As of July 20, 2012, we will be required to conclude our business relationship with you and terminate your current Payza account. Please be sure to close your Payza account and withdraw all of the remaining funds. After July 20, 2012, your account will be automatically closed or restricted. If you are not able to withdraw your funds before this date, you must contact us for an assessment of your fund withdrawal eligibility.
As it is not our intent to hinder your business, we would like to suggest EgoPay, one of our most recent authorized e-currency exchangers, to help with your transition.
For additional details on how Payza can help you with this transition, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Business Development Team at bizdev@Payza.com.
Thank You for your understanding,
The Payza Team”.
I actually sent them a support ticket asking for a confirmation if this email really came from them because I am in doubt due to the fact that it went to our Spam box and we always get our emails from Payza through our Inbox.
So we will wait for the confirmation from them before we will do the action needed to be done.
But I would like to give you all an advance information so you will all understand why we will not allow deposits through Payza until we receive the confirmation from them.
And to those who have used Payza to deposit, we will now allow you to request withdrawal to a different processor you have that we are using as well. It can either be STP, LR or PM.
This way you will still receive your earnings without any delays.
We will send you all an update once we receive a response from Payza.
Please enjoy your weekends.
God Bless us all.
Admin, Zepp


GlobalOilFund, which has undeniably been one of the hottest short term HYIPs in recent weeks, was moved to Waiting Status on MNO this evening. There are a variety of reasons for this, but basically it started when one of my referrals in the program had his account blocked and wasn’t paid what he was owed. The admin made no explanation as to why this was done, instead quoting some obscure clause in the GlobalOilFunds terms and conditions allowing him to freeze any account he pleases “if he isn’t making money from it”. Well, he made plenty of money from this one because my referral had several thousand dollars there, so clearly the real reason is he can’t come up with the money to pay him.

And I’m quite sure of this because I did offer the admin a very viable alternative – he can refund the member in question if he doesn’t want to pay him his interest. It’s not that difficult as the man invested through Payza, so all the GlobalOilFund admin need do is click the refund button in his account there. But no. He didn’t. And as regular readers will know by now this is not tolerated on MNO because my policy is that ALL deposits made by my downlines are regarded exactly the same as if I made them myself. If my referrals don’t get paid then you go to Problem Status. Simple as that.

This was the deciding factor in moving GlobalOilFund to Waiting Status, but not the only one. Members continue to complain about Payza deposits not being credited to their accounts, and while the admin says he is working on it the fact that it’s still being done manually makes me suspect the program was never verified by Payza in the first place. You’d really have to ask Payza that for yourself if you are still waiting for your deposit to appear in your GlobalOilFund account because I’m in no position to say that’s the case, but it sure is starting to look that way. But one way or another the admin promised to deal with this by today, however so far it hasn’t been done.

The third reason for the change in status for GlobalOilFund is delayed payouts to LibertyReserve for several members, including me. Therefore while it’s not my wish to damage the program (far from it in fact, I think it’s been really good) I do have an obligation to tell you the facts. And the facts don’t look good. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it’s going to be a temporary situation, but as long as GlobalOilFund remains on Waiting Status you are advised to keep your money away from them. I’ll keep you informed on MNO should the situation improve, so be sure to keep an eye on my blog over the weekend for more news on that.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky listEWFund, LuxuriousFinance.
From MNO Premium list: NewGNi, SilverStructure, OneInvInvestForia, EurexTrade, ProfitableSunrise, BensonUnion, FelminaAlliance, DividendService, PlexCapital, PrimeXCash, ExpertKapital, KISnP, VertexPay, IveconSafeRisk.
From MNO Standard list: UFOWin.
From MNO Basic list: -.

That’s all I have for you on this pleasant summer’s morning. I’ll be spending the rest of the day and evening (once I land) exploring the Aland Islands here in Finland like I said. If nothing extraordinary happens tomorrow I think I’ll have a day off and be back on Monday with the latest news from the HYIP industry. Enjoy your weekend as well wherever you’re spending it and see you all on MNO again very soon!

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